Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 266 Successful baptism!

"Ah! Damn He Yu, I'm going to find your real body and cut you into pieces!"

The scream came from the city lord's mouth.

He Yu's body turned out to be just a clone. Just when he pierced He Yu's heart, the city lord understood all this!

Lin Mo, who saw all this, showed a thoughtful look on his face.

A clone actually has such a powerful force, so how terrifying will He Yu's main body be?

"Such an existence actually stood with me, so..." Lin Mo's face showed a faint smile.

The gains from this trip to the abyss are really too great. If he can go back alive, he may be able to open a new chapter in the connection between the outside world and the abyss!

Thinking of this, Lin Mo looked at the city lord, his face became extremely solemn!

At this moment, the city lord was almost crazy. The blood-colored silk threads on his body were constantly decreasing, and the steaming white smoke was constantly burning the silk threads like flames.

"Does the amount of silk threads represent the success rate?" Lin Mo fell into contemplation.

At this time, the city lord showed a crazy look on his face. He knew that he couldn't drag it on any longer!

The number of blood-colored threads was decreasing. If he continued to drag it on, his threads might all disappear!

He opened his arms again and rushed towards the body of the blood-colored saint!

"Fusion! Fusion! Fusion!"

The city lord's eyes were blood red, and he kept shouting.

But just as he was about to get close to the blood-colored body, an unexpected scene happened!

The blood-colored saint actually moved one meter to the side!

It was just this one meter away, but the city lord missed it!

His figure stopped in the air, with an angry look on his face, looking at Lin Mo in the body!

"You deserve to die!" The city lord knew very well that all this was controlled by Lin Mo!

At the most critical moment, he controlled his body to move a little bit to the side!

"I will torture you to death bit by bit!" The city lord roared, with an angry and resentful look on his face!

Even with such a short delay, Lin Mo could clearly see that the number of threads on his body had been reduced!

The city lord's face was gloomy, and the blood in his eyes seemed to be flowing out!

The delay was too long. If it continued like this, the success rate would be further reduced!

Without any hesitation, he roared and rushed towards the Blood Saint again!


Lin Mo spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, the Blood Saint's body moved a little again!

Compared with the previous time, although it was only a little distance, he still pounced into nothingness!

"I want to see how long you can stop me!"

The city lord's eyes were red, and he roared and rushed over again!

However, Lin Mo gritted his teeth again and made the Blood Saint's body move!

The city lord was so angry that he was about to spit out blood. Moving the body consumes much more energy than controlling the Blood Saint's palm!

But Lin Mo gritted his teeth and moved again and again!

In the end, Lin Mo was almost unable to spit out blood.

"Keep moving!" The city lord panted, his eyes full of resentment.

"No need, I don't think you can succeed now!" Lin Mo chuckled and said.

The next moment, the city lord pounced again!

The few remaining threads were wrapped around the body of the bloody saint, and then began to intertwine in the saint's body.

Those threads formed blood vessels and nerves. Lin Mo stood inside the saint's body and could clearly see the progress of the whole process!


A roar sounded, and the city lord's body became blurred.

Then he flew into the bloody saint's eyebrows!

Obviously, as a ray of divine thought, the city lord's fusion is indeed much faster!

The most important thing is that as the city lord merges, Lin Mo feels that he is being rejected!

"Get out!" The city lord's voice sounded, as if it sounded in Lin Mo's mind!

Feeling this huge thought, Lin Mo's face showed a resolute look. There was nothing to say, so he could only fight!


At this time, Lin Mo actually directly output all his mental power!

At the center of the eyebrows, the vertical eye emerged, and the vast mental power filled the whole body in an instant!

Lin Mo's face was filled with pain. This was the first time he tried to release all his mental power without any control!

The mental power began to wash through the body of the Blood Saint like a tide, sweeping everything!

Lin Mo saw that those nerves that had been changed were dissipating at a very fast speed!

At the cost of consuming his own mental power, Lin Mo could actually consume those bloody threads!

"And you, is it fun to hide at the center of the eyebrows? Come out for me!" Lin Mo's voice sounded, and then the mental power invaded the center of the eyebrows!

The body of the city lord emerged again, and he looked at Lin Mo with a gloomy look.

His current state was not as strong as Lin Mo's mental power!

"Resurrect the consciousness!" The city lord roared, and then the light at the center of the eyebrows became blazing!

