Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 259 Talking about cooperation!

"Just got the news that the Nangong family is destroyed!"

The Dugu family is not far from the Nangong family. At this moment, the news of the destruction of the Nangong family was quickly spread to the Dugu family.

In the Dugu family hall, the atmosphere was extremely serious. Sitting on the main seat was a middle-aged man. He looked a little thin, but his eyes were shining.

If you look closely, you can see the faint light flowing on his body. This is the result of the physical strength reaching a certain level.

This man is the Dugu family's city garrison, Dugu Tie!

"The Nangong family is destroyed, and our Dugu family will definitely not be able to escape. It is better to take the initiative and fight him! I don't believe that a little boy can destroy our two families!"

"That's right. When has our Dugu family ever suffered this kind of anger? Take the initiative to attack. I am willing to be the first to take action!"

"There is no coward in our Nangong family!"

A group of people shouted loudly with indignation, and they all wanted to tear Lin Mo to pieces now.

At this moment, Dugu Tie slowly raised his hand.

Everyone fell silent in an instant, looking at Dugu Tie expectantly.


However, Dugu Tie spoke, and a word made everyone uproar.

They looked at each other, almost doubting whether they had heard it wrong.

"Uncle Tie, you just said..." A young man looked at Dugu Tie with disbelief.

"I said endure!" Dugu Tie spoke again: "Listen to me, all of you, this time, our Dugu family endured it!"

Endure it!

This sentence was confirmed again, and everyone was stunned and fell into silence, as if digesting the shock brought to them by this word.

"Report to the guard, he... he is coming!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked quickly with a look of panic on his face. .


The few old men who were still sitting stood up at once.

Dugu Tie also stood up and looked at everyone: "I said, endure!

If anyone disagrees, I will kill him now!"

After saying this, everyone's face became ugly, but they still dared not say a word, gritting their teeth.

"Come out with me, put away your faces!" Dugu Tie looked at them fiercely and said sternly.

It must be said that Dugu Tie's prestige is very high. After saying this, everyone tried to change their expressions and followed him silently.

A group of people walked out of the hall in a mighty manner and came to the gate.

In the distance, a young man walked slowly.

He held a silver spear in his hand, and at this moment, sticky blood was dripping from the tip of the spear.

The young man also had blood on his body, and his hair was stained with blood and flesh residue.

When the people of the Dugu family who had been clamoring saw this scene, they all fell into silence.

Because they looked at Lin Mo, it was like looking at a killing god coming out of hell.

A feeling of fear spread in their hearts.

Lin Mo glanced at the Dugu family members guarding the door, and a vertical eye slowly opened between his eyebrows.


The terrifying mental power spread out in an instant, like a wave, instantly submerging the Dugu family members!

After absorbing the holy blood, Lin Mo's strength reached the eighth-grade martial saint realm, and his blood and qi value has reached more than 80,000.

Similarly, because the spirit and the body have been completely integrated, all of Lin Mo's mental power has reached a terrifying 80,000 points!

This value has surpassed nearly 90% of the low-grade martial emperors!

So now, while Lin Mo exerted his mental power, he also exerted the spiritual realm. All the people of the Dugu family, including Dugu Tie, were shrouded in the spiritual realm!

"Oh my God!"

In the crowd, some people from the Dugu family exclaimed, because they saw that Lin Mo's body had become taller, and his whole body was full of steaming blood and qi, and the terrifying pressure extended, and they were almost out of breath!

The most important thing is that Lin Mo's appearance in their eyes has also changed at this moment.

At this moment, Lin Mo was ten feet tall, holding a silver dragon spear in his hand, and his whole body was full of red blood and energy.

"Blood Saint..."

Someone suddenly spoke and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Yes, in their sight, the Lin Mo they saw was the Blood Saint!

After looking at the portrait on the city wall and the bloody body at the bottom of the pool, Lin Mo perfectly reproduced the appearance of the Blood Saint in the spiritual world!


Someone from the Dugu family actually knelt on the ground, with a look of panic on his face, and began to kowtow.


At this time, a cold snort sounded, and Dugu Tie was the first to break free from the spiritual world. Looking at the people of the Dugu family trapped in the spiritual world, he showed a look of shock on his face, and then snorted lightly, using some mental power to cover everyone.

After being awakened by the mental power, everyone first showed a confused look on their faces, but soon they realized what had just happened.

In this huge city full of restrictions, their blood and spirit power were completely restricted, but Lin Mo was able to launch such a terrifying mental attack!

They were sure that if Lin Mo had attacked in the spiritual realm just now, they would not have the courage to fight back!

The final result could only be that Lin Mo would harvest all their lives like harvesting rice!

Thinking of this, some people looked at Dugutie with a hint of gratitude and respect in their eyes.

If he really took action directly, all of them would be dead by now!

"My little brother has such a strong spirit. Our Dugu family has given up. We will kill or behead you, please do as you please!

Of course, if my brother is willing to let us live, in return, you can choose from the entire Dugu family's treasure trove! "Dugutie spoke respectfully.

Lin Mo looked at Dugu Tie in surprise. He really didn't expect that the Dugu family would make such a choice.

