“When I set my sights on this place, those two old men were still unwilling to move out and even said they would slap me to death!

Later, he moved out in despair! "


As soon as the words fell, the man's body hit the wall directly. The terrifying power did not dissipate at all, and actually crashed into the entire hotel.

Screams resounded, and a group of students who were eating left the place holding their heads.


A series of loud noises were heard, and the entire hotel collapsed.

Lin Mo stood quietly on top of the ruins. In front of him, standing was the middle-aged man called the boss.

"Boy, do you know who I am?" The boss said softly, but everyone could see the killing intent in his eyes at this moment.

"Does it matter who you are?" Lin Mo's figure flashed and appeared directly in front of him.


Another punch hit the boss's chest.

The boss screamed and spit out a mouthful of blood.

But Lin Mo would not let him go so easily.

He struck one after another, each punch hitting the boss's bones. After a while, all those bones were shattered.

In fact, with Lin Mo's current strength, it is too easy to kill the boss, but Lin Mo doesn't want to let him go so easily.

After breaking all the bones, Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief to his boss.

"Ah!" The boss no longer looked as arrogant as before. At this moment, he could no longer cry, and there was only a faint sound of breathing.

"Kill...kill me!" His voice was as thin as a mosquito's buzzing. You couldn't hear it if you didn't pay attention, but Lin Mo heard it clearly.

"Tell me the whereabouts of the two old men." Lin Mo said solemnly: "Maybe I can consider giving you a happy surprise!"

The boss's eyes flickered, and he raised his hand and pointed not far away.

Lin Mo frowned. The direction the boss was pointing seemed to be the school's garbage disposal area.

When Lin Mo was in school, Huaxia was promoting garbage classification, so a garbage transfer station was built there.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo carried the mud-like boss directly towards the distance.

He was very fast and arrived at the garbage transfer station in a moment.

From far away, Lin Mo smelled an unpleasant smell.

The entire garbage transfer station occupies a large area, with several bungalows built.

Outside the bungalow was a mountain of garbage, exuding a foul odor.

Lin Mo's eyes glanced at several houses, and finally settled on a bungalow.

There was a shed of about three square meters built with broken cardboard boxes and branches, and a figure could be vaguely seen lying inside.

There was an old lady squatting in front of the garbage dump not far away. She was wearing shabby clothes and was picking something inside the garbage pile with a stick.

After a while, the old lady seemed to have discovered something. She moved much faster, then threw away the stick, wiped her hands on the dirty clothes, and then picked up the things she took out.

"Old man, guess what I found, a bag of unopened bread!" The old lady's voice seemed to be filled with joy.

He shuffled toward the shed.

Lin Mo's eyes suddenly turned red. He glanced at the boss in his hand and threw him towards the garbage pile without hesitation.

With a bang, the boss was smashed into the garbage pile.

Lin Mo didn't pay attention to him at all. Instead, he came directly to the old lady and snatched the bread from her hand.

"Master's wife!"

Lin Mo made a plop and fell down in front of the old lady.

The old lady used to be such a particular person. She always wore decent clothes and wore gold-rimmed glasses on her face. She looked like an elderly intellectual.

But now, she was wearing tattered clothes that were stained with oil and smelled bad.

It was hard for Lin Mo to imagine how the once so delicate old lady could endure all this.

"Are you...Xiao Mo?!" The old lady stared at Lin Mo. After staring for a long time, her voice suddenly trembled: "Xiao Mo, why are you back!

Old man, wake up quickly and see who is coming to see you! "

The old lady pulled Lin Mo up and walked towards the shed.

Lin Mo followed and finally saw Wei Yunlong lying in the shed.

Compared with before, Wei Yunlong was twice as old. His originally lean body was now extremely thin, and his eyes were tightly closed.

Lin Mo stepped forward and took one of Wei Yunlong's hands, and the power of Qi and blood slowly entered the old man's body.

Damaged veins...displacement of the five internal organs...

Lin Mo's face suddenly darkened as he felt the old man's injuries!

The situation was much more serious than he thought.

"Teacher, I will take you away for treatment!" Lin Mo directly carried the old man on his back, and then looked at the old lady: "Master Wife, I will take you out of here!"

The old lady nodded, and her eyes suddenly turned red!

Lin Mo could actually imagine what the old lady was feeling now.


At this moment, a cold shout sounded behind Lin Mo. When he turned around, he saw a young man and several people standing behind Lin Mo.

"These two people are the ones our principal named to stay here. You can't take them away!"

The young man pointed at Lin Mo with an arrogant expression.

