The Eye of Quicksand is undoubtedly one of the secret realms of Rob Abyss. At this moment, in this secret realm, a figure is charging crazily among the crowd.

His eyes were filled with blood red, and his figure was erratic, like a ghost.

But everyone can clearly feel the killing intent in him and his ruthless intention to disregard life and death!

"Chen Banzi, do you really want to burn out your life and die here?"

A voice sounded, but it was the leader of this group of people. He was wearing a dark red robe, and his whole body was enveloped in a layer of blood, making him look extremely terrifying.

When he spoke, his hands were also moving, and a cold light flew out from his fingertips, and instantly sank into Chen Banzi's chest.

This blow ignited all the crazy thoughts in Chen Banzi's body. In just an instant, Chen Banzi's eyes became misty.



Two different voices came out of Chen Banzi's mouth one after another, and his whole breath became more messy.

The person closest to him, because he didn't react, was directly torn to pieces by him!

"Crazy state! Everyone, stay back and stay away from him!"

"Let him take action against Lin Mo behind him. If he takes action against Lin Mo in his current state, Lin Mo will definitely die!"

"Stay away, don't provoke me at this time!"

Voices sounded one after another, and their voices could be heard to be extremely messy, reflecting their inner anxiety at the moment.

However, facing Chen Banzi in this state, they did not have a unified plan, so they could only act independently like headless flies.

Some people approached Chen Banzi, wanting him to turn around and deal with Lin Mo behind him.

Some people also ran away madly in the distance.

This caused the few people who rushed towards Chen Banzi to be smashed to pieces by Chen Banzi with his hand, and lay on the ground in a bloody state.

This scene can be said to be extremely bloody, but Chen Banzi seemed to like this scene, roaring and charging towards everyone again.

A group of people were extremely puzzled. Lin Mo was sitting there cross-legged. Why didn't the crazy Chen Banzi take a step closer?

Why did Chen Banzi come to chase them even though they had run so far away?

It's just that they can't get a response to such questions!

In the state of madness, Chen Banzi did not care about the loss of his own energy and blood. The terrifying speed at which he consumed his vitality was immediately apparent.

Those who ran slower were directly torn into pieces.

The leader rushed to the front. Hearing the movement behind him, he did not pause at all, but instead accelerated his speed.

As long as I run fast enough, death can't catch up with me... As for my companions who died, what does that have to do with me?

The murderous intention was aroused, and Chen Banzi became a murderer and started killing on the other side, but Lin Mo was extremely calm on the other side.

At this moment, Lin Mo's body was trembling slightly, and he was sitting there cross-legged, with his eyes tightly closed.

Chen Banzi stuffed the seed into his mouth, and now the seed was already in his body.

Lin Mo could clearly feel that the seeds emitted streams of fiery magma from his abdomen, constantly washing around.

Sea of ​​Qi and Blood!

The abdomen is one of the most important lifebloods for martial arts, the sea of ​​qi and blood, which can also be called the Dantian.

At this moment, Lin Mo was trembling all over, and at the same time he was looking at himself inwardly.

Within the dantian, the seed emitted streaks of blazing light, hanging above the dantian like magma.

Just when Lin Mo thought that the sea of ​​dantian was going to be filled with magma, those magma-like things started to branch!

Root system!

At this time, Lin Mo suddenly realized that this seed had become a root system and was about to take root in his Dantian!

Lin Mo's heart was beating wildly because he didn't know what the hell this thing was and whether it would have any bad effects if it took root in his Dantian.

"No, what if I become such a puppet?" Lin Mo had this thought in his mind, so he gritted his teeth and mobilized the power of Qi and blood in the sea of ​​dantian to prevent the seeds from germinating.

But as Lin Mo moved, he suddenly realized that his idea was still too simple.

The seed was like a bamboo shoot waiting to grow in the spring rain, and it began to spread crazily in the dantian.

Lin Mo's energy and blood were changing crazily. He was already the ultimate martial artist with the two attributes of ice and thunder. At this moment, the two attributes were constantly changing, trying to eliminate all these roots.

But it has no effect at all.

Those roots took root so fast that they soon penetrated deeply into the chest and abdomen.

The most important thing is that these root systems are not satisfied with being rooted in the Dantian. There are even some roots spreading to the surroundings. This is to fill the entire body in a short time!

Lin Mo's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He guessed right, this guy really wanted to take over his entire body!

