Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 255: Holy Blood Baptism! Abyss Inheritance!

"You are not a creature in my abyss, who are you!?" This fluctuation was extremely cold.

After understanding the meaning of this sentence, cold sweat broke out on Lin Mo's face instantly!

"A living creature, or a dead creature? Is it possible to directly obliterate it?"

Lin Mo calmed down instantly. Looking at the figure in front of him, he thought of many things.

Faced with this situation, it is definitely unrealistic to kill him directly. Since it has been discovered that he is not a creature in the abyss, but there is no other reaction, it means that this figure may not necessarily attack him!

After figuring this out, the worry on Lin Mo's face disappeared, and he suddenly calmed down.

"The junior is naturally not a person from the abyss, but the consciousness of the senior is revived because of the junior. This is a kind of fate, and all the juniors of the senior naturally have a possibility of inheritance!

The creatures in the abyss can inherit your things, and so can the creatures in the outside world!

What's more, your death should be caused by the abyss creatures, so you shouldn't have to hand over your inheritance to the abyss creatures! "

Lin Mo had seen the murals on the city wall, so he already had some guesses about the identity of the body in front of him.

This creature should be the protagonist in the mural. The mural only introduces the scene of the protagonist getting along well with the abyss creatures, but there is no description of the cause of the protagonist's death later.

Usually in this case, it is easy to think of the reason... that is, the death of the protagonist of the mural is related to the creatures of the abyss!

The creatures of the abyss may be hiding this fact!

Lin Mo was betting that he didn't believe that the person in front of him would be the kind of person who wanted to give good things to his enemies!

"You are very smart. If I leave everything in your hands, I may really be able to flourish in the future!"

When the voice spoke, it actually looked like it was thinking.

"You have very good conditions and outstanding talents. You even... seem to have some kind of secret about you, which makes me a little scared...

I can pass on the holy blood to you, but you must agree to one condition! "

"Senior, just ask, and this junior will definitely agree!" At this time, Lin Mo naturally did not hesitate at all, and directly patted his chest and promised.

"If you meet someone with the same aura as me in the future, you must give part of your holy blood to him!" The figure said slowly.

"Is that the descendant of the senior?" Lin Mo's heart sank and he asked softly.

"That's right!" The figure nodded.

"Senior, don't worry, I will take good care of your descendants!" Lin Mo said with a serious face.

"I hope my choice is not wrong. There will be a war between the abyss creatures and you in the future, but I hope that what I do today can make the war between these two creatures smaller!"

As the figure spoke, he walked towards Lin Mo step by step.

Lin Mo made a gesture of resistance almost instinctively.

"Don't resist, feel my aura seriously. Although you have received the inheritance of the holy blood, if you can feel my own inheritance, you can also pass it on!

Back then, I dominated the abyss with my physical body and inherited it freely! If you have a good understanding, if you have enough opportunities, you will naturally feel it! "

As this voice sounded, Lin Mo suddenly became alert. While relaxing his mind, he also began to gain serious insights.

The roaring sounds from all around continued, and Lin Mo felt as if his body was being put into the furnace bit by bit.

The blazing heat that he felt when he condensed this body before reappeared at this time, but the difference from the previous time is that now this scorching feeling is burning from Lin Mo's body to the outside!

"Ah!" Almost instantly, Lin Mo looked up to the sky and screamed. This feeling was so painful, it was as if he was smelting his own muscles!

But he could clearly feel that as the baptism of holy blood progressed, his body was indeed becoming stronger!

At that time, Lin Mo's physical strength had reached the peak of the Martial Saint, and he was almost half-stepped into the Martial Emperor.

Now this process is moving forward rapidly!

Lin Mo had a painful look on his face, but he was very excited.

After becoming a saint in the physical body, Lin Mo experienced many benefits. If he became an emperor in the physical body, what terrible benefits would be waiting for him?

"There are things besides the inheritance of the Holy Blood!" Lin Mo suppressed the excitement in his heart, thinking silently, and feeling it seriously at the same time.

The whole inheritance process was not very pleasant, and it was extremely difficult to concentrate.

But Lin Mo continued to release his stored mental power, allowing his power of perception to continue to improve.

Finally, Lin Mo caught a hint of inheritance.

"This is... a purely physical martial skill!"

"Fuck Kunshan!"

Lin Mo felt the name of the power of inheritance, with a thoughtful look on his face.

In a daze, he seemed to see a young man standing there with his back to everyone. Suddenly, his right shoulder pressed down slightly, and his entire body twisted into an arc at this time.

