Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 284 Returning to Huaxia Military Academy

Myanmar is similar to Yue, both are remote small countries with extremely chaotic internal affairs, and the so-called laws are almost just empty words.

When Lin Mo went to Yue, he saved a large number of people.

Now Ouyang Xiu is going to Myanmar with a group of people, and Lin Mo really wants to know what he is planning.

"Fight to support the army." Ouyang Xiu pondered for a moment and said, "There are actually many warlords in Myanmar, and they also support many martial artists, but compared with us, their strength is not enough.

After arriving in Myanmar, I want to become a real warlord!"

Lin Mo's heart jumped, he didn't expect that Ouyang Xiu was thinking of this idea.

"I didn't expect that I would want to do this?" Ouyang Xiu looked at the astonishment on Lin Mo's face and chuckled, "What do you think of the Chinese Military Department now?"

Lin Mo pondered for a moment and shook his head slowly: "Many drawbacks have gradually emerged. Perhaps the first generation of elders still want to sacrifice their lives for China.

But their descendants don't think so. Many people rely on the merits of their fathers. Is it possible for them to sacrifice their lives?

Moreover, if the younger generation really makes any mistakes, can the fathers really punish them?

Most of the time, the whip is raised high and falls lightly."

Ouyang Xiu nodded and sighed: "The tree is too big, and there are always many branches that will grow borers.

For the whole tree, sometimes you have to cut off the branches and leaves, and sometimes you even have to cut off the entire fork!

But those forks are too thick, and it is too difficult to cut them with an ordinary axe.

When I arrive in Myanmar, I will accumulate my own strength as much as possible , so maybe I can have the opportunity to become the one who trims the branches.

In the future, if there is a day when the abyss really invades reality on a large scale, I can also contribute to China in Myanmar! "

Lin Mo nodded and said with a smile: "Then I hope that the boss will be free to jump in the sea and fly in the sky from now on!"

Ouyang Xiu smiled and nodded: "Don't participate in the subsequent dragon transformation plan, because of this time, they should be crazy against you.

It may be a good thing to leave the Ministry of War now, at least you can do something you want to do.

What are your plans for the future? "

"Go back to school first, I don't know if the teacher has returned from the Dead Sea now!" Lin Mo smiled and said: "The teacher was punished to stay in the Dead Sea because of me. Calculating the time, he should be back.

And Master Chen Banzi..."

Lin Mo thought of this pair of master and apprentice, one was punished to go to the Rob Abyss, and the other went to the Dead Sea.

These two places are not safe places as soon as you hear them.

"Dead Sea and Rob Abyss..." Ouyang Xiu thought for a while and took out a token from his body: "If you need it, take this token to the Beijing Library and find their director Zhao Qian. Give him the token and say that I asked you to find him.

He will give you information about these two places at that time."

Lin Mo took the token, thanked him and turned to leave.

In the future, there will definitely be a time to meet again. It would be inappropriate to be reluctant to leave in such a place.


Beijing, at the gate of Huaxia Military University.

Lin Mo looked at the school where he had stayed for nearly a year and couldn't help shaking his head.

When he left, he was only at the level of Wu Wang. Now, after only three years, he has reached the level of the first-grade Wu Huang when he stands here again!

Among his peers, there is almost no opponent.

A Wu Huang in his twenties is not much inferior to the young genius of the Beautiful Country!

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Although Lin Mo has restrained his own breath, some people still noticed his arrival. Several figures flashed and appeared at the school gate.

"It's you!"

After recognizing that the person was Lin Mo, the faces of the old men at the school gate showed surprise.

Now, the old men only felt the terrifying aura steaming from Lin Mo, but they could not see Lin Mo's specific realm.

They were all at the peak of the Martial Saint, only one step away from the Martial Emperor, but they still felt a strong sense of oppression when facing Lin Mo.

This can only prove one thing, that is, Lin Mo's strength has far surpassed them!

"Long time no see, teachers!" Lin Mo smiled and bowed to the teachers.

He looked serious, because the teachers in front of him did not offend him.

Looking at Lin Mo's expression, the faces of the old men changed.

They looked at Lin Mo, thinking in their hearts, if they had not offended Lin Mo for that little bit of benefit, what would the school be like now?

At least one thing is certain, they will have one more Martial Emperor!

But now, Lin Mo is standing at the school gate, and several teachers have to come out to greet him...It's called welcoming, but it's actually a kind of defense and vigilance!

Several people sighed in their hearts and scolded the people who made that decision a hundred times. Then the old man in the lead smiled and stepped forward, saying to Lin Mo: "Little friend Lin Mo... I wonder what you are here for today?"

He had a smile on his face, but his eyes were alert.

