Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 258: Destruction of the Family

"Lin Mo, you have killed so many of us, the Nangong family and the Dugu family will not let you go!" The two men threatened.


Lin Mo didn't bother to talk to them and shot them both straight!

After doing all this, Lin Mo turned to look at the dumbfounded boss: "Are the two families they just mentioned far from here?!"

"It's really not that far from here..."

The shop owner nodded subconsciously, then his face changed slightly: "What are you going to do? I'm warning you, the Nangong family and the Dugu family in this city are just two separate families, not just the main family!

Because of the restrictions of the entire city, no big family dares to put all their power here.

And because this city holds that competition every once in a while, many families will have influence here.

The entire city was unable to use the power of Qi and blood, and was only relying on the power of the physical body to fight.

But there are no absolutes in everything. As far as I know, these two families already have ways to temporarily use the power of blood and spirit.

The Nangong family's town keeper is named Nangong Shi. He has reached the second-grade Martial Emperor realm, and his mental power is said to have reached more than 80,000!

The physical realm has also reached the realm of the second-grade emperor.

Do you think you have a chance of winning against him?

There is also the Dugu family. The surname of this town is Dugu Tie. They are in the realm of a first-grade martial emperor and have average mental strength, but their physical strength has reached the realm of a third-grade emperor!

You don't have to be like this! "

The boss had a look of helplessness on his face. He felt that Lin Mo was too aggressive and even wanted to destroy both branches of his family.

"Whoever killed my Nangong family, get out of here and die!"

At this moment, a cold shout sounded, and a middle-aged man came quickly with a big knife!

The boss's expression changed immediately when he saw the middle-aged man. He looked at Lin Mo and said helplessly: "You're done. Nangong Shi is here. Do you still think you are his opponent now?"

Nangong Shi is eight feet tall and has a rough look all over his body.

He was holding a ring-headed knife in his hand, and there was a horn-like thing on his forehead, which looked fierce.

"Mr. Nangong..." The boss looked at Nangong Shi with a panic look on his face: "These two are my guests. I wonder if I can let them live for Xueyuan's sake..."

Lin Mo glanced at the boss in surprise. He knew very well that the boss must have noticed that he and Ye Qing had a complicated relationship.

But now what the boss is doing is helping them in every way!

You know, abyss humans and blue star humans can be said to be completely different races. What is the boss's purpose of doing this?

Also, what is the Blood Abyss? An organization?

This question popped up in Lin Mo's mind, but was quickly interrupted by Nangong Shi's cold snort.

"Killing so many sons and daughters of my Nangong family, I will naturally give Xueyuan face, but you are not qualified to mention Xueyuan to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of energy and blood suddenly burst out from his body!

In a brief moment, the store owner's expression changed wildly. When he wanted to retreat, it was already too late. He screamed and flew up.

Lin Mo stepped forward, and five shadows appeared behind him. He caught the shop owner directly, and then gently put him aside.

"Leave this place to me. Although I don't know what your purpose is, I recognize your favor!"

Lin Mo spoke softly, in the abyss, he owed a favor.

The shop owner didn't speak, but just nodded: "Please rest assured, whether you are alive or dead, I can guarantee that Miss Ye will be fine and return to where you came from!"

Lin Mo nodded.


The roar of the tiger sounded, and Lin Mo rushed forward.

This attack was like a tiger descending from the mountain, but on the tiger's back, the white crane roared loudly. This sound seemed to come from the sky, echoing over the entire hotel.

"It's quite interesting! You can actually use the power of qi and blood without restriction, but your strength is not enough!"

Nangong Shi sneered and rushed out.

His speed was so fast that the Huanshou knife in his hand was dragged on the ground. Wherever he passed, cracks spread out one after another. It was simply terrifying to the extreme!

He also activated the power of Qi and blood in an instant!


The blade trembled and slashed directly towards Lin Mo's head!


Lin Mo actually faced the enemy with his bare hands. He punched the blade and then paused for a moment.

The power of energy and blood surged, and he actually punched hundreds more in an instant!

These punches seemed to be superimposed. Each punch was more fierce and powerful than the last!

At the end, Nangong Shi's face actually showed a look of surprise, followed by horror.

He thought that he felt that Lin Mo's momentum was still increasing, and there seemed to be no signs of weakening!

You must know that a person's energy and blood power can be used continuously, but as the energy and blood power decreases, the attack will continue to weaken.

What's more, this is a place where the power of qi and blood is banned, and it weakens very quickly. But now, Lin Mo not only has not weakened, but is actually strengthening!

