Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 260 The shocked hotel owner

“Happy to work with!”

The two hands were held together, and both of them had smiles on their faces, but at the same time they were a little uneasy and confused in their hearts.

The reason why the creatures of the abyss want to invade the outside world is simply because there are resources they need outside.

In the abyss, people outside need more resources.

So if we can cooperate, it will be beneficial to both parties!

Of course, Lin Mo would not think that the cooperation between the two of them could affect the relationship between the entire abyss and the outside.

His idea is just to gain enough benefits from such cooperation and obtain enough profits.

With these gains, Lin Mo can become stronger!

"By the way, Brother Lin, the purpose of your visit this time should be for tomorrow's competition!" Dugu Tie looked at Lin Mo and asked.

Lin Mo nodded. After receiving the blood of the bloody saint, Lin Mo became more interested in the rewards of this game.

Besides, with his current strength, it is easy to win the first place, and according to the information he inquired about, the benefits he gets after getting the first place are not necessarily worse than getting the inheritance of the Scarlet Saint!

"Brother Lin will definitely win this competition, but I heard that someone from the Yu family is also coming this time, and it is said that it is the genius of the Yu family!

If you ever meet her, remember to be careful! "

Dugutie gave Lin Mo a serious warning.

"Yu family?" Lin Mo nodded, feeling like something flashed through his mind.

"The Yu family is one of the major royal families in the abyss. They are powerful and have mysterious origins. There is even a saying that these royal families are likely to be descendants of the royal family and the imperial family!"

Seeing the confused look on Lin Mo's face, Dugutie explained: "The families in Abyss are divided into imperial family, royal family, royal family, marquis family and ordinary families from high to low!

For example, the main family of our Dugu family is an ordinary family!

It is extremely difficult to become a Hu Clan, it requires countless years of accumulation, or it requires amazing results in the outside world.

It’s just that this possibility is too small, and the number of all Hou tribes is not large..."

Dugutie told the situation of these families one by one, and at the same time introduced the most powerful families among these families.

Among them, the Yu family is the fifth-ranked family among the eight royal families.

"Mr. Dugu, does he know what the reward will be after winning the competition?"

Lin Mo looked at Dugu Tie with some curiosity. According to him, the Yu family's status was extremely high.

In this case, why would you still be interested in the rewards of a small competition?

"It is said that it may be the corpse of the bloody saint!" Dugutie said slowly: "After the bloody saint died in the battle, the holy blood splashed down, and the corpses were also scattered everywhere.

Some of the corpses dissipated, but some remained.

Among the preserved corpses, some can be refined into weapons, and some contain some of the aura and even martial arts of the bloody saint during his lifetime.

There are also people who refine corpses into blood food and devour them alive..."

Dugutie talked about several ways to dispose of corpses. Lin Mo listened quietly, with a look of shock on his face.

Lin Mo shook his head. He wouldn't be interested in eating corpses anyway.

"However, it would still be great if the corpses could be refined into weapons, or even the martial arts contained in the corpses could be found!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo stood up directly. The cooperation had been negotiated, and all that was left was to slowly manage the relationship!

There is still one day left before the competition, and it has been almost a day since Lin Mo came out. He also needs to go back to see how Ye Qing is doing!

After sending Lin Mo away, Dugu Tie breathed a long sigh of relief.

To be honest, Lin Mo did give him a certain sense of oppression. During the entire conversation, he was really afraid that Lin Mo would suddenly attack.

Fortunately, the final result is satisfactory.

"Take inventory of the items in the treasure house, and then make a list for me!

In addition, giving three healing pills to Lin Mo is just a token of appreciation from my Dugu family! "

After a slight silence, Dugutie gave such instructions.

Not long after, someone came out from the side, clasped their fists, and then took the order to leave.

Lin Mo came all the way to the hotel and strode in.

When the hotel owner saw Lin Mo, he felt as if he had seen a ghost.

"'re not dead?!" He couldn't help but scream.

