The roar of the motorcycle sounded again, and the smoke and dust that had finally calmed down was once again raised and rolled, covering the distant Rob City, giving the entire city a hazy beauty.

Lin Mo looked at the direction where the motorcycle left, smiled faintly, jumped off the car, and looked at Zhou Dahai beside him: "Captain Zhou..."

"Mr. Lin, don't talk first!" Zhou Dahai raised his hand to interrupt what Lin Mo was about to say. He looked at Lin Mo seriously and said: "I am very grateful for your help just now, but now please leave the team. This money is the protection fee you gave us this time. Now return it with both hands!"

Zhou Dahai returned a stack of money to Lin Mo, and then stopped talking.

Lin Mo smiled, did not take the money, turned around and walked towards the distant giant city.

"Brother Lin, don't leave, there are still a few hundred meters, don't get tired, didn't we agree..." Zhou Mei quickly jumped off the car and was about to chase Lin Mo.

But Zhou Dahai grabbed her and said, "Stand here and don't go anywhere!

Mr. Lin wants to leave, why should we keep him?

He just offended Master Gou, and when Master Gou blames us, our small team can't afford it!"

Zhou Dahai looked at his daughter and spoke helplessly.

"But Brother Lin also helped me!" Zhou Mei said puzzledly, "Dad, why are you so afraid of them? I heard from mom that you were not like this when you were young!"

"When you were young?" Zhou Dahai sneered, then turned to look at the people in the team, and directly pulled Zhou Mei into the car: "Everyone, keep going. Everyone has worked hard this time. After getting the payment, I will give everyone a long vacation when I go back!

Everyone go back and spend time with your wife and children!"

There was a cheer in the team, and soon everyone put the previous things behind them.

On the other side, Lin Mo walked to the giant city of Rob. For Lin Mo, the distance of several hundred meters was even faster than riding a truck when the speed of the ghost shadow was used.

The reason why he didn't kill Master Dog was actually because Lin Mo didn't want to have an unpleasant experience with one of the big bosses of Rob Abyss.

The information Ouyang Yi gave him introduced the basic situation of Rob City. According to the information, Rob City has three forces.

They are in charge of the transportation, finance and entrance and exit of Rob City.

The Lord Dog is in charge of the entrance and exit of the abyss.

Even with the token issued by the Ministry of War, Lin Mo is still worried about any unexpected events.

The Lord Dog is not weak, so Lin Mo also wants to enter the abyss smoothly without conflicting with him.

Lin Mo didn't use the ghost shadow to his full strength, but he still entered the giant city one step ahead of the convoy.

According to the information, Lin Mo first registered at the city gate and recorded his purpose of entering Rob City.

Rob Abyss is different from other abysses. Every time it is opened, it consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, under normal circumstances, a certain number of people must be gathered before the abyss can be opened.

According to the people guarding the city, in three days at most, the number of people who can enter the abyss will be gathered, and then Lin Mo will be notified to enter the abyss.

Of course, if you want to enter the abyss, you have to pay an additional fee.

Lin Mo had no objection to this. After paying the money, he found a hotel to check in and rest.

Before entering the Rob Abyss, he had to seize every moment to consolidate his strength. If the situation allowed, he would also like to upgrade several martial arts.

Unfortunately, Lin Mo's current Qi and Blood Pill storage is too small.

Taking out a Qi and Blood Pill and putting it in his mouth, Lin Mo slowly closed his eyes and entered the dream.

Bang bang bang!

Just when Lin Mo was immersed in the dream and practicing martial arts, a noisy sound sounded outside, which woke Lin Mo up directly.

He opened his eyes and looked outside, and was stunned, because the person standing outside was Zhou Mei.

Lin Mo glanced at the time. At this moment, more than two hours had passed since he and Zhou Mei separated.

But Zhou Mei's face was ugly at the moment, and there was a faint trace of blood on her body.

The moment she saw Lin Mo, Zhou Mei seemed to have found a savior, and threw herself directly into Lin Mo's arms.

Lin Mo wanted to avoid it, but when he saw Zhou Mei like this, he couldn't bear it, so he gently raised his hand and patted her back.

"Lin... Brother Lin, can you help me? Now in the whole Rob Giant City, only you can save my father!" Zhou Mei cried and looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo Zhou Mei, looking at Zhou Mei crying, said: "Don't worry, tell me, what happened?!"

Zhou Mei sobbed twice, looked at Lin Mo with tears on her face, and told Lin Mo exactly what happened in the past two hours.

