"get out!"

Lin Mo's voice echoed throughout the information center like a tiger's roar.

The powerful explosive force swept out in all directions, and more than a dozen newly erected sheds were overturned.

In the corner, the boss of the information office was trembling and tiptoed towards a short distance away, apparently wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak away.

But how could Lin Mo give him this opportunity? With a cold snort, Lin Mo's figure had already arrived in front of the boss.


Lin Mo struck out like lightning, directly destroying both of the boss's legs.

Without waiting for the boss to scream, he stepped forward, groped around on his body, and took out the blood stone that he had given him.

"This thing is the information fee. Since you sold my information, do I also have to charge some fees from you?" Lin Mo said with a smile, and then collected all the extra blood stones from the boss. In the pocket.

"Now tell me, where is my master?"

Lin Mo squatted down, casually pulled out a short knife from the stall beside him, and then threw a few more blood stones on the stall.

He played with the short knife and looked at the boss with a sneer on his face.

"I...I don't know!" The boss trembled and replied through gritted teeth.


When Lin Mo finished speaking, he raised his hand and stabbed the boss's thigh with his sword.

Although the dagger is short, it is enough to penetrate the thigh.

Lin Mo even thoughtfully used the power of Qi and blood to unblock his blood vessels to ensure that the bloodletting process could be a little faster.

When the boss looked at Lin Mo, his mentality suddenly collapsed.

He has been in Rob Abyss for so many years and has never seen any ruthless people, but he has never seen anyone like Lin Mo.

It's really cruel. While pricking the knife, it is also dredging your meridians and speeding up the bleeding.

This is a clear disregard for human life!

"Where is my master? You have one last chance." Lin Mo said lightly, and at the same time put the short knife against his heart.

While the boss was talking, Lin Mo's hand was exerting slight force, and before the boss could even speak, the knife had already pierced the skin!

Feeling the bone-chilling murderous intent, the boss suddenly panicked.

"I said, I said!" the boss said repeatedly: "In the Eye of Quicksand!"

Eyes of quicksand! ?

Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face when he heard the name.

"The Sea of ​​Quicksand is one of the most dangerous places in Rob Abyss. No one who enters the Eye of Quicksand can leave!"

The boss spoke slowly and told the whole story.

It turns out that Chen Banzi offended these people headed by the shop owner shortly after entering Rob Abyss. They belonged to an organization called Blood Sea.

Lin Mo was almost 100% sure that there would be a certain connection between the sea of ​​blood and the dark blood.

By chance, Chen Banzi got what Xuehai had been looking for.

In order to force Chen Banzi to hand over the thing, Xuehai spent a lot of money and chased him all the way. In the end, Chen Banzi was seriously injured and escaped into the Eye of Quicksand.

"Your master was seriously injured when he entered. The Eye of Quicksand is already full of dangers. Based on his condition at the time, the chance of death after entering is almost 100%!"

The boss spoke and looked at Lin Mo with a pleading look on his face: "I was not among the people who participated in the pursuit of your master at that time. Please let me go!"

"What did Master get?" Lin Mo thought for a while and then asked.

"It seems to be a seed. It is said that it can be planted in the human body..." After the boss finished speaking, Lin Mo's short knife also pierced his chest.

"Sorry, I didn't promise to let you go!"

Lin Mo let go of the hand holding the dagger and spoke calmly.

The boss had a look of disbelief on his face and slowly fell to the ground.

Lin Mo stood up and walked outside.

A group of people looked at Lin Mo with a look of awe on their faces.

Some people looked at Lin Mo with greed in their eyes.

They all saw that Lin Mo took a lot of blood stones from the boss, which were considered hard currency in the Lob Abyss.

"Boy, isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to kill him like this and take all the benefits?"

Several strong men came out, exuding powerful power and instantly enveloped Lin Mo.

Instant killing sword!

Lin Mo didn't say a word to them at all, and just killed them with the red blood sword!

Blood shot into the sky, and the few people who had just caught up fell to the ground, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

It's just that they had no time to regret it, because Lin Mo's sword just now had cut off their life.

"Is there anyone else who wants to get a piece of the pie from me?" Lin Mo looked around. Those people met his gaze and all lowered their heads.

Lin Mo sneered, turned and left.

After Lin Mo left, the entire settlement fell into a long period of silence, and then everyone began to pack their things.

There was blood here today. They must leave here and choose a new settlement.

