White Crane Fist!

Lin Mo's fingertips seemed to have golden rays of light emitting and emitting, which were the smoothness condensed from the power of Qi and blood, accompanied by a sharp aura.


After a crisp sound, this punch directly pierced through Xi Hao's defense all over his body.

Cracks formed on his body, and light red blood could be seen flowing out continuously, which looked extremely terrifying.

Lin Mo's expression was calm, and he took a step back slightly.


Sure enough, the next moment, Xi Hao's body burst out with a strong aura again.

"It's not enough to break my defense! The gap in strength cannot be made up by these martial arts!" Xi Hao snorted coldly.

His aura was rising, and the original strength of the second-grade martial emperor was now directly pushed to the peak!

The peak of the second-grade martial emperor! Nearly 300,000 Qi and blood power!

The terrifying aura pressed down on Lin Mo like a mountain and sea.

To be honest, if an ordinary peak martial saint was under such pressure, his body might be shattered directly, but Lin Mo's body has already become an emperor.

Such pressure is not enough for Lin Mo.


Lin Mo swung his fists under pressure.

Wolf King Fist!

The most basic boxing method among the Five Beast Fists was originally called Wolf Fist, but after Lin Mo observed the Cang Wolf King, the Wolf Fist underwent a transformation and became the Wolf King Fist!

With a whistling sound, Lin Mo's punch went straight down!

Across the endless pressure, after Lin Mo's punch was blasted, it seemed as if something was breaking!

The pressure dissipated instantly!


Lin Mo held the Red Blood Sword in his hand and stabbed it forward slowly!

The sword light was amazing and shot out at once.

Xi Hao's face changed drastically, because after the pressure was broken, he found that all the means he could resist Lin Mo had disappeared!

In other words, now he has no means to resist Lin Mo at all!

Seeing the sword piercing out, his face changed again and again, and finally he gritted his teeth and snorted coldly, and actually went straight to meet him.

"You are not as strong as me, it's just a sword, what can you do to me!"

Xi Hao had a firm look on his face, and he obviously didn't take Lin Mo seriously.

He already had the strength close to the third-grade martial emperor, while Lin Mo was only at the peak of martial saint, with a difference of nearly 200,000 blood and qi. What was Lin Mo's basis? !

"Martial Saint?"

Seeing Xi Hao rushing towards him, Lin Mo showed a sneer on his face.

"Is the martial saint weak?

And who told you that I am still at the martial saint realm now!"


As he spoke, Lin Mo's footsteps also fell.

In an instant, his momentum began to rise.

For many people, the peak of martial saint to martial emperor is a huge bottleneck, but for Lin Mo, such a bottleneck seems to be non-existent.

With the sudden surge of breath, all the onlookers widened their eyes.

Many people have walked their whole lives from the peak of Martial Saint to Martial Emperor, but have never reached this realm.

But Lin Mo only took one step to reach it!

It seemed that the threshold of the realm was so simple for him to step out.

"Martial Emperor! How old is he?"

An old man in the crowd looked at Lin Mo and murmured.

This old man has been on the road of martial arts for a hundred years, and now he is only at the level of fifth-grade Martial Emperor.

But how old is Lin Mo now, he has already entered the realm of Martial Emperor!

You know, although Xi Hao looks young, he is almost forty years old now.

For those talented martial artists, after reaching the peak of Martial King, the changes in them due to the passage of time will be weakened.

So many Martial Saints, although they look middle-aged, are likely to be in their sixties or seventies.

And Lin Mo's eyes are extremely clear, and it is obvious that his appearance is completely consistent with his age, and it is not because of the weakening of the passage of time.

"He should be around 23 years old... A martial emperor who is less than 25 years old should be the only one in the whole of China since the rise of martial arts!"

One person spoke solemnly.

A group of people nodded.

The rise of martial arts has only happened in the past hundred years, so if there is such a genius, there must be records.

But they looked at each other and kept searching in their minds. In the end, they confirmed that there was no such martial artist.

"What a pity!"

Someone in the crowd sighed.

After hearing this sigh, some people were stunned for a moment, and then they understood the reason for his sigh.

"Xi Hao's status is not ordinary. Now that the two have fought to this point, it is not a question of winning or losing!

The talent shown by Lin Mo has completely surpassed Xi Hao.

With the temperament of the Xi family, it is very likely that Lin Mo will be wiped out directly!"

"No, Lin Mo's loss of his identity as an executor is already the biggest scandal of my Chinese Military Department. If he loses his life again, then my Chinese Military Department is ready to push all the geniuses to the West?

Over the years, my China has lost too many geniuses for this reason!

If it goes on for a long time, people's hearts will be lost!"