"I killed all of you, but the things in the Dugu family are still mine!" Lin Mo said calmly.

"My little brother is right, but if you kill all of us, the Dugu family will definitely pursue it to the end. You are powerful, but my Dugu family is really not weak. It is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. Little brother, you are still more or less capable. Falling into passivity!"

"If you let us go, I can swear by the blood of the Dugu family that I, the Dugu family, will definitely not cause trouble for you!"

Lin Mo took a deep look at Dugu Tie in front of him and swore on the blood of his family. It was indeed a more solemn oath. If he broke his promise, he would definitely suffer serious backlash.

Lin Mo was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said, "Mr. Dugu is so strong!"

"Thank you, little brother. My fighting power is so terrifying. If our Dugu family can make friends with us, it will be a great blessing for my Dugu family!" Dugu Tie said with a smile, and at the same time he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Before Lin Mo took action, he had already made some assessments of Lin Mo's strength, but when he actually saw Lin Mo take action, even he himself was thankful that he gave up being hostile to Lin Mo at the critical moment and chose yield.

Although I felt a bit demoralized when I surrendered, at least everyone survived!

"Since the Dugu family wants to make friends, then I want to see how courageous the Dugu family is..." An idea flashed in Lin Mo's mind and he said with a smile: "I don't need anything in the Dugu family's treasure house, but I want Talk about a cooperation with the Dugu family..."

"What kind of cooperation?" Dugutie looked at Lin Mo curiously.

He would not be complacent just because Lin Mo didn't want the things in the treasure house. On the contrary, just because Lin Mo didn't want the things in the treasure house, it made him feel that Lin Mo was not that easy to fool.

After all, there is no free lunch in this world. Things that cost nothing are often the most expensive!

"This is not the place to talk..." Lin Mo glanced at the people around him and spoke softly.

Dugutie nodded and said, "Please follow me!"

Lin Mo followed Dugu Tie into Dugu's house. A group of people followed the two of them. Several old men looked at Lin Mo's back silently and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

This was Dugu's home, but Lin Mo followed him in without feeling any nervousness at all. It was as if he was at home. Even they were far different from each other in this demeanor!

"Such a young man is really extraordinary!" Some old people sighed in their hearts.

Lin Mo followed Dugu Tie into the hall and sat on the first seat.

Dugutie sat on the main seat.

"Everyone, please stay away for now. I'll have a chat with Brother Lin for a while!"

Dugu Tie looked at the crowd and spoke slowly.

The group of people immediately saluted and turned to leave.

Lin Mo looked at them silently, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

In the abyss, I met the Nangong family and the Dugu family. The two families made different choices, but they all had one thing in common, that is, they were very united.

The Nangong family fought until the end, but no one begged for mercy.

And after the Dugu family chose to surrender, no one raised any objection!

Compared with those families above Blue Star, these two families do have a reason to prosper!

"Brother Lin, there are only two of us here now. What kind of cooperation do you want to discuss?"

Dugu Tie looked at Lin Mo and asked with a smile.

"Mr. Dugu must have figured out my identity!" Lin Mo sat on the chair and looked at Dugu Tie with a smile.

Dugutie was stunned for a moment, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, but finally nodded: "I noticed your identity the first time I saw my little brother!

I thought I concealed it well, but I don’t know how you found out? "

After Dugu Tie saw Lin Mo, he knew that he was not from the abyss, but he never revealed it, and he didn't know how Lin Mo felt it.

"You conceal it really well, but don't forget that my mental power is not affected. When you enter the spiritual world, everything about you is under my mental monitoring!"

Lin Mo spoke calmly and told the reason in one sentence.

"That's it!" Dugutie nodded: "In front of some mentally strong people, there is indeed no possibility of hiding all emotions!

But I was also very shocked. In other cities, we often meet people from outside, but in this city, this is the first time we meet people from outside! "

"Other cities?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he was talking about other abyss.

In those abyss that have been discovered, humans enter them, suppress the entrances, and collect resources.

"Brother, let's talk about cooperation first!" Dugutie didn't seem to want to spend more time on this matter, but smiled and said: "To tell you the truth, you should be the first to talk about cooperation with the abyssal creatures. The people outside!”

Lin Mo also smiled. If people outside knew that he had cooperated with the creatures of the abyss, he might be judged as an alien, and then everyone would be able to kill him!

"In that case, let's talk about cooperation!" Lin Mo smiled and said: "The basis of cooperation is that we are just a cooperative relationship, but the competitive relationship between the abyss humans and the outside humans will still be maintained!

The second is that this cooperation is only for this city. If we meet in other abyss cities, we have no interest relationship at all!

In the process of cooperation, we provide each other with the materials needed by each other.

Of course, both parties can also make profits by selling each other's materials. The specific distribution of benefits will be negotiated by both parties..."

Lin Mo slowly opened his mouth and said his thoughts one by one.

Dugu Tie listened carefully and added a few words from time to time.

The two would also have arguments, but in the end they would form a balance.

"That's all. Does Mr. Dugu have any opinions?" Lin Mo finished all the agreements before looking at Dugu Tie.

"No opinions!" Dugu Tie smiled and slowly stretched out a hand.

"Happy cooperation!"

The two said in unison.

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