Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 267: Transformation of Mental Power

After merging with the body of the Blood Saint, the city's imprisonment on him completely disappeared.

In fact, Lin Mo could feel that his blood and spirit power were constantly growing. After the two powers were completely merged, they should have been improved together.

But now, the blood and spirit power was slightly lagging behind, and the spirit power was like riding an airplane, rising wildly.

Lin Mo once again suppressed the increase of his spirit power and stored them in his body again.

"Ye Qing."

His mind moved slightly, and his spirit power instantly swept the entire city.

Ye Qing's location appeared in front of him, and then his body moved and appeared in front of Ye Qing.

"Qing'er." Lin Mo stepped forward and held her hand.

The cold hand was heated up a lot by Lin Mo's body, and Ye Qing's face began to have some vitality.

Her body was covered with blood. Obviously, the previous battle had a great impact on her. Looking at the scene of blood and flesh flying, she was terrified.

"Is everyone dead?" Ye Qing said.

"Dead, or not dead." Lin Mo closed his eyes, felt it for a while, and spoke slowly.

"Not dead?" Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo: "Can they come back to life?"

Lin Mo looked around, he still remembered the scenes when he first came here.

The people here seemed different from all the people in the abyss he had seen before.

Dugu Tie and him should have been in opposition, but they worked together to kill the city lord.

He Yu helped Lin Mo a lot from the beginning. He certainly had some benefits, but now his clone was actually dead here.

"Different positions. I shouldn't sue you again." After a long time, Lin Mo said with a firm look in his eyes, "I can't revive you, but I won't absorb the remaining power anymore.

Go back to where you came from."

Lin Mo glanced at the blood-colored body in the sky that was about to dim, and closed his eyes.

There was no need for Lin Mo to continue absorbing those powers. This incomplete body would gradually disperse within a month.

But at this moment, under his control, the speed of the body's dissipation increased a lot.


Lin Mo roared, and the sound wave rushed towards the body like a tide.

The body of the Blood Saint shook, as if struggling, and finally turned into thousands of silk threads and sank into those corpses.

Ye Qing stared at the mutilated corpses with some expectation on her face.

But after a long time, nothing happened. Under the blood-colored silk threads, those bodies trembled slightly, but there was no other reaction.

And the trembling corpses also calmed down quickly.

"Failed?" Ye Qing said softly.

"There was no expectation from the beginning, so how can we say success or failure?" Lin Mo chuckled and spoke lightly.

The remains of the Blood Saint were destined to dissipate. Lin Mo just accelerated the process. All the energy returned to where it came from.

There is no doubt that these energies were plundered from the people in the city, but they are all dead now, so even if all the energies are returned, it is still useless.

The dead cannot be resurrected.

"It's almost time, it's time for us to leave." Calculating the time, the people from the Ministry of War should have arrived.

Before they master the way to enter here, Lin Mo must leave.

Just as the two turned around and prepared to leave, Lin Mo's heart suddenly moved.

He turned and looked at the remains, his expression was somewhat moved.

At this moment, a light red light began to emerge from the incomplete corpses, and they hung above the corpses, slowly condensing into a human shape.

Such a change happened in an instant, like an accelerated version of the bloody saint formed earlier.

Lin Mo and Ye Qing turned around and looked at this scene, with a look of shock in their eyes.

Almost in an instant, Lin Mo made the most correct response.

The mental power spread wildly around with Lin Mo as the center.

On each figure, there were traces of Lin Mo's mental power.

These spiritual powers are extremely alert. As long as they feel a little bit of movement, they will directly launch the most terrifying attack and kill those bloody figures that are about to form!

But after feeling it for a moment, those bloody phantoms did not change at all. They just stood there blankly and looked around.

As time passed, their figures slowly became solid.

"Let's go out later!" Lin Mo's heart moved, and he sat cross-legged on the ground directly, feeling all the changes in front of him with his spiritual power.

Those bloody phantoms stood there, and as their figures solidified, some spirits began to appear in their eyes.

There is no doubt that these phantoms cannot become real people, but they just stood there and soon showed a certain wisdom.

Even, Lin Mo noticed that the incomplete corpses on the ground were dissipating, they emitted light, and slowly disappeared like ice and snow melting!

"It didn't disappear, but merged with those phantoms!" After a long time, Lin Mo's face showed a moving look.

After the corpse dissipated, it turned out to be something similar to nourishment, strengthening the group of light and shadow.

