Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 270: Entrance to Longjing

"My name is Kang Ping, he is my younger brother!" The man spoke calmly, looking at Lin Mo with cold eyes: "He died in the hospital half an hour ago."

"He died!" Lin Mo nodded: "Does the Kang family have many talents? One has died, and another one popped up immediately. Do you want to die with him?"

Kang Ping raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Lin Mo to have no fear at all, but dared to provoke him.

He waved his hands around, and a group of people immediately surrounded him. With a flash of light in their hands, all of them held standard weapons, and their blood and qi formed a huge formation in an instant, surrounding Lin Mo in the middle.

Lin Mo looked at them quietly, with curiosity in his expression.

So many identical weapons, and after the blood and qi of these people were connected, they actually formed a large formation.

There is no doubt that these people in front of them should have been trained for a long time to achieve such an effect.

"Interesting. You guys are like this. I want to learn from you!" As he said this, Lin Mo took a step forward.

The silver dragon roared, and a silver spear appeared in Lin Mo's hand.

The dragon roar resounded on the spear, and the blood and qi around Lin Mo surrounded him. After gathering, it actually hovered on the tip of the spear!


Lin Mo snorted coldly and stabbed at the formation formed by the crowd!


With a loud bang, the shot seemed to pierce a mountain. The entire formation stood still, and Lin Mo even felt a wave of backlash.

A crack appeared at the tiger's mouth, and the curious look on Lin Mo's face became more intense.

The strength of these people in front of him was not very strong, but after gathering together, they used the formation to generate such a terrifying power.

"Interesting!" Lin Mo nodded slightly, and his mental power spread out at once.

The silver dragon spear in his hand disappeared, and then the whole person rushed towards the crowd.


There was also a loud noise. This time, Lin Mo took a few steps back and then rushed forward again.

"It's ridiculous. This Ten-sided Ambush Formation was perfected by us based on the ancient formation. Until now, no one has been able to crack it. Just relying on you, a small martial saint peak, you want to..." Kang Ping looked at Lin Mo with a mocking look on his face, watching him rushing around.

However, he closed his mouth halfway through his words, with a look of shock on his face.

"This... How is this possible!"

If you use your mental power to sense the existence of the formation, you can sense that cracks have appeared on the formation, and with Lin Mo's impact, these cracks have become larger and larger. In the end, these cracks are actually connected.

With an invisible explosion, the formation was broken!

After breaking the formation, Lin Mo did not attack those people, but looked at them with interest: "Do you have any more formations? Keep taking them out for me to see!"

Lin Mo's words seemed to be provoking them, which immediately made many people look angry.

They looked at each other and threw their weapons at the same time!

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that these weapons actually emitted a blazing light in the air, and then these lights suddenly intersected and formed something like a glowing screen, covering Lin Mo!

The Silver Dragon Spear appeared again, and this time Lin Mo directly tried to combine the two martial arts!

He jumped high and shot into the air like a sword, while performing spear techniques with the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand.

An extremely sharp breath emanated from Lin Mo's body. At this moment, Lin Mo seemed to have merged with the Silver Dragon Spear, and a powerful and terrifying force was released, directly breaking the light curtain!

After breaking it, Lin Mo not only did not stop, but instead changed the direction of the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand and pointed it at the ground!

Eagle Step!

Lin Mo used the gun as a foot to perform this martial art.

The original power of Eagle Step was to hurt others with the power brought by the foot, but now, the Silver Dragon Spear is extremely sharp. After a shot, endless energy surges, and the pressure brought is far greater than a foot!


On the ground, the rocks shattered, and dense cracks spread all around.

The broken rocks even shot out, directly injuring the nearest people.

"It's boring, just a few formations, the power is indeed good, but it's far from enough." Lin Mo had a disappointed look on his face, holding the tail of the spear in one hand, and then swept across!

The spear light shot out more than ten feet in an instant, blood splattered, and those who surrounded Lin Mo were all injured and fell to the ground covered in blood.

"It's your turn!" Lin Mo pointed the tip of the spear at Kang Ping, and then rushed out!


Ten minutes later, Lin Mo pulled the spear out of Kang Ping's body, and wiped the blood off his body.

Kang Ping's face was full of anger, because Lin Mo did not kill him, but did his best to humiliate him.

"Don't look at me like that. If you hadn't been so restrained, you would have to keep your unlucky brother company!" Lin Mo chuckled and said, "You'd better understand what happened in Jinling. Otherwise, you'll be used as a gun before you know it!"

