Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 301 The role of small trees

In the Eye of Quicksand, the man looked at the fallen corpses all around, and then glanced at Lin Mo. His legs trembled for a moment, but he did not dare to make the slightest move.

"Why are you still standing there? Do you want me to send you away?" Lin Mo looked at the man in front of him and said calmly.

" won't kill me when I turn around, will you?" the man asked tremblingly.

After all, when they were about to leave just now, Lin Mo directly chopped down his companions. God knows when he left, would Lin Mo also directly attack them?

"If you don't leave, I'm going to kill someone!" Lin Mo sneered and raised the red blood sword in his hand.

Seeing Lin Mo's action, the man trembled all over and ran towards the distance while rolling and crawling.

"It's easy to get in and out of the Eye of Quicksand. I don't know if this guy will be so lucky to leave here!" Chen Banzi has now regained his consciousness and looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

"Master, later on, I may have a way to leave here!" Lin Mo said softly, while slowly closing his eyes.

The power of Qi and blood slowly opened a gap, and the small tree in the dantian swayed slightly.


The mental power constantly changes the scope of its coverage as the small tree sways.

Lin Mo closed his eyes and felt the surroundings.

"The exit of the Eye of Quicksand changes all the time, so what I have to do is find the changing pattern of the exit!"

The spiritual vortex appeared around Lin Mo again, but it could never get close.

In the dantian, the small tree swayed gently, and the spiritual vortex quickly disappeared between heaven and earth.

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, constantly recording the location of the exit within a certain period of time, while his mind was running crazily.

He was recording and calculating silently.

Soon he raised his head and looked not far away, and his mental power shrouded there.

After a moment, his mental power moved again.

During the whole process, Lin Mo's mental power changed many times. After more than an hour passed, a smile appeared on his face.

"Master, follow me next!" Lin Mo said, and at the same time stepped forward and walked towards a stone not far away: "The distance between the two of us cannot be more than one meter, otherwise we will not be able to make it in time!"

Chen Banzi nodded. Although he didn't know whether Lin Mo's estimate was correct, he had a natural trust in Lin Mo.

"I'll count to three, you jump on the stone with me!" Lin Mo said softly, and then started counting.

As soon as the three words were spoken, Lin Mo and Chen Banzi jumped onto the stone.

The moment the two people jumped on the stone, a portal appeared directly in front of them.

Along with a series of topsy-turvy feelings, the two figures disappeared here.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived outside the Eye of Quicksand.

"Come out!" Looking around, Chen Banzi had a look of surprise on his face. After being trapped in the Eye of Quicksand for so long, only he knew how difficult it was to leave.

But Lin Mo found a way out in such a short period of time.

"The seed that Master gave me really played a big role!" Lin Mo told the truth, but did not explain the dream.

"Maybe that seed can only work on you!" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo and said softly: "Before I became conscious, I studied that seed. At that time, I had a hunch that if I swallowed the seed If it goes on, it will definitely become nourishment for the seeds.

The moment I saw you again, I suddenly had a hunch that the seeds were actually prepared for you.

Now it seems that my hunch was right! "

Lin Mo smiled and nodded, but didn't say much on this topic.

This time the purpose of entering the Rob Abyss has been achieved. Chen Banzi is safe and sound. It's time for the two of them to leave here!

"You are finally willing to come out!"

At this moment, a chuckle rang out, and not far away, several figures slowly walked towards them.

"Five second-grade peak martial emperors!"

Chen Banzi's expression changed slightly. He was now in the realm of the second-grade Martial Emperor. Naturally, he knew how much pressure it would be for Lin Mo to face five second-grade Martial Emperors at once.

"Master, it's these people who pushed you to that point, right?" Lin Mo didn't say anything more, but looked at Chen Banzi.

"It's them, Lin Mo, looking for a chance to escape!" Chen Banzi said in a deep voice, while making a gesture of resistance.

At this moment, Lin Mo moved. He was very fast and appeared in front of them in an instant.

The spiritual world!

The vast spiritual power enveloped several people.

At this moment, the small tree in the dantian began to sway gently.

Two completely opposite mental powers escaped at the same time.

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the mental power that was supposed to be neutralized actually superimposed at this time, and the effect of one plus one was greater than two!


There was a roar that seemed to be produced after being suppressed to the extreme.

It turned out to be the roar caused by the superposition of two spiritual powers!

The spiritual realm exploded!

What Lin Mo didn't expect was that the energy fluctuations generated by this explosion of the spiritual world would be so terrifying!

You can see cracks appearing in front of you, and cracks also appear on the people who are shrouded in the spiritual world!