He maintained this movement without making any movement, but Lin Mo could feel an extremely powerful force forming!

Just when Lin Mo felt that this power was suppressed to the extreme, he pushed his right shoulder upwards hard!

Just this short one was filled with terrifying power. It was the power of pure flesh, and it actually produced an explosion!


A mountain peak collapsed, which was the phenomenon that Kunshan showed when he relied on the magic!

"What a terrifying power, just relying on it can make people tremble all over!

Although I would most likely not be able to achieve such an effect even if I became an emperor using this move, it wouldn't be too bad!

Once I rely on it, even the mid-level Martial Emperor may not be my opponent! "

Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face. This power was too terrifying. He could defeat everything with his tyrannical body!

Thinking like this, he ignored the pain in his body, and began to rehearse this situation in his mind!

He didn't know how many times he had practiced it, but Lin Mo suddenly felt that the pain in his body suddenly disappeared!

He opened his eyes and looked around. He was still at the bottom of the pool, but the entire pool had become normal, and the blood in the pool had disappeared.

What is certain is that Lin Mo has inherited all the power of Holy Blood Baptism!

I moved my body and felt the powerful power lurking in my body!

Lin Mo was extremely excited. He clenched his fist slightly and heard a crackling sound. It was the sound of bones becoming stronger after being tempered.


Lin Mo punched out, where his energy and blood were suppressed, and he couldn't release too much mental power, so this punch was purely physical power.


Following Lin Mo's punch, the water in the pool suddenly dispersed, forming a deep mark!

That was the vacuum area left after the water in the pool was blasted away!

You must know that this is a pool of water, with a depth of at least more than 20 meters. At this depth, the water pressure has reached a very terrifying level. It can withstand such water pressure and can create a vacuum with one punch!

This kind of physical power has reached an indescribable level of tyranny!

Lin Mo was extremely happy, and at the same time he looked at himself. A crystal aura was flowing on his body. Even if he looked carefully, he could see that there were faint lines on it that were shining with fluorescence. These lines were intertwined and intertwined, as if forming some kind of pattern!

"Is this some kind of inheritance, or even a formation, engraved on my body?"

Lin Mo felt the condition of these lines and found no danger for the time being. There was nothing Lin Mo could do to remove these lines.

In the end, he could only passively accept it. Fortunately, the lines were getting darker and darker. As long as he didn't deliberately observe, he couldn't find these lines at all.

"These lines may have a certain impact on me. I just need to pay attention to them all the time in the future. Don't worry too much!

At least now my physical strength has reached the realm of the imperial body. By estimation, I should have just stepped into this realm! "

Lin Mo had a preliminary estimate of his physical strength.

After the physical body becomes an emperor, as the strength of the physical body increases, the imperial body can also be divided into nine realms!

The first level is the lowest and the highest is the ninth level!

It is said that if one can reach the ninth level of the Imperial Body, then even the peak combat power of the Martial Emperor will not be able to harm such a physical body!

In other words, if Lin Mo's physical strength reaches the ninth level of the Imperial Body, he can ignore all attacks in the Martial Emperor Realm!

Thinking of such a scene, Lin Mo felt a little excited all over!

"And Kunshan relies on..."

Lin Mo thought of this purely physical martial art, and with a thought, he really started to use it underwater!


After accumulating strength, Lin Mo's right shoulder suddenly pushed forward!

A loud bang was heard, and the water in front of Lin Mo was blasted out!

A vacuum zone was formed that was as large as Lin Mo's!

Such power made Lin Mo have a look of ecstasy on his face.

"What a powerful force! If Dugu Xiong and Nangong Wentian are both alive now, as long as I rely on them, they will definitely die!"

The intensity of this blow is really terrifying!

"The most important thing is that the postures are used skillfully and look familiar..." Lin Mo's eyes flashed with the figure of a trainee who was proficient in singing, dancing and rap.

This Kunshan Kao clearly overlaps with the figure of that trainee!

Lin Mo smiled and looked up at the top of the pool. After staying under the pool for so long, it was time to go up and have a look!

"By the way, Ye Qing, these two people appeared here, Ye Qing didn't know..." Lin Mo suddenly thought of this question in his mind, and his face changed wildly.


With a little force on his feet, he kicked hard, and his whole body shot out towards the water like an arrow from a string!

With a bang, Lin Mo jumped out from under the water and stood on the edge of the pool. He saw blood stains on the ground, but there was no sign of Ye Qing in the whole room!

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo's eyes turned red instantly!

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