After all, the school was guilty of Lin Mo. If Lin Mo came here to seek revenge, it would be over!

Thinking of this, they looked at Lin Mo with a little more fear.

"I'm here to look for someone!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "Has my teacher, the old principal Wei Yunlong, come back from the Dead Sea?"

Wei Yunlong? !

Hearing this name, several old men looked at each other, with some embarrassment in their expressions.

Looking at the faces of several old men, Lin Mo's heart suddenly sank: "Where is the teacher? Is he alive or dead?"

Although he didn't know where the Dead Sea was, one thing was certain: the mortality rate in the Dead Sea was definitely not low.

And the faces of several people were obviously very wrong, so the first thing Lin Mo thought of was whether there was something wrong with the teacher.

Several people looked at each other, and for a moment, no one dared to answer Lin Mo's question.


Lin Mo took a step forward. At this time, he didn't care about so much. The aura on his body burst out all at once and enveloped the front.

"Where is my teacher now!"

Lin Mo's face was already showing anger. If they didn't answer properly, Lin Mo didn't mind taking action directly and forcing them to tell the whereabouts of the teacher.

Seeing Lin Mo take action, the faces of several old men also changed suddenly.

"Lin Mo, this is the Chinese Military University after all, no one can be rude here!" One of the old men spoke in a deep voice.

As the voice fell, several old men had already taken a posture to meet Lin Mo.

They were all at the peak of martial saints, and they thought that if they really attacked at the same time, even a first-grade martial emperor might not be their opponent.

So they were sure to capture Lin Mo at this moment.

"I don't want to fight with you... I just want to know the whereabouts of the teacher!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice.

He said he would not fight, but the movements of his hands were very real...

A dragon roar sounded, and the silver dragon spear was already in his hand.

One hand raised the silver dragon spear, and the tip of the spear pointed at the old men in front: "After all, Lin Mo was a student here, and several of you have taught Lin Mo. The students really don't want to fight...

However, the teacher has been very kind to me. The students came here this time just to ask about the whereabouts.

Please don't make things difficult for me, teachers!"


As the voice fell, Lin Mo shook the silver dragon spear and performed the silver dragon spear tactics!

With one strike, a silver dragon visible to the naked eye swooped forward!

At this moment, many people in the school were hiding behind the gate and watching Lin Mo confront several teachers.

Seeing Lin Mo suddenly attack, a group of students were terrified.

When they saw a dragon roaring and rushing towards them, some people screamed directly and hid far away with their heads in their hands.

Facing Lin Mo's attack, several old men actually felt powerless.

When several old men gritted their teeth and were about to attack Lin Mo, the dragon suddenly disappeared in front of them.

Facing such a scene, several old men breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt humiliated!

But after experiencing everything just now, they no longer had the slightest intention of fighting against Lin Mo.

"Please tell the students, teachers!" Lin Mo spoke again, and clasped his fists at the same time.

Several old men looked at each other, and finally one of them sighed: "The old principal... came back from the Dead Sea, but was seriously injured and is now recovering in the school..."

Seriously injured!

When Lin Mo heard this, his face suddenly darkened.

"Students want to see the teacher!" Lin Mo said and took a step towards the university gate.

Several old men instinctively wanted to stop him, but thinking of Lin Mo's strength, they could only shake their heads and take two steps back.

Lin Mo looked at their attitudes and felt more and more depressed.

He even began to doubt whether the teacher's injury had anything to do with the school.

But now the most important thing is to see the teacher first.

When Lin Mo passed by several old men, he whispered a thank you.

Then he stepped directly into the school gate.

A group of students looked at Lin Mo in awe.

Lin Mo was also looking at them. Three years later, some familiar faces had graduated, and the people in front of him were all strangers.

"Lin Mo, what you did today is a humiliation to my Huaxia Military University. I, Xiao Yan, swear that sooner or later I will wash away this humiliation!"

A student suddenly looked at Lin Mo and spoke loudly.

Lin Mo looked at the young man in the crowd. He was wearing a black windbreaker and carrying a huge sword on his back. He looked very strong.

"I'll wait." Lin Mo smiled and nodded. Then he left here in a flash and went to the place where the school staff lived.

The old principal's house was here.

However, when Lin Mo appeared in the place where the old principal lived, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Where is the old principal's house in front of him?

It has become a restaurant, and there are still a few students eating inside.

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo's face became even uglier.

He walked into the restaurant and looked in the direction of the cashier: "Excuse me, where are the old couple who lived here originally?"

"You mean those two old guys, they were driven out by me, haha, I heard that they were the principals of this school at the beginning. I slapped them twice, and then they moved away honestly!"

The boss was a middle-aged man. When he heard Lin Mo's words, he immediately responded with a smile.

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