Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 296: Inquiring for Information (1/2)

"Everyone, don't force me to kill people. I've killed enough people recently!"

Lin Mo had a calm look on his face, and one hand was still holding one of the people's heads. As long as he had a little blood and energy, he could smash the person's head.

The remaining few people were afraid to act rashly and looked at Lin Mo nervously. For a while, no one dared to step forward.

"Lin Mo, you should know very well that you can't escape here. We all belong to the Chinese Military Department. If you offend us, you will not survive even if you leave here!"

One of them looked at Lin Mo and scolded in a deep voice: "You still have a chance now, let the person go, we will catch you, send you out, and hand you over to the Dog King for disposal!"


As soon as this person finished speaking, Lin Mo directly crushed the head of the person in his hand.

Red and white things flowed out in a mixture. Lin Mo blinked at the people in front of him and said with a smile: "I didn't hear what you just said. Why don't you come closer and tell me?"

After the voice fell, Lin Mo's figure flashed again, and one hand had already pinched the neck of the person who just spoke.

The man's face changed drastically, and the people who were standing beside him also retreated frantically, looking at Lin Mo nervously.

"Cough cough..." The person pinched by Lin Mo kept coughing, and one hand slapped Lin Mo's right hand hard.

But Lin Mo's palm did not move at all, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

His meaning was very clear, if you move again, I will pinch you to death!

Sure enough, when this person felt the murderous intent in Lin Mo's eyes, he became completely honest.

"I want to go in now, who has any objections?"

Lin Mo looked at the remaining few people and spoke lightly.

The few people looked at each other and quickly looked elsewhere.

Lin Mo chuckled, threw the person in his hand aside, and then strode inside.

"You can contact other people to attack me, but I remember what you look like. If I am being hunted, I will kill you!"

When Lin Mo's voice came, the faces of several people turned pale again.

They sighed silently and wiped out the last thought of revenge in their hearts.

After entering the settlement, Lin Mo first found a place to get information.

In a settlement like this, the place to get information is actually the best place for business.

Not only can you get information here, but there are also functions of item exchange and information exchange.

Lin Mo found the boss and said the name of the person he wanted to find out.

"Chen Banzi, right? Wait a minute, I'll check it out and give you an answer in an hour. During this time, you can come here or look around!"

The boss smiled and said, then turned and left.

Lin Mo nodded. The area of ​​this intelligence agency is not very small, and there are many stalls scattered here.

On some stalls, there were demon beasts' inner pills or other things. These things could be sold at very high prices outside, but the prices here were half as low.

The main trading method here was actually Qi and Blood Stones, but Lin Mo did not carry so many Qi and Blood Stones.

In order to gather intelligence just now, he had already paid a part of the Qi and Blood Stones in advance, and the remaining Qi and Blood Stones were only enough to pay the balance later.

Just when Lin Mo gave up the idea of ​​buying other things, his eyes suddenly fell on a stall.

On this stall was a bamboo slip, with no words on it, but this bamboo slip looked exactly the same as the Yi Jin Jing that Lin Mo had obtained!

"Could it really be part of it?" Lin Mo thought about it and squatted in front of the stall: "Boss, what the hell is this thing?"

"Don't ask if you don't want to buy it!" The boss glanced at Lin Mo and said coldly: "Although I don't know how much this thing is worth, I know very well that you are very interested in it, so if you want to buy it, show enough sincerity!

It's impossible to find a bargain here."

Lin Mo glanced at the stall owner in front of him, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

Then he stood up and turned away: "Psycho!"

Lin Mo deliberately suppressed his voice, keeping it audible to the stall owner, but it seemed like he was talking to himself: "If I didn't have something else to do, I would definitely slap you to death!"

"Huh?" The stall owner looked at Lin Mo's back, and Lin Mo's words rang in his ears, and his face was immediately full of black lines: "Am I wrong, this kid didn't come for this?"

The stall owner was going to call Lin Mo, but after thinking about it, he closed his mouth.

This bamboo slip was accidentally dug out by him in the Rob Abyss. Although there is no word on it and it is hard to tell what it is, many people are interested in such things now.

Losing a customer like Lin Mo, maybe he can find a better customer.

After Lin Mo left, he still looked around, but his mental power quietly spread out and kept monitoring the previous stall.

When Lin Mo approached just now, he had already felt that this bamboo slip was definitely part of the Yi Jin Jing. He could only think of other ways to buy the thing later.

Just when Lin Mo was thinking this, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the stall. After a conversation, he actually picked up the bamboo slips!


Lin Mo raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that this thing would be so popular.

At that moment, Lin Mo's mental power followed the buyer, wanting to see who this buyer was.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that this buyer actually walked directly in the direction of Lin Mo, and then Lin Mo saw the face clearly.

A very ordinary face, with traces of years of living in the open air.

"It seems that he is a person who often messes around in the abyss... There is still this strong murderous aura on him..." When the man passed by Lin Mo, he felt the breath on him.

Keeping the mental power tracking, Lin Mo also heard the boss's voice.

"Mr. Lin, we have news about Chen Banzi. Here is the specific location. You can go there to verify it." The boss said with a smile: "Our people will go with you. After verifying the authenticity of the matter, we will collect the balance!"

Lin Mo smiled and nodded, took a look at the map given by the boss, wrote it down, and then looked at the three people arranged by the boss.

These three people are actually in the first-grade realm of the Martial Emperor. They are not as strong as him, and they are also very old.

It's just that Lin Mo can feel the murderous intent in the eyes of the three old men, so Lin Mo knows very well that the real combat power of these three people is definitely very strong.