Lin Mo had already gotten the map from the boss, and he followed the map towards the Eye of Quicksand.

Seventy percent of the entire Lobu Abyss is actually covered by yellow sand, while the remaining 20% ​​is green plants and 10% is water.

According to legend, the so-called Eye of Quicksand is actually the origin of all yellow sand.

In fact, after hearing the boss's introduction, Lin Mo even suspected that the Eye of Quicksand was a small world in the abyss.

After three days of journey, Lin Mo arrived in only one day.

From a distance, I saw a gate piled up on the yellow sand. Standing there alone, it looked a little strange.

There are more than a dozen skulls stuck on the gate, which looks a bit scary.

At the same time, the four characters "Eye of Quicksand" were written in blood on the door.

At first glance, this door looks like it leads to hell, with bright red fonts and terrifying skeletons...

Lin Mo thought for a while and decided to play it safe first.

He cast his spiritual clone and controlled the clone to enter the gate.


When the spiritual clone enters it, it disappears instantly just like a mud cow entering the sea.

Lin Mo's expression suddenly became solemn. After thinking for a while, he condensed into a clone with the power of his mental power and blood, and walked in again.


This time, Lin Mo heard the sound of thunder ringing in his ears.

At the same time, a glimmer of understanding came to his mind: "If you want to enter here, you need to use your own body to accept the test!"

Lin Mo thought for a while and stepped in directly.

The two trials were not without some gains. At least he now knew that he had to enter in the physical body.


Stepping into the door, Lin Mo felt the world spinning, but there was no inversion like traveling far and wide.

When Lin Mo saw everything in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

Looking around, everything is covered with yellow sand!

On the yellow sand, there was a huge vortex rotating slowly, and as time went by, the vortex became larger and larger, and in the end, it turned into something like an eye.


The moment the vortex formed the eye, it completely disappeared.

Lin Mo watched this scene once, twice, three times...

He was trying to find what he had become after his eyes disappeared, but no matter how much he searched, there was no whereabouts!

In the end, Lin Mo had no choice but to give up.

The entire Eye of Quicksand should not be very large. Lin Mo explored inside step by step based on the information he originally received from his boss.


Lin Mo's ears suddenly heard a soft sound. Listening to this sound, Lin Mo's mind instantly thought of the bugs crawling out of the flower when it transformed into a big tree!

Thinking of these bugs eating people, Lin Mo felt a chill in his heart.

He shuddered, and the energy and blood in his body exploded, rushing around!

The yellow sand rolled, and palm-sized insects crawled out of the yellow sand. Their mouthparts made a series of collision sounds, and at the same time, there were sharp sounds from inside their mouths.

The sword light flickered, and Lin Mo swept out with the red blood sword.

The sword intent formed by the power of Qi and blood exploded, directly cutting these insects into bloody mud.

But Lin Mo's sword was not very fast, so even if he killed quickly, those bugs appeared very quickly.

At the end, Lin Mo thought of another way.

The spiritual realm was unleashed, covering at least a hundred meters around it.


Lin Mo softly spat out such words.

Suddenly the yellow sand rolled, turning into a meat grinder and rolling crazily.

The blade made of yellow sand was so sharp that it cut off all the insects!

In just a few seconds, streams of green liquid flowed into the yellow sand.

Lin Mo watched this scene, gathered his mental strength, and continued on his way.

There seemed to be no limit to mental power after entering the gate, so Lin Mo tried to use mental power to shroud the front.

His mental power has now reached a certain level, and he can now cover a range of at least three hundred meters forward.

He has always been cautious in the abyss, and every step must be carefully considered. He can finally see that the strength of the second-grade Martial Emperor is still not enough in the abyss. Any strong person may defeat him. die!

So Lin Mo had always been cautious, until an hour later, he felt a familiar breath.

"This is...Master?!" Feeling this aura, Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise, and he actually felt Chen Banzi's aura at this time.

At that moment, without saying a word, he headed directly in the direction of Chen Banzi.

Just when Lin Mo was approaching Chen Banzi, Lin Mo felt that Chen Banzi seemed to be rushing towards him at a terrifying speed!

Lin Mo couldn't help shouting: "Master!"

From a distance, he saw a figure rushing over quickly!

But when this figure was still hundreds of meters away from him, Lin Mo's expression suddenly changed!

Because he felt murderous intent from Chen Banzi's body!

Endless killing intent!

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