"You seem to have a lot of insights!"

A faint voice sounded behind Lin Mo.

He suddenly turned around and looked at the body of the silver dragon hanging in the air, and a sad look could not help but appear in his eyes.

The scene of the silver dragon igniting everything just to save him appeared in front of him again.

"It's great to see you again!" Lin Mo suddenly spoke, and at the same time stretched out his hand and touched the huge head of the silver dragon.

Looking at the sadness hidden in Lin Mo's eyes, the silver dragon was stunned for a moment.

Then he saw the hand that Lin Mo stretched out.

"Damn human, are you going to treat me like a puppy? Can you touch the head of a dragon casually?"

The silver dragon suddenly felt unhappy and roared at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo seemed not to hear it, and stubbornly stretched out his hand to the silver dragon.

A sad look appeared in his eyes, and this sadness seemed to be infected in a very short time, and he was slightly moved.

Lin Mo's hand passed through the middle of the huge head of the silver dragon and fell to the ground.

"So you're really dead! This is just a regret of yours..." Lin Mo said softly.


The roar of the silver dragon sounded again, and Lin Mo's body trembled, and he slowly woke up from that state.

"Boy, your first test is over. Compared with others, your speed is the slowest. They have already started the second test, so you have to hurry up!" The voice of the silver dragon sounded.

Lin Mo nodded and said, "Okay! Let's start!"

Silver dragon's eyes burst out with silver light, covering Lin Mo completely.

Lin Mo's figure slowly disappeared from here again.

"What a strange boy, he actually has that kind of expression... Seeing me, very sad?" The silver dragon's eyes revealed a puzzled look: "Forget it, why bother so much, I just need to fulfill my promise and guard this piece of heavenly homeland well..."

The huge body of the silver dragon twisted and slowly disappeared.

When he disappeared, a voice also sounded: "I really miss that time... Sun Kong, Xiao Ba, Wolf God and that kid... Hiss, what's that kid's name?"


The familiar feeling came again, and Lin Mo suddenly had an idea in his daze: Is the so-called test just to enter the time and space that has become history and something will happen?

Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes, and then his face changed drastically!

Ghost Shadow!

He didn't have time to think about it, he directly used this martial art, and his whole body moved out from the original place.

Just at the moment when Lin Mo's body moved away, a shocking roar came.

It was a towering tree that was at least hundreds of years old, which fell heavily on the ground and raised dust all over the sky.

At the root of the tree stood a figure, his whole body was covered with black armor, steaming with mist, and the knife in his hand was dripping with blood.

This figure is obviously not a human, because his limbs are covered with sharp bone spurs, which looks extremely scary.

Lin Mo's eyes fell on another figure not far away.

It was a middle-aged man with a rough face and a beast horn between his eyebrows!

This is... Senior Brother Unicorn!

Lin Mo's heart moved. This turned out to be the Senior Brother Unicorn he saw in the last test!

But at this moment, his condition is very bad. There is a penetrating wound on his chest, and blood is constantly flowing down.

On the other hand, the figure in black armor is in good condition and does not look injured at all.

It seems that the blood on the knife is from Senior Brother Unicorn!

"Senior Brother!" Lin Mo couldn't help but yelled, and then rushed directly towards the armored figure.

"Senior Brother? Is this your junior brother?" The armored figure had a mocking look on his face, and slashed at Lin Mo with a knife.

It seemed that in his eyes, Lin Mo was not worth his attention at all, so he casually slashed with a knife, as if thinking that this would make Lin Mo fall directly.

"One knife to kill life!"

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, and the long knife slashed out directly!


With a bang, Lin Mo's figure retreated dozens of steps at once!

At the same time, blood began to flow from the corner of his mouth.

"So strong!" Lin Mo sighed.

"Junior brother?" The voice of the one-horned man sounded, with doubt: "Aren't you practicing in the rare beast garden? Why are you here?"

After hearing this, Lin Mo was stunned directly, because the information contained in this sentence was too shocking!

In the previous test, Lin Mo stayed in the rare beast garden until the silver dragon was chased.

And now, Lin Mo asked such a question as soon as he entered the one-horned senior brother!

Could it be that all this is true?

Even if I just participated in a certain test, I actually entered such a history?

Lin Mo's face was filled with shock. If this was true, then what kind of terrifying power did the person who set up this test possess?

"Your junior brother... your physical strength is a bit strong!" The armored figure looked at Lin Mo with a hint of surprise on his face: "At least much stronger than you..."

"Junior brother, hurry up, I'll hold him back!" The one-horned man spoke resolutely, and then rushed towards the armored figure.

The moment he made his move, the animal horn on his forehead actually began to glow.

Then, a terrifying shadow emerged behind him.

It was a rhino, with a tall body like a small mountain.


The rhino ran out wildly, and the ground was full of dense cracks. As these cracks spread, the power of blood and qi rushed up to the sky and turned into boiling magma.

"It turned out to be an ultimate martial artist, and an ultimate martial artist with fire attribute!" The man's face showed a look of surprise, looking at the unicorn brother.


The knife in his hand began to glow again.

Along with a light rebuke, the knife actually vaguely showed a woman's figure.

