Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 283 Leaving the Ministry of War

Buzz buzz buzz...

The air trembled, and six blood-colored long swords were completely condensed by the power of blood and qi. At this moment, they trembled in the air, and then suddenly shot towards Lin Mo!

At this moment, Lin Mo was blocked in all directions, so he had no way to avoid it!

He could only wait for death passively!

Xi Haoyang fell to the ground with a desperate look in his eyes. Seeing this scene, he finally showed a little smile on his face.

"Those who are stronger than me will die!" Xi Hao sneered in his heart, trying to look at everything in front of him. He wanted to watch Lin Mo die in front of him.

But the next moment...


Lin Mo's figure flashed, turned gray, and then seemed to disappear for a second.

Swoosh swoosh swoosh!

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and just when Lin Mo's figure disappeared, the six blood swords intertwined and collided together!

The energy fluctuations dissipated to the surroundings, and the six blood swords disappeared completely after the collision!

And Lin Mo also slowly emerged after the blood sword disappeared, and his figure also became solid at this moment.

"You..." The old man looked at this scene and widened his eyes in surprise.

Because Lin Mo actually dodged his fatal blow!

You know, with such means, even many Martial Emperors may not be able to survive!

But Lin Mo actually dodged it without any injury!

"After integrating the martial arts of the Heavenly Court, the Ghost Shadow Phantom has indeed improved a lot! And as I step into the realm of Martial Emperor, the invincible time is increasing!"

Lin Mo called the time when his figure flashed the invincible time.

Compared with before, Lin Mo could feel that the invincible time had increased by nearly doubled!

The old man looked at Lin Mo angrily, roared, and was about to attack again.

But the others obviously would not give the old man such a chance!

With a roar, several figures rushed out, and they were divided into two groups.

One group of people directly blocked Lin Mo, and the other few people pulled Lin Mo and left here with their figures flashing.

"Don't go too far, this competition ends here!" One person spoke, his hair was white, but his eyes were full of light like eagle eyes.

His eyes fell on a group of people, and he said coldly: "The Ministry of War is not everyone's Ministry of War. Today's farce is over now!

The winner of this competition is Lin Mo!"

"Old Wei!" Someone looked at the white-haired old man and couldn't help but said: "Xi Hao is the appointed executor, and this title cannot be given to Lin Mo!"

"I, Wei Yuan, have never been afraid of anyone in my life!" The white-haired old man, Wei Yuan, sneered: "According to their agreement, the winner becomes the executor, so I declare that Lin Mo is the winner, and the executor of the Dragon Change Plan is Lin Mo!"

"Old Wei!" Xi Hao suddenly stood up from the ground: "Junior has not admitted defeat yet, and I can fight again!"

"Fight again?!" Wei Yuan sneered, staring at Xi Hao and said: " What can you use to fight Lin Mo? Do you think you are very strong?

From beginning to end, did you see Lin Mo use his mental power?

His mental power and blood power have been perfectly integrated. He has more than 100,000 mental power in the Martial Emperor realm. If he uses mental power to fight you, do you have the means to resist?

Also, if it weren't for the actions of those old men, do you think you have the possibility of survival? ! "

Wei Yuan stared at Xi Hao and the old men around him: "As a human being, you can be shameless, but sometimes, you can still lose even if you are shameless, so give yourself some face and accumulate some good deeds!"

Wei Yuan's words were so cruel that the faces of the old men around Xi Hao became extremely ugly.

"Old Wei, if Lin Mo becomes the executor, the Xi family will not be able to justify it. Even if Old Master Xi gives you face, the entire Xi family will not let this matter go!

I think that sometimes taking a step back is not a bad thing. At least it can save a lot of trouble. What do you think?"

Wei Yuan sneered: "I have lived for so long, and I am least afraid of trouble!"

"Old Wei!" At this time, Lin Mo suddenly spoke directly and interrupted their voices: "No need to be so troublesome, I will withdraw from the Dragon Transformation Plan!"

"I don't want this executor!"

"I, Lin Mo, can have the current strength, not relying on the Dragon Transformation Plan!

I can defeat Xi Hao once with a difference of 200,000 blood and qi, and I can defeat him the second time!

Even if he becomes the executor of the Dragon Transformation Plan, I still have the confidence to defeat him!

In fact, I will not regard anyone I have defeated as an opponent. From then on, he can only look at my back until I leave him far behind!"

Lin Mo's words were sonorous and powerful, which directly made Xi Hao's face turn livid.

He searched around for a while and found the token he got when he joined the Dragon Transformation Plan. He hung it on a tree nearby and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, another voice sounded. It was Ouyang Xiu, who had been suppressed there, who stood up without knowing when.

