Rob Abyss? !

When he heard these four words, the old man's expression changed slightly.

"Why do you want to know this place?!" The old man looked at Lin Mo, with even a hint of scrutiny in his eyes.

At this moment, Lin Mo felt an invisible pressure from the old man!

Lin Mo's heart sank. From the first time he saw the old man, he could not feel the slightest fluctuation of energy and blood from the old man's body.

It is natural to think that this is an ordinary person, or a martial artist whose energy and blood power has not reached the level of a warrior.

But now, the aura emanating from the old man made Lin Mo feel pressure all of a sudden!

You know, with Lin Mo's current strength, he won't feel any pressure even when facing the second-grade Martial Emperor. But facing the old man, Lin Mo felt endless pressure coming slowly!

Strong man, the man in front of you is an absolute strong man!

Lin Mo looked serious and looked at the old man, feeling defensive in his heart.

Although the other party was recommended by Ouyang Xiu, people's hearts are far apart. Who knows if the strong man in front of him will be uneasy and kind-hearted?

"The junior's master has not appeared until now because he has entered the Luobu Abyss." Lin Mo said in a deep voice: "The junior has now reached the first-level Martial Emperor realm and has certain abilities. I want to defeat my master. get back!"

After taking a deep look at Lin Mo, the old man nodded slightly: "There is still some filial piety, but in a place like that, it will be difficult for you, a small first-grade Martial Emperor, to stir up trouble in it!"

After the old man said this, he turned and walked aside, raised his hand and pressed on the wall, and then a portal appeared in the room.

"Come with me!" The old man walked into the door and spoke softly with his back to Lin Mo.

The mental power spread out, wanting to explore what was going on inside the door.

However, when a huge amount of spiritual power was released, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no sound in an instant.

It can actually isolate mental power!

Lin Mo's face showed a solemn look.

"Boy, you can't detect this with your mental power!" There was a chuckle, and the old man turned around and waved to Lin Mo: "You were introduced by Ouyang Xiu, don't worry, I won't do anything to you. of!"

Lin Mo smiled awkwardly, nodded, and followed the old man.

After entering the gate, Lin Mo suddenly felt like the world was spinning!

"I see!"

A familiar feeling came over him, and Lin Mo instantly knew what he had entered!

This is actually a small abyss!

It's like an independent space, surrounded by bookshelves with ancient books on them.

Lin Mo looked at these ancient books. The names of some ancient books sounded like martial arts.

"That's a ninth-level martial arts skill at the Earth level, aren't you a little jealous!" The old man's voice sounded: "Let me tell you, you can find the top martial arts skills in China here..."

"Also, the top martial arts here is called Dragon Art, seventh level of heaven level!"

The old man looked at Lin Mo and spoke calmly.

When a pair of eyes opened his mouth again, they had already fallen on Lin Mo, watching Lin Mo's every move.

Heaven level seventh level!

Hearing these four words, Lin Mo took a breath of air.

Then he smiled and shook his head: "Senior, please stop teasing me and tell me the news about Rob Abyss as soon as possible!"

The old man laughed, raised his hand, and a book suddenly fell in front of Lin Mo.

"The news about Rob Abyss is inside, just read it here. You only have ten minutes, and you have to leave in ten minutes!"

After the old man finished speaking, he left directly from here with his hands behind his back.

ten minutes!

Lin Mo looked serious, opened the book, and recorded the contents of the book carefully.

At this moment, Lin Mo transformed into a humanoid copy machine. Ten minutes later, Lin Mo had memorized the entire content of the book.

"Senior, junior has finished reading!" Lin Mo said softly, and then the book in his hand flew up and landed on the shelf nearby.

"After I left just now, did you have any idea of ​​opening up the martial arts skills on the shelf and taking a look? After all, I'm not here, even if you take a sneak peek, no one will notice!" The old man's voice sounded, and I don't know when, unexpectedly, Standing behind Lin Mo again.

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then said: "If the senior doesn't remind me, the junior will forget these martial arts... I don't know if the senior can leave for another ten minutes. This time, the junior must take a good look at those martial arts!"

"Hahaha!" Lin Mo's words directly made the old man laugh: "You kid, you are quite interesting!

However, you do want to save your master, very good, very good!

Chen Banzi has gained a good disciple! "

"Do you know my master?" Lin Mo's face changed slightly, but he didn't expect that the old man in front of him actually knew Chen Banzi.

"Haha, we have been friends for many years." The old man nodded: "Okay, since you are Brother Banzi's disciple, I can't help but give you a greeting gift...

Let me think about it...

