Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 276: Silver Dragon Falls

At this moment, in Lin Mo's spiritual world, four ferocious beasts were quietly entrenched there, and four terrifying auras emanated from their bodies, which instantly overwhelmed several strong men!

"This is... a mental attack. I can resist it. This guy is not strong enough and can't do anything to us. He just has a stronger mental power. Hold on!"

The leader spoke loudly, and at the same time his brow bones were glowing. This is a spiritual martial art that uses secret techniques to enhance one's spiritual power.

In just a few seconds, the man's mental power surged.


Lin Mo saw all this in his eyes and spoke softly at this moment. With a cold shout, a ray of light burst out instantly!

That was the golden dragon swooping out. While in the air, the entire dragon body changed, forming something like a golden Great Wall!

You can see it lying there, rushing in front of the man at extremely fast speeds.

The man shouted coldly: "Everything is fake!"

Then he was directly swallowed by the golden dragon!

Just when everyone thought his body would appear again, they were surprised to find that the destroyed body never appeared again!

Just disappeared completely!

Seeing this scene, the hearts of the remaining people stopped!

Actually dead? !

In the spiritual realm, not only did he destroy the physical body where the spiritual power was condensed, but he also killed people!

At this time, everyone looked at Lin Mo with fear in their eyes.

Lin Mo's face had no expression at all. He waved his hand gently, and the remaining three ferocious beasts rushed towards the remaining people!

In the spiritual realm, Lin Mo's mental power has exceeded 100,000 points. Even many strong men at the peak of the Martial Emperor are not as strong as Lin Mo's mental power. So at this moment, he can only watch the ferocious beast rushing towards him. Come over and devour yourself in one bite!

In just a few minutes, the spiritual world suddenly became empty, and all the people who rushed into the spiritual world were killed by Lin Mo!

Feeling the extra tyrannical energy in the spiritual world, Lin Mo's face showed a smile.

Just as he thought, the spiritual world can not only obliterate spiritual power, but as the proficiency increases, it can also directly swallow the obliterated spiritual power!

Lin Mo felt that the mental power stored in his body seemed to be skyrocketing crazily, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You guys are really too polite. You've come here and even lost your life!" Lin Mo said softly, looking at the silver dragon in the distance.

"Uncle Silver Dragon, let me help you!" Lin Mo roared and rushed towards Jiuxiao.

Among the clouds, the people who were fighting with the silver dragon now saw Lin Mo rushing over, and their faces suddenly showed a look of horror.

They looked towards the place where Lin Mo and others were fighting. There were still a few figures standing quietly there.

"What are you guys doing standing there!" one of them shouted at them.

The next moment, fluctuations came, and several figures dissipated like sand blown away by the wind!

"What happened, what happened to them?"

For a moment, this thought came to several people's minds.

But at this moment, they couldn't think too much about it.

With the sound of breaking wind, Lin Mo slashed down with his sword!

There is not much improvement in the instant killing sword and the one-sword annihilation, but Lin Mo's display of strength at this moment actually showed great power!

There was a shattering sound, and one of them raised his hand to resist, but when he came into contact with the sword in Lin Mo's hand, he screamed.

The weapon in his hand was shattered, and one of his arms was also shattered!

Instant killing sword!

The sword light was bright and enveloped the man.


The man's head flew straight up.

"This kid... is a bit evil!" When a group of people saw this scene, they immediately understood one thing, that is, Lin Mo cannot be regarded as an ordinary warrior.

This guy is so evil!

Silver Dragon looked at this scene with a look of shock in his eyes, but soon the look of shock turned into joy.

"Boss Sun, and Eight Girls, have you all seen that the little junior brother you have high hopes for has become stronger!"

Yinlong spoke in his heart, and two lines of tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

"Uncle Master, is it time to cry now? Come with me!" Lin Mo looked at the crying Silver Dragon and was speechless. He couldn't help but yell.

Only then did Yinlong understand the current situation. He roared and rushed towards Lin Mo!

He wants to meet up with Lin Mo and then go to the outside world together!

"Stop them!" One of them said loudly, and then rushed towards Lin Mo.

Destroy life with one knife!

At this time, the sword that had been brewing for a long time finally came out!

With a splash of blood, the middle-aged man who rushed towards Lin Mo was cut in half before he even had time to scream!

Another one died!

Seeing another person die, those who were chasing the silver dragon felt like they were going to collapse!

No matter what, this guy is so powerful that he is a bit evil!

"Call someone!" One of them said, and then he took out a firework from his body. After opening it, a blue light shot into the sky!

"Lin Mo, stop them!" Yinlong's voice sounded, but it was already too late!

