A clanging sound rang out, and the tip of the sword seemed to have touched metal. After a slight sound, it bounced up!

Lin Mo was stunned when he saw this scene!

This area the size of a fingernail actually has such a terrifying defensive power!

"Doesn't this mean that as long as I let the roots take root all over my body, my physical strength can be improved to a higher level?"

This thought popped up in Lin Mo's mind, but he quickly shook his head.

At least now he can't let the roots sprout in his body.

Only when his power can control these roots one day, he can let go and spread these roots all over his body.

"My physical strength has now reached the emperor realm. When I reach the extreme of physical cultivation one day, I will use the roots to spread all over my body, and I should be able to achieve a higher level after the extreme!"

Lin Mo's face was full of joy, and he had already made clear arrangements in his mind!

"Chen Banzi, you are looking for death!"

At this moment, a voice rang out in the distance.

Lin Mo's smile suddenly withered, and he looked into the distance with a hint of coldness on his lips.

The people in the sea of ​​blood really had no shame, and there were more than a dozen people besieging Chen Banzi who was in a frenzy.

At this moment, Chen Banzi's body was soaked in blood, and his eyes were also in confusion.

There is no doubt that he is now in a state of being bewitched.


Just when Lin Mo was stunned, a figure suddenly attacked and left a deep mark on Chen Banzi's chest.

With a bang, Lin Mo stood up on the spot and looked at the dozen figures in the distance, and the blood and qi power emanated uncontrollably!

Feeling the blood and qi power on Lin Mo, the faces of those who besieged Chen Banzi showed a solemn look.

"At such a young age, he actually has such a powerful force. Kill him! We must not let him leave here alive!"

"Kill him. If this kid wakes up Chen Banzi, we may not be able to defeat them even if we fight them with so many people!"

"You idiot, how can you boost others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige?"


In the distance, a group of figures spoke one after another, but their actions were very consistent. They all sent several people to rush towards Lin Mo!

"Hurry up, this kid swallowed the seed and should be in a weak period now. Take advantage of this time to kill him!"

"Get rid of a future threat for my blood sea!"

A group of people shouted, and rushed towards Lin Mo frantically as if they had faith.

And Lin Mo also came up at this time.


The strong man who rushed to the front was punched through the chest by Lin Mo!

And Lin Mo's speed did not slow down at all, and he directly punched through the second person with his fist!

In just a few breaths, Lin Mo had already pierced through three people!

The remaining four people stopped there as if their tails were stepped on, looking at Lin Mo with a vigilant look.


Lin Mo looked at the people in front of him, roared, and gently shook off the blood on his fist.

The power of blood and qi burst out, and Lin Mo used his most powerful Five Beast Fist, which consumed the most blood and qi!

Lin Mo's Five Beast Fist has now been cultivated to the master level of proficiency. At this moment, when it was performed, the five beasts roared, and a wild breath emanated from Lin Mo's surroundings!

But at this time, Lin Mo's figure seemed to be submerged, and only those shadows were left!

"Be careful, he is very strong and can kill us in seconds!"

"Humph, I expect that the means to kill us in seconds must consume a lot of energy. He will never be able to use such means again in a short time..."


As soon as the voice fell, the owner of the voice lowered his head and stared at his chest blankly.

There was a fist-sized hole there. Lin Mo had punched through his heart at some point, cutting off all his life!

With a soft plop, the figure slowly fell downwards.

Lin Mo turned around again and looked at the remaining people, smiling softly: "You three come together, I'll give you a chance to attack!"

Lin Mo put his hands behind his back, looking at the remaining three people in front of him with a somewhat arrogant look.


After waiting for about a minute, someone was finally willing to attack!

"You are going too far. If we don't kill these two people today, we will be laughed at in the future!"

"That's right. If we want to develop the power of the blood sea, we must establish our prestige. We must not do anything that will damage our prestige!"

Several figures suppressed the sadness and pity deep in their hearts and rushed towards Lin Mo again!


The dragon roared, and the means Lin Mo used this time were even more powerful!

He held the Silver Dragon Spear in his hand and used his spear skills. Now that he had reached the intermediate level of proficiency, he could actually use the Silver Dragon Technique three times!

After three shots, cracks seemed to appear in the air!

