Lin Mo's fists rained down like raindrops, and each punch was full of strength. Soon, the sound of bones breaking rang out from Xiao Ruhai's body.

After fighting for nearly ten minutes, Lin Mo threw Xiao Ruhai to the ground.

At this moment, Xiao Ruhai was really like mud. He collapsed on the ground, with wounds all over his body. There was no trace of human color on his face, and his eyes were looking at the sky with despair.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo sneered and looked at everyone in the school.

He took a step forward and said coldly: "I, Lin Mo, dare to do what I do. If anyone wants to seek revenge from me for what happened today, just do it!

Lin Mo continued, but if I know that someone dares to secretly attack my teacher and master's wife again..."

The voice paused, and Lin Mo suddenly punched hard in the distance!

The terrifying blood and qi power spread out, turned into a fist, and hit the wall directly.

Suddenly, a huge fist mark appeared in front of everyone.

When he came to his senses, Lin Mo's figure had disappeared.

Looking at the place where Lin Mo's figure disappeared, a group of teachers from Huaxia Military University were extremely shocked and sighed.

Their eyes fell on the many students watching the game, and their hearts sank suddenly.

These students had a look of despair on their faces, and their eyes became much dimmer.

That was the look of losing all dreams, that was the look of faith collapse!

The appearance of Lin Mo directly destroyed all the images of Huaxia Military University in their hearts.

With a sigh, an old man stepped forward, and just as he was about to speak, a student spoke first and interrupted what he was about to say.

"Teachers, who are the teachers and mistresses that Lin Mo is talking about?"

Before many teachers could answer, a student responded first.

"Is it the old lady who picks up food in the garbage dump all day, and the old man lying in the garbage dump, dying?"

Quiet, incomparable quiet.

Many teachers were also savoring the response of this student just now.

Huaxia Military University...what happened?

Some people couldn't help but look at the collapsed school gate not far away. They were in a heavy mood and couldn't help asking such questions in their hearts.


After leaving Huaxia Military University, Lin Mo's expression finally became a little better.

Does Lin Mo regret what he did today?

"No regrets. The students taught by the school are the future of China, but can such a military university teach the future of China?

Instead of doing this, I'd rather destroy it completely!

A thousand sails pass by the side of a sunken boat..."

Lin Mo recited these seven words softly, and his face became much firmer.

Back to the hospital, Lin Mo saw Ye Qing sitting at the door of the hospital, and a smile appeared on his face.

Perhaps because he felt Lin Mo's arrival, Ye Qing suddenly opened her eyes, and when she saw Lin Mo, she also smiled.

"How is Jinling? Is the Ye family on the right track?" Lin Mo smiled and stepped forward, taking the initiative to hold one of her hands.

Ye Qing blushed slightly, struggled a little, and then let Lin Mo hold her hand, then nodded slightly: "The Ye family was already on the verge of decline, but after I took over, I stopped some business directly, and then began to sell all the Ye family's pills at the lowest price.

At present, the entire Ye family has begun to study intermediate and advanced Qi and Blood Pills. With my information, I believe that it won't take long for the Ye family to be resurrected!

This time, I really want to thank you very much!"

Ye Qing looked at Lin Mo, her big eyes full of gratitude.

Lin Mo nodded, his eyes fell on the ward.

Through the glass window, you can see two old people lying on the bed, sleeping very peacefully.

"The old man's condition is very serious, but he was sent to the hospital in time. At present, the deterioration of the injury has been curbed and he has been given appropriate treatment.

The old lady is in good health, but because of excessive sadness, she has developed some diseases. She will be fine after a period of rest!"

When the two were about to say something, Lin Mo suddenly saw the old man's palm trembling in the ward.

Then, his eyelids trembled, and he actually had signs of wanting to wake up.

Lin Mo quickly called the doctor, and then followed the doctor into the ward.

When a group of people walked into the ward, Wei Yunlong had already woken up. His eyes were dim. He first looked at the environment he was in, and then immediately looked to the side. After seeing his wife lying there, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since the person has woken up, it means that the treatment is still very effective. The patient has just woken up. Don't talk too long!" The doctor told Lin Mo and turned away.

Lin Mo nodded and looked at Wei Yunlong lying on the bed.

At this time, Wei Yunlong's eyes saw Lin Mo, and a smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

He tried to stretch out his skinny palm towards Lin Mo, and Lin Mo hurried forward and grasped his palm.

"Teacher, I'm here!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice: "It's the student who came late, and you and your wife suffered!"

