From a distance, a figure rushed over quickly!

This person is none other than the master Chen Banzi that Lin Mo has been looking for!

But when this figure was still hundreds of meters away from him, Lin Mo's expression suddenly changed!

Because he felt murderous intent from Chen Banzi's body!

Endless killing intent!


Before Lin Mo could say anything, a fist light flashed and exploded around him.

The terrifying power of Qi and blood spread to all directions in an instant. Lin Mo looked serious, feeling that this power was many times stronger than Chen Banzi back then!

"Such a tyrannical power has already reached the third level of the Martial Emperor..."

Lin Mo made a quick judgment.


At this time, Chen Banzi's figure had already arrived in front of Lin Mo.

His eyes were flashing with blood, and he shot at Lin Mo desperately!

The wind of the fist roared, accompanied by a streak of finger light that split the air.

It has to be said that Chen Banzi is very strong. Every move he makes at this moment is very powerful and can threaten Lin Mo's life.

At this time, Lin Mo finally noticed Chen Banzi's eyes.

They were eyes in a state of chaos, dim and dull, but full of murderous intent.

Lin Mo can conclude that Chen Banzi in this state has absolutely no consciousness of his own!

"Master, please wake up, I'm Lin Mo!" Lin Mo resisted while speaking loudly, trying to wake up Chen Banzi with his voice.

But Chen Banzi seemed like he couldn't hear Lin Mo's voice, and just kept taking action to kill Lin Mo.

The spiritual world!

A light flashed in Lin Mo's mind, and he suddenly thought of this.

The mental power of Chen Banzi who has been controlled by his mind should be very weak. All he needs to do is to use the power of his mind to subdue Chen Banzi, and then try to wake him up with the power of his mind!

Under the shroud of the spiritual world, Chen Banzi's face first showed a look of confusion, and then a look of struggle.

At the end, Lin Mo's spiritual power surged crazily and directly subdued Chen Banzi!

The power of the spirit turned into chains, firmly fixing Chen Banzi.

Lin Mo looked at Chen Banzi, thought for a moment, raised his hand, and a ray of light shot out and disappeared into Chen Banzi's mind.


As soon as this spiritual power entered Chen Banzi's mind, he was surrounded and suppressed by a force!

It was a misty force that wanted to interfere with Lin Mo's mental power, and even wanted to assimilate Lin Mo's power!

Lin Mo's eyes suddenly became firm, and the power of his spirit turned into billowing sound waves and exploded in Chen Banzi's mind!

"Chen Banzi, wake up!"

After the sonic power exploded, Chen Banzi's whole body suddenly trembled.

The hazy power quickly dissipated and was replaced by a clear-headed power.

It's just that this power is too weak, and it flickers in Chen Banzi's mind, like a light that may go out at any time in the cold wind!

Lin Mo pondered for a moment, and an even greater spiritual force entered Chen Banzi's body, and then turned into energy to strengthen this weak force.

With the assimilation of Lin Mo's spiritual power, Chen Banzi's weak consciousness became much clearer.

Lin Mo drew out his mental energy and looked at Chen Banzi in front of him.

"Master..." Lin Mo said softly.

This time, Chen Banzi's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he regained his clarity.

He looked at Lin Mo, feeling a little strange at first, and then joy and surprise burst into his eyes!

"Lin Mo!"

Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo in front of him, and he was extremely surprised: "You are here unexpectedly, hurry up! Put this thing away quickly!"

Chen Banzi's expression suddenly changed. He groped around on his body for a while, took out something the size of a longan and handed it to Lin Mo.

"This is..." Lin Mo looked at this thing with a puzzled look on his face, but did not reach out to pick it up in a hurry.

"This is a seed. It is exactly what those who are chasing me want to take away from my hands. Now I will give this to you!

You take this thing and leave as soon as possible, and you don’t have to worry about the rest!

Of course I have a way to get out of here! "

Chen Banzi looked anxious and urged Lin Mo to collect the seeds quickly.

Lin Mo thought of what his boss said before, this seed is something that can be planted in the body to improve one's own abilities.

"Teacher, didn't you...didn't you use this seed?" Lin Mo looked at Chen Banzi and asked doubtfully.

"Nonsense, this seed is such a good thing, I must bring it to you!

Your master and I are already old, so what if our strength improves a little more?

Why don't I give it to you? Your kid still has great potential. Hurry up and collect the seeds! "

Chen Banzi urged, with a confused look in his eyes: "Hurry up, I don't have much time!"

"Master, please give me this after you get out!"

Lin Mo declined again, and at the same time, the spiritual power around his body exploded, covering Chen Banzi directly inside!

