Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 280 I Don't Accept

"Lin Mo!"

As soon as these two words were spoken, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Mo.

"This is impossible!"

A voice sounded, it was the man who was standing with Xi Hao before.

"Are you doubting my fairness?" Silver Dragon slowly emerged, with an angry look in his eyes, and his huge body just looked at him quietly.

The man couldn't help but took two steps back, but after taking a look at Xi Hao, he still frowned and said: "Lin Mo's first two tests took the longest, and the third test just now took the longest. , he is not the best either.

I don't understand why he won! "

The rest of the people also nodded, looking at Yinlong with confusion written in their eyes.

"You don't understand, do you?" Yinlong smiled faintly: "The first test is to test your perseverance. On the road of cultivation, you have to face endless loneliness.

So the longer, the better!

The second test is to tell you who should be killed and who should not be killed!

The third to see what your definition of victory is..."

A sad look flashed in Yinlong's eyes, and he looked at Xi Hao: "Someone made the same choice as you back then, and you should all know the final result!"

Lin Mo couldn't help but blinked when he heard Yin Long's words, because he suddenly understood something.

He went through the same test as everyone else, but what he got was completely different...

Lin Mo recalled the martial arts Qianyan that Senior Brother Dujiao taught him before his death.

As Qi and blood circulated, the shadows of five ferocious beasts slowly appeared in Lin Mo's mind.

All this is true, Lin Mo can be sure that no one else has such an opportunity!

Even... Lin Mo glanced at Silver Dragon.

He felt that Silver Dragon might not know how much he got.

Qian Yan, in particular, is said to be one of the most powerful martial arts in Heaven. As long as Lin Mo displays it, Yin Long will definitely recognize it.

"Perhaps, these are also the reasons why I won in the end!" Lin Mo came to this conclusion in his heart.

"Hmph, what a bullshit test, I won't recognize such a result..." The man spoke loudly with an unhappy look on his face.


A dragon roar resounded, the silver dragon's huge body moved forward, a dragon claw stretched out directly, and pressed on the man.

"Don't admit it?" Silver Dragon's eyes were filled with killing intent. As long as he exerted slight force, the man would definitely die!

Feeling the killing intent, the man's face finally showed a look of horror, and he looked at Xi Hao.

"Senior, we accept this outcome!" Xi Hao suddenly spoke, and at the same time took out a token from his body: "Senior, please spare his life!"

Looking at the token in Xi Hao's hand, Silver Dragon's eyes flashed, and finally the dragon's power dissipated.

"I'll say it again, Lin Mo is the final winner. As for the Dragon Transformation Plan, I have no control over who the ultimate beneficiary is!"

The silver dragon shook its huge body and was about to leave.

However, when he was about to leave, he seemed to have thought of something, glanced at the token in Xi Hao's hand, and blew it gently.

The token flew up and finally fell into Lin Mo's hands.

"You have already used this token once. According to the rules, I will take it back." Silver Dragon's voice sounded.

Then he looked at Lin Mo: "You take this token. With this token, this will be open to you forever!"

"Thank you, senior!" Lin Mo glanced at the token in his hand.

It is made of a mysterious metal, with a huge portal carved on it, with two words written on it - Heaven!

This is the token of heaven!

Lin Mo felt excited. From this, it can be seen that heaven really exists in a certain period of history!

"So everything I experienced is real!"

Lin Mo was thinking this, and at this time the silver dragon had slowly disappeared.

"Do some people really think that after finally passing the test, they can successfully become the executor of the Dragon Transformation Plan?" The man from before looked at the token in Lin Mo's hand, with a look of envy flashing in his eyes, and couldn't help but Keep talking.

Lin Mo looked up at him and smiled softly: "Even if I can't be the executor, you have no chance!"

The man's expression suddenly turned cold: "Boy, this token belongs to Master Xi, please return it quickly!"

Lin Mo glanced at Xi Hao and saw that the latter did not speak, but just stared at the token in Lin Mo's hand quietly.

"If I remember correctly, this token has been taken back by Senior Silver Dragon. What does it have to do with your master?" Lin Mo sneered: "Or, you are not prepared to obey the orders left by Senior Silver Dragon. Take this token back?"

Xi Hao still had a smile on his face and looked at Lin Mo deeply: "You can keep it if you like it."

After saying that, he turned around and walked outside.

The man hurriedly followed, but when he took a few steps, he suddenly turned back to look at Lin Mo and said with a sullen face: "The origin of this token is very important. If an ordinary person holds it in his hand, he might lose his life! "


As soon as the voice fell, a cold light flashed through.

By the time the man reacted, there was already an extremely cold long sword hanging across his neck.

Lin Mo held the red blood sword and looked at him coldly.

"Threaten me?" Lin Mo said softly.


