Lin Mo naturally didn't know about the subsequent bloody turmoil caused by his trip to the Ministry of War. At this moment, he was already sitting in a car and rushing to the giant city of Rob.

The discovery of the giant city of Rob was actually earlier than the Abyss of Rob. It was an ancient giant city with a history of at least five thousand years.

The excavation of the giant city of Rob has actually been going on for hundreds of years. Judging from the information Lin Mo obtained, there are a lot of benefits to be gained from it.

Lin Mo even saw records in the information. It is said that the only third-level heaven-level martial arts currently mastered by the Xi family was discovered from the archaeology of Luobu Giant City.

Over the years, although the giant city of Rob is an ancient city thousands of years ago, countless archaeologists have camped here over the years, and a brand new giant city has been formed on top of the original ruins!

"Brother Lin, we will be there soon!"

Next to Lin Mo, a girl smiled and spoke. She was about twenty-three or four years old, wearing a short cyan shirt and a ponytail.

"Zhou Mei, don't disturb the guests' rest!" A faint voice sounded, and not far away, a middle-aged man glanced at them and said.

The man is Zhou Mei's father, Zhou Dahai, and the captain of Lin Mo's current team.

The convoy led by Zhou Dahai helps the residents of Lobu City transport certain supplies every year, and at the same time, it also takes some people on their way to Lobu Abyss.

Zhou Dahai is very familiar with this road because he has walked this road all year round.

If Lin Mo wants to go to Rob Abyss, the best choice is to follow their convoy. During this period, he only needs to pay a certain fee.

This girl Zhou Mei must have taken a liking to Lin Mo, as she was always asking for help along the way.

Zhou Dahai looked at Lin Mo as if he was an enemy. If it weren't for money, he would have kicked Lin Mo out of the car.

"Dad, how much money do you think we can make this time when we get to Robb City?" After Zhou Mei ran away from Lin Mo, she stood in front of her father and asked with a smile.

Zhou Dahai's face obviously became a little ugly, he sighed softly and said: "I just hope I don't run into Master Gou and the others.

Otherwise, we might not be able to pay for the compensation if we bring so much goods. Apart from Lin Mo, we didn’t pick up anyone else on this trip, alas! "

Mentioning Master Dog, Zhou Mei's face immediately showed a look of disgust, she waved her fist and said: "Dad, your strength is not bad, Master Dog is only in the third-level Martial King realm, how can you be your opponent!

I really don't understand why you are afraid of him! "

"What do you know! Behind Master Dog is Lord Dog, who is one of the giants in Luobu City. If you offend Lord Dog, we, father and daughter, will not leave this road in Luobu City from now on!"

You might even lose your life here! "

Lin Mo sat in the back of the truck, listening to the conversation between father and daughter from a distance.

Lin Mo actually didn't care much about the so-called Young Master Dog and Lord Dog. He had paid to follow Zhou Dahai's motorcade all the way. As long as Young Master Dog didn't provoke him, Lin Mo himself would definitely not meddle in his own business. of.

Just when Lin Mo was thinking about whether he needed a night's rest after arriving at Robb City, Zhou Mei suddenly let out a burst of excited cheers.

Lin Mo looked up and glanced into the distance, and a magnificent city appeared in front of him.

From a distance, the entire giant city is lined with tall buildings, but the architectural style is completely different from that in the city. These tall buildings are actually the same as those ancient pavilions, and they all seem to be made of wood.

"Mr. Lin, when you get to the city gate, get off the car first. You may have to go through the procedures required to enter the city yourself!" Zhou Dahai's voice sounded from the cab.

Lin Mo nodded, and the original agreement was that he only had to go to the city gate.

Zhou Mei looked at Lin Mo, as if she was hesitant to speak.

Lin Mo smiled and pretended not to see it.

Ho ho ho!

Just when the convoy was about one kilometer away from the giant city of Rob, smoke and dust billowed in the distance, and the roar of the engine could be heard coming from a distance.

You can still vaguely see the motorcycles that are constantly shuttling in the smoke and dust.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Dahai's expression changed slightly, he honked the horn, and the entire convoy began to slow down slowly.

In the end, it stopped about a few hundred meters away from the giant city.

Soon, the motorcycle team appeared in front of everyone. The leader was a young man in black with yellow hair and an arrogant smile on his face.

He was holding an iron rod in his hand and hitting the iron fuel tank of the motorcycle, making a sound of metal clashing.

Zhou Mei's face turned pale, and she couldn't help but move towards Lin Mo's position.


At this moment, a loud noise was heard, and the young man in black who was leading the car hit the rearview mirror of the truck with a metal baseball bat.

The rearview mirror and the iron rod below were all broken.

Glass shards flew, and some of them flew in the direction of Lin Mo. However, when they were about one meter away from Lin Mo, all the glass shards fell to the ground.

