Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 278: The Fall of Heaven (1/2)

Lin Mo rushed a long distance without stopping.

Soon he saw the edge of the forest, the village in the distance, and the smoke coming out of the village.

Looking back at the direction where the one-horned senior brother fell, Lin Mo felt dazed.

Everything before was just like a dream, so now seeing the smoke, he felt like he was in another world.

Lin Mo's figure flashed, and soon he appeared at the entrance of the village.

Lin Mo wanted to find the location of the heaven, so the best way was to find someone to ask.

After entering the village, Lin Mo saw several children playing from a distance.

Lin Mo walked over with a smile.

The footsteps startled the children, and they turned around and saw Lin Mo standing behind them.


When the children saw Lin Mo, they were startled.

In fact, when Lin Mo saw the children, he was also startled, and even took out a long sword with one hand.

After the Red Blood Sword was taken out, the children screamed.

A series of footsteps sounded, followed by several tall figures walking out.

They rushed to their children anxiously, and when they saw Lin Mo's appearance and the Red Blood Sword in his hand, they all roared.

Lin Mo looked at their appearance, and there was only shock in his heart.

"What kind of hell is this place?" Lin Mo looked at the people in front of him and couldn't help but speak in his heart.

The previous few boys, although they had human bodies, their faces were all kinds of animals.

The adults who came out of the house now looked even less human. The one in the lead was covered in green armor and had a long tail on his butt!

This was a lizard-like creature, and at this moment a pair of khaki eyes were staring at Lin Mo.

Lizardman? !

Lin Mo looked at the group of people in front of him, and a serious look appeared on his face.

"Did I enter the world of escape?" Lin Mo thought of this possibility.

"Are you human?" At this moment, the lizard man suddenly spoke, and his khaki face was full of vigilance and alertness.

"Do you know human language?" Lin Mo asked, hesitated for a moment, and directly put away the Red Blood Sword.

Seeing Lin Mo take the initiative to put away his weapons, the faces of the group of lizardmen seemed to relax a lot.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to know where this place is?!"

"This is the Land of Escape One!"

The lizardman spoke with a look of reverence on his face: "It is the gods who built such a place for us to live. The Land of Escape One is the holy place for all of us!"

As he said that, those people actually knelt down and chanted a person's name.

Lin Mo wanted to carefully distinguish their pronunciation, but after these syllables came out of their mouths, although Lin Mo could hear them, it was as if someone had forcibly erased such memories from his mind, and he couldn't remember them at all, let alone understand what these syllables meant!

A name... that cannot be remembered?

Lin Mo was a little surprised. There must be an extremely terrifying existence in the Land of Escape One.

"I want to leave here..." Lin Mo looked at them and spoke again.

This sentence undoubtedly exposed his identity, but there was not much surprise on the faces of the lizardmen, and they all looked at the lizardman in the lead.

"It's hard to leave here... You need to go through the blood-stained forest and the blood desert, and then you can see the Fallen Battlefield...

If you are lucky, you can find a crack in the Fallen Battlefield and leave here!

But I heard that there are actually many extremely dangerous existences in those cracks. Once you step into them, there is a high possibility that you will die directly!"

The lizardman spoke and said a lot of things that need to be paid attention to.

"You know so much?" Lin Mo looked at the lizardman with a scrutinizing look on his face.

Because the lizardman knew too much, he had to ask everything clearly.

"I have been to those places and witnessed those shocking battles!"

The leading lizardman immediately straightened his back and spoke loudly, his voice full of pride.

"Thank you!" Lin Mo nodded and turned to leave here.

"Please wait a moment!" The leading lizardman suddenly said, "It's getting late. If you don't mind, you can have a meal here!"

The group of people tried their best to smile, but it was not easy for them to smile with their looks.

Lin Mo looked at them and finally nodded.

A group of lizardmen cheered, and someone immediately brought out stools and tables from the house and placed them in the open air.

Someone else brought out various plates. Those plates looked rough, but the food on them was all meat.

Lin Mo could see that they were all trying their best to bring out the best things in the house.

The leading lizardman held a metal cup, gestured to Lin Mo, and then drank it all!

Lin Mo picked up the cup and took a look, then drank it all!

