Outside the room where Ye Qing was, the hotel owner and the Dugu family members looked at each other in confusion.

"Look what I'm doing, knocking on the door!" The hotel owner was waiting for the old man from the Dugu family.

"This is your hotel, you ask me to knock on the door!" The old man from the Dugu family widened his eyes: "Knock on the door quickly!"

"What if you are here to kill Lin Mo? If I knock on the door for you, won't I hurt Lin Mo?" The hotel owner stood there, unwilling to let go.

"You're really pissing me off. Let me tell you more. Our Dugu family has a very good relationship with Lin Mo!" the old man from the Dugu family said helplessly.

The only reason why he was unwilling to knock on the door was that Lin Mo's powerful momentum at the door of Dugu's house made him still feel frightened.

"Look, this is the medicine I want to give to Lin Mo. See if it can cure that girl!"

The old man from the Dugu family took out the healing medicine and showed it to the hotel owner.

"It's true!" The hotel owner glanced at the healing medicines suspiciously, and finally nodded: "I will believe you just once!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

In the room, Lin Mo opened the door directly and looked at the two people in front of him, feeling helpless.

In fact, with Lin Mo's current mental strength, Lin Mo had already discovered them when they appeared.

The reason why I didn't open the door was to see how long these two people could delay.

"Mr. Lin, I am from the Dugu family. This is a little bit of our Dugu family's wishes!" With that said, he held the healing elixir in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo took the elixir and glanced at the hotel owner.

"This is the unique healing elixir of the Dugu family called Black Jade Intermittent Dan. It can reconnect muscles and bones, build muscles and stop bleeding!

It is truly a healing product!

If Miss Ye takes it now, she will definitely recover quickly! "

"In that case, I'd like to thank you, Senior Dugu!" Lin Mo raised his hand towards the old man.

The old man was so frightened that his face turned green, and he waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Mr. Lin, you don't have to be polite. Speaking of the reason why Miss Ye was injured, our Dugu family also has a big responsibility, so this time, it is both a gift and an apology!"

After the old man finished speaking, he bowed deeply to Lin Mo.

"This matter has passed. Brother Dugu and I have made an agreement!" Lin Mo smiled and exchanged greetings.

The old man of the Dugu family is also a sensible person. After delivering the elixir, he turned around and left.

After Lin Mo sent the person to the door, he stopped seeing him off.

The hotel owner sent him all the way to the hotel gate.

"What medicine do you sell in your Dugu family's gourd? When did your family become so cowardly?" He asked with some confusion.

"The Nangong family didn't last even an hour under Mr. Lin!" The old man did not answer directly, but said this.

"Less than an hour?!"

Upon hearing this, the hotel owner's face immediately turned green.

The Nangong family is so powerful that only the City Lord's Mansion and the Dugu family in the entire city can compare.

But now, the Nangong family didn't last more than an hour before being destroyed by Lin Mo.

“This hour is actually more time wasted in the battle between Lin Mo and Nangong Shi.

The rest of the Nangong family were... killed instantly by Lin Mo! "

Instant kill!

The impact of these two words is even more terrifying.

The hotel owner looked back at the direction of Ye Qing's room, feeling a little glad that he had chosen Lin Mo's side.

After sending away the old man from the Dugu family, the hotel owner came directly to Lin Mo.

"Brother Lin must be looking for me if you have something to do!" the hotel owner said with a smile.

"Indeed!" Lin Mo nodded: "You must be wondering why I can escape from the Dugu family intact!"

The hotel owner nodded: "I really didn't expect that the Dugu family would admit defeat, but now that they have admitted defeat, I don't believe that the Dugu family would take the initiative to send pills!

Because after all, more than 20 people from the Dugu family died in your hands. "

Lin Mo nodded, and then told him about the cooperation with Dugu Tie.

After hearing this, the hotel owner stood there as if frozen.

Lin Mo wasn't in a hurry, just poured himself a bowl of water and waited quietly for him to digest it slowly.

"So, you want me to be the liaison between you and the Dugu family, or the middleman?" The hotel owner looked at Lin Mo: "You don't even know my identity yet!"

"I'm really curious about your identity!" Lin Mo said with a smile, "What kind of organization is the Blood Alliance?"

“I don’t know the specific origin of the Blood Pact, but it is said to be related to the Blood Saint.

But there are also rumors that there is a certain royal family standing behind the blood alliance!

In short, there are various theories, but one thing is certain, the blood alliance has a great influence in the entire abyss!

However, if you think that you can have some contact or get some news between me and the blood alliance, then you are wrong!

