
A group of people saw Lin Mo's move and directly knocked Master Gou away, and their faces suddenly changed and they surrounded him.

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Mo shouted coldly, and used the Yanxiang technique to fly into the air, and then fell fiercely towards the bottom!

Eagle Step!

With Lin Mo's current strength, when he used the Eagle Step, he could directly see the layers of blood and qi rippling, directly forming a series of energy ripples, impacting all directions!

The few people who were about to surround him were directly knocked to the ground by the air wave, and their faces showed a look of horror.

Master Gou looked panicked. This was the residence of Lord Gou. Lin Mo actually dared to take action here. This was completely ignoring them!

The most important thing was that Master Gou had no idea what Lin Mo wanted to do to him at this moment. Judging from the momentum Lin Mo showed at present, Master Gou felt that Lin Mo wanted to kill him!

"You... you dare!"

Master Gou screamed in fear, and at the same time he kept retreating, trying to escape.

But Lin Mo clearly didn't intend to give him this chance. With a flash of his body, Lin Mo had already made a move like lightning.


The right hand that had just recovered was broken again. At the same time, Lin Mo sneered and looked at his left hand.

He raised his foot and stepped down hard.

"If you really step down with this foot, you won't live!"

A cold voice sounded, and then the blood and qi power spread out and enveloped Lin Mo.

Feeling this blood and qi power, Lin Mo knew that it was the Dog King who appeared.



Lin Mo's foot did not stop at all, and he stepped down hard directly.

Screams rang out, and the Dog Master trembled and tears came down.

"Godfather, avenge me, I want him to die! I want to kill him with my own hands!"

When the Dog Master saw the Dog King, he seemed to have a backbone and shouted like crazy.


Lin Mo raised his foot and stepped on Master Gou's thigh. The same familiar voice sounded, announcing that Master Gou's thigh was also broken.

"What I hate most is being threatened, Master Gou, what do you think?" Lin Mo raised his head and looked at Master Gou, grinning.

Master Gou looked at Lin Mo's expression, and his heart suddenly sank.

The next moment...

With a puff, Lin Mo's foot stepped directly on Master Gou's chest, causing it to collapse directly.

Master Gou's eyes bulged, with an unbelievable look on his face.

He couldn't believe that someone dared to kill him in front of his godfather!

At the same time, he also felt a strong sense of regret in his heart. If he hadn't provoked Lin Mo, this psychopath, at the beginning... How good it would be!

Unfortunately, it was too late!

"Lin Mo..."

Looking at his godson lying on the ground, Master Gou almost gnashed his teeth and shouted Lin Mo's name.

"So, Lord Dog knows my name, right?" Lin Mo suddenly blinked and chuckled, "Lord Dog is in Rob City, but he is well-informed. As soon as I arrived in Rob City, someone came to trouble me.

Let me think, Lord Dog is so anxious, could it be that the Ministry of War gave some orders?

It shouldn't be, I think it should be that Lord Dog wants to flatter the people above, so he took me as a scapegoat..."

Lin Mo's face was calm, and he said his guess.

Lord Dog's face was a little ugly, because Lin Mo was right, just after Lin Mo left the capital, he already had all kinds of information about Lin Mo.

Lord Dog has been operating in Rob City for many years, and his mind has gradually become active. He wants not only to be a free and easy Lord in Rob City, but also to go further and work harder in the direction of the capital.

His first goal is the Ministry of War. He has always had relevant news about the capital, and he regards Lin Mo as a way to show goodwill to the Ministry of War this time.

But who could have thought that Lin Mo was so tough and killed his godson right away.

Although he used his godson this time, Lord Dog didn't believe that anyone would dare to kill his godson in Rob City.

"If that's the case, then you die!" Lord Dog looked at Lin Mo with a sneer on his face.

If Lord Dog died, he died. Anyway, he was just his godson. As long as Lord Dog entered the capital, he could have as many godsons as he wanted.

What's more, Lord Dog could use Lord Dog's death to justify his attack on Lin Mo!

Thinking of this, Lord Dog stepped out slowly.

A shadow of a black dog appeared behind him, and then a dog barked.

Woof woof!

This voice, with the power of blood and qi, produced a terrifying wave that swept towards Lin Mo!

Lin Mo's face changed slightly. This attack was somewhat similar to the tiger roar attack, both of which were sonic martial arts.


Lin Mo also used the tiger roar attack, and the collision of the two sound waves actually produced an even more terrifying whistling sound.

The sound waves twisted, continuously impacted and merged, and finally exploded all at once.

Lin Mo's feet did not move, but trembled slightly. On the contrary, the face of the dog king changed slightly and he stepped back.

In the first fight just now, it was the dog king who was temporarily at a disadvantage!


The dog king did not stop for too long, and raised his hand to slap Lin Mo.