Kang Ping didn't seem like an unreasonable person to Lin Mo, so he saved his life and left him this sentence.

It was an explanation, and of course a warning.

"I'll save your life this time, but there won't be a next time!"

Kang Ping looked at Lin Mo's leaving figure, his eyes flickered for a moment, and suddenly said loudly: "Do you think that by becoming one of the candidates, you can become the ultimate beneficiary of the Dragon Transformation Plan?

Let me tell you, many families have sacrificed a lot for the dragon transformation plan, and they will not give up easily!

What lies ahead is the core of the Dragon Transformation Plan. After entering Longjing, it will be too late for you to regret it! "

Lin Mo walked forward without looking back.

Looking at Lin Mo's disappearing back, Kang Ping was stunned for a long time, and suddenly chuckled: "Maybe this is the real martial arts master!

There is no fear in my heart at all. No matter what the road ahead is, I will move forward indomitably! "

Lin Mo's mental power had already confirmed the location of Longjing at the beginning, so he headed all the way to the area where Longjing was located.

According to Lin Mo's original understanding of the abyss, Longjing is considered to be a more mysterious one among all the abyss in the capital.

From ancient times to the present, legends like Suolongjing have always existed.

The name of Longjing is also because of the lock of Longjing. Legend has it that someone gained the power of dragons here.

Later, someone finally determined the location of Suolongjing based on some ancient books. After exploration, they discovered an abyss inside Suolongjing.

The name of this abyss is also called Longjing!

"The Dragon Locking Well?" Lin Mo felt the entrance approaching, and the curiosity on his face became more intense!

What he was certain of was that the soldiers he just met must have come out of the Dragon Well.

These people's talents are very powerful, and coupled with the existence of Longjing, their cultivation speed must be much faster than others.

"Is the way of formation useful to me?" Lin Mo stood in front of the entrance of Longjing with this question in his mind.

"There's something wrong. Why is there no one guarding here?" Standing in front of the entrance of Longjing, Lin Mo's face was full of doubts.

There was no one holding a hand at the entrance of Nuo University.

Lin Mo was sure that the entrance to Longjing was in front of him, but he could not enter directly because there was no one to hold it.

After the mental power dispersed again, Lin Mo had a strange look on his face.

He didn't feel the human aura, but instead felt a powerful aura here.

The most important thing is that this powerful aura seems to be near him!

Lin Mo turned around suddenly and looked around, but unfortunately found nothing.

Several times in succession, Lin Mo felt that this breath was beside him, but when he actually turned around, he found nothing.

Just when Lin Mo thought he was being suspicious, an idea suddenly entered Lin Mo's mind!

"I once read a story in a novel. Some strong people can become invisible by standing in the blind spot of others' eyes.

In fact, this ability is very simple, that is, follow that person's shadow! "

Shadow... Such thoughts suddenly appeared in Lin Mo's mind, and then he punched himself behind.

I have to say that Lin Mo's speed was too fast. In an instant, he punched a body directly.

With a roar, this figure fell directly in front of Lin Mo.


Looking at this monster that looked like a horse but not a horse, a deer but not a deer with two horns on its head, Lin Mo guessed the origin of this thing in an instant!

It turned out to be a unicorn, and it seemed that this unicorn should still be a cub.

"There is no one at the entrance to Longjing. Could it be that this unicorn cub killed him?" Lin Mo frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face. "That's not true. This unicorn doesn't look very powerful. The look..."

At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly felt a terrifying aura coming from behind him.

Turning around, I was faced with a huge dragon face!

It's a real dragon, and it looks vaguely familiar.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Mo finally figured out what kind of face it was - this face was exactly the same as the face transformed by the Silver Dragon Spear!

Dragon face!

Lin Mo was shocked in his heart. Could it be that the unicorn cub is related to the dragon?

"I never heard that Qilin and dragon are blood relatives!" Lin Mo frowned. Fortunately, this matter is not very important. What is important is that there is a Qilin standing behind him now. This Qilin is extremely powerful and can vomit casually. Lin Mo can be killed in one breath!

"Senior, your son is very cute!" Lin Mo said quickly, even reaching out and patting Qilin on the head to show that he really thought Qilin was cute.

"You are truly the most shameless human being I have ever seen!" At this moment, a voice came from the dragon's mouth.

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