Lin Mo could feel another consciousness slowly reviving. After a little contemplation, Lin Mo understood!

Inside the body of the Bloody Saint was actually the body of the Bloody Saint, which had been quietly dormant, waiting to be awakened.

And the city lord's consciousness is the key to awakening it, but the city lord has his own ideas in his growth over the years!

He does not want to awaken the consciousness, but to merge his consciousness into the body of the Blood Saint, so as to control the whole body!

In this way, he is still the city lord, but his strength has become the strength of the Blood Saint!

But now facing the threat of Lin Mo, he had to directly awaken the consciousness dormant in the Blood Saint's original body!

Because if he does not awaken, his consciousness is likely to be wiped out by Lin Mo. At that time, not only will the Blood Saint not be able to revive, but even he himself will die!

In this case, he must be more inclined to revive the bloody body!

Accompanied by a roar, Lin Mo felt the revival of that consciousness!

Without waiting for Lin Mo to withdraw his mental power, the revived spiritual power has swept over and swallowed Lin Mo's mental power instantly!

That is not dispersing, but directly swallowing. Lin Mo's mental power has become the nourishment of the consciousness!

"I said, even if I die, you can't get the body of the Blood Saint!" The city lord's gloomy voice sounded.

"You actually want to betray me!" Another voice sounded, followed by the city lord's scream.

"If you betray me, you deserve to die!" The Blood Saint's consciousness spoke loudly.

"If it is possible, who would want to be a puppet? After you revive, I will dissipate!" The city lord's voice was full of unwillingness.

But it was soon swallowed up!

At this moment, Lin Mo felt the powerful force of that consciousness. Although he had been dealing with the city lord's consciousness, Lin Mo found that he couldn't move at all!

"A bug actually wants to get into my body!"

After the saint's consciousness swallowed the city lord's consciousness, he focused all his attention on Lin Mo.

"You have used my remaining blood to strengthen your body to such an extent, so you have become greedy in your heart and want to replace me, right?"

The Blood Saint's consciousness sounded: "But in the end, it is you who will perish!"

As such a voice sounded, Lin Mo felt that his mind was invaded by consciousness!

Lin Mo, who was originally extremely worried, felt the consciousness invading his mind, and his heart was relieved!

In fact, if he could not move at all now, he might have laughed up to the sky!

Countless experiences told him that anyone who wanted to control him through the power of consciousness was just a fantasy!

Because Lin Mo was very sure that his consciousness could not be defeated!

Just as Lin Mo knew, with the invasion of consciousness, Lin Mo first felt a pain in his brain that was almost torn apart.

Then a prompt sounded.

"Invasion of consciousness detected...

It has been wiped out!"

This short sentence represents the disappearance of the Blood Saint's consciousness!

With the disappearance of the Blood Saint's consciousness, the feeling of spiritual fulfillment that Lin Mo felt at the beginning reappeared!

The Blood Saint's consciousness became the nourishment of Lin Mo's spiritual power.

Moreover, a blood-colored ball of light was hanging there. There was no doubt that it was the memory of the Blood Saint!

This surprised Lin Mo very much. The memory of a Blood Saint was undoubtedly very precious.

Lin Mo thought of the scenes in those pictures. He was very interested in that period of history. The memory of the Blood Saint should be able to satisfy his curiosity.

However, the most important thing at the moment was to receive all the legacy of the Blood Saint!

Lin Mo woke up from the dream state, and his spiritual power swept out again!

This time he successfully filled his entire body, and at the same time began to continuously refine the power of those blood and qi!

It must be said that the blood and qi in the body is much stronger than the power of the residual blood of the saint!

After the residual blood power entered Lin Mo's body, it began to continuously wash his body!

Lin Mo's body had already reached a very terrifying level, but under such a wash, it actually reached the second-grade emperor's body!

"It seems that there is no limit to the progress of the physical body. If it can be improved, it can be improved at will. It will only benefit me and not harm me!

But... the improvement of Qi and blood power must be well controlled!"

Lin Mo's face showed a solemn look, because his Qi and blood power also improved, and he was even about to reach the peak of the ninth-grade martial saint realm!

But in the end, Lin Mo still suppressed the realm tightly, because it improved too much at once, and Lin Mo was worried that the foundation was unstable!

Lin Mo landed from the air and looked around. In the whole city, except Ye Qing, there seemed to be no living people!

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