I have nothing to do with the blood alliance! "

The hotel owner said it categorically, and the look on his face was extremely serious.

"I have no intention of having anything to do with the Blood Alliance, I just want you to be the middleman!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "All my goods will be handed over to the Dugu family through you. Of course, the things of the Dugu family will also be handed over to you through you. I!

Before leaving, I will hand the token to you, and I will also arrange for someone to meet you outside.

Before coming, I have informed our military department that they will seal the exit in three days.

You should make plans early.

Of course, if I guess correctly, this city should have hidden means... At that time, the person holding the same token will give you the things that need to be traded, and you two can confirm your identities through the token! "

Lin Mo roughly repeated his thoughts.

The hotel owner looked at Lin Mo in shock, not because he was shocked by the idea proposed by Lin Mo.

But because Lin Mo could actually guess that the whole city had a concealing formation.

"Let's get to know each other formally. My name is He Yu." The hotel owner directly said his name, which was an attitude, indicating that the two of them were going to make formal friends!

"Lin Mo!" Lin Mo directly stretched out his hand, and the two held hands together.

"You can take the pills sent by the Dugu family without worry. Take one pill a day in the next few days. After the game, you will be cured! "

He Yu left after saying this.

Lin Mo nodded, returned to the house, and fed a pill into Ye Qing's mouth.

The pill melted in his mouth and became a pure energy that entered Ye Qing's limbs.

Lin Mo stayed by the bed and looked at Ye Qing quietly. He could feel that the pill was quickly repairing Ye Qing's body.

No words were spoken that night.

The next morning, Lin Mo felt a hand stroking his face.

He opened his eyes slightly and saw Ye Qing looking at him.

"You're awake!" Lin Mo smiled with a look of surprise on his face.

Ye Qing nodded slightly, and this action still made her frown.

Nangong Wentian and Dugu Xiong were too cruel at the time, and her internal organs were displaced and she was seriously injured. Only with the powerful effect of the medicine and He Yu's treatment could Ye Qing recover so quickly.

"I remember!" Ye Qing hesitated and said, "Can you help me? "

Lin Mo smiled and nodded, holding her upper body and helping her up.

She recovered much better than Lin Mo had imagined. After getting up from the bed, she was helped by Lin Mo to walk a few steps, and then she could walk on her own.

"Today should be the day of the competition, I'll go with you!"

Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo expectantly. She had been lying in bed for the past few days, and her biggest worry was that she would not be able to accompany Lin Mo to participate in the competition on time.

Fortunately, she has almost recovered now.

The venue for each competition is the City Lord's Mansion, and this year will naturally be no exception.

Lin Mo brought Ye Qing to the City Lord's Mansion, and saw from a distance that a huge battle platform had been built in the square, and the stage was full of powerful martial artists.

From a distance, these people exuded a strong physical strength.

"The physical strength of these people is very strong, and similarly, the blood and qi are not weak. If there were no restrictions in the city, I would never have won among so many people! "

Lin Mo introduced in a low voice as he walked.

However, facing these strong men, he was not worried at all, because no matter how strong they were, they would not be stronger than him.

"Let's participate in the competition!" Before entering the battle stage, they were stopped, and two guards looked at them seriously.

"You need a token!" The two guards said calmly: "Without a token, you are not eligible to participate!"

Lin Mo and Ye Qing were stunned. They didn't expect that this competition would require a token.

The problem is that neither of them has one. Seeing that the competition is about to start, it is too late for them to get a token even if they want to!


At this time, two sneers came from behind. Turning around, they saw that it was two middle-aged men standing behind them.

"Get out of here if you don't have a token. What are you doing standing in front of me? ! If you don't believe me, I will slap you to death, you weak chicken!"

One of the middle-aged men looked Lin Mo up and down and spoke in a frivolous voice.

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows slightly and turned to look at the two guards: "Is there a limit on the token? Or does everyone have a specific token!"

"There is no limit to the token..." The two guards looked at each other and looked at Lin Mo in surprise.

The two middle-aged men behind Lin Mo were stunned at first, and then they all reacted.

"Hahaha, what do you want to do? Do you want to snatch the token from us?" The two middle-aged men laughed, and one of them raised his hand and pointed at the two men: "Just the two of you, a bitch and a weakling, want to snatch the token from us?

It's so funny..."

"Or let us play with your girlfriend, and I might consider giving you a token..."


As soon as the two men finished speaking, Lin Mo's figure rushed up directly!

With a muffled sound, the body of one of the middle-aged men flew out directly and fell heavily to the ground!

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