"This is... a heavenly weapon!" When he saw the woman's figure, Lin Mo understood that this armored figure actually had such a terrifying high-level weapon in his hand!

Silver Dragon Spear...

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and the Silver Dragon Spear appeared in his hand.

"Brother, this is for you!" Lin Mo roared and threw the Silver Dragon Spear out.

In Lin Mo's opinion, although the Silver Dragon Spear is only a first-grade Heavenly Grade weapon, it is at least a Heavenly Grade weapon and has already developed intelligence. If it is handed over to Senior Brother Unicorn, it can at least maximize its power!

"Heavenly Grade weapon?!" Senior Brother Unicorn showed a surprised look on his face: "Little Junior Brother, you actually have such a weapon!"

A wild laugh rang out from him, and then he held the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand.

"Haha, Black Armor! You are showing off your power with the Heavenly Grade Sword in your hand. Now I have a weapon of the same level in my hand. Let's see how long you can be arrogant!"

After the unicorn man finished speaking, he rushed towards the armored figure with the Silver Dragon Spear.

"Black Armor?!" Lin Mo looked at the armored figure and realized that this should be his name. The earth-shaking battle began.

Lin Mo was forced to retreat continuously by the shock waves. At this time, he realized how terrifying the battle between the two strong men was.

The two figures were just like two balls of light, constantly colliding in the air.

Senior Brother Dujiao was covered in flames. Every time he swung the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand, a blazing flame burst out from his body, as if to burn everything!

The knife in Black Armor's hand burst into brilliant light, and the knife light was at least a hundred feet long. When it passed through the sky, it seemed to cut the sky in half.

"Junior Brother, look carefully, this is the strongest martial art in my Heavenly Court, named Qian Yan!"

As the voice fell, the Silver Dragon Spear in Senior Brother Dujiao's hand actually made a dragon roar.

"Junior Brother, Qian Yan is the root of martial arts. Mastering this martial art means that you can use the root of martial arts to deduce the use of all the weapons you get!

Just like this gun..."

While fighting, Senior Brother Dujiao told Lin Mo some of the key points of Qian Yan.

Lin Mo listened quietly. Qian Yan was worthy of the name of the root of martial arts. Just the information obtained from Senior Brother Dujiao made Lin Mo feel extremely obscure.

"Boy... Qianyan is one of the nine martial arts of the Heavenly Court. You must learn it well!

Now... run!"

After Dujiao told Lin Mo all the contents of the previous performance, he transmitted this sentence again.

Lin Mo subconsciously raised his head and saw that Senior Brother Dujiao was glowing all over.

The flames turned from red to gold!

"You are using your own vitality as lamp oil again, just to let me escape from here?"

Lin Mo's eyes were red. Looking at this scene, he turned around and ran away without any hesitation.

"Junior brother, your gun!" At the moment when Lin Mo turned around and ran, a sound of breaking air sounded behind him, and the Silver Dragon Spear was thrown by Senior Brother Dujiao.

Lin Mo turned around and caught it, and his eyes flashed.

There were flashes of fire on the Silver Dragon Spear. Senior Brother Dujiao actually gave his own extreme fire attribute to the Silver Dragon Spear!


At this moment, Lin Mo heard a loud noise from the sky.

When he looked up, he saw that Brother Unicorn had saved Black Armor, and then he turned into a sun!

Black Armor's body fell directly from the air and hit the deep pit heavily.

But Brother Unicorn's body was not left at all.

Lin Mo looked at the place where Black Armor fell, his eyes flickered constantly, and finally turned around and ran away.

In the last second before Brother Unicorn disappeared, he gave Lin Mo the last message: Run! Junior brother, you can't kill him now! Run!

So even though he saw Black Armor was seriously injured, Lin Mo still chose to leave.


"Ahem... Such a vigilant boy, I thought you would turn around and kill me, but I didn't expect you to be a coward!"

Shortly after Lin Mo left, a light cough came from the deep pit on the ground, and then Black Armor's figure slowly walked out of the pit.

The black armor that was originally worn on his body had disappeared, replaced by muscles exposed outside.

There were still some flames burning on his body, but he didn't care at all. The wounds all over his body seemed to have buds wriggling and healed quickly.

He glanced at the knife in his hand. The original one-meter-long knife had been broken, and only a small half was left in his hand.


He casually threw the knife in the direction of Lin Mo's running.

The knife instantly turned into a stream of light and shot out!

Lin Mo, who was running wildly, suddenly felt the terrifying sharpness coming from behind him.

Lin Mo turned around suddenly, and when he saw the knife, his face changed wildly.


The silver dragon spear trembled, and the flames flew out and collided with the broadsword.

But after the collision, the silver dragon spear broke away from Lin Mo's hand and bounced far away.

With this force, Lin Mo's figure turned abruptly and avoided the fatal blow.


The knife seemed to have lost its target and fell directly to the ground. As a heavenly weapon, it should have been full of spirituality, but now all its spirituality has disappeared.

Lin Mo looked at the knife, and after a slight hesitation, he picked up the broken knife and put it into the spiritual sea.

"Black Armor, right? I really hope you are still alive... Then this knife will be the best gift I can give you!" Lin Mo murmured, then chose a direction and disappeared with a flash.

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