There are restrictions on the martial arts here, but if you can use your own breath to make the martial arts react to you, I can make the decision and give this martial arts to you! "

Lin Mo's eyes widened and he looked at the old man and said excitedly: "Senior, if this junior uses that Dragon Art..."

"If you can trigger the Dragon Art to react, I will give it to you, so what?" The old man smiled lightly, but he didn't care at all: "Okay, one minute, hurry up!"

Lin Mo's expression was serious, and he immediately used the Dragon Fist. His own blood and energy gathered behind him, and a golden dragon's phantom slowly emerged.

Such aura spread to the surroundings, covering the entire abyss with bookshelves under the dragon's might!

But as time passed, not a single martial art resonated with him...

Lin Mo had an embarrassed look on his face, and chuckled and said: "It seems that the junior has no chance with these martial arts. I can only thank the senior for his kindness!"

The old man smiled and nodded: "Indeed, since no martial arts resonate with you, forget it..."

As soon as the voice fell, he saw a bamboo slip flying up from a bookshelf in the corner and fell directly into Lin Mo's hands.

On the bamboo slips, three big characters were actually written in seal script. Lin Mo recognized them for a long time and finally recognized the three characters on it.

Yi Jin Jing.

"Yi Jin Jing?!" Lin Mo looked at the bamboo slips in his hand and was stunned. Isn't this thing something in a martial arts novel?

Why did it appear here? The most important thing is that this thing is actually written in seal script!

"Hiss..." The old man looked at the bamboo slips in Lin Mo's hand and was also stunned for a moment: "This bamboo slip was dug out from a Qin Dynasty tomb. After so many years, the bamboo slips are intact, but there is nothing else except the three words Yi Jin Jing!

Since the bamboo slips have reacted to you, you can take the things away!"

The old man spoke softly, then raised his hand and waved it, and the surrounding scenery changed immediately. When Lin Mo came back to his senses, he had already appeared in the previous room.

Lin Mo looked at the bamboo slips in his hand and the information about Rob Abyss in his mind, and bowed deeply to the old man.

"Thank you for your help, senior!" Lin Mo said in a deep voice, and then turned to say goodbye.

"How is that kid Ouyang Xiu now?" Just as Lin Mo turned around, the old man's voice sounded from behind him.

"The boss went to Myanmar." Lin Mo paused, and then said: "The senior and the boss are..."

"He is my son!" The old man raised his hand and waved, and Lin Mo's body flew out involuntarily, and the door behind him was directly closed.

However, the last sentence the old man said was still heard clearly by Lin Mo.

"The father of the boss?!" Lin Mo was stunned, and looked at the age difference between the old man and Ouyang Xiu: "This is an old man with a son!"

The old man looked at least a hundred years old, but Ouyang Xiu's real age was only about forty years old. The difference was too big, and it didn't look like father and son at all, but more like grandfather and grandson.

Lin Mo bowed again to the door behind him, and then turned and left.

In the room, after the spiritual power detected Lin Mo's departure, the old man showed a smile on his face: "He is an interesting little guy. I didn't expect that Yi Jin Jing would react to him...

According to the legend, this martial arts is quite interesting!"

After a pause, the old man's aura slowly changed, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent: "I can't bear to take care of my son, and you guys dare to point fingers at me. Do you really think that I, Ouyang Yi, am easy to bully?!"

As soon as the voice fell, the old man's figure disappeared from here!

Lin Mo was naturally unaware of this. After he left the Beijing Library with the bamboo slips, he returned to the house he bought in Beijing.

When he got the share from Ye Qing, he used part of the money to buy a house. Over the years, he has lived there less.

After entering the room, Lin Mo first opened the Yi Jin Jing. As Ouyang Yi said, there was really nothing in it.

"This thing is not deliberately used to fool me!" Lin Mo frowned slightly, put the bamboo slip aside, fumbled around for a while, and took out a high-level Qi and Blood Pill.

"I haven't entered the dream for a while. Ye Qing brought me a lot of high-level Qi and Blood Pills this time. It's just right for me to go to the dream before entering the Rob Abyss to stabilize my realm and see if there are any skills that can be upgraded!"

Lin Mo thought about it and stuffed the Qi and Blood Pill into his mouth.

The game is loading...

Lin Mo looked at the familiar words that appeared in front of him, and he felt relieved!

"The fragments of the Heaven-level martial arts are detected. Have they been absorbed into the dream?!"

Just when Lin Mo was about to check his own martial arts, such words appeared in front of him.

"The fragments of the Heaven-level martial arts?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and then thought that the so-called fragments of martial arts might refer to the Yi Jin Jing!

"Yes!" Lin Mo made his choice immediately without any hesitation.

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