After the old man spoke, everyone present fell into silence. They silently took half a step back and gave up the venue to the old man.

"You have cultivated your physical body to the realm of the emperor at a young age. You are indeed proud of it, but do you know what the true meaning of the realm of the emperor is?"

The old man spoke softly and took a step forward!

With just this step, his aura suddenly increased several times!


Lin Mo saw that there was faint thunder swirling around the old man's body, and he could even see that the air around him began to become distorted by the power of his body alone!

This is a force that is extremely tyrannical. After the strength of the physical body increases, the density of the physical body suddenly reaches the limit that the space can bear, so the space is distorted!

He walked towards Lin Mo step by step, and the floor tiles under his feet shattered silently.

"Am I proud?" Lin Mo smiled lightly and took a step forward. Unlike the old man, after he took a step forward, the bricks on the ground did not react at all.

"This is amazing physical power control!" Another old man who had not yet taken action suddenly couldn't help but exclaimed.

"If the power of the physical body is suddenly raised to the realm of the emperor, a phenomenon that often occurs is that one is unable to control the power of the physical body, so that every move will cause destruction to the surroundings.

But now you see that every time Elder Sun takes a step, the bricks on the ground will continue to break, but this kid has already controlled the power of his physical body extremely well!

Elder Sun is probably no match for this boy! "

The foreign aid elder of the Nangong family had a serious look on his face: "Elder Sun, let me help you!"

"Elder Liang, it doesn't have to be like this. Even if I really lose, my skills are inferior to others. If I beat him with your help, I will be unable to hold my head up for the rest of my life!"

Elder Sun refused directly, and there was a solemn look in his eyes when he looked at Lin Mo.

"Boy, I underestimated you. A body that has just entered the realm of an emperor can actually achieve such precise power control. You are indeed much stronger than the genius boys from my family, but it is far from enough!"

When he said this, he rushed straight towards Lin Mo!


Elder Sun's move turned out to be similar to Kunshan's, and his shoulder hit Lin Mo directly!

Lin Mo had already made a plan the moment he took action. He shouted softly, made fists with both hands, and smashed his two fists against his shoulders like two dragons out of the sea!

With a muffled bang, Elder Sun stepped back repeatedly. It was only the first collision, and Elder Sun's face had already turned pale!

"So strong!"

Elder Liang exclaimed. Although the fight just lasted just a moment, the combat power Lin Mo showed was enough to shock them!

"Elder Sun, let me help you!" Elder Liang said loudly.

"I told you, I don't want help!" Elder Sun said loudly with an unhappy look on his face.

"At this point, if you die, I won't be able to defeat him. Don't forget that the purpose of our visit this time is to avenge the two young masters!

If we fail to complete the task, our family will also be punished after we return! "

Elder Liang's words left Elder Sun speechless. He took a half step back to make some space.

Elder Liang's body flashed and appeared directly next to Elder Sun.

The two old men joining forces made Lin Mo have a solemn look on his face, but he was not worried at all, but rather excited!

After becoming an emperor in the physical body, Lin Mo lacked the necessary battle. A battle that allowed him to devote all his strength would definitely make this breakthrough more stable!

With this thought, Lin Mo took the initiative directly!


He used the Five Beast Fist, a heaven-level martial skill that originally relied on the power of Qi and blood, but now Lin Mo only used his physical body to perform it.

The power was naturally greatly reduced, but when Lin Mo used it, whether it was a tiger and a crane, or a wolf and a leopard, it made the fist even more amazing!

The roaring sound kept coming, and Lin Mo's hands kept blasting out, which were fists of light.

After the punch speed reached the extreme, there was an explosion sound in the air, as if something exploded!

Facing such a scene, the two old men just looked serious, and they took action at the same time!

They were both in the realm of emperors, and now that they were joining forces, Lin Mo was quickly at a disadvantage, but he gritted his teeth and pushed his physical strength to the limit again and again!

After becoming an emperor in the flesh, Lin Mo had just reached this state. There were many things that he had not fully explored and there were still many things that needed to be understood seriously.

At this moment, under the siege of the two old men, Lin Mo's originally unshakable strength finally began to tremble.


His body was trembling, and blood was flowing from all the muscles in his body!

The two old men injured him, but his current state was obviously not caused by injuries!

"Damn it, hurry up, this kid is still trying to break through!"

“It’s not a breakthrough, his realm has begun to stabilize, it’s become more stable!