Then cracks appeared on the bodies of the remaining three people!

As these cracks expanded, in the end, the three people fell directly to the ground and soon there was no sound!


All seven people were dead!

Now, only Lin Mo was left standing there, looking at the battlefield in the distance!

Chen Banzi's figure has become shaky, as if he might fall down at any time.

"Why is the power in Master's body similar to the power of the little tree in my body?"

"It's almost the same. Now hurry up and help me absorb energy!"

At this moment, such a voice sounded in Lin Mo's heart.

"What the hell?!" Lin Mo was stunned, and his expression became much more serious.

"This uncle is not a toy!" The voice sounded again: "Since you don't want to let me cover your whole body, then quickly let me absorb more of the energy here!

Don't think that these crazy energies are bad for you, but for me, they are a great tonic!

hurry up! "

At this time, Lin Mo finally understood who the owner of the voice was.

This turned out to be the little tree inside him!

At this moment, Xiaoshu opened his mouth. He was obviously only a few inches tall, but he spoke with an old-fashioned expression!

However, at this time, Lin Mo was not arguing with the sapling. With a sigh, Lin Mo slowly walked away.

"Master, come here after all!"

As if hearing Lin Mo's voice, Chen Banzi slowly turned around and glanced at Lin Mo, without any change in his eyes.

However, just when everyone thought that Lin Mo was about to miss, Chen Banzi's confused eyes actually showed some clarity.


He raised his hand and slapped three of them away.

"We are all careful that he wants to break out and go back, we must not let him succeed!

You guys hurry up and take action!

Don't let this person meet Lin Mo! "

The leader spoke loudly.

At the same time, he actually rushed towards Lin Mo first. A short sword appeared in his hand, and the sword light was cold and it stabbed towards Lin Mo's chest!

"This sword is very good, but you are still far from it!" Lin Mo chuckled and raised two fingers and pointed forward.

Two fingers actually caught the sword!

The leader had a horrified look on his face. His current cultivation was at the intermediate level of a second-grade Martial Emperor. How could he stab out with a sword and be caught with his bare hands!

Could it be that this boy is so powerful?

Such an idea popped up in the leader's mind, but before he could verify it, Lin Mo took the initiative!

The swords clang!

The two martial arts skills of instant killing sword and one-sword annihilation are used at the same time!

In addition, here, Lin Mo used his trump card again!

The spiritual realm has once again expanded its scope, encompassing many people within it!

At the same time, as Lin Mo's mind was wandering, all the people in his mind lost contact with the outside world.

The screams kept ringing out, and Lin Mo went on a killing spree with one sword after another!

Not long after, all the people in the Blood Sea here were killed!

"Master, everything is over!" Lin Mo looked at the broken table with a faint smile on his face: "Master, you have worked hard during this period. I will help you regain your sanity now!"

The original method was still used, but what Lin Mo didn't expect was that there was a better way!

Lin Mo pulled out the branches of the small tree and placed them on Chen Banzi's body at the same time!

At this moment, Lin Mo felt a powerful force gathering on the branches!

Lin Mo felt such a force and a smile appeared on his face.

At this time, Chen Banzi's eyes became much clearer!


Lin Mo spoke again, and at this time, Chen Banziye finally woke up.

Looking at Lin Mo in front of him, Chen Banzi grinned, and tears even flowed from the corners of his eyes!

Lin Mo looked at this scene with a smile on his face: "Master, please wait a moment, I will solve the problem before we talk!"

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the few people who wanted to sneak away quietly, and said calmly: "It's not impossible to leave if you want. When I get back, I will tell you that the person in charge of Blood Sea has made my master like this. I will come to visit you sooner or later!"

After hearing Lin Mo's words, several people's expressions changed wildly, but after thinking about it, after all, they still had to leave here first before they could have any hope of living.

As long as he survives in the future, Lin Mo will definitely die in their hands!

This is the common thought of Lin Mo and these people who are about to escape!

"We understand, please don't worry, we will definitely bring your words to you!" When these people turned around and were about to leave, Lin Mo's figure rushed forward again!

Tsk tsk tsk!

There were soft noises one after another, and among the figures, people kept falling down!

Looking at the fallen people around him, the only one left looked terrified.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone. Remember to bring the message with you when you go back!"

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