Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 307: Little Tree's Calculation

Warm blood flowed continuously along the mouth, nose and other seven orifices. Lin Mo raised his hand to wipe away the blood in his nose and frowned slightly.

Uncle Xiaoshu once said that he actually represents the power of Qi and blood, while the seed Lin Mo just swallowed represents spiritual power.

Two completely different powers all appeared in Lin Mo's body:

In the dantian, the small tree is no more than the size of a palm, but the energy and blood all over the body are surging crazily like a sea tide. The sea of ​​qi and blood in the dantian is also pulled by this force, constantly slapping around the dantian, and even more A strong storm of energy and blood surged through the meridians like a violent giant beast.

"Ah! Uncle Xiaoshu, tell the truth, are you trying to trick me?" Lin Mo's face was covered with cold sweat, and he gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Why did I cheat you? You have to endure hardships to become a master. Where are you now!" Xiaoshu's leisurely voice sounded.

Lin Mo shuddered and suddenly thought of something.


At this moment, the seed that had just been swallowed went all the way up from the belly and reached the spiritual platform deep in the mind!

On the way from the belly to the spiritual platform, countless bones blocked the way, but the seeds seemed to be able to penetrate everything, passing directly through the obstacles and reaching the spiritual platform.

Trembling sounds continued, and a crack began to appear on the seed.

Just when Lin Mo wanted to protect the seed from taking root and sprouting like a small tree, golden rays of light bloomed from the seed.

Then a massive amount of mental power surged toward Lin Mo.

Lin Mo has now reached the second-grade Martial Emperor realm, and his mental power has reached a terrifying level of more than 200,000 points. But at this moment, Lin Mo only feels that the mental power in his spiritual platform has increased several times!

It has reached at least 800,000 points of mental power!

Such terrifying mental power brought Lin Mo a strong feeling. The first thing he felt was all the information in the endless distance. He could even see the wind blowing through the treetops and dropping ants to the ground.

You can also see that the sun is shining and illuminating the dust...

This is the perception ability that can be brought about by reaching this level of mental power. Lin Mo's original mental perception proficiency increased rapidly at this moment, and in just half an hour, he reached master level proficiency!

But the feeling of mental tearing that followed also made Lin Mo start to tremble all over, and the muscles on his face became distorted.

In fact, this process was extremely laborious, and veins appeared all over Lin Mo's face.

"Dreams... Borrow the power of dreams!" Lin Mo reached out tremblingly to touch his pocket, where all the Qi and Blood Pills he had carried before were inside.

But when he touched his pocket, he was stunned because all the Qi and Blood Pills were gone!

"Boy, your weird ability is useless at this time. Even if you enter that kind of ability, we will not be eliminated. It will still be silently transformed in your body."

Xiaoshu's voice sounded again, with some pride in his tone. Lin Mo could even imagine that if Xiaoshu could grow into a human form, his face would be full of pride at this moment.

"You must not be able to control such a large amount of spiritual power. When the spiritual power is over, we will try to fuse it. By then, your body will be ours!"

Xiaoshu had a proud smile on his face, his tone was very cheerful, and he even hummed a song.

"When I first arrived in the capital, I had a nickname called the Miracle Worker... Do you think I can still create miracles today?"

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and heard an extremely depressed voice.

Xiaoshu's voice stopped suddenly and he stopped talking, but Lin Mo could feel that Xiaoshu exuded a nervous aura in his dantian.

"Ha!" Lin Mo sneered, and the sea of ​​qi and blood in his dantian suddenly became turbulent, and the waves composed of the power of qi and blood smashed down on Xiaoshu's body crazily.

The power of qi and blood in Xiaoshu's body is naturally endless, but Lin Mo is trying to use the power of qi and blood in his dantian to smash it.

Under such an attack, Xiaoshu was actually suppressed for a short time.

"Boy, I want to see how long you can suppress me! When I break free from the suppression, it will be your death!"

There was resentment in Xiaoshu's voice.

Lurking in Lin Mo's Dantian, all he originally wanted to do was find a chance to slip away, leave Lin Mo's body, and return to the abyss.

He has now sprouted from the state of a seed and grown into a big tree. As long as you give him time, his achievements will be limitless.

But when he learned that Lin Mo wanted to use the key to unlock the spiritual seed, Xiao Shu directly changed his plan.

If the spiritual seeds can be combined, then the power of blood and the power of spirit will produce such terrifying power.

After such an idea formed in his heart, Xiaoshu immediately started planning. Fortunately, Lin Mo didn't keep him waiting for too long.

