At this moment, Lin Mo was wrapped in red blood power, and the whole person shot straight at the body of the Blood Saint like a cannonball!

"You are courting death!"

The city lord glanced at Lin Mo's action, and a cold mockery appeared on his face.

He Yu and Dugu Tie also had worried expressions on their faces.

They understood Lin Mo's actions, but they didn't think he could succeed.

The Blood Saint was too powerful. In all the records, the Blood Saint was almost the top combat power.

Although he was killed for an inexplicable reason, until now, the Blood Saint still has the possibility of revival.

"Let's deal with you two first!" The city lord showed a relaxed look on his face. Lin Mo's actions were tantamount to throwing himself into a trap, so he could now concentrate on dealing with the two people in front of him!

"Brother Dugu, you must not hold back this time, otherwise you will die!" He Yu looked at Dugu Tie and said loudly, and then the blood power in his body suddenly soared a few points!

"You really have hidden your strength!" Dugu Tie glanced at He Yu, with a shocked look on his face.

Because at this moment, the strength He Yu showed even surpassed him!

"It's really impossible to survive in this city without sufficient strength!" He Yu shook his head and spoke slowly.


His figure flashed and he rushed out directly.

"Blood Palm!"

With a cold shout, He Yu performed a martial art, and a huge palm appeared behind him.

With a roar, the hand slapped down directly!

"Haha, you are not good enough!" The city lord sneered: "There are a few good strong men in the Blood Alliance, but you are obviously far behind!"

A sword light flashed, and a blood-colored long sword appeared in the city lord's hand. After slashing fiercely, the blood-colored palm shattered directly!

At the same time, the sword light did not decrease, and it slashed towards He Yu like an immortal divine light!


The sound of the aftermath resounded, and He Yu's body flashed wildly, trying to dodge such a blow, but in the end he found that he couldn't dodge it at all!

He condensed a blood shield with blood-colored breath to block in front of him.

After the bang, the blood shield disappeared, and He Yu was blown away directly!


A cold shout sounded, and the sword light flashed again, slashing towards He Yu's body!

Chi Chi Chi!

Blood continued to spurt out, and He Yu had no chance to dodge in the air, and could only withstand such an attack!

With a bang, He Yu's body fell heavily to the ground, with a weak breath!

Dugu Tie's expression was gloomy, and the city lord was much more powerful than he expected.

"Zhu Xie Sword Formation!"

A cold shout sounded, and Dugu Tie actually took out a sword box from his body. After opening it, a full nine swords were suspended behind him!

As the sword light flashed, the power of blood and qi connected them all like silk threads.

Nine swords were suspended in the air, and their positions were constantly changing under the control of Dugu Tie's mind!

The power of Qi and blood became even more terrifying, and at the same time, the swords began to tremble!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The sword lights intertwined, covering the city lord in it!

"The Dugu family's sword array is indeed interesting, but what I want to say is that this little power is not enough!"

The city lord's voice sounded coldly, and then the red sword light bloomed, shining out like the morning glow.

The halo intertwined by the sword array was directly cut open, and at the same time the sword light was bright, stirring like a tornado!

Such a scene can be said to be extremely spectacular. It must be said that the city lord is very strong. He challenged two strong men alone and was not at all inferior. It can even be said that he completely suppressed both of them!

"I said, you are not good enough. If the ancestor of your Dugu family used the sword array, I might still be a little afraid, but you..."

The city lord spoke lightly with a look of contempt on his face.

His tone was extremely calm, but it was this tone that made people feel extremely uncomfortable!

The city lord separated a ray of mental power to control the blood-colored sword, and at the same time he turned around and looked at Lin Mo in the air.

A quarter of an hour had passed, and according to estimates, Lin Mo should have been almost fused now!

But when he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned!

In mid-air, Lin Mo's body was actually hanging in the heart of the blood-colored figure. His whole body was glowing. It was a golden light that made him look like a god!

The most important thing was that there seemed to be an inexplicable power surging in Lin Mo's body!

"What's going on?" The city lord showed some worry on his face.

The next moment, he rushed directly towards Dugu Tie!

The sword formation was still working, so he had no way to get out now!

It was obvious that something was wrong with Lin Mo, so in order to prevent accidents, he had to intervene in Lin Mo's situation as soon as possible!


The city lord uttered the word "kill", and in an instant, his aura surged again!


Another word came out of his mouth, and then it can be seen that blood began to gather again on the corpses in the city.

