"Hmph, Uncle Xiaoshu, I'll give you a great fortune!" Lin Mo sneered and poured all the remaining mental power into Uncle Xiaoshu's body.

The little tree was born with intelligence, but not much...

So at this moment, under the impact of more than 200,000 mental powers, the little tree suddenly fell into silence!

In the Dantian, the power of blood and spirit had a terrible collision. In just a moment, the entire sea of ​​blood began to boil!

The power of blood was lifted by the mental power, rushing forward like a wave of flames.

And the mental power was like an invisible barrier, ruthlessly crushed by the power of blood!

This is the struggle between mental power and blood power!

The seeds of blood and spirit represented by the little tree are actually the final manifestations of the two powers, regardless of strength.

So under such a collision, the final consequence can only be... both sides will suffer!

The terrifying fluctuations lasted for a moment, but for Lin Mo, it seemed like several years.

The main reason was that he was the one who suffered the most pain during the collision of the two forces.

Whether it was the fluctuation of the blood power or the tearing of the mental power, Lin Mo felt as if he had walked through hell.

The incomparable pain made Lin Mo still sweat even when he recalled it many years later.

"Huh... finally... it's over!"

Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes, first exhaled a long breath, and then looked inward.

The first place he looked inward was naturally his Dantian. You know, the tree that wanted to make trouble at the beginning was the Dantian Sect.

Now in the Dantian, the branches and leaves of the tree have become bare, and the whole trunk has become crooked, looking like it has been destroyed by the wind.

As Lin Mo's consciousness approached, the roots of the small tree trembled slightly, and a wisp of thought was also conveyed.

"You... are so mean, you actually plotted against me from the very beginning. If I hadn't been unprepared, I would definitely not have let you win so easily..."

"I am mean?" Lin Mo said lightly: "When you were about to attack me, we were already at the point of life and death. Now you lost and I won, what's there to say?

You don't understand the principle of accepting defeat, it's really a pity!"

Lin Mo chuckled, and his consciousness instantly pounced on the tree.

How could the remaining consciousness on the tree be a match for Lin Mo's current consciousness? After a brief struggle, it was instantly swallowed up by Lin Mo's consciousness!

Of course, during the whole process, Lin Mo only wiped out the consciousness on the tree, but retained its spirituality.

That is to say, one day in the future, the spirituality on the tree is likely to give birth to consciousness, but this consciousness will develop in the direction that Lin Mo needs under Lin Mo's intervention!

In addition, the tree has consciousness, so it can become a being above the heavenly level like a weapon.

The small tree is a seed of Qi and blood. Although Lin Mo is not sure what its function is now, one thing is certain: this small tree will definitely be a great help in the future!

With this idea in mind, Lin Mo moved quickly and directly wiped out the consciousness of the small tree. Then, looking at the light flashing at the roots of the small tree, a faint smile appeared on his face.

This is the true spirit of the small tree, the final spiritual wisdom. As long as it is slowly nurtured in the future, perhaps something very terrifying will be born!

After doing all this, Lin Mo's consciousness was directly transferred and slowly came to the spiritual platform.

It can be seen that there is a seed with a flashing light floating in the spiritual platform.

At this moment, a flower bud can be seen in the seed. That is the result of Lin Mo storing all his mental power in the stone tablet.

Looking at the flower bud in the seed, Lin Mo smiled.

This seed is much less troublesome than the small tree. At the beginning, this seed did give birth to consciousness, but when Lin Mo took out the key and got the seed, that consciousness died, and finally this spirit was left.

Now the seeds are sleeping in the spirit platform, and the true spirit is also germinating. Lin Mo feels the vigorous vitality in the seeds.

"This time is really a great opportunity, and I am so lucky. These two seeds may be the root of my impact on the peak of martial arts!"

Lin Mo's eyes flickered. Without asking others, Lin Mo could already feel that these two seeds are definitely the key!

Lin Mo looked at the seeds in front of him, and his mind suddenly moved. After thinking about it, he directly showed his spiritual clone.

After a little hesitation, Lin Mo merged his spiritual clone into the spirit platform and stood in front of the seeds.

"The flower bud is like a hotbed for nurturing life. If I let the spiritual clone be on the hotbed..."