However, the next moment, their bodies shattered with a bang, blood splattered, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

Lin Mo walked towards the door without stopping.

At the gate, I met some of the original teachers.

"You guys should have been friends with the teacher at the beginning, but you just watched the teacher live here." Lin Mo looked at the old men and said softly: "You guys have lived a long time, but it's a pity that they are not human yet!"

After leaving these words, Lin Mo left here with Wei Yunlong and the old lady without giving them any chance to explain.

Wei Yunlong's condition required timely treatment, so Lin Mo took out his cell phone and dialed Ye Qing's number.

When he first sold Qi and Blood Pills, Ye Qing had good relationships with many hospitals in the capital.

After explaining the situation, Ye Qing gave Lin Mo a phone number and said that he would come to the capital soon.

Lin Mo called Ye Qing and arranged the best doctor and treatment for the teacher.

Then he bought a house for the old lady near the hospital.

The old lady insisted on staying in the hospital to take care of Wei Yunlong.

Lin Mo could only agree. Anyway, the old lady had suffered a lot during this period, and she must have had many physical problems. Living in the hospital, she could be treated together.

While waiting for Ye Qing, Lin Mo got an overview of what happened from the old lady.

In fact, Wei Yunlong was seriously injured when he returned from the Dead Sea, but basically there was no major problem.

But after returning to school, the school principal directly asked him to retire and stopped all benefits.

Because they needed to treat their physical injuries, the old principal and his wife spent all their savings.

The old principal, who had not fully recovered, was targeted by the new principal, and even lost his martial arts skills inexplicably.

Later, the house was forcibly demolished and turned into a hotel...

As Lin Mo listened, murderous intent suddenly filled his eyes.

After taking out his phone and searching for a moment, Lin Mo got the name of the new principal.

"Xiao Ruhai?" Lin Mo was stunned, he was actually from the Xiao family?

Does it have anything to do with Xiao Yan?

However, at this time, Lin Mo didn't want to care so much.

After comforting the old lady, Lin Mo waited at the hospital until Ye Qing arrived.

After a few words of explanation, Lin Mo left the hospital and came to the gate of China Military University again.

Seeing Lin Mo arrive again, the same old men went out to greet him.

"Lin Mo, you have already picked me up, why are you still here?" One of the old men said in a deep voice.

Lin Mo ignored them and took out the Silver Dragon Spear from his body.

Huaxia Military University...

Lin Mo carried the Silver Dragon Spear and walked towards the school gate step by step, looking at the huge stone pillars on both sides of the gate.

"Teach and educate people...the world is full of students and talents!"

There are four large gilt characters written on the two stone pillars, which look magnificent.


The roar of the dragon resounded, and Lin Mo directly swung the Silver Dragon Spear, using it as a stick, and smashed it towards the two stone pillars!

With two loud noises, the stone pillar was smashed directly by Lin Mo!

Then the entire school gate collapsed!

A group of people who ran out to watch the excitement looked at the collapsed school gate and were stunned!

The Huaxia Military University was established a hundred years ago, and this gate was built at a large cost at that time. In many cases, this place can even be called an attraction. Many people who know the Huaxia Military University will come here to take photos and check in.

But now, Lin Mo has directly destroyed this place!

Some students' eyes were blood red, and they looked at Lin Mo with murderous intent.

"Lin Mo!" Several old men reacted from the shock at this time, shouted loudly, and were about to take action against Lin Mo.

"I am here this time to kill only enemies."

"But if someone takes action against me, I will kill them!"

The last four words came out of Lin Mo's mouth, and he immediately exuded terrifying murderous intent.

Looking at Lin Mo's eyes and listening to Lin Mo's words, a group of people felt cold all over.

Several old men were originally ready to stop Lin Mo, but after hearing these words, their expressions changed at the same time. One by one, they either backed away or stood still. No one dared to take a step forward!

Lin Mo didn't look at them, but used the Yan Xiang Technique and walked into the air step by step.

His movements were very slow, and with every step, a bit of his spiritual power and energy and blood were released, surging everywhere like a sea wave.

After standing at a height of nearly a hundred meters, Lin Mo stopped.

The silver dragon gun in his hand trembled slightly and emitted a series of high-pitched dragon roars.

"Xiao Ruhai, come out and fight!"

"Xiao Ruhai! Come out and fight!"

The power of Qi, blood and mental power worked simultaneously, and Lin Mo's voice echoed throughout the school like thunder.

More students came out and looked at the figure in the sky.

"Xiao Ruhai...he wants to challenge our principal!"

Some students exclaimed.

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