Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 281 Battle with Xi Hao

Blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, and even his eyes became a little confused.

Lin Mo looked at this scene and suddenly smiled.

He shook his head and took a step forward slightly.

"Seniors, Lin Mo is not talented and would like to ask Xi Hao for advice!"

At this moment, Lin Mo was wearing a white shirt, which was even stained with blood from before.

He was thin and tall, with a determined expression on his face.

"Lin Mo, stand down! You are no match for him!"

A cold shout sounded, it was the original old man who was looking at him with an unkind expression.

"You won't know until you beat him whether he is his opponent or not!" Lin Mo shrugged: "It's just a death!"

He said it easily, but his eyes fell directly on Xi Hao: "Master Xi, don't you dare!?"

Xi Hao's eyes suddenly darkened, but there was no expression on his face.

"Who do you think you are, dare to challenge Master Xi?" Another cold shout rang out, and a young man in green uniform walked out of the crowd not far away. He looked at Lin Mo with an arrogant expression.


The next moment, a blood line appeared on the man's neck, and blood splattered.

The man covered his neck with a horrified look on his face.

"Rescue! Rescue quickly!"

There was a cold shout, and several medical staff immediately stepped forward, carried the man onto a stretcher, and then quickly left here.

"I didn't say anything too harsh, so I didn't kill anyone. It's kind of merciful, right?" Lin Mo smiled softly and looked at Xi Hao again: "How many more people do you want Master Xi to get hurt because of you?!"

"Shameless, using such means to threaten Xi Hao!" Someone said, looking at Lin Mo with disdain in his eyes.

"Lin Mo is the final winner in this test. I don't understand why the executor of the Dragon Transformation Plan is not Lin Mo!

Anyway, if I were Lin Mo, I would make the same choice and definitely challenge them! "

"Even if it's a challenge, you can't kill people casually! Others just say a few words, and he just takes action!"

"When Lin Mo was treated unfairly, he didn't speak out. Why did he speak out when Lin Mo challenged Xi Hao?

Do you really think everyone is a fool? Xi Hao was singing along with this man, and it was clear that he wanted to discredit Lin Mo! "

A group of people started arguing directly, but Lin Mo had a smile on his face and showed no sign of these arguments.

But his eyes fell on those people who were arguing. Lin Mo didn't care if they were really arguing, but if they were on Xi Hao's side and then said nasty things to him, he would remember their faces and wait. Shot randomly.

"Xi Hao, you have a lot of people. I will take action later..." After Lin Mo finished speaking, a sword appeared in front of his eyes.

The red blood sword was held up by Lin Mo with his spiritual power, and it just hung there.

At this moment, Lin Mo looked like a sword fairy. The red-blooded sword trembled, as if it was about to stab out and kill someone at any time!

"Lin Mo, what kind of place do you think this is! How dare you act so arrogantly here! You are really looking for death!"

The old man shouted coldly, then raised his hand and slapped Lin Mo in the face!

The old man was so powerful that he had reached the peak of the Martial Emperor. With one palm strike at this moment, he could kill Lin Mo!


At this moment, a dragon roar sounded, and the silhouette of the silver dragon suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

It actually left the Longjing Abyss where it was guarding and appeared in front of so many people.


The huge coercion came and condensed into a dragon claw, rushing towards the hand.

With an earth-shattering loud noise, the dragon claw disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the old man's body also retreated one after another, and traces of blood could be seen flowing from the tiger's mouth.

"Uncle Yinlong..." Lin Mo looked at Yinlong and couldn't help but speak in his heart.

Yinlong glanced at Lin Mo, but naturally he couldn't hear what Lin Mo was thinking.

But when he looked at Lin Mo, he felt an extremely familiar feeling in his heart.

"Lin Mo was chosen by me. The one who passed the test with the best performance. According to the regulations, he should be the executor. I don't understand why he became this kid!"

Silver Dragon's voice sounded, and when he said these words, his coercion instantly filled the air and rushed in all directions. The terrifying power swept across, leaving many people speechless.

The old man's expression turned ugly. He never dreamed that the silver dragon would appear here at this time.

"Senior Silver Dragon, the Dragon Transformation Plan is our own business. Who will execute it must be decided by ourselves. This test is just for more verification steps!

Moreover, as a leader of the younger generation, Xi Hao is much better than Lin Mo in terms of strength and character, so we chose him!

In addition... Xi Hao is Mr. Xi's grandson! "

Mr. Xi? !

After hearing these words, Yinlong's eyes suddenly flashed: "He is not such a person. This matter must be made by the people below you in order to please him!