"You...what did you do to us!"

There were looks of horror on the faces of several people, looking at Lin Mo as if they had seen a ghost.

"My ability is pretty good, right? Hehe, the real art is explosion!" The voice of the small tree rang out in the Dantian.

Lin Mo's forehead was full of black lines. Why is this small tree a bit wild?

But Lin Mo had to say that this small tree was indeed good. It could actually produce such a terrifying mental explosion directly!

"Master, do you have any questions?" Lin Mo looked at the people lying on the ground with cracks all over their bodies, and smiled at Chen Banzi.

"Kill them!" Chen Banzi looked calm, and he didn't have much feeling about life and death.

In fact, old men like Chen Banzi, who had walked out of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, would not have lived to this day if they hadn't used some ruthless means.

Lin Mo nodded, and with a light sweep of the Red Blood Sword, several people fell directly to the ground, completely silent.

Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo with some appreciation and nodded slightly.

Lin Mo was not very old, but he was very experienced in his actions, without any dragging his feet.

"If you were born fifty years earlier, you might have become a local tyrant!" Chen Banzi chuckled.

"You'll have time to become a tyrant in the future!" Lin Mo responded with a smile.

Chen Banzi was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, you're really ambitious!" After laughing twice, Chen Banzi stopped and looked at Lin Mo with a serious face: "Boy, why did you come to pick me up? Where's Yunlong?"

Hearing Chen Banzi's words, the chuckle on Lin Mo's face disappeared, replaced by a look of loss.

"Master, please forgive me..." Lin Mo immediately told the story of the Huaxia Military University.

"Good kill!"

Hearing Lin Mo say that he killed someone in anger, Chen Banzi's face showed an angry look and spoke loudly.

When he heard Lin Mo mention that Wei Yunlong and his wife actually lived next to a garbage dump, his eyes suddenly turned red!

"These bastards! I'm going to kill them all when I go out!" At this moment, Chen Banzi seemed to have become the decisive general of the past, exuding murderous intent all over his body.

Lin Mo stood quietly aside, and waited until Chen Banzi finished scolding, then stepped forward and said: "Master, we can leave now.

If you want to kill someone, I will go with you after we get out!"

Chen Banzi nodded, stood in place to identify the direction: "Follow me! I know there is a road very close to the exit, and by the way, I can also take away some of the things accumulated by the group of people in the sea of ​​blood!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up, Master has this hobby... It's great!

Without any hesitation, Lin Mo followed directly, and even Lin Mo specially controlled his speed to avoid running too fast and leaving Chen Banzi behind.

Half an hour later, they appeared in another gathering place, and Chen Banzi started the group without saying a word!

Both of them are second-grade martial emperors, but Chen Banzi's style of attack is completely different from Lin Mo's.

One-knife-killing-life and instant-killing sword are Lin Mo's killing martial arts. Most of the other martial arts are used for fighting. There are almost no killing skills that can kill people in one blow.

However, the martial arts that Chen Banzi showed when attacking were all killing martial arts, and the emphasis was on killing people instantly!

"Master, you are so powerful!" Lin Mo said with emotion.

Chen Banzi chuckled: "If you want my martial arts, just say it directly. It's not a precious thing. It's just that I have been training for many years and months to improve my proficiency to the extreme that I can achieve at present!"

Proficiency has been improved to the extreme?

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, and silently remembered this matter in his heart, ready to ask about it after leaving here.

The two of them destroyed this settlement directly like a tornado, and at the same time collected a lot of blood and qi stones accumulated in the sea of ​​blood.

"Master, look here!" Lin Mo suddenly found a token when he was searching for blood and qi stones.

The token was made of a blood-red transparent stone, with only one dark word on it.

"The token of the Dark Blood Society! The Blood Sea and the Dark Blood Society are indeed colluding!" Lin Mo spoke slowly with a cold look on his face.

"Take all these things and leave first!" Chen Banzi said: "The Blood Sea has been operating in the Rob Abyss for many years. If something happens here, they will come to support us soon!

We can just go to the next place!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up and followed Chen Banzi to the next place again!

In three days, Lin Mo and Chen Banzi looted frantically and collected a lot of Qi and Blood Stones. The foundation of the entire Blood Sea in the Rob Abyss was about to be uprooted by the two!

At this time, they had already arrived at the exit of the Rob Abyss.

Looking back at the Rob Abyss behind him, just as Chen Banzi said, the Rob Abyss was too big and their exploration range was limited.

But Lin Mo has a dream, and he can come back at any time if he wants to.

With this idea, Lin Mo and Chen Banzi left the Rob Abyss directly!

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