Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 290 Overthrowing the Ministry of War


There was a burst of ridicule from all around, and several people looked at Lin Mo with mocking eyes.

"Your name is Li Yue, right?" Lin Mo seemed to have not heard the laughter around him. He just looked up at the man in front of him and suddenly asked.

The man was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face slowly faded. He glanced around and then said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to know my name. Should I feel honored..."


Before the last word could be uttered, a sound of breaking wind was heard.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo's figure appeared in front of him.


There was a loud noise, and Lin Mo punched out, hitting Li Yue directly on the chest.

Li Yue flew backwards and hit the wall with a bang.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Li Yue rolled his eyes and fainted.

A touch of mental power attached to the paper, and then with a slight movement of thought, the mental power lifted the paper and fell into Lin Mo's hands.

"Did you know that there is an old man's name on this piece of paper?" Lin Mo looked at the remaining people and spoke in a low voice.

Several people met Lin Mo's gaze and couldn't help but take two steps back.

"A bunch of cowards are afraid of what he will do. He is alone. There are so many of us. Aren't we still his opponents?

Go together! "

One of them suddenly shouted loudly, and then rushed towards Lin Mo with a few people around him.

Lin Mo watched several people rushing towards him, with a cold smile on his face.

Five Beast Fist...Wolf King Fist!

Lin Mo used his fists, and a blue wolf king appeared behind him. It stood there quietly, looking at everyone coldly with a pair of earth-yellow eyes.


The sound of howling wolves seemed to ring in several people's ears, followed by severe pain in their bodies.

The Wolf King's fist had already landed on them, and with its powerful force, it directly knocked several of them flying.

Bang bang bang!

Several muffled sounds were heard, and the remaining people's faces turned pale as they watched this scene.

Several people looked at each other, their eyes flickering.

They used their eyes to signal the other party to take action quickly and rush forward, but no one dared to take action, and they all hesitated and did not dare to step forward.

"Who should I ask to sign for me?" Lin Mo glanced at them with a chuckle, then turned to look at the guard.

The guard couldn't help but tremble as Lin Mo stared at him, and then quickly said: "Go in and find... Commander Qian..."

Commander Qian?

Lin Mo nodded, as if he didn't see the people in front of him, and strode inside.

Several people looked at each other and were unwilling to step forward, but no one dared to escape. However, when Lin Mo took a step forward, they took a step back.

"Fight or get out!"

Lin Mo looked at the people in front of him and spoke calmly.

Then the power of Qi and blood surged crazily, his eyes locked on a few people, and overwhelming pressure gathered on them.

Several people's faces suddenly became extremely pale, and finally they looked at each other a few times, and then one person staggered and took two steps to the side.

If someone takes the lead, the rest will be much easier. The group of people will disperse in a panic.

"Coward..." Lin Mo chuckled and dropped these two words.

A group of people blushed, but no one dared to take a step forward.

They could only watch as Lin Mo's back disappeared before their eyes.

After entering the gate of the Ministry of War, Lin Mo walked all the way inside.

He knew very well that it was definitely not possible for these people to take action because of a notification from a guard.

There must be someone behind this. As long as he moves forward step by step, someone will naturally come to find him when he gets inside.

In fact, these people came a little faster than he thought.

"Lin Mo, what are your intentions when you trespass into the core area of ​​the Ministry of War?"

A cold shout sounded, and not far away, an old man came slowly with a few people.

Lin Mo looked at the old man at the head and couldn't help but laugh.

This person was one of the old men at the assessment site.

If Lin Mo remembers correctly, this person's name is Xi Nan, and his current martial arts cultivation level is only at the first-level Martial Emperor realm.

Lin Mo looked the old man up and down, and his eyes fell on his face.

Even though he has recovered a lot, you can still see that Xi Nan's face seems to have scars, and there seems to be a circle of bruises around his eyes.

Seeing Lin Mo's eyes staring at her non-stop, Xi Nan's expression suddenly changed.

"Go ahead and capture this person for me. If he dares to resist, I will kill him without mercy!"

Xi Nan spoke angrily, her eyes filled with fierceness.

The few strong men behind him took action directly after hearing this.

Several people were actually at the peak of the first-grade Martial Emperor. They attacked at the same time, and their energy and blood boiled instantly.

The entire corridor was filled with energy, as if it was about to overturn the building.

At the same time, Lin Mo's aura became even more terrifying, and his mental power and blood power exploded at the same time.

After the spiritual realm expanded and enveloped a group of people, Lin Mo's energy and blood condensed the shadows of the five beasts.