This slap was the same slap that the dog master had used before.

But compared with now, the dog master's previous method was just like tickling.

Seeing the thug hitting his head like half of the sky, Lin Mo's expression changed slightly.

The sword light was bright, Lin Mo held the red blood sword and slashed out with one sword!


The sword light wiped out part of the energy contained in the palm prints, and then completely dimmed!

Lin Mo sneered and slashed out nine swords one after another!

Every sword is shining brightly, and every sword can erase part of the pressure.

But this slap was obviously a heaven-level martial arts skill. How could Lin Mo's sword light wipe out the heaven-level martial arts skills so easily?


The dragon's roar resounded, and the silver dragon gun appeared in Lin Mo's hand.

Lin Mo hit the palm in the sky with the tip of his spear, and with a soft hum, the palm exploded into pieces!

At the same time, Lin Mo held the Silver Dragon Spear and stabbed towards the Dog Prince like lightning!

After all, the second-grade Martial Emperor was only at the beginning level, and the difference in Qi and blood value between Lin Mo and Lin Mo was not even 100,000 points.

It’s just a difference of 100,000 points of health value!

Lin Mo sneered in his heart, fighting consumes the power of qi and blood, and Lin Mo currently has sufficient storage of qi and blood, plus he still has mental power that he has not yet used.

If he exerted all his mental power, how could Lord Dog have the chance to persevere until now?


Lin Mo shouted coldly, and even more powerful energy burst out from the tip of the spear!

There was a look of horror on Lord Dog's face. The information about Lin Mo on his desk mentioned that Lin Mo was very powerful.

But according to what Prince Dog thought at the time: The people in the Ministry of War in the capital were all trash. They lay on their merit books all day long. They had never seen blood and had never experienced a real battle.

And he, the Dog Prince, was trained in battles. He could only deal with a mere Lin Mo! Who would have thought that it would end like this in the end!

"Lin Mo!"

Seeing that the gun was about to pierce his chest, the Dog King didn't care how many people were watching here and immediately shouted: "Spare my life!"

At this moment, in addition to those in the Dog Prince's mansion, many people were already watching the battle.

Hearing Lord Dog's words of mercy, many people had surprised looks on their faces.

The Dog Prince is not weak in strength and power. He actually begged for mercy?


It's just that it was too late for him to beg for mercy. Lin Mo's spear tip had already passed directly through his body and came out!

However, this shot did not kill him, but narrowly avoided the critical point, only causing him serious injuries.

The Dog King let out a long sigh of relief. He felt that his begging for mercy at the critical moment had an effect.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Lin Mo had no intention of killing him from the beginning to the end!

Because Lord Dog is one of the giants in Rob Giant City, if he is killed, things may happen to Rob Giant City. What's more, if Lin Mo wants to enter Rob Giant City, he can still use Lord Dog.

So Lin Mo didn't intend to kill him at all, but after hearing the dog prince shouting, he deliberately showed that he changed his mind.

"Spare your life?" Lin Mo looked at Lord Dog: "You wanted to kill me before, but now you are begging me for mercy. Lord Dog, your face has changed so quickly!"

"Brother Lin was joking. I just wanted to test Brother Lin's strength. After testing, it turned out to be something extraordinary!"

It has to be said that the Dog Prince is still very thick-skinned. He covered the wound with one hand and made a gesture of invitation to Lin Mo with the other hand: "I have long heard that there is a genius named Lin Mo in the capital. When I saw it today, it was indeed something extraordinary!

Come on, let’s go inside and talk in detail! "

Lin Mo chuckled, and the two of them walked towards the inner hall one after the other.

Onlookers, look at me and I look at you.

There are fruit on the ignorant tree, you and me under the ignorant tree...

"I am willing to pay compensation for what happened today..." Lord Dog pondered for a moment, then said with a smile: "Brother Lin, just ask for any conditions you have!"

"I want to enter the Rob Abyss, and this piece of paper is the certificate issued to me by the Ministry of War!

In addition, I need all kinds of information to enter Rob Abyss. You are the leader of Rob Abyss, and you must have much more information than what I have collected myself! "

Lin Mo directly put forward two conditions.

The Dog Prince agreed almost without thinking. Now he had no choice at all. Lin Mo's energy and blood were still locked on him.

The Dog Prince can be sure that if he dares to say no, Lin Mo will kill him directly!

Thinking of this, the Dog Prince nodded repeatedly: "I'll prepare now. Also, Brother Lin, do you need me to arrange for a few people to take you into the Rob Abyss?

Although you are very strong, you still need someone to explore the way in front of you, right? "

The dog prince had a flattering look on his face.

Lin Mo was speechless for a while. This piece of shit wanted to send people to explore the way for him to clear mines. He didn't care about other people's lives at all!

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