Chen Banzi's eyes were still clear, and the original feeling of confusion was gradually dissipating.

"No, Lin Mo, you can't consume too much mental power here. This place... is very weird. You must use your mental power to resist erosion, otherwise you will become like me!" Chen Banzi's mental power began to resist Lin Mo. Mo's spiritual power.

In the end, Lin Mo's mental power was completely cut off!

"Master..." Lin Mo looked at Chen Banzi and couldn't help but speak.

"Why are you so stubborn, kid!" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo with a look of unbearability on his face, but also a little relieved: "Since you don't want to leave, then get ready, the two of us will fight out together..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Mo and Chen Banzi retreated to both sides at the same time!


Just after the two people retreated, a loud noise exploded from where they were standing.

Three figures appeared in their eyes. Before they could ask for their identities, the three figures rushed towards them at the same time!

One of the figures rushed towards Lin Mo, and the other two rushed towards Chen Banzi!


Chen Banzi shouted coldly, and his move was an earth-shattering one!

A golden-red figure formed behind him, holding a short sword in his hand and slashing out!

"Cut in two!"

Chen Banzi's voice resounded.


With a muffled sound, the two separated bodies fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, Chen Banzi also spit out a mouthful of blood.

Lin Mo also acted very quickly. The spiritual realm spread out, covering the figure, and then killed him directly with the red blood sword!

Lin Mo looked at the three corpses lying on the ground and looked at Chen Banzi: "They are all the people who came here after you?!"

"You have been killed by me a lot. The seeds I just gave you are not trivial. They should be far more than just strengthening yourself!

After you get out, do some research! "

Chen Banzi spoke in a deep voice and looked around at the same time.

“The entrance and exit of the Eye of Quicksand are changing all the time. To get out, to a large extent, really depends on luck.

Although the Eye of Quicksand is not very big, it is very difficult to reach the exit!

What's more, there is a power here that can erode one's mental strength at all times..."

Lin Mo nodded and his expression became solemn.

Because he also felt an external force constantly eroding his mental power.

Fortunately, Lin Mo's mental power is huge, so he doesn't have to worry about this kind of erosion for the time being.

"Let's find the exit first!"

Lin Mo and Chen Banzi began to look for an exit in the Eye of Quicksand.


Lin Mo suddenly felt an even greater force locking him in!

At the same time, Lin Mo's mental power was decreasing crazily!

Lin Mo felt like there were whirlpools around his body, constantly devouring his mental power.

"Lin Mo, what's wrong with you!" Chen Banzi felt the change in Lin Mo, and his face changed drastically: "Damn it, mental vortex, why would such a thing come to you!

Could it be that he took a fancy to your terrifying spiritual power? ! "

Chen Banzi and Lin Mo fled frantically, trying to avoid these mental whirlpools.

But these mental whirlpools seemed to be targeting Lin Mo. Although they could be escaped temporarily, they would appear again soon.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sound of breaking wind sounded again, and several more figures appeared not far away.

Their eyes were somewhere between sober and confused, looking at Lin Mo and Chen Banzi one by one.

"Chen Banzi, you can't escape, hand over the seeds!"

One of them spoke, and at the same time the others showed their knives and were about to attack the two of them!

Chen Banzi pulled Lin Mo and fled towards the distance. At the critical moment, he didn't care so much. His mental power and energy and blood burned crazily, increasing his speed to the extreme!


As soon as he rushed out some distance, Chen Banzi suddenly threw Lin Mo out and let out a low roar.

I don't know when, that force has once again swallowed up most of Chen Banzi's mental power, and is now competing with Chen Banzi's mental power for control of his physical body!


Lin Mo's mental state is not very good. Although he is awake now, his mental power has been swallowed up by the vortex, making it difficult to control his physical body!

"It's really sad, disciple, the two of us may have to deal with each other here!

Damn it, I didn’t die in the hands of the abyss creatures, but in the hands of one of my own! "

Chen Banzi had a mocking look on his face. At this time, he didn't have much mental energy left.

"Chen Banzi, hand over the seeds!" At this moment, a cold snort sounded, and those people had already caught up!

"Seeds... By the way, I still have seeds!" When Chen Banzi heard their words, a light flashed in his eyes.

He took out the seeds the size of a dragon's eye and came to Lin Mo like lightning.

"Boy, I'll hold you back for a while, and the rest is up to you!"

Chen Banzi opened Lin Mo's mouth and threw the seeds in.

Then the power of Qi, blood and spirit all over the body was suddenly ignited!

"Hahaha, you bunch of bitches, come on, let me get to know you properly!"

Chen Banzi laughed and pounced on the people who were chasing him!

After Lin Mo swallowed the seed, his body began to tremble!

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