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Entering the dreamland again, Lin Mo did not hesitate and directly chose to enter the Rob Abyss!

Looking at the unfamiliar scenery in front of him, Lin Mo's eyes flickered for a moment, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Dreams are my real golden finger!" Lin Mo sighed with emotion. The opportunity to enter the abyss infinitely is too rare.

His mental power spread around, and in just a few minutes, Lin Mo found the entrance to the abyss where he had just stepped into.

According to his original memory, Lin Mo ran all the way.


The mental power spread out in all directions. In this forest, Lin Mo's mental power covered all areas in a very short period of time!

"I relied on my mental power to sense his existence in the first place!" Lin Mo had a solemn expression on his face, and his eyes were looking into the distance.

"There was a body left here, but now there is no body here..."

Continuing forward, Lin Mo found that the scenery in front of him could overlap with his memory, but things like corpses had disappeared.

"Could it be that he was eaten in the woods?"

Lin Mo frowned: "Even if he was eaten, it's impossible not to leave any traces!"

"Could it be that the area I entered in the dream is different from the area I entered in reality?" Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face as he thought of this possibility.

But in the abyss where the corpse was discovered, the area Lin Mo entered in his dream was no different from the area he entered in reality!

"If it's really not the same place...then is it possible that I won't actually encounter the flower when I enter the abyss this time?"

Just when Lin Mo was thinking like this, a touch of perception suddenly appeared in his mind, and an even more majestic spiritual power rushed towards Lin Mo!

In just a few breaths, Lin Mo's entire body was enveloped.

The moment the two mental powers came into contact, Lin Mo's mental power was defeated!

At that moment, Lin Mo felt like he was about to explode!

"That flower still exists!" Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face.

Then came the severe pain as if his head was about to split, which caused Lin Mo's speed to slow down suddenly and his figure suddenly froze in place.


After a muffled sound, Lin Mo fell directly to the ground.

Fortunately, although Lin Mo's mental power was crushed, he was not weak after all, so after only a few seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.


Lin Mo's eyes flashed, his mental strength immediately restrained, and he stood up at the same time.

Within the dantian, the small tree did not move at all, but the key was quietly suspended there.

Not knowing how to use the key, Lin Mo thought and took the key in his hand. He looked at the flowers approaching in the distance and fell into deep thought.


A series of trembling sounds sounded, and the flower itself was changing rapidly as it approached Lin Mo.

Its height keeps increasing and soon it grows into a towering tree!

Just when Lin Mo was about to use force, he saw what seemed to be a huge hole on the tree trunk.

Looking at the shape of the hole, it turned out to be exactly the same as the key in his hand!

"Is it possible that the key just needs to be inserted in?" Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face. After thinking for a while, he stood up suddenly!


In the dream, Lin Mo directly used this martial art, and his whole body turned into an afterimage and rushed directly towards the big tree.


The trunk of the big tree was shaking constantly, and at the same time, the branches were waving, like pillars hanging from the sky, trying to penetrate Lin Mo.

But the huge size brings the big tree heavy speed, so Lin Mo's speed has completely crushed the big tree!

When he got close to the tree trunk, Lin Mo directly used the Yan Xiang Technique and came to the keyhole.

The thing in his hand was only three villages long, but the keyhole in front of him was one meter long!

"It's you!" Lin Mo gritted his teeth, held the key in his hand, and pushed it into the keyhole in front of him!


The moment Lin Mo just put it in, the entire key began to tremble. In just a few breaths, the key in Lin Mo's hand actually grew to the point where it fit perfectly into the keyhole!

"It's done!" Lin Mo had a look of surprise on his face, while slowly twisting the keyhole.

Under the influence of the key, the keyhole slowly rotates, and at the end, the keyhole reaches the final angle.

The whole tree suddenly stopped and began to shake violently.

Lin Mo grabbed the trunk of the tree and looked down with a faint smile on his face!

Below, countless flower buds suddenly grew on the tree trunk, and these flower buds grew up and bloomed in an extremely short time!

The towering tree was covered with flowers of various colors. This scene could be said to be extremely beautiful, but Lin Mo didn't have any leisure to admire it. Instead, he silently stared at the center of the tree crown!

There is a group of light brewing slowly there.