There was a loud noise, and five ferocious beasts rushed toward them.

Several people's faces were pale. In the spiritual world, they were no match for Lin Mo. They could only watch helplessly as the ferocious beast rushed toward them, and then fell directly to the ground!

By the time Lin Mo withdrew from the spiritual realm, several strong men were already lying on the ground.

Xi Nan stood there, staring at Lin Mo with an ugly expression.


Lin Mo took a step forward and stared at Xi Nan.

"You..." Xi Nan couldn't help but take a step back. Even though the two were of similar strength, he still couldn't help but retreat when facing Lin Mo.

Lin Mo stepped forward again with a sarcastic expression on his lips.


A fist enlarged in Xi Nan's eyes, and then he felt a sharp pain in his head.

It turned out that the fist had landed on his face.

Xi Nan covered her eyes, anger written on her face.

"It looks symmetrical this way." Lin Mo said with a smile, as if he was admiring his masterpiece.

At this moment, Xi Nan's face was surrounded by purple-red circles around her eyes, making her look extremely pitiful.

How could Xi Nan not hear the ridicule in Lin Mo's mouth, but what could he say at this time?

"Lin Mo, I am the third deputy minister of the Ministry of War. If you dare to attack me, you are committing the following crime..."

Xi Nan pointed at Lin Mo and could only use such high-sounding words to scare Lin Mo.

"Minister Xi, if you scare me again, I will kill you and silence you!" Lin Mo suddenly looked at Xi Nan seriously and spoke thoughtfully.

Xi Nan's voice stopped suddenly and she looked at Lin Mo, and for a moment she really didn't dare to say a word.

Lin Mo was also amused by Xi Nan's performance. He stared at the latter and said solemnly: "Tell me where Commander Qian is!"

Xi Nan snorted coldly, but still raised her finger honestly and pointed to the stairs not far away.

"I can't understand. If you can't speak, I'll beat you until you can speak..." After that, he rolled up his sleeves and walked towards Xi Nan.

"In the 618 office on the sixth floor!" Xi Nan spoke immediately as she saw Lin Mo rushing toward her.

Lin Mo chuckled lightly, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "That's right!"

After saying that, she went straight up the stairs and disappeared from his sight.

After watching Lin Mo leave, Xi Nan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief and collapsed on the ground.

"Master, Master, you are now the executor of the Dragon Transformation Plan. I hope that in a year, you can become the strongest of the younger generation. When the time comes, you can crush Lin Mo and avenge me!" Xi Nan said with a sigh of relief. Keep talking.

On the other side, after Lin Mo climbed the stairs, he reached the sixth floor in one breath without encountering anyone else blocking his way.

Standing at the door of 618's office, I thought for a while, then raised my hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" an old voice sounded in the office.

Lin Mo pushed open the office door and saw a white-haired old man sitting inside, wearing reading glasses and looking at him.

"Commander Qian, Senior Ouyang asked me to come here. I want a certificate to enter the Lob Abyss!"

Lin Mo spoke directly, his attitude towards the old man in front of him was quite respectful.

"Lin Mo, right? Have you already taught the following people a lesson?"

Commander Qian looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile.

Lin Mo nodded: "I couldn't help but beat them, but I won't kill them."

Commander Qian nodded, smiled, took the piece of paper from Lin Mo's hand, wrote a line on it, signed his name, and finally took out the seal from his pocket and stamped it.

"Take this piece of paper and go to Rob's Abyss, and you can enter, but are you sure you've thought about it?

If you really enter the Rob Abyss, there is a high possibility that you will not be able to come back..."

Lin Mo took the piece of paper in his hand, took a look at it, and after making sure it was OK, he said: "Since I'm going, I'm naturally prepared to die there!

Thank you, senior! "

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Commander Qian suddenly said.

Lin Mo paused, turned around and stared at him.

"Don't look at me like that. If you hold this, it might be of some use to you!" Commander Qian said, taking out a box from the drawer and throwing it to Lin Mo.

Lin Mo subconsciously took it in his hand, thanked him, and then turned and left.

Commander Qian looked at Lin Mo's leaving figure and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

After pondering for a moment, he tapped his fingers on the table twice, and then slowly stood up.

"If you have a poisonous sore on your body, if you don't remove the sore, even if the surface has healed, it will not help...

It seems it’s time for the Ministry of War to clean up the sores on its body..."

Commander Qian's voice echoed in the empty office, and then nine black shadows slowly emerged around his body.

"Go and investigate! Go and kill!"

Commander Qian spat out these four words calmly. In an instant, he changed from an old man to a battlefield general with the power of life and death!

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