"No, I can't drag it on any longer, otherwise I might really lose!"

Nangong Shi suddenly had such an idea in his heart, and then his face changed wildly.

He pushed the knife out suddenly, and then took a few steps back!

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy!" Lin Mo sneered, and rushed up at a very fast speed!

Ghost Shadow!

After Lin Mo upgraded the Ghost Shadow last time, his proficiency has been improved again after the upgrade!

His speed is extremely terrifying, almost sticking to Nangong Shi and outputing crazily!

Nangong Shi's face showed a look of horror. You know, his strength far exceeds Lin Mo, but now he has to be suppressed by Lin Mo!

This feeling is really aggrieved to the extreme!


Just when Nangong Shi felt that he was about to be injured, a ball of light suddenly burst out from the horns on his forehead and went towards Lin Mo's eyebrows!

Lin Mo's face changed slightly. Such an attack was unexpected.

When the Ghost Shadow flashed and dodged this attack, a bloodstain appeared on Lin Mo's shoulder!

At the same time, Nangong Shi also took this opportunity to avoid Lin Mo!

Physical collision!

At this time, Nangong Shi abandoned the collision of blood and energy and directly collided with the physical body!

But Lin Mo's smile became even colder!

Kunshan Kao!

With the blessing of the power of blood and qi, the power of Kunshan Kao was increased many times at once!

In just a moment, Nangong Shi felt like a kite with a broken string, flying out!

Eagle step!

Lin Mo exerted the power of blood and qi, and the whole person flew up!

Silver Dragon Spear!

A silver light flashed in Lin Mo's hand, and the Silver Dragon Spear was already in his hand.

The spear came out like a dragon!

Lin Mo landed from the air, holding the gun with both hands, and the sound of the gun resounded through the world!


Lin Mo directly nailed Nangong Shi to the ground, and a huge crack spread out, like a spider web!

Lin Mo panted, and sweat kept dripping from his face!

Nangong Shi... is dead!

The shop owner stood in the distance and watched the battle, with a look of shock on his face.

He never thought that Lin Mo actually killed Nangong Shi!

You know, Nangong Shi is at least one of the top three in the city, but Lin Mo killed him directly!

As if he thought of something, the shop owner's expression changed slightly, and there was a touch of respect in his eyes when he looked at Lin Mo!

"Tell me the location of Nangong's family!" Lin Mo said softly.

This time, the shop owner told the approximate location of Nangong's family without any hesitation!

After hearing it, Lin Mo nodded and said, "I'll leave Ye Qing to you during my absence!"

Then he rushed to the distance!

Eagle Step!

Lin Mo actually used Eagle Step here in succession!

His brows frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face.

When fighting with the two elders, he couldn't use the power of Qi and blood so casually, but when Nangong Shi appeared, he suddenly felt that he had more freedom to control the power of Qi and blood!

And during the battle, Lin Mo felt that his Qi and blood power was skyrocketing!

Now at least he has reached the eighth-grade martial saint realm!

Moreover, here, Lin Mo's blood power seems endless, this feeling is far from the original storage of blood power can be compared!

"Is it the bloody figure that I swallowed at the bottom of the pool that brought all this!?"

Lin Mo's mind naturally thought of that figure, Lin Mo can be sure that it is the bloody saint they are talking about!

All the holy blood flows from his body!

"So I control all the holy blood power, which is equivalent to ignoring the restrictions of the entire city?

No, even the permission on me far exceeds the prohibition!"

Lin Mo's face was full of excitement, and with a series of wild running, countless people looked up.

When they saw Lin Mo, they had already revealed a look of shock on their faces.

Because here, there are still people who can fly continuously!

Countless people looked at Lin Mo in the air and began to investigate Lin Mo's identity!

"Could it be that another family is going to enter the abyss? To enter this city?

It seems that the legacy of the Blood Saint still makes many people very excited!"

Some people murmured, and directly regarded Lin Mo as a member of a big family!

Lin Mo has already stood at the gate of the Nangong family. Looking at the huge building in front of him, there is no emotion on his face.


A dragon roar came from the silver dragon spear, and then a shot was fired!

Silver Dragon Art!

A silver dragon flew out directly and hit the wall heavily. The gate was also shattered at this time!

Lin Mo burst out with a strong murderous intent on his face.

Countless figures rushed out from the Nangong family!

They rushed towards Lin Mo, but at this moment, Lin Mo had replaced the spear with a big knife!

Instant kill!

Lin Mo used the sword technique and killed everyone in an instant!

The entire Nangong family was completely destroyed here!

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