Then, countless palm-sized insects crawled out from the trunk and began to devour the flesh and blood on the ground.

Lin Mo looked at this scene and felt his scalp numb.

"Fortunately, I wasn't too close to that person..." Seeing the last person's figure being eaten clean in a short period of time, Lin Mo had a look of fear on his face.

"The mental power is so terrifying, and the body seems to be able to switch between trees and flowers on its own..." Lin Mo frowned, looking at the scene in front of him with a serious look on his face.

Just when Lin Mo was thinking about how to target this flower, a spiritual power began to envelope Lin Mo.

After a brief moment of daze, Lin Mo turned around and ran away into the distance without any hesitation.

Lin Mo knew better than anyone how terrifying the damage caused by mental power was. Faced with the flower in front of him, Lin Mo had no chance of winning.

"But this thing looks like the legendary plant. If I really get it, my mental power will be greatly improved again!"

Lin Mo had an expectant look on his face and said this in his heart.

When I was at the Huaxia Military University, an old professor once mentioned a plant called the flower of spirit. Legend has it that if you can swallow this flower, your spiritual power will be doubled!

Judging from Lin Mo's current mental power, if it doubled, his mental power could be directly upgraded to the second-grade Martial Emperor realm!

In this way, Lin Mo's strength will also be greatly improved.

"Forget it, it's better to explore other places first!"

Lin Mo finally shook his head, leaving a little mark here, and then quickly fled away into the distance.

Perhaps the movement of escape was too loud, Lin Mo could clearly feel that there was a force behind him that was constantly following him.

Such power was so powerful that Lin Mo could still clearly feel it even from a long distance away.

"Could it be that the flower didn't want me to leave and wanted to keep me?" Lin Mo was dripping with cold sweat. He didn't care about so much at the moment, and directly turned his ghost shadow to the extreme, and the whole person disappeared in a flash. here.

According to the records in the data, the area explored in the entire Rob Abyss is not very large. At Lin Mo's speed, it would take at most half a month to traverse the entire explored area.

Lin Mo plans to search for Chen Banzi in the area he will explore within half a month. If he cannot find it, he will consider entering unknown areas to search.

"I remember that it was recorded in the information that in the known area, there seems to be a small human settlement area, and it may be possible to find out information about Chen Banzi here.

It's a pity that because this place is too dangerous, many people will not stay in one place for too long. The final result is that the gathering area is constantly changing places! "

Because of the existence of that flower, Lin Mo no longer dared to radiate his spiritual power casually.

He pondered silently for a moment, and finally made up his mind to fly across the entire explored area and find the settlement.

With this thought in mind, Lin Mo started to hurry up. He was traveling very quickly, constantly shuttling through the forest. Because he was worried about encountering a second flower of the kind he had seen before, Lin Mo was very careful along the way.

It must be said that Lin Mo was very lucky. The road was smooth and he finally saw smoke rising from a distance.

"found it?!"

Lin Mo's figure flashed one after another, and he got close to it in the shortest time.

But when it was still a thousand meters away, several figures suddenly rushed out from the side.

"Stop, this is a gathering area. You can't enter without permission!" The middle-aged man who led the group said calmly.

Lin Mo glanced at the men around him, with a smile on his face.

The strength of these people is not weak, probably the strength of the eighth-grade Martial Saint, but Lin Mo can see from the perspective of their positions that these people are definitely people from the Ministry of War, and these people should be qualified to be in the Ministry of War One of the older ones.

Because what they are showing now is actually some kind of battle formation from the Ministry of War. By using this formation, several eighth-level Martial Saint masters can completely force Lin Mo, the first-level Martial King, into a very passive position.

"Everyone, this is the certification document given to me by the Ministry of War." Lin Mo pondered for a moment, then took out his certificate and waved it in front of everyone.

Looking at the documents in Lin Mo's hand, the expressions of the group of people softened a little.

The leader stepped forward with a smile and said: "Hahaha, misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. Since it is a misunderstanding, then come in with us quickly!"

Several people also had smiles on their faces, and they stepped forward to face Lin Mo one by one, as if they were arm-in-arm.

Lin Mo initially breathed a sigh of relief, but soon he discovered something was wrong.

Although these people had smiles on their faces, they were vigilant in every move they made. Lin Mo even saw that, except for the leader, the rest of the people were approaching him, but their positions between them seemed to surround him. cloth formation.

"These people obviously want to confuse me, and then take advantage of me when I'm not paying attention and take control of me!"

In just a moment, Lin Mo figured everything out.

There was also a smile on his face, he pretended to take a step forward, and then made a sudden move.

These people can cooperate with each other and form a formation, but facing the powerful Lin Mo, after one of them is caught, the power of their formation will be greatly reduced.

What's more, now they are one person less.

"You have read the document, why do you still want to arrest me?" Lin Mo frowned: "You should all know that the strength of the Dog King is not weak. If I don't have his permission, I can't come into this place, right?"

Lin Mo's words made the sneer on their faces even stronger.

"It's ridiculous, you still don't know where you are wrong!"

"In this case, then let you be a confused ghost. Look at the document in your hand. Is there a faint mark of a dog head in the lower left corner?"

"According to our original agreement, if one day such a symbol is seen on the document, it means that the Dog King was only forced to agree.

When we see such a document, we should act directly, regardless of life or death!"

Someone spoke, and at the same time, he rushed towards Lin Mo again.

Feeling the terrifying power on them, Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, chuckled, and the next moment, the whole person rushed forward!

His speed was so fast that he attacked one of them in a flash.

With a loud bang, Lin Mo knocked one of them away like a dead tree or rotten wood, and then quickly subdued the other one!

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