Shaking his head gently, Wei Yunlong was finally able to make a little sound.

"You have become stronger now!" Wei Yunlong looked at Lin Mo and nodded slightly.

"The student has now reached the first level of the Martial Emperor!" Lin Mo directly stated his own level.

Wei Yunlong immediately showed a proud look on his face.

This... is his student! Now among the young generation of martial artists, he can almost be called the best!

"Teacher, I want to ask, what is going on? Why are you so seriously injured?

And how is the old master now?"

Lin Mo looked at Wei Yunlong, who was getting better and better, and couldn't help asking.

Hearing Lin Mo's question, Wei Yunlong's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent: "I am here today, thanks to the Xiao family!"

As Wei Yunlong told the story, Lin Mo understood everything that happened in the Dead Sea.

It turned out that in the Dead Sea, Wei Yunlong successfully broke through his realm. Just when he was about to leave, another martial artist in the Dead Sea suddenly attacked him!

The person who attacked was a member of the Xiao family. This person wanted to kill Wei Yunlong directly, but Wei Yunlong finally escaped!

"Although the Dead Sea is not an abyss, it can be called a trial place because of its special environment. The Xiao family is the controller of this trial place!

The one who attacked me that day was Xiao Ruhai's brother, Xiao Rushan!"

Lin Mo's eyes were cold, and he repeated Xiao Rushan's name in his heart.

"Teacher, we will avenge this hatred sooner or later..." Lin Mo said in a deep voice, and then lowered his voice and said: "Do you know the whereabouts of the master?

As far as I know, the master has not returned from the Rob Abyss yet!"

When mentioning the master Chen Banzi, Wei Yunlong's expression immediately surged with a layer of worry.

"Since they dared to attack me, they will definitely attack your master, so after escaping death, I planned to go to the Rob Abyss, but I didn't expect to end up like this!"

Wei Yunlong's face was full of unwillingness. He was also a well-known figure, but he ended up living in a garbage dump.

If Lin Mo hadn't intervened, his fate would probably be to freeze to death in a garbage dump with the old lady in a cold winter.

Maybe someone would feel sorry for them and bury them in a thin coffin.

But the greater possibility is that their bodies were buried in the garbage dump, buried by the garbage dump piled up like a mountain.

Thinking of this, the old man's eyes were filled with endless anger.

Strands of Qi and blood began to flow through the old man's body.

After all, he was a martial artist who almost broke through to the realm of the Martial Emperor. Even if his cultivation was in trouble now, he could gather Qi and blood in his rage.

Lin Mo felt the gathered Qi and blood, and a smile appeared on his face.

The fact that Qi and blood could be gathered so easily showed that Wei Yunlong still had the possibility of recovering his cultivation.

After looking at the time, Lin Mo stood up and said, "Teacher, the student will go to the master's place in person. You should stay in the hospital to recover during this time!

If you have any questions, you can find Ye Qing!"

After leaving this sentence, Lin Mo took Ye Qing away.

After the two of them had a brief reunion, Lin Mo left the hospital.

He was going to Rob Abyss, but before that, he went to the Beijing Library as Ouyang Xiu said and looked for the person Ouyang Xiu mentioned.

After a night of silence, Lin Mo appeared in front of the gate of Beijing Library on time the next day.

As the largest library in China, Beijing Library has collected most of the books in the world, and there are many out-of-print books in it.

To be the director of the library, he must not be a simple person.

After entering the library, Lin Mo went straight to the director's office.

When he pushed the door open and walked in, he saw an old man sitting on a chair with a pile of books in front of him. At this moment, the old man was wearing glasses and flipping through something.

Perhaps he was reading too seriously, so he didn't even notice that Lin Mo walked into the office.

After Lin Mo entered, he stood quietly aside and waited silently.

It was not until an hour later that the old man put down the book and rubbed his eyes, and then he saw Lin Mo standing there.

"Sorry, I was so absorbed in the book when I read it. How long have you been here? What's the matter?" The old man saw a person thrown out of the room, and there was not much surprise on his face, but asked with a smile.

"Hello, senior, my name is Lin Mo, and Ouyang Xiu asked me to find you!

This is what he gave me, please take a look!"

Lin Mo took out the token Ouyang Xiu gave him and handed it to the old man with both hands.

After the old man took it, he took a look, smiled, and nodded slightly: "You are Lin Mo who is in the limelight recently!

Tell me, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

"Junior wants to know the news of Rob Abyss!" Lin Mo answered respectfully.

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