Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 268: Totally overwhelming strength!

"I am very disappointed in the Ministry of War."

Lin Mo spoke softly. At this time, the power of Qi and blood began to vibrate slightly in his body.

The blood that spattered from the man's body was repelled by the power of blood and moved far away from Lin Mo's range.

He was still wearing a blue shirt, with a disappointed expression on his face, and he was shaking his head slowly.

A group of people looked either shocked or angry, all looking at Lin Mo.

"Disappointed?" The man standing in the second place snorted: "According to the rules, if you find the entrance to the abyss, you need to report it in time. We have given you seven days to explore the abyss on your own.

But you stayed there for ten days!

You have betrayed the trust placed in you by the Ministry of War. It should be us who are disappointed in you! "

"You have misunderstood me!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "The reason why I am disappointed is not because the Ministry of War does not trust me, but because... the Ministry of War actually sent you weaklings to cause trouble for me!

I really want to know if this is your intention or the Ministry of War’s intention!

To tell you the truth, I can keep all of you here as long as I want! "

Lin Mo's eyes swept across everyone present. He still didn't have any energy flowing through his body, but the powerful power displayed by his body was enough to scare many people!

"Lin Mo, let's get to know each other first. My name is Kang Leng, and I am a second-grade Martial Emperor." The man who had been silent until now suddenly spoke, slowly stepped forward and stood in front of Lin Mo: "According to records, when you entered the abyss , the strength should be at the level of seventh-grade Martial Saint.

You stayed in the abyss for ten days. After you came out, your strength became the peak of the Martial Saint, and you were only one step away from the Martial Emperor!

I wonder what happened in the abyss?

Your strength has improved so much. Is it all the result of Abyss? "

When Kang Leng finished speaking, everyone held their breath and looked at Lin Mo.

This sentence reminded them that in just ten days, Lin Mo's energy and blood power increased by at least 20,000 points!

This kind of speed is almost as fast as riding a rocket!

"Finally, someone with an online IQ has arrived!" Lin Mo smiled and nodded: "You are right, my improvement in strength is entirely the result of opportunities within the abyss!

But I regret to tell you that this opportunity has been taken away by me. Even if you enter the abyss, you are destined to gain nothing! "

Most of the residual blood saint's energy was absorbed by Lin Mo, and the remaining energy was returned to the abyss creatures.

Even if these people enter it, don't expect to get any benefits.

Of course, because of the appearance of the residual blood saint, and the death of two strong men from the royal Yu family there, even Princess Yu'er's clone died there.

All these changes will inevitably attract the attention of Abyss.

Lin Mo even suspected that it wouldn't be long before the royal family and even the royal family in the abyss would send people to the city to investigate.

When the time comes, outsiders like the Ministry of War who approach the city will surely suffer.

"In the abyss, if you take what you should take, there is no problem if you take it, but if you take what you shouldn't take, you will definitely face punishment from the Ministry of War!

In ten days, the qi and blood value increased by 20,000 points. On average, the qi and blood value increased by about 2,000 points every day.

The points gained in three days should be 6,000 points.

I have the final say here, you just have to pay the corresponding points for the Qi and Blood Pill!

Considering that there will be a certain loss in absorbing Qi and Blood Pills, I calculated this ratio as 90%.

Then you need to pay the Ministry of War sixty-six high-level Qi and Blood Pills. "

Kang Leng slowly read out the data and gave an answer that sounded reasonable.

"What if I don't pay compensation?" Lin Mo sneered: "Or do you think you people are enough for me to kill?"

"I really want to test your strength." Kang Leng smiled softly. He was stronger than Lin Mo, so when faced with Lin Mo's provocation, he felt angry and always wanted to find an opportunity to take action.

"Then give it a try!"

After the words fell, Lin Mo chose to take the initiative.

There was a flash of sword light, and Lin Mo drew out the long sword he was carrying and slashed it out without hesitation!

Destroy life with one knife!

Lin Mo's sword skills were deadly as soon as he started, and the terrifying aura of death filled the air. This blow was not aimed at Kang Leng, but at everyone!

At the moment when Lin Mo swung the knife, everyone felt their scalps go numb!

The shadow of death directly enveloped them all!

"Lin Mo, damn, what are you doing?!"

Kang Leng's expression changed drastically. At the same time, he took action, and the energy and blood all over his body gathered. He urged the energy and blood to gather in front of him, forming a bloody shield.

The shield was huge, covering everyone inside.


At this moment, the sword light slashed down!

On the shield, dense cracks began to spread, and several of them were still expanding!

The cracks were expanding faster and faster, and the knife in Lin Mo's hand was glowing. The power of Qi and blood was gathering like a tide. The light of the knife was getting brighter and brighter, which meant that the power was becoming more and more terrifying!


In everyone's gaze, a gap appeared on the shield, and the sword light escaped along the gap.

One of them was struck by the light of the sword and a piece of flesh was cut off directly.

He screamed and fell to the ground, covering his wound, but blood was still flowing from the wound, looking extremely terrifying!


Another cracking sound was heard, and a larger gap appeared.

