Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 271 The Test of the Dragon Transformation Plan

dragon! A real dragon!

Lin Mo was shocked to the extreme, and his mood was extremely tense.

"Senior, your son is very cute!" Lin Mo said quickly, even reaching out and patting Qilin on the head to show that he really thought Qilin was cute.

"You are truly the most shameless human being I have ever seen!" At this moment, a voice came from the dragon's mouth.

In this case, he put one hand on Qilin's head and patted it gently.

The majestic voice sounded, reaching Lin Mo's ears, and seemed to ring deep in his mind!

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then realized the owner of the voice.

"Dragon, can actually talk?" Lin Mo looked at the face of Nuo Da in front of him, and this was the first thought that came to his mind.

Then he realized that the voice was not a real voice, but sounded in the depths of his mind with the power of will.

This is a spiritual sound.

Just when Lin Mo realized this, Lin Mo's hand suddenly passed through Qilin's head and fell into the air.

The unicorn and dragon were still in front of him, but when he raised his hand and waved, his fingers could pass through their bodies.

"They are all shadows." Lin Mo said softly.

"You are the fastest human being to see our true situation." Long's voice sounded again: "You are indeed shameless, but you are also indeed very powerful!"

"Senior, is that the dragon trapped in the Longjing?" Lin Mo raised his head and asked.

"It's just the remnants of that dragon. In the endless years, even the dragon cannot resist the erosion of time. The physical body dissipates, leaving only the spiritual will.

At a certain time, a vast force suddenly formed, and under the nourishment of this force, Qilin and I were formed! "

Long Ying spoke slowly, but he told the process of how he and Qilin formed: "Qilin's phantom is also a part of my spiritual will.

The two phantoms each have their own characteristics and strengths! "

Lin Mo nodded, a little surprised by Long Ying's talkativeness.

"So, senior, you are the only one guarding this place?" Lin Mo asked again.

"I once formed a contract with you humans, and I will guard this place." Long Ying said: "I already have a rough idea of ​​the content of the Dragon Transformation Plan this time. You are one of the candidates for the Dragon Transformation Plan, and you want to become The final bearer of the Dragon Transformation Plan still has a lot to go through!”

Lin Mo nodded. Although he was very interested in the content of this dragon transformation plan, he still knew very well that if he wanted to take over everything, he would have to withstand all tests.

"Go in first. This time the test of the Dragon Transformation Plan will begin soon. Including you, there are ten candidates in total."

Long Ying's voice fell, and the appearance of an ancient well suddenly appeared behind him.

The unicorn cub jumped happily and entered the ancient well directly.

Long Ying looked at Lin Mo with scrutiny in his eyes.

Lin Mo glanced at the ancient well, then stepped forward and jumped directly into the ancient well.

There was a hint of appreciation in Long Ying's eyes, but at the same time there was deep regret in his eyes.

"Let me put the final touch on everything left by the old master!" A faint voice sounded, and the dragon's shadow gradually became dim.

After passing through the ancient well, Lin Mo experienced the feeling of wandering that he only felt when passing through the gate of the abyss, and finally his feet touched the earth.

"Aside from me, there is someone so late!" A proud voice sounded, and then Lin Mo felt that he seemed to be locked by several eyes.

Lin Mo's mental power surged and enveloped the surroundings.

Soon he felt the breath of five people, standing in different directions.

The distance between these people is just enough for offense and defense, and their positions are also very particular, able to achieve both offense and defense. There is no doubt that these positions are not randomly chosen by them, but are deliberately chosen.

As for Lin Mo, he couldn't see clearly what was going on around him at the moment.

Fortunately, he had mental power to help him quickly figure out the location of the rest of the people.

When Lin Mo finally saw his surroundings clearly, his figure had already started to move.

Perhaps because he appeared too late, Lin Mo was already at the center of the five-man attack.

But as Lin Mo moved, he suddenly changed from the central position being attacked to the position controlling everyone's position!

He stood there quietly, his mental power locked on the other five people.

At this moment, the five people felt that Lin Mo alone was like a towering mountain. He could resist their attacks and at the same time bring terrifying pressure to all of them!

"This man is very strong!"

"It's extraordinary. The pressure the five of us put on him was relieved in an instant!"

"Don't underestimate it!"

After thinking about this, the remaining five people all had this idea in their minds.

Lin Mo looked at the owner of the original voice at this time.