"Ouyang Xiu, what do you want to do? Don't be impulsive!"

In the crowd, there were people who were familiar with Ouyang Xiu. When they saw this scene, their faces changed slightly and they shouted loudly.

"Come back here. Let's talk about it when we get back to the camp!"

Someone simply stepped forward and tried to pull Ouyang Xiu back.


Ouyang Xiu directly shook off the people who were holding him, and then walked to the front of the crowd step by step.

He took a look at his green uniform, which was still hung with various medals.

"When I was 18 years old, I joined the Ministry of War regardless of everything and became a soldier on the border of the capital.

In the Ministry of War, I completed the transformation from a warrior to a warrior, and it was at that time that I became the leader of those who joined the Ministry of War together!

Later, as time went by, there were fewer and fewer people around me, and my strength became stronger and stronger...

I became the captain of a team in the capital, and then began to take charge of several teams...

I thought I could stay in the Ministry of War for a lifetime, until one day, in a battle with the creatures of the abyss, I was directly killed!

But I know that it is impossible...

The current Ministry of War is completely different from the Ministry of War in my memory!

In this case, there is no need for me to stay..."

At this point, Ouyang Xiu's eyes turned red, he raised his hand to take off the medals on his body one by one, and then took off his green uniform, folded it neatly, and put it aside.

Finally, he placed the medal on the folded clothes.

"Lin Mo, let's go!"

He looked at Lin Mo with a smile on his face.

"Boss, let's go!" Lin Mo also smiled lightly, fumbled around for a while, and finally took out a token representing the identity of the Ministry of War, and hung it on the tree together with the tokens of the previous participants of the Dragon Change Plan.

"Boss, wait for us!"

A series of voices sounded behind him, but it was the several people from the original Beijing branch who all took off their uniforms at this moment, took out the badges representing the identity of the Ministry of War, put them on the ground, and followed Lin Mo and others.

"How audacious!" A cold snort sounded, and behind him, the several old men standing next to Xi Hao were about to slap their backs fiercely.

"Aren't you ashamed yet?" Wei Yuan said coldly, and then waved his hand, instantly disintegrating the attacks of several people.

"Okay, as you wish, Xi Hao, from now on, you are the executor of the Dragon Change Plan!" Wei Yuan took out a token from his body and threw it to Xi Hao.

Xi Hao took the token in his hand with a gloomy face.

Logically speaking, he is the person who benefited the most today, but there is no smile on his face now.

"Lin Mo..." He silently recited Lin Mo's name in his heart, but his eyes were full of murderous intent: "I will kill you, I swear, I will kill you!"

Endless murderous intent condensed in his heart, and at this moment he wanted to cut Lin Mo into pieces!

Looking at Xi Hao's expression, Wei Yuan shook his head slightly.

"The Ministry of War... The problem is too big, maybe it really needs to be rectified from top to bottom!"

After thinking about it, Wei Yuan said in front of everyone: "Xi Hao, go back and tell Mr. Xi that I want to visit him tomorrow afternoon, ask him if he has time!"

After leaving this sentence, Wei Yuan turned around and left.

Looking at Wei Yuan's back as he left, Xi Hao's face turned pale instantly.

Old Master Xi has a high status in the Xi family. Although he is no longer in charge of family affairs, he still has a huge say in many things.

If he knew what Xi Hao did in the Dragon Change Plan, with Old Master Xi's character, he might have directly abolished him!

"Why is this old thing not yet!" Xi Hao was annoyed and spoke silently in his heart.

In fact, the current Xi family has different attitudes towards Old Master Xi.

Those who control the power of the entire Xi family hope that the old man can die early, so that they can erase the mark left by the old man as soon as possible.

But more people regard the old man as the spiritual symbol of the Xi family, like a totem.

"Dragon Change Plan, I want to completely transform through this plan, Lin Mo... You must live until then!" Xi Hao's voice murmured...


"Boss, what are your plans for the future?" After leaving the range of the Dragon Well Abyss, Lin Mo turned and looked at Ouyang Xiu.

Following Ouyang Xiu were a dozen people from the former military department in Beijing. Although Lin Mo couldn't call out their names, he felt very familiar looking at their faces.

"Let's go around and take these kids to improve their strength first!

We are almost used to the life in the military department, so we should still live the same way as before!

But I do want to change places!

I plan to take them to Myanmar!"

"Myanmar?" Hearing these two words, Lin Mo immediately thought of the Yue Kingdom he had visited before.

These two places are similar, both belong to chaotic areas.

"Boss, what is your plan to go there?" Lin Mo looked at Ouyang Xiu and asked curiously.

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