It turned out that after they separated, Zhou Mei and her group entered the giant city.

When they were about to deliver the goods, Master Gou came with his men.

They started without saying a word and smashed all the goods.

Zhou Dahai understood that all this was just Master Gou's way of venting his anger, so he stood aside and told everyone not to stop him.

But this did not vent Master Gou's anger. After smashing all the goods, Master Gou set his sights on Zhou Mei.

Master Gou has always coveted Zhou Mei, but he has always known that as long as he dares to touch Zhou Mei, Zhou Dahai will fight him to the death.

But today, after Master Dog returned from injury, Lord Dog was so angry that he personally led people to vent his anger on Master Dog.

So Master Gou wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to directly acquire Zhou Mei!

So he rushed towards Zhou Mei and wanted to kill her in front of Zhou Dahai.

Seeing Master Dog hugging Zhou Mei, Zhou Dahai seemed to be crazy. He rushed towards Master Dog regardless.

A powerful force of energy and blood exploded instantly, knocking Master Dog away.

However, the Dog King was right behind him. When he saw this scene, he raised his hand and slapped him out!

Zhou Dahai is very strong and has reached the fourth-level Martial Saint realm, but he is still not satisfied with the Dog Prince who is in the second-level Martial Emperor realm.

However, at such a critical moment, Zhou Dahai didn't know where he got the strength to directly hold back the Dog Prince, buying Zhou Mei some time to escape.

After Zhou Mei left, she inquired about Lin Mo's whereabouts. Because she often delivered goods, Zhou Mei had a good relationship with several city guards at the city gate. She got the approximate whereabouts of Lin Mo from them. This is how she found her way here. , found the whereabouts of Lin Mo.

After knowing what happened, Lin Mo's face became ugly.

Zhou Dahai asked him to leave not to protect him, but because he was worried that Lin Mo would implicate them.

But unexpectedly, after Lin Mo left, Master Gou went directly to find them, but did not find Lin Mo.

So theoretically speaking, Zhou Dahai and the others actually suffered this disaster for him, Lin Mo.

After pondering for a moment, Lin Mo nodded and said: "Okay, leave this matter to me. I don't know if I can save your father, but since you have escaped now, don't go back, right here. Wait for my news!

Tell me the whereabouts of Lord Dog. "

Zhou Mei looked at Lin Mo and nodded with red eyes.

"Brother Lin, I really don't know how to thank you..." Zhou Mei looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

Lin Mo chuckled lightly and didn't say anything more. Instead, after settling down Zhou Mei, he headed towards the Dog Prince's mansion.

Following Zhou Mei's instructions, Lin Mo quickly arrived at Lord Dog's mansion.

As mentioned before, the entire giant city is actually built in the ancient architectural style, but the Dog Prince's mansion in front of you is not entirely in the ancient construction style.

Judging from what Lin Mo has observed so far, the Dog Prince's mansion has a Soviet-style garden style, as well as modern European style inside.

In short, it is luxurious and elegant, giving people the feeling of a wealthy dog.

But having said that, if you can give yourself names like Dog King and Dog Master, these two are probably big dog owners.

Lin Mo thought like this and walked towards Lord Dog's mansion.

The two guards looked at Lin Mo and raised their hands to stop him.

"Master Dog was beaten today because of my hand.

The Dog Prince went out today just to find me, so are you sure you want to stop me? "

Lin Mo watched the two guards speak calmly, and at the same time looked like they were about to turn around and leave at any time.

Seeing that Lin Mo was about to turn around and leave, the two guards suddenly became anxious: "You stand here and don't leave. I'm going to report it now!"

One of the guards shouted, then trotted towards the depths of the mansion.

Lin Mo just stood there, not in a hurry, waiting quietly.

Not long after, several figures walked towards here quickly.

One of them was an acquaintance of Lin Mo, the young master who was beaten.

It's just that Master Gou has recovered at this moment, and the hand that was pinched off by Lin Mo is no different from normal.

Seeing Lin Mo from a distance, Mr. Dog suddenly became extremely angry. He pointed at Lin Mo and made a big fuss.

"You bitch, you actually dare to come to my door. That's great. I'm worried that I can't find you!"

That bitch surnamed Zhou has been almost worn out by me. You came just in time to replace him! "

Master Dog cursed and rushed towards Lin Mo.

But just as he was approaching, Lin Mo's figure flashed suddenly and appeared in front of him.


Lin Mo took action directly, punched him in the chest, and at the same time stepped on his newly recovered right hand!

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