"Kill him! Everyone outside deserves death!"

Countless angry voices sounded and surrounded Lin Mo and Ye Qing!

Lin Mo's face became a little ugly.

What this woman just said had exposed their identities all at once!

It was obvious that the people outside were still enemies to the people of the abyss. After hearing Princess Yu'er's words, they roared and surrounded her.


Lin Mo roared angrily. At this time, he couldn't think too much and just shot and killed!

With the tyrannical strength of the physical body, there are not many people who can compare with Lin Mo, and Lin Mo also has the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand!

The spear technique was fierce, continuously piercing the cold light, and the terrifying aura swept out in all directions!

A group of people fell down, and another group of people rushed up.

Lin Mo's body was covered with blood, but there was no trace of mercy on Lin Mo's face. He just kept waving his spear to harvest lives!

Just a few minutes later, more than a dozen corpses lay there at Lin Mo's feet, and blood flowed out, gathering into a river of blood that was extremely smelly!

"Watching one of your own die, does it make you feel the least bit uncomfortable?"

Lin Mo looked at Princess Yu'er with a chuckle, and his voice was not low: "Actually, before you tell me what you saw, the reason why you revealed my identity is because you want me to kill people?

You plotted against all of us, for what purpose? "

Lin Mo's two words made some people stop there and look at Yu'er suspiciously.

"Of course I'm doing it for the abyss!" Princess Yu'er looked around and her heart suddenly sank. She didn't expect that the originally foolproof plan to kill with a borrowed knife would be ineffective in front of Lin Mo's eyes!

"What I can guarantee is that your purpose is very simple, just to make us kill each other, and then you can reap the benefits!

I hope that at this time, the city lord can come out and seek justice! "

After Lin Mo finished speaking, a figure walked out of the city lord's mansion.

His pace was very slow, but in just a few steps, he was already standing on the battlefield!

“This competition does not limit the number of participants, and no one says you must be a person from the abyss to participate!

All Lin Mo’s participation is valid!

Now that the time is almost up, I announce the start of the game!

The specific rules are simple, that is, after consecutive battles, the person standing in the end is the winner!

Of course, you can also quit voluntarily!

Now the game begins! "

The city lord's voice fell and he left the battle stage directly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. They understood that although the city lord came out, the rules he announced were simple and messy, and the purpose was also very simple, which was to get everyone to take action together and kill Lin Mo!

"Whoever dares to attack me, I will kill him first! Whoever dares to form a gang, I will kill him!" Lin Mo's voice was cold, and at the same time, the Silver Dragon Spear was thrown out violently, making two muffled sounds in succession. With a loud noise, he directly pierced the chests of the two monks and nailed them to the ground.

Such a scene calmed many people, because Lin Mo made it very clear that those who took the lead would be killed!

A group of people hesitated for a moment, but instead of joining forces to deal with Lin Mo as the city lord had intended, they started attacking each other!

Lin Mo walked towards Princess Yu'er step by step and punched her in the back.

"This should be your clone, it looks very weak!" Lin Mo punched it again, and Princess Yu'er had a look of fear on her face.

This is indeed her clone, but if the clone dies, her own strength will also be damaged, and her lifespan will be reduced accordingly!

Therefore, the clone does not want to die unless it is absolutely necessary!

"Lin Mo, if you want anything, just say it!"

The clone Princess Yu'er finally couldn't help but speak. She looked at Lin Mo with endless reluctance on her face.

But Lin Mo's face was full of smiles. The more unhappy Princess Yu'er was, the happier he was!

"You basically gave me everything I wanted, so now please introduce to me the royal family you belong to!" Lin Mo said softly.

This time entering the abyss, Lin Mo felt that he knew too little about the abyss!

Now Princess Yu'er is right in front of her, and a good opportunity to understand the abyss is right in front of her. It would be a shame not to use it!

Princess Yu'er looked at Lin Mo. She didn't expect his question to be so simple. After a moment of silence, she said: "The royal family to which the Yu family belongs is one of the three most powerful royal families. We are mainly responsible for It’s the various attribute powers in the abyss!

Last time, you got the power of ice attribute, and because of that, I was severely punished by my father..."

Princess Yu'er spoke slowly and told part of what she knew.

"I'm done, you can let me go!" Yu'er looked at Lin Mo and said with an unhappy expression.

"Of course!" Lin Mo raised his foot and kicked Yu'er's chest, causing it to explode!