"Lin Mo! Are you looking for death!" The second strongest man beside Kang Leng said coldly: "Captain, I will provide the power of the blood shield, and you will kill Lin Mo!"

As soon as the voice fell, he had already transferred the power of blood and qi to the blood shield.

"Lin Mo, you forced me to do it!" Kang Leng shouted coldly.

A phantom appeared from behind him. It was a body at least ten feet tall, and it looked about the same as Kang Leng.

But the momentum was much stronger at once!

"The captain used the blood and qi phantom right at the beginning. This is to completely kill Lin Mo!"

"Shouldn't it be killed?"

"Kill him!"

The man who was chopped by Lin Mo screamed even more fiercely.

Blood and qi phantom?

Lin Mo looked at the figure in front of him, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

Kang Leng's strength was much stronger than his, and the strength he showed at this moment was indeed extraordinary.

"Just right for a fight!" The next moment, Lin Mo laughed.


The long sword in his hand disappeared, and a layer of terrifying blood and qi covered his body.


He swung his fist, just like in the abyss, using only the strength of his body to activate the Five Beast Fist.

Without the blessing of blood and qi, the Five Beast Fist returned to its essence, showing the most primitive power of the five beasts!

The majesty of the dragon!

The domineering power of the tiger!

The elegance of the crane...

Five completely different auras diffused from Lin Mo's fist in a short moment.


The blood-colored shadow also responded at the fastest speed.

The hand waved slowly, and he used his hand as a knife to meet Lin Mo's fist!

The sound of booming continued, and the collision between the hand knife and the fist caused the whole hotel to shake!

Ghost Shadow!

Lin Mo's figure suddenly became erratic, and he used the pure power of his body to perform another martial art.

The essence of Ghost Shadow is to develop one's own flexibility to the extreme, and then perform it with the power of blood and qi.

But now, Lin Mo does not use the power of blood and qi, but only uses the power of his body to perform.

Although the speed is much slower, under the terrifying power of his body, Lin Mo's actual ability is much higher than before!

In this process, Lin Mo even began to form a protective force on his body!

"What a strong power!" Lin Mo was also sighing in his heart. When he came back from the abyss, he was thinking whether he could use the power of his body to perform all the martial arts he had mastered.

Now the initial attempt is obviously a huge success!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Lin Mo's speed increased again. After his body became stronger, his muscle memory became more pure.

If he just wanted to complete a certain action, Lin Mo's muscle memory could complete it instantly.

This made Lin Mo's speed of performing the ghost shadow faster and faster!

"Eagle step!"

Lin Mo exerted force on his feet and jumped high.

Then he stepped hard on the blood-colored phantom!

Eagle step is just a very simple martial art, but at this moment, with the blessing of Lin Mo's body power, his power actually increased linearly!

It has already surpassed the Xuan-level martial arts and reached the level of the Earth-level!


With a loud bang, the blood-colored phantom put his hands together, trying to resist the kick.

But it was useless. Cracks spread downwards, and then the blood-colored phantom's hands shattered directly!

Lin Mo snorted coldly, twisted his body, and further strengthened the power of the Eagle Step!


After a muffled sound, the phantom's head exploded directly!


The Five Beast Fist was performed again. This time Lin Mo increased the power of blood and qi. The terrifying power of blood and qi and the power of the body have not yet merged, so when it hit Kang Leng, he almost felt that the two forces were almost tearing his body apart!

"Lin Mo, you deserve to die!" Kang Leng spit blood from the corner of his mouth, and felt that his internal organs were shifting. He gritted his teeth and looked up at Lin Mo, his eyes full of resentment.

"Threatening me, then I won't be polite!" Lin Mo chuckled.

Mental power bursts out!

The realm of spirit!

Kang Leng's mental power was completely inadequate in front of Lin Mo's mental power, which was close to 100,000 points. In just a moment, he was pulled into the spiritual realm by Lin Mo!


Lin Mo did not use martial arts, but only relied on mental power to intimidate Kang Leng!

This was the third attack method that Lin Mo wanted to try!

With the surge of mental power, the mental clone appeared in front of Lin Mo.

He took a step forward, and then flashed in front of Kang Leng.


In the spiritual realm, mental power is a physical entity, so the punch of the mental clone hit Kang Leng hard.


In reality, Kang Leng screamed to the sky, he covered his head, and felt that his head was about to explode!

At the same time, the nasal cavity and other seven orifices began to bleed.

The attack in the spiritual realm is aimed at mental power!

It also destroys the spiritual world!

In the spiritual realm, Lin Mo's attacks continued to fall on Kang Leng like a rainstorm.

In the real world, Kang Leng's seven orifices were constantly spurting blood, and the blood and qi in his body were slowly weakening.

In the end, Kang Leng had almost no chance of survival left!

It was not until this time that the spiritual power completely disappeared, and Lin Mo took the initiative to cancel the spiritual realm.

At the same time, he waved his hand, and the sword light in the sky completely disappeared!

People only realized at this time that when Lin Mo was fighting Kang Leng, he actually used his mental power to control the sword light!

This terrifying extreme combat power... just thinking about it makes people despair.

Lin Mo took out his mobile phone and looked at everyone present: "Now, can I call the boss?"

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