The four people walked forward all the way, and after leaving the settlement area, they soon arrived at the place marked on the map.

Lin Mo saw a figure standing there from a distance, and on this figure, there was still the mental power that Lin Mo had originally left.

"Is it such a coincidence?" Lin Mo said in a low voice. The figure not far away turned out to be the man who bought the Yijin Jing before.

At this moment, the man's aura was also released all at once, and it turned out to be the strength of the second-grade Martial Emperor.

Judging from the fluctuation of Qi and blood power, his strength is even higher than Lin Mo.

Lin Mo stepped forward with full spirit.

"You said you have news about Chen Banzi?" Lin Mo said.

The man turned around and looked at Lin Mo, looking him up and down: "Who are you to Chen Banzi?"

"Does this have anything to do with my inquiring about the news?" Lin Mo said lightly.

"Many people are chasing him. What if you are one of them? If I tell you his whereabouts, won't it harm him?" The man said lightly.

"I am his disciple." Lin Mo said, and his mental power was also running slowly. If the man had any reaction, he would directly take action.

"Haha, it turns out that you are Chen Banzi's disciple, then it's easy to say..." The man took a step forward lightly, and the Qi and blood power on his body burst out at once.

"Since you are his disciple, if I catch you, I can probably force him out!"


The man made a move directly.

His fists were like flames, and the air became distorted.

With a loud bang, Lin Mo and he collided with each other.

The two figures retreated at the same time, but after retreating, the man rushed up again.

"Don't just stand there, the three of you, let's do it together. Since this guy is Chen Banzi's disciple, he must be quite capable! Don't let yourself get into trouble!"

As soon as the man's voice fell, Lin Mo heard the sound of breaking wind behind him.

The three people who had followed him actually started to fight directly.

"Spirit Realm!"

Lin Mo's face did not change. At this time, there was no need to conserve his strength. Two hundred thousand mental powers were released at once!

The four people only felt a flash before their eyes, and then they fell into the Spirit Realm.

Lin Mo has now cultivated the Spirit Realm to a high level of proficiency. At this level of proficiency, the power of the Spirit Realm has been increased again!

The four people were in the Spirit Realm, and their strength was actually suppressed by Lin Mo's mental power!


Another ability of the Spirit Realm at a high level of proficiency is to create illusions.

The illusion that Lin Mo created for them at this moment was that when several people had just stepped into the road of martial arts, their strength was not very strong at that time, and they were only at the level of warriors.

In such a state, it was too easy for Lin Mo to kill them.

However, such an illusion was also limited, and he could only kill all four people within ten seconds!

Fortunately, Lin Mo was in the illusion, and his blood power and strength were not restricted.


The knife flashed, and Lin Mo decisively used a knife to kill life at this time!

Four streams of blood splashed out, and Lin Mo looked at the blood on the ground with a faint smile on his face.

Lin Mo did not kill everyone, but kept the previous man.

Although Lin Mo was deceived, Lin Mo was very clear about one thing, that is, the few people in front of him definitely knew the whereabouts of his master Chen Banzi.

The spiritual realm slowly dissipated, and the man's eyes showed a moment of confusion, and then he quickly woke up. He looked at Lin Mo with a look of shock on his face.

"You are actually a Qi Master, and a Qi Master with such terrifying mental power!" The man said. He was still a second-grade martial emperor, but now, facing Lin Mo, he knew that he had no chance of winning.

"Where is my master?" Lin Mo said lightly, and a knife was already placed on the man's neck.

"Don't you dare kill me!" The man said calmly: "Kill me, and no one will be able to tell you the whereabouts of your master..."


There was a muffled sound, Lin Mo's knife cut hard, and the man's head flew up, and then hit the ground heavily.

"Don't dare to kill you?" Lin Mo smiled faintly, picked up the head on the ground, and then groped around the man's body for a while, and found the bamboo slip. At the same time, he found thousands of Qi and Blood on several other people. stone.

"It's a big harvest, I think I've made a profit this time!" Lin Mo said lightly, and at the same time turned around and walked in the direction of the settlement.

He was carrying four heads. When the original guards saw this scene, their faces turned green. They didn't dare to stop them one by one, and allowed Lin Mo to just walk in with his heads.

Lin Mo's appearance shocked everyone in the settlement. Because this was a temporary resting place, no one would fight here, but Lin Mo walked in full of blood.

"Aren't those heads from the Information Department? Why did they all die in the hands of this person? It was too cruel!"

"There is another head, whose is it?"

"My dear mother, didn't this person just buy something from me? Why is he dead?

And you..."

The stall owner who was selling bamboo slips turned green with fright when he saw this scene.

Because he thought of what Lin Mo said in a low voice before. He originally thought that Lin Mo was just having fun with his mouth. Who would have thought that he would actually chop people's heads off!

Thinking of this, the stall owner has already started to pack up his things and prepare to run away.

"Stall owner, can you tell me where you got the bamboo slips?" At this moment, Lin Mo suddenly looked at him and asked lightly.

The stall owner suddenly trembled, with an ugly smile on his face and said: "This little brother, I dug it out here. I can tell you the specific location..."

The stall owner groped for a while, took out a map, and handed it to Lin Mo: "It's on this map. You can find it by following the map!"

After saying that, without waiting for Lin Mo to give any reaction, he turned around and left.

"Thank you..." Lin Mo looked at the stall owner's back, opened his mouth, and finally said thank you, but the stall owner couldn't hear him.

Lin Mo walked all the way into the information office and threw the head in his hand directly on the ground.

The entire information center was suddenly silent.

At this time, Lin Mo's energy and blood energy dispersed instantly: "Get out!"

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