Looking at Lin Mo's actions, the group of people laughed even happier. They actually laughed happily and started dancing.

Lin Mo had completely let go of his worries and swayed along with their singing.

About an hour later, Lin Mo put down his wine glass and looked at the leading lizard man.

"Thank you, but I have to leave." Lin Mo said and groped around on his body for a while: "I don't have anything worth remembering... I'll leave this to you!"

It was a piece of Qi-blood stone, as big as a fist, exuding streaks of red Qi-blood power.

Looking at this Qi-blood stone, a group of people's eyes widened.

The leading lizard man stared at the blood stone for a long time before looking away.

"Guest, this is not what we want, please take it back!" He said firmly, and at the same time turned his head, no longer looking at Lin Mo's Qi Blood Stone.

"I want this stone to be a testimony of our friendship. Maybe one day we can meet again, and then I will think of you when I see this stone!" Lin Mo explained with a smile.

Hearing this, the lizard man nodded and finally put the stone away.

"Goodbye guest, I hope we won't be enemies when we meet again..." the lizard man's voice sounded.

Lin Mo paused, nodded heavily, and then left directly.

In fact, they all know very well that if they really meet again one day, they must already be enemies!

Following the direction indicated by the lizard man, Lin Mo returned to the forest, because according to the lizard man, this forest should be the so-called blood-stained forest.

"This forest is too vast. If you are not careful, you will get lost. If you break into the area where Heijia and Brother Dujiao fought before, and encounter the enemy..."

Lin Mo frowned. The next moment, his mental power quietly spread around, expanding bit by bit, first covering a nearby one thousand meters, then two thousand meters... three thousand meters...

When they reached a full five thousand meters, Lin Mo found that the forest still had no end in sight.

Just when Lin Mo was about to further expand the scope of his mental power, a feeling of heart palpitations came over him instantly!

"Interesting, there are actually bugs that want my helmet!" A chuckle rang out, and then, Lin Mo felt an even greater spiritual power sweeping towards him!

"Disconnect!" Lin Mo immediately made a decision and completely cut off his mental power!

At the same time, he rushed directly towards the distance.

There were no enemies in the direction he chose, but Lin Mo knew very well that based on the mental strength of those people, it wouldn't take long to find out his whereabouts.


A spiritual wave came from Lin Mo's body, and Lin Mo directly used martial arts to form a spiritual clone.

At the same time, he created a martial arts clone in the form of a martial arts clone.

Finally, according to the newly mastered method, the two figures were directly merged!

Looking at the body in front of him that was almost identical to his own, Lin Mo gritted his teeth and divided 90% of his mental power into the clone.

In this way, this clone is almost the same as Lin Mo.

The clone and Lin Mo chose two different escape routes.

Lin Mo doesn't have much mental energy left now, so he can only rely on luck to run all the way.


Just when Lin Mo was about to break out of the blood-stained forest, there was suddenly an earth-shattering roar behind him!

Turning around and looking, that was the direction the clone originally escaped.

A foot seemed to emerge from the void and stepped directly on the clone.

Lin Mo then lost contact with his clone.

"Now!" Lin Mo directly used his stored mental power to complete the supplement.

At the same time, he released his spiritual power all at once, and went all out to cover the front!

For a moment, Lin Mo felt that there seemed to be someone stationed at the end of the forest ahead!

"Kill!" Lin Mo's eyes showed murderous intent. At this point, there was nothing worth hesitating about. If a god blocks a god, he will kill a god, and if a Buddha blocks a Buddha, he will kill a Buddha!

The sword was held in his hand, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and rushed forward.

Sure enough, when they were about to leave the blood-stained forest, two figures rushed out.

"Martial cultivators in the warrior realm dare to wander in the blood-stained forest. They are really looking for death!" The two guardsmen rushed towards Lin Mo with ridicule on their lips.



Two muffled sounds were heard, followed by the sight of two figures splitting apart.

After Lin Mo drew out his swords and killed the two of them, he rushed out of the blood-stained forest and left here without stopping.

Bloody desert...

After rushing out of the forest, Lin Mo entered the desert. Looking around, all he could see was bloody sand.

