
The sound of the body hitting the ground echoed throughout the square.

The remaining middle-aged man trembled, and the sound seemed to explode in his heart.

Glancing at the man who was hit on the ground, his face was even more pale.

died! The man who came with him died!

It’s just a move!

"You..." The middle-aged man looked at Lin Mo, trembling and was about to say something, when he saw Lin Mo rushing towards him.

His speed was so fast that he rushed in front of the middle-aged man in an instant.

Before he could finish the rest of his words, he punched him in the chest!

Visible to the naked eye, there is a bone protruding directly on the middle-aged man's back.


A large mouthful of blood was spat out, with some internal organs mixed in it.


Lin Mo withdrew his fist, blood was flowing from the corner of the man's mouth, his waist was hunched and he was already as angry as a thread.

In just a short moment, Lin Mo killed two people directly!

He bent down and took off the tokens from their bodies, waved them in front of the guards, and then led Ye Qing to the fighting platform with a swagger.

Everyone moved a little away, extremely fearful of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo chuckled and didn't care.

"This is the man who destroyed the Nangong family and frightened the Dugu family to directly choose to please him!"

"It's so cruel. He went directly to Nangong's house, fought with Nangong Shi for 300 rounds, and killed him!"

"Become famous in one battle!"

"In this competition, I guess few people will be his opponents!"

"Are those two people just stupid? They dared to provoke this fierce man!"

There were discussions all around. Lin Mo listened quietly and looked at each other with Ye Qing and smiled.

Of course, some people also looked at Lin Mo with a scrutinizing look in their eyes.

When encountering such a look, Lin Mo would look at him with a smile, looking kind. Usually at this time, the other person would look away, as if he didn't see Lin Mo's gaze!

"By the way, didn't the little princess of the Yu family say she was coming? Why hasn't she shown up yet?"

At this time, a voice sounded in the distance. Their voice was not loud, but it attracted the attention of many people.

Someone looked at the person who spoke, chuckled and said: "The little princess of the Yu family is powerful and a member of the royal family, so she is naturally the last one to appear. Do you think you are just like us, just here to make up for the numbers! "

"So what about the royal family, I don't believe there is no idiot in the royal family!" Some people said unconvinced, but the final result was a burst of mocking laughter.

Lin Mo stood there, wondering if the little princess of the Yu family might be related to Miss Yu'er whom he had met in the abyss?

Suddenly, a burst of noise interrupted Lin Mo's thinking. Lin Mo noticed that many people were looking into the air.

Before Lin Mo raised his head, he felt something flashing above his head!

When he raised his head, he saw a huge bird hanging above his head. There was a large shadow on the ground, which looked like a dark cloud hanging over everyone's heads!

Lin Mo frowned slightly. It was obvious that the bird in front of him was a monster. With its huge body hanging there, strands of energy and blood were escaping. It was obvious that the bird's cultivation had not been affected. The impact of prohibition here.

"Could it be said that the prohibition here only applies to individuals and not animals? Or is it because the bird is in mid-air, so there are not many prohibitions?"

Lin Mo was thinking in his mind while looking at the bird's back.

He could feel like there were two figures standing on the back of the bird!

The strong wind suddenly rose, and the giant bird flapped its wings and slowly landed. It stood on the battle platform with its feet, and a pressure surged around it instantly.


Lin Mo heard the sound of someone kneeling down. They lowered their heads and trembled as if in fear.

In the blink of an eye, only Lin Mo and Ye Qing were left standing around the entire battlefield.

In fact, Ye Qing's body was also shaking, but she was supported by Lin Mo.


A long cry sounded, and Lin Mo felt as if something was about to explode in his mind, while Ye Qing on the side already showed a painful look.

Sonic blast? !

Lin Mo reacted immediately, snorted coldly, and punched forward!

Lin Mo did not use the power of Qi and blood with this punch, but used mental power, forming a more powerful shock wave that suddenly enveloped the front!

In just a short moment, Lin Mo saw the giant bird's hair begin to dance wildly, and at the same time there was a look of fear in its eyes.

"It's easier if you know you're afraid!" Lin Mo chuckled and took a slight step.

"Luanniao will destroy him!"

On the back of the bird, a lazy female voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo felt an even more powerful force sweeping over him.

But in front of Lin Mo, such an attack was still not enough!


Lin Mo took a step forward and punched out with both fists at the same time!

Behind him, the shadow represented by the Five Beast Fist emerged, and then rushed forward suddenly!

The Luan bird chirped, fluttering its feathers and about to rush forward.