To become an emperor in the physical body, you need to build a foundation. The stronger the foundation, the greater the possibility of hitting a higher realm in the future. Now this kid has consolidated the foundation to the extreme. He must be stopped... No, he must be killed! "

The expressions of the two old men changed drastically, because the potential shown by Lin Mo shocked them to the extreme, and also frightened them to the extreme!

If Lin Mo cannot be killed and is allowed to continue to grow, the Nangong family and the Dugu family will definitely suffer a disaster!

Thinking of this, the two did not hesitate at all, and the strongest means were used instantly!

"You two can only be my whetstones. I just hope that your attacks can be more terrifying!" Lin Mo's voice sounded, and his tone was firm in the face of such an attack!


After a loud bang, Lin Mo's body rushed forward directly!

This time he did not control his own strength, but released the power of his flesh to the extreme.

The flesh is the most primitive power. At this moment, this power is surging, showing the most primitive beauty!


When Lin Mo performed this martial art, the whole person was like a mountain, standing there, and his shoulders suddenly pushed!

This instant attack made the faces of the two old men instantly become desperate!

"The flesh is the realm of the emperor, I don't believe this kid can break our flesh!" Elder Sun shouted, mobilized his muscles, and rushed directly towards Lin Mo!

Elder Liang pressed his hand on his body, and the leather armor on his body disappeared immediately, replaced by a set of plate armor. After he put it on, he roared and rushed forward!

There is no doubt that a good set of plate armor can support Lin Mo's powerful attack, but the plate armor on Elder Liang's body at this moment cannot be a good plate armor!


As Lin Mo's shoulder approached, the first person to fly backwards was Elder Sun, who was actually Elder Liang!

Because he was wearing plate armor, the first thing to break was the plate armor, and then Elder Liang's bones!

The two old men fell one after another and hit the stone bricks in front of the door. Lin Mo stepped forward and drew the Red Blood Sword from his body.

The power of fire attribute surged, and the Red Blood Sword gushed out with brilliance, covering the two of them.

"You... can use the power of blood and qi?" The two old men looked at this scene with a look of shock on their faces.

Everyone here is restricted from using the power of blood and qi, but at this moment, the light is flowing on Lin Mo's sword body.

"This is a sword with the ultimate fire attribute, so it can produce such brilliance!" Lin Mo explained, and then swung the sword!

Two heads flew out directly and fell heavily on the ground.

Everyone took a breath of cold air. They didn't expect Lin Mo to be so crazy. He actually directly killed the foreign elders of the two families!

Although the foreign elders were not elders of the same surname in the family, their status was also very extraordinary. They could be regarded as the symbol of the two families, but now, these two elders are dead!

"The elders are dead, revenge for the elders!"

In the crowd, the remaining young people had angry expressions on their faces, and then dozens of people rushed towards Lin Mo.

"Brother Lin, be careful. Although these young people are not as good as you individually, their strength is still very good when they are added together!

In addition, some of them have a joint family skill, so you must be careful. If you really can't beat them, I can help you delay for a while, and you can take Miss Ye away directly!"

The voice of the hotel owner sounded.

"You are worried that I will smash your hotel!" Lin Mo said with a smile, and then he rushed out directly!

At the moment of rushing out, Lin Mo raised his hand, and the Silver Dragon Spear made a dragon roar and fell directly into Lin Mo's palm.




Lin Mo rushed into the crowd with the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand. The young men in front of him were indeed very powerful. After joining forces, Lin Mo was 100% not an opponent with just the strength of his physical body, but you have to know that Lin Mo can now use the power of blood and qi!

Silver Dragon Art!

Lin Mo directly used this terrifying martial art. There was not much blood and qi left in his body. After he really used it at this moment, a silver dragon shadow flew out, hovered in the sky for a while, and then swooped down again!

Such a scene can be said to be spectacular. In just this moment, more than 30 people were killed!

There was no mercy on Lin Mo's face. Looking at the remaining ten people, he walked towards them step by step with the Silver Dragon Spear!

Tap tap tap!

Lin Mo killed one by one, and in the end, only two people were left!

"Lin Mo, you killed so many of us, the Nangong family and the Dugu family will not let you go!" The two men threatened.


Lin Mo was too lazy to talk to them, and shot through the two men with one shot!

After doing all this, Lin Mo turned his gaze to the dumbfounded boss: "Are the two families they just mentioned far from here?!"

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