"You don't mean what you say, you're shameless!" Yu'er didn't expect Lin Mo to be so shameless and killed all her clones!

Suddenly his anger reached the extreme, and he couldn't help but curse.

"You and I have different positions. I won't kill you. Is it possible? Besides, I only said I won't kill you, but I didn't say I won't kill your clone!" Lin Mo chuckled lightly and watched the clone turn into ashes and disappear. In front of you!

At the same time, somewhere in the abyss, in a luxurious palace, Yu'er, who was kneeling there to learn flower arrangement and other techniques, trembled and spit out a mouthful of blood!

"Lin Mo! Lin Mo, you really deserve to die!" Princess Yu'er was extremely angry and waved her fist fiercely at the air!

"Be careful, if you can't break the formation and leave here in the shortest time, then you will no longer be a member of my Yu family!

At the same time, the family's guardian power will also be taken away from your father..."

When the voice sounded, Princess Yu'er's face suddenly became firm.

For her father, she must work hard.


At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded in Yu'er's body, and then Yu'er's breath continued to rise!

Seeing this scene, the flower-arranging teacher on the side was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly stood up from the chair and ran while shouting: "The princess is in trouble!

Come on, the princess is in trouble!"

Soon, a group of people rushed to Yu'er, and looked at Yu'er's state with strange expressions on their faces.

"She actually broke through! Yu'er is really a blessing in disguise!" Finally, someone came to the conclusion that it turned out that this time Yu'er was blessed by a disaster and directly broke through the original realm and reached the first-grade realm of the Martial Emperor!

Such strength is almost unmatched among people of the same age!

In addition, Miss Yu'er herself is very powerful and has many experiences of fighting against opponents of higher levels, so Yu'er's true strength makes them look forward to it to the extreme!

"I'm leaving, I'm going to the human world!"

Yu'er opened her eyes at this time, with an angry look on her face: "I want to kill him with my own hands!"

She was full of anger and murderous intent, and walked step by step to the outside of the gate. Without waiting for the people behind her to speak, she soared into the sky and disappeared in a short time!

At this moment, still on the battlefield, after Lin Mo killed the clone, he didn't know that Yu'er's body had broken through and had already gone to the outside world!


After killing a figure with the instant killing sword, Lin Mo used the sword to kill three martial artists!

At the end, Lin Mo almost mechanically waved the long knife and long sword in his hand, and more and more people died!

The blood gathered together and finally formed a strange pattern on the ground!

Looking at the strange pattern in front of him, Lin Mo's face showed a thoughtful look.

"So that's it!" Soon, Lin Mo understood something: "This is also the reason why you revealed my identity!"

Lin Mo looked at the direction where Yu'er had disappeared and spoke lightly.

If Lin Mo's own guess is correct, in order to get the so-called prize, he may need a second irrigation of blood!

In addition, there is another possibility, that is, the more blood, the better the final reward!

The long sword in Lin Mo's hand kept swinging and slashing, and more and more people fell. In the end, everyone was blood-thirsty!

Lin Mo noticed that there was no movement in the direction of the city lord, and even when Lin Mo was killing Yu'er, the city lord did not step forward to stop him!

So whose interests does the city lord represent?

Now it is obvious that the final winner is Lin Mo, but no one, including the city lord, intends to stop!


Just when Lin Mo didn't know when it would end, a wave of fluctuations suddenly came from the entire battle stage!

Then I saw the lines on the ground began to glow, and a familiar scene began to appear!

A bloody figure appeared in front of Lin Mo, that was the appearance of the Blood Saint!

"Kill! The saint appeared, and more blood is needed!" Seeing this scene, some people screamed directly, they roared and rushed towards each other, and then let the blood splash out in the shortest time!

At this time, Lin Mo quietly stepped back half a step and watched the killing in front of him quietly!

More and more blood, in the end, Lin Mo saw that the body of the Blood Saint was more solid!

At this time, there were only a few people left on the entire battle stage!

"Kill him!" Someone in the crowd shouted, and then the rest of the people all rushed towards Lin Mo!


Lin Mo just uttered this word, and then rushed out directly!

The knife flashed, and the sound of the sword rang out!

The last few people fell to the ground, and Lin Mo watched their blood flow and joined the body of the Blood Saint.

Suddenly, a powerful force pulled Lin Mo to fly to the heart of the Blood Saint!


The next moment, Lin Mo disappeared!

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