Now, I'm calling someone here! "

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Xi Hao's voice suddenly sounded. He looked at Lin Mo and chuckled: "Originally, I think we are all soldiers and it is our duty to obey orders, so I don't want to explain so much. !

It doesn't matter if you don't accept it or you frame me, but now, I still decide to accept your challenge!

I just hope that your martial arts heart will not be destroyed by my great strength! "

As the voice fell, many people present's eyes lit up.

"It's great to see Master Xi take action!"

"Yes, if Master Xi takes action, Lin Mo will definitely be killed directly!"

"Kill Lin Mo!"


When a voice sounded, the sword light flashed suddenly, and finally hung between the eyebrows of the person who spoke.

As long as the sword edge moves forward one inch, the man's head will be directly pierced!

"Kill me?" Lin Mo controlled his mental power with both hands and looked at him calmly.

The man's face was pale. He never dreamed that he just shouted and was targeted by Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, I just shouted casually..."

"Seniors, although Lin Mo doesn't dare to say that he is a good person, during his time in the Ministry of War, he definitely has no regrets. I don't know what's wrong with me just fighting for my own things?

I just want to get back what is originally mine, what's wrong with that?

This person cursed me more than once and wanted me to die. Why? ! "

Lin Mo's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Lin Mo, don't be impulsive!" Ouyang Xiu suddenly said: "Your opponent is Xi Hao, let the others go for now!"

for the time being!

Lin Mo glanced at Ouyang Xiu, smiled and nodded.


The sword turned, but while turning, it accidentally cut a long wound on the man's chest.

The wound was deep and bleeding continuously.

Several medical staff came forward again and carried the person away.

"Retribution must be repaid. I can't imagine what the Ministry of War will be like if someone like you becomes the executor of the Dragon Transformation Plan." Xi Hao looked at Lin Mo with a scrutinizing look in his eyes, and at the same time He shook his head, showing great disappointment.

"Hypocritical villain, I can't imagine that if the future of the Ministry of War is led by someone like you, how will China's victory or defeat be?" Lin Mo also retorted.

Xi Hao's face suddenly turned gloomy.

This was the first time he showed such an expression in front of everyone.

He was usually gentle and gentle, but now there was a look of resentment on his face, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"If you want to kill me, then go ahead!"

The silver dragon gun in Lin Mo's hand flashed, and the next moment he rushed out.

Silver Dragon Spear Technique!

The roar of the dragon resounded. Lin Mo's spear skills were only at an intermediate level now, but the power of the Silver Dragon Spear Technique was fully demonstrated at this moment.

At this moment, Lin Mo seemed to have a silver dragon appearing around his body, and nothing could exist within a radius of about five feet.

"Little trick!" Xi Hao shouted coldly and moved forward in a flash.

False God Finger!

Xi Hao spoke coldly and pointed a finger at Lin Mo!

Immediately, a bloody light burst towards Lin Mo!


Blood flashed, and a wound appeared on Lin Mo's shoulder.

Lin Mo had a smile on his face. The Void God Finger actually fused spiritual power with the power of Qi and blood, so the blow just now included not only a physical attack, but also a mental attack!

So a wound appeared directly on Lin Mo's body.

"It's not enough!" Lin Mo shouted coldly and stabbed out at the same time!


The roar of the dragon sounded, and a giant silver dragon flew out from Lin Mo's gun body and swooped towards Xi Hao!

Xi Hao's expression remained unchanged, and he condensed his energy and blood into a huge shield in front of him.


With a roar, the silver dragon's shadow directly hit the shield, and then broke into pieces.

Just when everyone thought Lin Mo had nothing to do, Lin Mo's figure actually appeared in front of Xi Hao.

Five Beast Fist!

In an instant, Lin Mo bombarded the shield with Five Beast Fist.

"With your strength, you want to break through my defense..." Xi Hao had a chuckle on his face, but his expression suddenly changed the next moment.

Because the dragon's roar sounded, Lin Mo left cracks on the shield after just two punches!

When the third punch came down, the entire shield exploded!

Lin Mo had a sneer on his face, and then punched him for the fourth time!

With a loud bang, the punch hit Xi Hao directly.

"Do you think your fists are powerful!?"

Xi Hao spoke coldly, and a layer of golden light suddenly appeared on his body!

His physical strength is also very powerful!

"You can't break through my physical defense, everything is false!"


At this moment, Lin Mo's fifth punch came down!

This punch is the White Crane Fist!

After absorbing Bai He's power, Lin Mo's punch merged with Bai He's sharp power!

There seemed to be a red crane's beak forming on his fist!

Break down all defenses!

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