"Do you think I'm dead?" Lin Mo was speechless for a while, and then thought that although the Nangong family and Dugu family were not far from here, they were not close either.

In addition, Lin Mo was there to silence him, so ordinary people might not dare to supervise him.

What's more, Ye Qing is still recuperating in the hotel. If the news of Lin Mo's death is brought back, it will be very detrimental to the recovery.

"Did you really destroy two families?"

The boss looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but ask.

Lin Mo shook his head: "No!"

"I'm just telling you!" The boss let out a long sigh of relief: "It's okay. I'm very proud to be able to escape. After all, the Nangong family and the Dugu family are both one of the top families in the city. Except for the one from the city lord's mansion, , other families are no match at all!"

"Who told you that I escaped?" Lin Mo glared at him: "I didn't destroy the two families. That's because after I destroyed the Nangong family, the Dugu family surrendered directly.

That's why I was able to come back so quickly. "

After a pause, Lin Mo looked inside again and said, "Where is Qing'er, how is she doing now?"

"I'm resting inside. Miss Ye has woken up. She should be able to watch the battle tomorrow!"

Lin Mo nodded and walked towards the hotel.

The hotel owner stood at the door and grinned as he watched Lin Mo leave: "I don't believe you can destroy the Nangong family!

Someone, help me find out what happened to the Nangong family and the Dugu family! "

A young boy appeared in front of him, nodded after hearing the words, and then disappeared here after a few ups and downs.

If you look at the little guy carefully, you can feel that all the strength of this person is concentrated on the little guy's legs. At this moment, he is running faster than Lin Mo.

Not long after, the boy ran back: "Report to the shopkeeper, I have inquired clearly...Lin Mo did destroy the Nangong family. As for the Dugu family, he followed Dugu Tie in and came out again. What happened during this period?" , I didn’t find out!”

The hotel owner had a shocked look on his face after listening to the boy's report.

"What did you say? He really destroyed a family!" the hotel owner said loudly, then thought about it and sat back: "Since the Nangong family has been destroyed, why do we still keep the Dugu family?

Is it possible that this is a good show directed and performed by Lin Mo and the Dugu family, just to completely destroy the Nangong family? "

The hotel owner actually thought of such a conspiracy theory directly.

If Lin Mo heard this, he would definitely find it funny, because the only reason why the Dugu family lost without a fight was because of fear.

After entering the room, Lin Mo looked at Ye Qing who was lying on the bed and let out a long sigh of relief.

Ye Qing's breath was much calmer than before, and her face even turned a little rosy.

Lin Mo's mental power swept over him, and all the external and internal injuries on his body had been recovered.

"Miss Ye woke up once before, but fell asleep again not long ago, but don't worry, she will definitely wake up soon!"

A maid came forward and spoke in a low voice.

Lin Mo looked at the maid in front of him and could see that her face had colorful scales and her eyes had earthy-yellow pupils, which made her look very strange.

There is no doubt that this is a hybrid creature of monster and human race.

"The hotel owner will enjoy it!" Lin Mo muttered silently in his heart, and then nodded: "I will take care of you here, you can go down and rest!"

The maid hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

At this moment, at the hotel gate, when the hotel owner was about to go find Lin Mo, a figure suddenly came from a distance.

The hotel owner's heart sank suddenly when he saw the approaching figure.

Because he happened to know the person in front of him.

"Brother Dugu, are you here this time because of Lin Mo?" The hotel owner sighed and stepped forward, mentally prepared to offend the acquaintance in front of him.

The visitor nodded, looked at the shop owner and said, "Where is he? Tell me quickly!"

"No, as long as I'm here, I can't let my guests get hurt at all!" the hotel owner said decisively.

"Injury? What kind of injury? Are you confused? I'm here to deliver medicine to Mr. Lin!" The visitor explained: "Okay, hurry up and lead the way!"

"Medicine delivery person?" The hotel owner suddenly stood there, completely confused.

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