"A flower!" Lin Mo spoke again. He could see that there was a flower in the light, but what was different from the flower he saw before was that the flower in front of him was still growing slowly.

Lin Mo was not in a hurry. Feeling the spirituality in the light, Lin Mo simply sat on the ground and waited quietly.

"There is some inexplicable power contained in the light. This power can be said to be a great force. It shocked me, but I also felt scared!"

Lin Mo had a serious look on his face. He knew very well that everything he saw now was a precious opportunity, and everything in front of him was a qualitative change.

Lin Mo watched quietly. After a long time, the flower began to bloom!

However, like an epiphyllum, it withered immediately after blooming for a moment!

Lin Mo watched the flower bloom, wither, and grow a seed!

"Why does this seed look familiar?" Lin Mo couldn't help but speak, and at the same time he grabbed the seed in his hand.

The spiritual power was attached to the seed, but it disappeared instantly like a mud cow entering the sea!

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Mo attached another qi and blood force to it.

It still disappeared quickly!

Lin Mo's face showed a thoughtful look. After a long time, he began to try to double, triple, or triple his mental power...

After Lin Mo exerted almost all his mental power, Seed finally had some reaction!

The seed trembled slightly, and some cracks appeared on it!

Looking at this crack, Lin Mo's face showed a thoughtful look.

"I have gained something this time, let's go back first!" Lin Mo thought and left the dreamland directly.

The first thing he did after leaving the dreamland was that Lin Mo checked his stored magic weapons and found that most of the treasures and blood stones were missing.

"It's too scary. This dream is really not just a random one. The consumption is really too great, and the landlord's family doesn't have any food left!"

After sighing with emotion, Lin Mo quickly stood up from the ground, feeling the changes in himself.

He pondered for a moment and took out the thing in his hand. It was a seed, almost the same as the seed Lin Mo saw before!

Lin Mo could almost conclude that the effects of these two seeds were actually the same.

"Uncle Xiaoshu, is this the kind of person you are talking about?" Lin Mo hesitated and asked.

Uncle Xiaoshu seemed to have just woken up from his sleep, swaying in his dantian, as if he was stretching!

Lin Mo looked at this scene and suddenly felt speechless, but he still told the original content honestly.

"It's this seed!" Xiaoshu's voice was filled with excitement: "Aren't you awesome? You still say that I can't do it, it's too naive.

Well now, I was arrested too! "

Xiaoshu's mocking voice made Lin Mo's eyes light up, so Lin Mo had already begun to figure out how to make this seed have the greatest effect!

"Boy, do you believe me?" Xiaoshu's voice sounded.

"I don't believe it!" Lin Mo shook his head firmly. This small tree was obviously a trap, but Lin Mo had to use it now.

"..." Xiaoshu never expected that Lin Mo would answer like this, so for a moment, his brain was not full and he was stunned.

"You kid, don't you understand the principles of life?" Xiaoshu's face was full of helplessness: "What I need is praise!

Who are you showing your bitter face to? "

Hearing this, Lin Mo slowly squeezed out an ugly smile on his face.

Just when Lin Mo was about to deal with the matter with just a few words, Xiao Shu's voice suddenly came through.

Lin Mo's face immediately showed a smile: "I know that Uncle Xiaoshu, you can't just leave me here and don't care at all!

Don’t worry, I guarantee there won’t be any sloppiness! "

With Lin Mo's guarantee, Xiao Shu's arrogant attribute was finally satisfied. He pondered for a moment and said directly: "You should have figured it out. I was originally a seed, which actually represented trees. !

And the cold air represented by this seed is actually Taiyin! It belongs to the category of mental power!

So if you want to master this seed, all you have to do is swallow it directly!

Just like when you swallowed me! "

Lin Mo had a puzzled look on his face, always feeling that this matter was a bit unreliable.

But within the dantian, Xiaoshu swore that this thing should be used this way.

Lin Mo was also said to be impatient and swallowed the seed directly!


As soon as he swallowed the seed into his belly, Lin Mo felt as if his mental power was being stretched!

In just a few breaths, Lin Mo's nose began to spurt blood!

Then the other five holes started to bleed!

Bleeding from all orifices!

This is a sign of excessive mental loss!

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