The blue light exploded in the sky, like a blue sun, which could be seen clearly even from thousands of miles away!

"It's okay, if they dare to come, we will kill them!" Lin Mo said with a cold face, and at the same time, he rushed into the crowd and started killing!

"Do you think they only have these strong men?" Silver Dragon said angrily: "They still have many people. This is their last test before they invade reality!"

"In other words, they haven't invaded reality yet?" Lin Mo caught the meaning of Yinlong's words and felt relieved.

"I said this is the last test!" Yinlong said helplessly.

At the same time, his dragon tail began to sweep across. In fact, none of the previous strong men were his opponents, but after they joined forces, the silver dragon was no longer their opponent.

At this moment, with the help of Lin Mo, his pressure suddenly reduced a lot, so with a slight flick of his tail, he beat a person into a pulp!

"You're too late! They're already coming!"

The remaining few people had sneers on their faces, and it was obvious that they had no intention of escaping at this time.

The silver dragon roared and swallowed them directly.

"Boy, you have to leave quickly. As long as there is one person alive in Heaven, Heaven will not be destroyed!"

Yinlong looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

His body is already covered with scars. The stored golden dragon essence was burned earlier. Now there is no possibility of recovery from these injuries!

Therefore, at this time, he asked Lin Mo to leave first, so that he could at least retain some incense.

"I can't leave you!" Lin Mo shook his head and looked into the distance, his eyes becoming solemn.

There, three figures were coming, one of them, the aura on his body was obviously more than that of Emperor Wu!

"Is that Wu Zun?"

Lin Mo was shocked and said, above the Martial Emperor was the Martial Lord.

Wu Zun, as the name suggests, is the supreme master of martial arts!

There was actually a Martial Lord coming towards here in front of him. Lin Mo felt the aura and felt a trembling feeling.

"Boy, are you scared?" Silver Dragon's laughter sounded: "Martial Master, it is indeed scary, but... it's still not enough!

In heaven, we are the real masters! "

Along with this sound, the silver dragon suddenly swung its tail and hit Lin Mo.

Lin Mo exclaimed, and his whole body was whipped by the silver dragon and flew out.

The few people who arrived looked at this scene and didn't take it seriously.

"After we kill you, we go to find him again, it's the same thing!" The Martial Lord said with a calm expression, and there was mockery in his eyes: "I have long heard that there is a shocking formation in the old site of Heavenly Court. I want to see how powerful the so-called shocking formation is!"

As he said this, the Martial Lord actually raised his hand and smacked him here!

The hand began to enlarge when it was in the air, and in the end, it was like a mountain, overwhelmingly suppressing it!

"Uncle Master!"

Lin Mo couldn't help shouting, but Yinlong had no time to pay attention to him.

"Don't you want to know how terrifying the things left in heaven are? I will make it happen for you today!"

The silver dragon suddenly laughed, and then his whole body began to burn!


On the ground, the dilapidated temple began to tremble.

It can be seen that the walls are beginning to peel off, revealing the text hidden under the walls.

The words were originally dim, but as the body of the silver dragon burned, light continued to fall on the words.

Visible to the naked eye, brilliance began to flow above those words!

More palaces began to shake, and more and more words began to shine.

Then Lin Mo saw that those palaces were shining like stars!

Lin Mo stood in the distance, watching this scene quietly, the shock on his face was beyond words!

"Use the palace as the stars and the stars as the eyes of the formation to build a large formation. Anyone who enters the formation will be killed!"

A cold shout rang out, echoing in the sky above the entire heaven.

"Uncle Silver Dragon!" Lin Mo roared angrily, his eyes turning red.

He wanted to rush over, but the silver dragon raised its claws and tapped Lin Mo lightly!

Lin Mo's body was immediately imprisoned in place!

He watched helplessly as the silver dragon's body dissipated bit by bit, turning into light bit by bit, imprinted on the words.

"Ah!" Lin Mo roared up to the sky, it was really difficult to accept everything like this.

But everything is happening.

The body of the silver dragon becomes more ethereal, and the words become more brilliant!

Lin Mo saw that all three people, including Wu Zun, were enveloped in the formation. They first sneered, and then exclaimed.

In the end, these exclamations turned into screams and pleas for mercy!

"Today, I, the Silver Dragon, use my own martial arts foundation as fire and my thousand-year dragon soul as a chain to imprison you and destroy you!"

When the silver dragon disappeared, his voice also echoed between heaven and earth!

"Uncle Silver Dragon..." Lin Mo looked at the dissipated body of Silver Dragon, feeling endless sadness.

At this moment, a ball of light sank into Lin Mo's eyebrows.

His body trembled violently, and then he slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

In front of me is still the appearance of the entrance to Longjing.

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