This is a girl in her twenties, wearing a short leather jacket, looking a bit dashing. When Lin Mo looked at her, the girl showed a proud smile.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Mo looked at the remaining four people.

They are all boys, and their clothes are different, but they all exude a strong aura. This shows that they are all very powerful!

"None of them are more than twenty-five years old, but their strength has reached a level above that of the Martial Emperor. Is the whole of China so powerful?"

Lin Mo's heart was filled with shock.

These people's strengths have reached the realm above the Martial Emperor!

The young man standing in the middle has even reached the peak of the first-grade Martial Emperor!

It's not that Lin Mo hasn't met the first-grade Martial Emperor before, but those people were all over thirty years old.

Like these young men in front of him, Lin Mo was really shocked.

"Okay, there are a total of ten candidates for this Dragon Change Plan. The six of you came late, so you will take the test together. The four people who came earlier have already entered the test before you!

You all remember that the test of the Dragon Change Plan is not safe. Even I can't guarantee your safety!

The mortality rate will not be low, so it's not too late to regret now!"

Perhaps worried that everyone would not want to quit because of face, Long Ying's voice sounded again: "You all know your strength and talent. Even without the Dragon Change Plan, your future will definitely hit the peak of martial arts!

There is no need to waste your life here!"

After the voice fell, Long Ying fell into silence.

Lin Mo also looked at the five of them, wanting to see if anyone finally chose to quit.

"Haha, the road of martial arts is so difficult. How many geniuses want to reach the top in the end?

We are indeed very talented, but how many people on the entire Blue Star have strong talents?

I have heard that someone reached the realm of martial emperor before the age of 18, but that person did not even leave his name, and died in an abyss somewhere!

Must fight for martial arts!

Strive for first place, strive for opportunity!

I will not give up if there is a chance to become stronger!"

The woman's voice suddenly sounded, looking at everyone with a firm look.

Must fight for martial arts!

Lin Mo's heart resounded with this sentence, and he could not help but nodded.

"Well said, must fight for martial arts!" The strongest person suddenly laughed: "Although we are opponents here today, but based on these four words, I will make you my friend!"

When the man wanted to say something, he found that he could only open his mouth, but he had lost the ability to speak.

"Candidates for the Dragon Transformation Project are shielded from each other's information. You cannot know each other's names!" Long Ying's voice sounded again: "Since no one wants to quit, your test has officially begun...

I hope you can all survive the test!"

Long Ying's voice disappeared, and then everyone felt a vast force enveloping them.

Before they could react, they felt as if they were about to explode.

In fact, just when Lin Mo felt that he was about to explode, a loud bang suddenly sounded in his mind!

With a bang, Lin Mo felt that his body really exploded!

While he was stunned, the feeling of the body exploding disappeared, and a clear coolness surged around his body.

At the same time, the sound of birds rang in Lin Mo's ears.

The rich spiritual energy made Lin Mo feel comfortable all over. He opened his eyes slightly and saw a shocking scene.

Including him, at least hundreds of people were sitting cross-legged in a huge square, and more than a dozen figures stood in front of the square.

These dozen figures were all wearing uniform clothes, and two golden characters "Heaven" were embroidered on their chests!

"Heavenly Court?!" Lin Mo repeated these two words in his heart: "What kind of force is so arrogant that it dares to call itself this name!"

Lin Mo muttered, but did not speak at this moment, but sat quietly, waiting there.

"I am very disappointed!" Just when Lin Mo was stunned, a voice sounded, but it was a middle-aged man standing in the center of the front who spoke.

He was handsome, with a beard on his chin, and the whole person looked like an immortal.

"The world has changed drastically, and the road of martial arts has become more and more difficult. As the head of the martial arts in the world, my Heavenly Court should have a selection standard that exceeds all martial arts forces, but under such a standard, I found that all of you are unqualified!

So I am very disappointed!

You are the worst first-class disciples I have ever seen!"

The man's voice sounded, and at the same time, Lin Mo's mind also emerged with the information of this man.

"Sun Kong, the senior brother of the Heavenly Court! The strength is at the peak of the ninth rank of the martial arts emperor!"

Lin Mo looked at the man named Sun Kong in front of him, and a look of shock appeared on his face. This was actually a strong man of the ninth rank of the martial arts emperor!

Lin Mo was extremely shocked. He began to feel lucky that he did not speak rashly when he did not understand the situation at the beginning.

So is this the starting point of this test?

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