At this moment, a thought flashed through my mind.

He opened his eyes suddenly and stuffed a Qi and Blood Pill into his mouth.

Game loading...

Looking at the familiar words in front of him, Lin Mo felt an unprecedented sense of security in his heart!

"A threat to the physical body has been detected and attempts are being made to eliminate it..."

The words flickered, and then Lin Mo felt a force in his Dantian that was constantly destroying those roots.

This speed is very fast. In just a short moment, all the roots that wanted to spread to the meridians were cleared, leaving only a palm-sized area in the dantian covering the roots!

Lin Mo saw that the power slowly stopped eliminating the roots, and then it seemed to have reached a stable state and slowly stopped there.

At this moment, Lin Mo clearly entered the dream, but everything about the seed was also in his vision.

He could see that the seed and the power seemed to have reached a certain balance.

The root system of the seed was maintained in an area as large as two fists, and at the same time, the blood and qi power also emitted a little bit of power and began to nourish those roots.

The whole process consumed not much blood and qi, but what Lin Mo could feel was that those roots were not only absorbing Lin Mo's blood and qi, but also absorbing the blood and qi of this secret realm!

And Lin Mo noticed that as time passed, the seeds actually began to sprout!

First, a crack appeared at the top of the seed, and then a layer of skin on the seed began to fall off.

Moreover, within a few seconds, a green branch appeared on the seed, and after the branch absorbed the power of blood and qi, it began to grow continuously!

It even looked like it was growing into a small tree!

Is this seed going to grow into a towering tree in his body?

Lin Mo immediately understood why the root system had become so developed all of a sudden - how could the branches of a big tree not be developed! ?

Fortunately, Lin Mo thought of the role of dreams in time, and used dreams as a restriction to control the power of the seeds within a certain range.


As the small tree grew, Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes and woke up from the dream.

Still looking inward, Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he thought, even after waking up, the power in the Dantian in his body that restricted the growth of the seeds was still there.

And the branches in the Dantian had begun to grow into a small tree.

This small tree looked only as high as a palm, but the power contained in it made Lin Mo dare not underestimate it.

What surprised Lin Mo the most was that the tree only consumed a little of the blood and qi in the body, but it could actually replenish the blood and qi continuously!

Lin Mo tried to use the blood and qi to create a physical clone, and then split a spiritual clone.

The two clones merged directly. During the whole process, Lin Mo consumed a lot of blood and qi and spiritual power.

But with the tree, those consumptions were replenished in a very short time!

"Hiss... This tree has such a strong recovery power for my blood and qi and spiritual power!

If I have always maintained such a terrifying recovery power during the battle, what will happen?

I feel that with this tree, even if I face the peak of the second-grade martial emperor... or even the third-grade martial emperor, I have the strength to fight!"

Lin Mo's current strength is only the early stage of the second-grade martial emperor. Facing the peak or the third-grade martial emperor, it is almost a difference of 100,000 blood and qi.

But Lin Mo has such confidence, all of this is naturally because of this tree!

"We can't draw conclusions so quickly. We need to go through actual combat!

Also, the advantages of this small tree must be more than just this!"

Lin Mo thought so in his heart.

Then he sank into his mind again and began to feel the changes brought to him by this small tree.

In the Dantian, the roots of the small tree only occupied a small area, but after Lin Mo observed, he suddenly found that the area occupied by the roots of the small tree had become much tougher!

After pondering for a long time, Lin Mo made a bold attempt.

He controlled the power to dissipate part of it, revealing a gap the size of a pinhole.

Suddenly, a smooth stream flowed out of the gap, and then was slowly wrapped by Lin Mo's blood power, and came to the arm along the meridians!

Without any hesitation, Lin Mo directly placed the root system on his arm!

After a slight pain, Lin Mo felt that the root system suddenly began to grow wildly in his arm!

Lin Mo's face remained unchanged, and the blood power surged, limiting these roots within a certain range.

Without growth space, the roots can only be confined to an area as big as a fingernail.

Lin Mo's right hand flashed smoothly, and the Red Blood Sword was already in his hand.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Mo aimed the tip of the Red Blood Sword directly at the gap, and then stabbed it hard!

There was a ding-dong sound, and the tip of the sword seemed to touch metal, and after a slight sound, it bounced up!

Lin Mo was stunned when he saw this scene!

This area the size of a fingernail actually has such a terrifying defensive power!

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