Without giving the man any chance to explain, Lin Mo exerted a little force on the Red Blood Sword in his hand, and directly understood the man's life span.

Everyone's eyes suddenly shrank, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

The man's strength was not the worst among them. The strength of the peak of the first-grade martial emperor was definitely a top-notch genius outside.

But in front of Lin Mo, he was killed instantly!

"Master Xi, your dog is disobedient and bites people at will. I will kill him directly for you. You shouldn't mind, right?"

Lin Mo looked at Xi Hao with a faint smile on his face.

"He is not my dog!" Xi Hao said this lightly, and turned away: "The final executor of the Dragon Change Plan is about to be announced, come out quickly!"

When everyone heard this, they hurried outside.

At the entrance of the abyss of Longjing, when Lin Mo and others walked out from inside, a group of unexpected people appeared in front of Lin Mo.

They were wearing green uniforms, with various medals on their chests, and determination written on their weather-beaten faces.

Lin Mo also found Ouyang Xiu's face in the crowd.

It seemed that he had received the news that Lin Mo was the winner of the test in the end. When Ouyang Xiu looked at Lin Mo, he smiled and gave Lin Mo a thumbs up.

"At least you are still alive!" Seeing Lin Mo and others come out, an old man trembled and spoke with a look of relief on his face: "The families of those who died in the test this time must be taken care of in the best way, so that they have no worries about food and clothing! Their children died for Blue Star, and the people of the entire Blue Star should remember them!"

The old man's words aroused the response of the crowd, and they nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Xiao An, you come to announce the result!"

After the old man finished speaking, he looked at a middle-aged man behind him.

Xiao An?

Lin Mo looked at the middle-aged man with a funny look on his face.

This man usually appears in the top ten in various big news, but in the old man's mouth, he can only be Xiao An.

The man surnamed An stepped forward, looked at everyone, and showed a gentle smile on his face: "As one of the final important strategies of our China, the Dragon Change Plan is full of challenges for everyone. No matter who becomes the executor, it means that he will take a huge risk of life!

The responsibility on the body is also extremely heavy!

What I want to tell you is that even if you are not selected this time, you will also be the alternate executor after the Dragon Change Plan is fully mature in the future!"

The man paused, looked at everyone, and said with a smile: "Okay, I announce that after careful consideration, the person who finally obtained the identity of the executor of the Dragon Change Plan is... Xi Hao!"

Xi Hao!

Hearing this voice, even though Lin Mo had a premonition in his heart, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"It's really far ahead!"

Lin Mo sighed, but didn't care much.

After all, his gains from this test were really huge.

During the test, Lin Mo's blood value broke through the 100,000 mark, and now he has entered the realm of martial emperor.

Lin Mo firmly believes that among all the candidates present, there should be no one who can surpass him.

He glanced at Xi Hao. This man is indeed very strong, but Lin Mo doesn't even need to use his trump card to defeat him.

"I don't accept it!" Just when Lin Mo was about to accept this result, a roar suddenly sounded.

Lin Mo looked at the crowd in some astonishment, and his eyes fell on Ouyang Xiu.

Lin Mo never thought that Ouyang Xiu would stand up and oppose at this time.

"Ouyang Xiu, why don't you accept it?!" The man surnamed An stared at Ouyang Xiu with an unhappy look on his face.

"The person who won the test was Lin Mo, why wasn't he the executor?!

When we first set up the test, we had already agreed that the person who won the test would be the executor.

Why did you change your mind now?!

If the executor you wanted was Xi Hao at the beginning, why did you set up this so-called test?

Is it just to let our Tianjiao die in this hell?!"

Ouyang Xiu's words attracted the approval of many people, but they just nodded silently without making a sound.

"Ouyang Xiu, Lin Mo is your soldier, we can understand that you favor him..." The man surnamed An said softly.

"I favor you, you're a bitch!" Ouyang Xiu suddenly became furious: "Am I favoring?

You guys don't think about how to improve China's strength, and you have those petty things in your mind all day long!

Anyway, I won't accept Xi Hao as the so-called executor!"

"Ouyang Xiu, shut up!" An old voice sounded, and then a shocking breath fell on Ouyang Xiu.

"Kneel down!" The old man shouted coldly.

Ouyang Xiu looked grim, and he struggled to support his body.

But the old man's strength was unfathomable. After holding on for a while, Ouyang Xiu fell to his knees with a plop.

"I don't accept it!" Ouyang Xiu's bones were crackling under the pressure, but he still stiffened his neck and spoke with difficulty.

Blood flowed down the corners of his mouth, and even his eyes became a little confused.

Lin Mo looked at this scene and suddenly smiled.

He shook his head and took a step forward.

"Seniors, Lin Mo is not talented, and I want to ask Xi Hao for advice!"

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