Lin Mo saw the bones in the sand and dust. Some bones had turned into white bones, and some bones were not rotten, but were severely dehydrated, as if they were about to become mummies!

"There are humans, and there are also strong men who have escaped!" Lin Mo looked at the corpses and identified their factions.

"There are bite marks on some of the corpses. The marks don't look like giant or ferocious beasts. It seems that the danger of this forest is not very high..."

Lin Mo looked at the scene around him and made a quick judgment in his mind.

Although it has been judged that there is not much danger here, Lin Mo is still very fast and wants to cross here in the shortest time.

"It's exactly what I thought. There is no danger in the bloody desert, not even people stationed there!"

Lin Mo showed a happy expression on his face. Just when he was about to speed up again, the sand under his feet seemed to move.

Lin Mo paused and looked at the original range of the sand: "Did I see it wrong or..."

Just when Lin Mo was puzzled, the sand moved again.

This time, Lin Mo finally saw clearly what those moving things were!


Hundreds and millions of scorpions!

These scorpions were not very big, the largest was only the size of a thumb, but their shapes had completely changed.

The first thing that changed was the hooks on their tails. In Lin Mo's memory, those hooks should be black and a little sharp.

But the hooks of these scorpions in front of him were all purple-red. As the scorpions moved, the hooks kept sliding in the air, and at the same time, they made a sound of breaking wind!

"What a terrifying sharp aura!" Lin Mo exclaimed.

If these hooks pierced a person at once, they would definitely be extremely poisonous!


Lin Mo punched out and flipped a group of scorpions to the ground.

At the same time, Lin Mo flashed and stepped into the areas without scorpions.

When flipping over the scorpions, Lin Mo saw the teeth growing from the mouths of the scorpions...

Scorpions with teeth... Lin Mo felt cold all over and ran away without saying a word.

He finally knew what ate those corpses!

Judging from the teeth of these scorpions, the corpses were eaten by scorpions!

"Man-eating scorpions... It's really amazing!" Lin Mo couldn't help but curse, and his figure flashed faster.


At this time, a cold snort sounded, and Lin Mo turned around and saw a figure appearing in the direction of the forest.

Looking at that figure, Lin Mo's face showed a look of horror.

"Martial Honor... It may be the peak of Martial Honor!"

Lin Mo judged the strength of the figure, and then he didn't want to look back anymore, and rushed directly to the edge of the desert in the distance!

Fortunately, Lin Mo's speed was too fast, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at the edge of the desert.

After Lin Mo left the desert, the scorpions gave up the pursuit and turned back to the desert.

Lin Mo even saw the scorpions rushing towards the figure that was chasing him.

However, with the powerful strength of the figure, the scorpions could not do anything to him.

Lin Mo ran again.

Just after he rushed a distance, he suddenly felt alert.

He jumped to the side.


There was a loud noise, and a deep pit was blown up by the blood force at the place where Lin Mo was originally!

Lin Mo looked back and saw that the person who chased him did not continue to chase him. Instead, he stood at the edge and threw bombs condensed by blood force at Lin Mo!

"Boy, can you enter the Land of the Fallen with your cultivation?" The person chasing him looked almost the same as a human, except that his eyes were purple, and when he smiled, he would show his pair of fangs.

Wolf tribe!

When he saw the fangs, Lin Mo determined the race of this strong man.

"I am still alive and well now, but you are so powerful that you don't even have the courage to come in." Lin Mo also mocked directly.


At this moment, Lin Mo felt a huge force coming towards him.

His hair stood up and he rushed to the side.

At this time, he saw a crack appearing where he was standing.

Lin Mo looked at the werewolf, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes. It was obvious that the werewolf had already noticed this crack. The reason why he attacked was to sneak attack and to force Lin Mo into this crack!

"So, this crack can't be entered, right?" Lin Mo chuckled and ran away.

The werewolf was furious when he saw that Lin Mo was unharmed, but at this time, he couldn't say anything and could only watch Lin Mo leave.

Running all the way, Lin Mo avoided several dangerous cracks.

Just when Lin Mo thought it would be hard to find a crack that was not dangerous, he seemed to step on something and almost slipped.

Looking down, Lin Mo's eyes suddenly turned red.

It was a wine gourd...

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