Endless blood gathered and finally formed a blood-colored long sword!

He raised his hand and the blood-colored long sword sank directly into his forehead!

The next moment, a ray of light lit up between the eyebrows, and then an even stronger killing intent gathered!

"So strong!" Dugu Tie was extremely shocked. At this moment, the power of the city lord was completely superior to them!


With the word "annihilation" coming from the city lord's mouth, the next moment, the sword array exploded to pieces!

The terrifying power that is difficult to describe in words began to spread, and after just a few seconds, Dugu Tie was slammed to the ground!


There was a crisp sound from Dugu Tie's body, followed by a mouthful of blood spitting out!

After doing all this, the city lord didn't care whether Dugu Tie was dead or not, but turned to look at Lin Mo.

He walked towards the air step by step, and at the same time, the look on his face became more and more solemn!

Because within that figure, Lin Mo's body not only did not dissipate, but actually seemed to be stronger!

"You actually want to use the blood power you originally absorbed to deceive this body and control it!?" A mocking look appeared on the city lord's face: "If I weren't here, you might be able to succeed, but with me, You can't succeed!"

"It doesn't matter what you say!"

Lin Mo's voice sounded in the bloody body.

He stood up directly and looked at the city lord: "At least now, I can mobilize part of the power of the bloody saint. Do you want to give it a try?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo's palm reached out!


The body of the bloody saint actually started to move slowly!

The palm of the bloody body suddenly slapped the city lord, causing his body to tremble slowly!

But the consequence of such a blow was just a tremor in the body.

Apparently Lin Mo didn't have enough control over the body of the bloody saint!

But even such an action was enough to put a look of fear on the city lord's face.

Because Lin Mo can actually control the body of the bloody saint!

"I am a divine thought left here by the Bloody Saint. I have evolved for so long. How can I be inferior to you, a person who just entered here?"

The city lord had a cold look on his face, and he actually flew towards the bloody body!

Lin Mo snorted coldly, trying to control the bloody body to resist the city lord.

But the bloody thread suddenly flew out from the city lord's body, directly covering the city lord as if it was alive!

And as the threads increased, Lin Mo felt that the bloody saint's body began to change!

It was the joy of encountering the same kind of scent!

Silk threads began to connect the bodies of the city lord and the bloody saint, and then something like two palms grew out of the bloody saint's body!

They stretched out slowly, as if they wanted to hug the city lord!

The city lord showed an excited smile on his face, opened his hands exaggeratedly, and headed towards the bloody saint!

"Cut it off!"

At this moment, a cold shout sounded, and He Yu unexpectedly woke up!

At this moment, he shouted coldly and punched out!

The red fist looked like it was made of condensed blood. In just a short moment, it had come within the range of those threads!

The city lord was completely immersed in the joy of the impending fusion, so after seeing this scene, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face.

"Aren't you dead?" the city lord said sternly, and at the same time, he frantically mobilized the red threads around him, asking them to temporarily leave the bloody saint, and instead wrap themselves up more tightly!

"I've told you, you can't survive here without some means!" He Yu had a smile on his face. In fact, his face was extremely ugly. The attack just now had already caused him to lose a lot of vitality.

Now I am gritting my teeth and holding on.


This punch finally hit the bloody thread!

The bloody fist intention actually began to corrode those bloody threads!

"Damn it, you actually used your own vitality to consume my bloody thread. Are you crazy!" A scream came from the bloody cocoon made by the city lord.

It can be seen that the bloody cocoon actually has some traces of corrosion.

"Hey, hey, I'm going to die anyway. It makes me happy to hold you before my death!" He Yu's voice sounded.

"You are forcing me!" the city lord's voice sounded: "Killing you now will only cause me to lose a certain chance of success, but for me, even if I lose a little bit of the success rate of fusion, the one who succeeds in the end will still be the one who succeeds. I!"

The city lord's voice was filled with rage and resentment!

The next moment, hundreds of bloody threads condensed into a bloody sword in an instant, piercing He Yu's heart!

"Hey, even if you lose a little bit of success rate, it's still a loss!" With a smile on his face, He Yu actually grabbed the bloody sword and threw himself at the bloody cocoon formed by the city lord!

"Damn it! What do you want to do!" The city lord's horrified voice sounded.

The next moment, a muffled sound came, and He Yu's body exploded the moment he got close to the city lord's cocoon!

The blood splashed on the cocoon, and white smoke instantly rose!

More terrifying erosion has begun!

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