At this moment, the dragon's roar sounded, and the Luan Bird's eyes immediately showed a look of fear!

The dragon and even the lord of all beasts, even if the Luan bird is powerful, it is still controlled by the dragon!

Suppressed by Long Yin at this moment, Luanniao didn't even dare to move at all!


A cold snort sounded, and on the bird's back, a middle-aged woman's figure slowly walked out!

The woman was wearing a long white gauze skirt, and her curvy figure was constantly rising and falling with her steps.

Lin Mo looked at the woman's swaying posture, and only the word "turbulent waves" remained in his mind!

"It's really good that you have mastered such a terrifying method at such a young age. Our Princess, Your Highness, lacks a bodyguard. From now on, you will be that bodyguard!!

Why don't you hurry up and thank me! "

With a calm smile on her face, the woman spoke slowly.

"I happen to be short of a maid who can serve tea and water. I think the princess is pretty good. Why don't you let her come out and kneel down for me and start serving me?"

Lin Mo spoke slowly, but as soon as he said the words, many people gasped!

This person is really brave, he actually wants to let the princess be the maid serving tea and water!


Sure enough, as soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, the woman's voice rang out. She raised her hand and slapped Lin Mo down!

The ripples on the Luan Bird's body spread out in circles, just covering the woman's body.

"So that's it!" Looking at this scene, Lin Mo immediately understood that the reason why the woman was able to perform Qi and Blood martial arts was entirely because of the Luan Bird!


The roar of the dragon sounded again, and behind Lin Mo, the shadow of the golden dragon roared and rushed forward!

The look of horror in the Luan Bird's eyes deepened, and with a trembling cry, the Luan Bird actually knelt down in front of Lin Mo!

As the Luan Bird surrendered, the expression of the middle-aged woman who originally relied on it as support changed drastically. Half of her martial arts skills were temporarily interrupted, and her whole body fell straight down from the air!

With a plop, the beautiful woman fell to pieces in front of Lin Mo!

The princess of the Yu family also screamed. As the Luan bird knelt down, she also rolled down from the bird's back!

He fell to the ground with a thud.

Lin Mo glanced at the woman in front of him and immediately smiled.

Because the woman in front of me is the girl Yu'er who had a double relationship in the abyss!

Come to think of it, Miss Yu'er had already recognized Lin Mo's identity, so she thought of asking Luanniao to kill Lin Mo directly!

But she didn't expect that Lin Mo would be so powerful!

In fact, Lin Mo is much stronger now than before.

"Miss Yu'er, we seem to have met again!" Lin Mo squatted and said with a teasing smile: "I don't know why Miss Yu'er has to kill me?"

"Humph, now that you know it's me, you can kill or cut them into pieces as you please!" She was very decisive, without any fear at all.

Lin Mo smiled immediately when he saw her like this, but there was really no good intention in this smile!

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite!"

Lin Mo had an evil smile on his face, rubbed his hands together and touched her body!

Ye Qing on the side looked at Lin Mo speechlessly, but did not stop him!

Yu'er was already prepared to be killed. She closed her eyes and waited for death to come, but after waiting for a few seconds, she didn't feel death coming, so she couldn't help but open her eyes.

Lin Mo chuckled in his heart. This was the moment he had been waiting for. He stretched out his hand like lightning and grabbed her collar!

Seeing Lin Mo's hands, Yu'er's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and she couldn't help but scream!

"You are not from the abyss, why can't I kill you!"

"I saw the future. In the picture I saw, you destroyed several royal families in the abyss!"

"I saw my father die in your hands..."

At the end, Yu'er almost collapsed and told the truest reason!

After listening to her words, Lin Mo gradually showed a solemn look on his face.

If this woman had not lied, then in the future, Abyss might undergo earth-shaking changes because of him!

"Could it be that in the future, I can lead everyone to destroy the abyss?" Lin Mo had this thought in his mind, but he quickly shook his head.

Because he saw that in the future, the space for human life would be continuously compressed, and the abyss would slowly merge with reality.

Obviously, the picture Lin Mo saw and the picture Yu'er saw were two different results. In the former, the victorious party belonged to the abyss, while in the latter, the victorious party belonged to humans!

"Why is this happening?!" Lin Mo had deep doubts on his face.

Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly felt killing intent coming from all directions!

"He is from outside?!"

"Kill him! Everyone outside deserves death!"

Countless angry voices sounded and surrounded Lin Mo and Ye Qing!

Lin Mo's face became a little ugly.

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