Lin Mo sat cross-legged quietly, watching the scene in front of him.

His mental power has become so powerful that it is terrifying, but at this time, he has a feeling that he is still far from practicing mental power.

"These are the bodies condensed by the power of spiritual consciousness. Although they have no physical body, it won't take long for them to become like real people!

It can even be said that they are born from their original flesh and blood bodies and become the current bodies between reality and illusion!"

"In this state, do they have life?"

With a thought, Lin Mo stood up and came directly to one of the figures.

It was the phantom of Dugu Tie. What shocked Lin Mo was that this figure was carrying a sword box on his back, looking like an ancient knight.

Seeing Lin Mo approaching, Dugu Tie's phantom trembled, and more emotions were revealed in his eyes.

He stared at Lin Mo intently, and the sword box behind him began to tremble!

"Can you actually do this?" Lin Mo was a little shocked.

If these phantoms formed by the power of spiritual consciousness can fight, then Lin Mo thinks that they may really be called another form of life.

In fact, Lin Mo even thinks that these phantoms can be called life now!

Because under the cover of spiritual power, Lin Mo observed some characteristics of life from them!

Lin Mo noticed that these phantoms were actually wandering in the ruins. They seemed to have forgotten everything that happened before. When they found their partners in their previous lives, they would jump up happily.

Then, these phantoms actually began to get busy.

They walked into the house where they lived before and lived as usual.

Lin Mo's eyes were deep, and he stood quietly with Ye Qing, watching the phantoms busy there.

"Perhaps, the clones of spiritual power still have the possibility of improvement..." Lin Mo's face was full of emotion, and he spoke slowly.

The spiritual power moved slightly, and a figure separated from Lin Mo's body. Such a scene was like the shadow clone in the anime, and the change was completed in an instant.

"Go!" Lin Mo raised his hand, and the figure rushed out directly.

The body transformed by the spiritual power moved and jumped there, and it was impossible to tell that it was a phantom condensed by the spiritual power.

"Let's go!" Lin Mo smiled and turned around with Ye Qing and walked outside.

The spiritual power also slowly disappeared the moment Lin Mo left!

Crossing the connection point between the abyss and the outside, Lin Mo and Ye Qing walked out directly.

They were still in the middle of the river, and the river water flooded over their bodies and wet their clothes.

"I'm back, it's just like a dream!" Ye Qing looked around and spoke with emotion.

Lin Mo also nodded, then grabbed Ye Qing's hand with one hand, performed martial arts, and jumped directly onto the shore.

Looking at the time, they stayed in the abyss for a full ten days. According to the original plan, the Ministry of War should have arrived here three days ago.

"What are you going to do next?" Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo.

"Let's see what they are planning!" Lin Mo raised his hand and pointed to the hotel not far away.

When Lin Mo left the water, he already felt someone in the dark spying on him.

Now after careful investigation, their location has been determined.

In the hotel where Lin Mo and Ye Qing originally stayed, there were at least 30 people guarding there.

Lin Mo felt that the leader had the strength of the peak of the first-grade martial emperor!

"This battle doesn't look like a handover!" Lin Mo sighed and walked towards the hotel with Ye Qing.

"Lin Mo, you are finally back. I thought you were going to the abyss!" A cold voice sounded, and Lin Mo looked up. It was a man in a military uniform, with a gloomy look in his eyes, staring at him.

Lin Mo felt fear and provocation in his eyes, and even some people had a gloating smile on their faces.

"I want to call Ouyang Xiu!" Lin Mo looked at the man in the crowd and said softly.

These people are from the Ministry of War. Lin Mo needs to find out whether they have any relationship with Ouyang Xiu.

"Call? What do you think this place is? Explain your problem first!" The man who spoke earlier spoke again.

His strength is not weak. He has already stepped half a foot into the realm of the first-grade martial emperor. Among all people, he can be ranked in the top three.

Lin Mo looked at him and smiled slightly: "So, you are the one they chose to die?"

As soon as the voice fell, the man's face suddenly sank.

"Looking for death!" He snorted coldly and rushed directly towards Lin Mo.

But Lin Mo's speed was faster than him, and he could not see Lin Mo using the power of blood and qi. He just relied on the power of his physical body to directly bombard the man!


Blood splattered, and in just a moment of collision, the man was completely destroyed by Lin Mo's tyrannical physical strength!

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