After getting the key, Lin Mo immediately found the flower in the dream. After opening it, he got the seeds.

Xiaoshu immediately persuaded Lin Mo to take the seeds.

Unexpectedly, things went surprisingly smoothly. After listening to the persuasion, Lin Mo actually swallowed the seeds.

This made Xiaoshu extremely happy. Although he was under control now, the power of his energy and blood would eventually be exhausted.

When the power of qi and blood is exhausted, it is time for the spiritual seed and the tree of qi and blood to completely control this body!

Thinking of this, Xiaoshu was in a very good mood, and even sent a stream of joyful thoughts in Lin Mo's Dantian.

"So, you are very proud, right?"

At this time, Lin Mo's voice sounded leisurely.

His tone was calm, without any fear of dying, especially the look on his face, which could even be said to be a bit sarcastic!

For some reason, Xiaoshu had a bad premonition in his heart when he felt Lin Mo's tone.

But no matter how he calculated, he would win!

"You seem to have overlooked one thing, that is, can the spirit seed last until my blood and qi are exhausted in my hands?"

Another voice sounded, but Lin Mo looked normal, and his tone became grim.

Just when Xiaoshu was in doubt, a stone tablet appeared in Lin Mo's spiritual platform.

There were complicated patterns on the stone tablet. If an old antique who was proficient in ancient human characters passed by here, he would definitely be able to see the content on the stone tablet.

This was the stone tablet that automatically appeared in the spiritual platform after Lin Mo's spiritual power surged countless times.

The function is actually simple, that is, to seal the extra mental power directly in the stone tablet, and when needed, it will naturally be replenished into Lin Mo's body.

Now there are 800,000 extra mental powers. If Lin Mo's own tolerance is not taken into account, all the mental power will be absorbed at once...

Lin Mo may instantly become a martial arts peak powerhouse!

At least in Lin Mo's current cognition, there is no martial arts powerhouse with a mental power of one million!

However, all this is under one premise, that is, Lin Mo can withstand one million mental powers without the spirit platform being blown up!

But if Lin Mo really accepts one million mental powers, it is almost inevitable that the spirit platform will be blown up.

At this time, the existence of the stone tablet is very necessary.

As long as all the extra 800,000 mental powers are stored in the stone tablet...

And Lin Mo can now control himself as he pleases, so it is not difficult to complete the storage of mental power...

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's mind moved, and a large amount of mental power began to surge towards the stone tablet in the spirit platform!

The whole process was very quick. In just a few minutes, the stone tablet began to tremble slightly, and it was already faintly unable to contain these mental powers!

"If you can't contain these mental powers, I'm done!" Lin Mo showed a bitter smile on his face. There was only one stone tablet. If it really couldn't contain them, then he would have to take over these mental powers by force.

Of course, in this way, Lin Mo's spiritual platform is likely to be severely damaged...

"This... This is impossible. How can you have a container for storing mental power? This is absolutely impossible!"

In the Dantian, the voice of the small tree was full of despair.

But then, seeing the cracks on the stone tablet, it immediately understood why Lin Mo was so anxious.

"I understand. Your storage tool is almost full, so you still have to carry the rest by yourself!

Let me calculate. The mental power you currently store is about 60 points.

Based on your current spiritual platform strength, if the remaining 200,000 points of mental power really flow in, you will definitely be forced... to erase all mental marks!

After a futile struggle, we still won in the end!"

Xiao Shu's face was full of smiles, and he even began to take the initiative in Lin Mo's Dantian to calm the fluctuations of the Qi and blood power inside the Dantian Sea.

But Lin Mo's face gradually showed a smile: "It seems that you can't always be right..."

"In the end, I should win.

In fact, I have to thank you. If you hadn't reminded me, I really don't know what to do with these 200,000 mental powers!"

The smile on Lin Mo's face became more and more intense. In the end, you can even see a mocking look on Lin Mo's face.

Xiaoshu had a bad feeling in his heart and said coldly: "Don't try to destroy my faith. I am sure you will never have any way!

We will definitely win in the end!"

But soon, he knew that he was wrong. From Lin Mo's actions, Xiaoshu knew that he did think of a solution.

Lin Mo's mind moved, and his mental power returned to the spiritual platform, looking at the flickering stone tablet and the remaining 200,000 mental power.

"Hmph, Uncle Xiaoshu, I will give you a great fortune!" Lin Mo sneered and poured all the remaining mental power into Uncle Xiaoshu's body.

Xiaoshu was born with spiritual intelligence, but not much...

So at this moment, under the impact of more than 200,000 mental powers, Xiaoshu suddenly fell into silence!

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