"Boss Zhou's business is booming. How's it going? What kind of goods did you transport this time?!"

The young man in black looked at Zhou Dahai and placed the baseball bat directly on Zhou Dahai's shoulder.

A forced smile appeared on Zhou Dahai's face: "This is all thanks to Master Gou's blessing...

Mr. Dog, take these and treat them as if you are a young man inviting you to tea..."

Zhou Dahai took out a thick plate of money from his body and handed it to the young man in black with a flattering smile on his face.

Lin Mo noticed that Zhou Mei's eyes were full of anger and she kept staring at the young man in black, that is, Master Gou.

"Boss Zhou is sending beggars to treat us to tea with such a small amount of money? Are we the kind of people who drink low-end tea?"

Master Dog hit Zhou Dahai's wrist with a baseball bat.

After a muffled sound, Zhou Dahai screamed and the money in his hand fell to the ground.

But he didn't dare to complain at all, so he laughed and slapped himself hard twice with his other good hand.

"Young Master Dog is right. I didn't think carefully. I really deserve a beating!" He nodded and bowed, with a flattering smile on his face, and took out three thick stacks of banknotes from his body: "I only have so many on my body. Okay, after the goods are delivered, I will make up for Master Dog..."

Mr. Dog glanced at the stack of banknotes that fell on the ground and said nothing.

Zhou Dahai immediately jumped out of the car, picked up the banknotes that fell on the ground, and handed them to Master Dog respectfully.

"That's ridiculous!" Master Dog took the money, glanced at the car, and finally landed on Lin Mo.

"get down!"

Master Dog raised his finger and pointed at Lin Mo, and ordered lightly.

Lin Mo glanced at him, raised his finger and pointed at himself: "Are you talking about me?"

"What the hell, didn't I call you or who else?!" Master Dog scolded in dissatisfaction: "Get out of here quickly, I said a long time ago that when you see me, you must bow your head and salute.

Your kid has never looked at me seriously since he saw me! "


As he spoke, he actually threw the iron rod in his hand towards Lin Mo!


When the iron rod was about one meter away from Lin Mo, it made a sound as if it hit something, and then fell into the carriage.

Master Dog looked at this scene with a playful look in his eyes.

"I said why are you so arrogant in front of me? It turns out there are two brushes!"

However, the next moment, he raised his hand and slapped the truck down. While the power of his blood was boiling, huge power was also surging silently.

Lin Mo had a curious expression on his face, because although Master Gou was only at the third-level Martial King realm, the martial arts he performed turned out to be first-level heaven-level martial arts!

Is this too extravagant for a Martial King?

However, Lin Mo was not in a hurry to interrupt, but watched quietly as the slap landed on his head.

"Brother Lin, hurry up and get out of the way!" Zhou Mei had a worried look on her face and shouted, and at the same time she pounced on Lin Mo.

She actually wanted to use her body to help Lin Mo block the slap!

Looking at this scene, Lin Mo had a look of shock on his face.

Then he stood up as fast as lightning, protecting Zhou Mei behind him.


A muffled sound came. Zhou Mei closed her eyes, but the imaginary feeling of severe pain in her body did not come.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Lin Mo standing quietly in front of him.

At this moment, Lin Mo stood there, just like a mountain, making Zhou Mei feel an unparalleled sense of security.

Lin Mo held Master Gou's wrist with one hand and blocked his slap. Looking at Master Gou who was struggling, Lin Mo showed a sneer on his lips.


There was a sound of bones breaking, and then Master Dog's wrist went limp as if it were made of rubber.

"Ah!!!" The screams echoed throughout the area where the convoy was located.

The young master dog covered his wrists and lay on the ground, screaming continuously from his mouth.

Lin Mo stood quietly on the truck and looked at Master Dog: "You were supposed to do whatever you were supposed to do. I have nothing to do with you. Why do you think you want to die?"

The young master dog rolled on the ground, with anger and pain on his face. He raised his finger and pointed at Lin Mo, and said sternly: "I don't care who you are, when you get to this giant city of Rob, even if you are a dragon, you should be taken care of by me!

Just wait, I must tell my godfather and let him destroy all your limbs..."

Master Dog is not a fool, but because he is used to being arrogant in Rob Abyss, at this time, he still yells at Lin Mo without thinking about whether Lin Mo is someone he can provoke.

"Godfather?" Lin Mo chuckled: "In the city, godfather is not a good term. You are so young, don't you want to work hard?!"

Mr. Dog was lying on the ground. He was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Lin Mo was insulting him because the relationship between him and Mr. Dog was not clean!

After figuring this out, Master Gou started yelling.


A slap came again, and Master Gou's entire face was completely distorted. If it weren't for the strength of King Wu, Lin Mo would have taken his name directly with this slap.


Don't make me say it a second time! "Lin Mo looked at Master Dog and said calmly.

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