Someone sighed like this, looking at Lin Mo with regret in his eyes.


At this moment, the boom in the middle of the venue interrupted their thoughts directly.

Everyone looked at the middle of the venue together, and then took a breath of cold air together.

"Hiss... This Xi Hao is not going to give Lin Mo any chance!"

In the middle of the venue, Xi Hao watched Lin Mo break through, his eyes filled with coldness and fear.

Then his figure flashed wildly, and a long knife appeared in his hand.


He chopped down directly at the top of Lin Mo's head with the big knife in his hand.

Lin Mo's face did not change at all, and the ghost shadow was instantly used, and the whole person retreated madly.

"What a fast figure! Lin Mo is trying to dodge as much as possible. He should want to make a move after breaking through and stabilizing his realm!"

"This Xi Hao is really a bit unreasonable. Lin Mo is about to break through, so he should wait until Lin Mo breaks through before making a move!"

"Why is it unreasonable? If Lin Mo is facing a strong man in the abyss now, do you think the creatures in the abyss will wait until Lin Mo succeeds in breaking through before making a move?

Besides, the two of them are competing at this time. No matter how you look at it, now is not the best time to break through. Lin Mo chose to break through at this time. I think Lin Mo is too scheming!"

"Just lick it!"

A group of people looked at the scene on the field and argued.

And Lin Mo did not show any sign of nervousness. He kept changing his position, leaving a trail of afterimages on the spot.

It can be said that Lin Mo is now extremely terrifying. There is an incomparable and tyrannical aura flowing from his body to his body.

Xi Hao's face became more and more solemn, because Lin Mo's momentum was becoming stable. He knew that this was the result of his realm being completely stable after the breakthrough.

In fact, Lin Mo had already reached the Martial Emperor realm during the test, but after leaving the test, his realm returned.

But at this time, Lin Mo's mental power had broken through the 100,000 mark.

And Lin Mo has achieved a perfect fusion of mental power and blood power, so Lin Mo's blood power has also reached 100,000!

In theory, Lin Mo has reached the Martial Emperor realm.

The reason for the breakthrough at this time is that Lin Mo has gained enough experience in the battle and has completely consolidated his realm to the Martial Saint realm.

It has completely reached the standard of entering the Martial Emperor realm.

So Lin Mo no longer suppressed his realm and chose to break through directly!


The next moment, all the aura on Lin Mo's body seemed to solidify suddenly.

He paused, facing the knife that was chopped down in front of him, he sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then punched out fiercely with both fists!

Dragon Fist!

A pale golden dragon flew out from his fists, and a vast breath swept out, instantly drowning Xi Hao!

Xi Hao's face was filled with horror, because facing such a punch, he could not hold the long sword in his hand!

"You..." Xi Hao said in shock.

Blood was flowing from his knuckles.

With a light bang, the long sword fell to the ground.


Lin Mo didn't seem to want to give him a chance to breathe. After knocking down his long sword, he punched Xi Hao in the chest.

This punch directly knocked Xi Hao back.

Under the ghost shadow, Lin Mo's figure flashed, and he took the lead to the place where Xi Hao was about to fall!


Another punch was thrown down, and Xi Hao flew into the air!

Yan Xiang Shu!

Eagle Step!

Two more perfect combos, Lin Mo fell from the sky and stepped on Xi Hao's chest!


A crisp sound rang out, and Xi Hao suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person curled up like a cooked shrimp.

"Lin Mo, stop it!"

Seeing that Lin Mo was holding the Silver Dragon Spear with both hands and was about to kill Xi Hao directly, several cold shouts rang out.

In an instant, three of the many old men watching the battle actually took action!

They released their blood and qi at the same time and wrapped Lin Mo up.

Suddenly, Lin Mo could not move.


A figure rushed out and punched Lin Mo!

Lin Mo's figure flew backwards. When in the air, Lin Mo stabilized his body and shot the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand at the figure attacking him without hesitation!

The old man who took action changed his face slightly. He didn't expect that at this time, Lin Mo would dare to attack him!

All this happened too suddenly, so when he wanted to dodge, the Silver Dragon Spear was not far away from him!



The sound of breaking wind and the sound of moving bodies resounded at the same time.

Then a muffled groan was heard.

Blood was flowing, and there was a wound on the old man's shoulder, which was bleeding continuously.

The old man's face was extremely ugly. He didn't know how many years he hadn't been injured, and now he was injured by a young man!

"You are looking for death!"

The old man didn't care about the wound on his body. In anger, he actually killed Lin Mo!


Several old men changed their faces and spoke loudly.

But it was too late. The old man who made the move clearly wanted Lin Mo's life. Along with the sound of breaking wind, six blood-colored long swords shot towards Lin Mo from different angles!

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