Lin Mo's eyes flickered, and he thought of this possibility, and his face showed excitement.

He is a person who does whatever he thinks of. After a slight assessment of the danger and feasibility of this plan, he finally controlled the spiritual clone to walk towards the seeds.

The height of the spiritual clone in the spirit platform is equivalent to that of the seeds, and in the process of walking towards the seeds, his figure is constantly shrinking. In the end, it is only half the size of the flower bud!

Lin Mo chuckled, and directly merged his clone into the flower bud, and used a little mental power to press towards the flower bud!

The true spirit in the flower bud actually began to slowly merge with the mental power!

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo's face showed a smile. After the bud and mental power are fused, the entire seed may be a clone of the mental power. In this way, the seed in the future will be Lin Mo himself!

In this way, Lin Mo will no longer worry about being rejected by himself because it is a foreign thing!

After the spiritual seed experiment was successful, Lin Mo was greatly encouraged and simply came to Dantian again.

Unlike the spiritual clone, it is actually very difficult to differentiate a qi and blood clone in the Dantian.

Because the qi and blood clones are different from the mental clones, the mental clones are actually illusory, but the qi and blood clones are actually real, but they don't have their own spiritual consciousness.

But if Lin Mo created the Qi and blood clone, how could a real spiritual clone enter his Dantian?

Lin Mo frowned, looked at the sea of ​​dantian in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

Because the sea of ​​dantian has been collided before, it can be said to be a mess at the moment.

There are torn qi and blood gaps everywhere, and in some places there is not even much qi and blood power left, forming a large gap in the dantian.

Lin Mo looked at these shortcomings in front of him, with a faint look of disappointment on his face.

There is no doubt that these missing places are the places that were consumed during the previous battle.

You know, in the previous battle, Lin Mo used 200,000 points of mental power to collide with the energy and blood power of the Dantian Sea.

In the end, the mental power and the power of Qi and blood cancel each other out.

It's very rare that Lin Mo's Dantian Sea can still be preserved!

"The sea of ​​qi and blood needs to be replenished..." Lin Mo thought as his spiritual power escaped from the stone tablet and slowly entered Lin Mo's body.

After Lin Mo's body was nourished by spiritual power, it actually transformed these spiritual powers into the power of qi and blood in a very short period of time.

The power of Qi and blood continuously entered the sea of ​​dantian, and under the guidance of Lin Mo, it slowly replenished Lin Mo's dantian.

After about a few days, Lin Mo felt that the flaws in his Dantian were filling up again.

"Unknowingly, I have reached such a terrifying power of energy and blood. This time I have gained a lot!"

Lin Mo had a smile on his face, because he felt that his current blood power value should have reached about 250,000!

In other words, he has now reached the level of the middle stage second-grade Martial Emperor.

Coupled with Lin Mo's current mental strength, he can be sure that he now fully possesses the strength to fight against the third-level peak Martial Emperor!

"You have to keep a low profile. Even if you really have this ability, you can't just provoke these beings!" Lin Mo shook his head slowly with a smile on his face.

When he raised his head again, Lin Mo's expression had calmed down again.

His consciousness was immersed in the sea of ​​dantian. Looking at the sea of ​​dantian in front of him, Lin Mo pondered slightly and slowly covered the sea with his own consciousness.

The whole process was very slow. Lin Mo's consciousness was pulling huge forces in the sea of ​​qi and blood, trying to use the power of qi and blood to create a clone entirely composed of the power of qi and blood in his dantian!

If it really succeeds, then this is the real Qi and blood clone.

Following the manipulation of Lin Mo's consciousness, a figure slowly emerged from his dantian. He had the same facial features as Lin Mo, and looked exactly like a doll that had been shrunk in proportion to Lin Mo's body.

Looking at the blood clone in front of him, Lin Mo had a smile on his face: Could it be successful?

Just when Lin Mo had this thought, a wave of waves spread out, and the clone formed by the power of Qi and blood instantly shattered!

The whole process was reaching its climax, and before Lin Mo could even react, the clone had already disappeared!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Mo thought for a moment and raised his hand again. This time, he used the power of consciousness to shake his heart, causing a drop of blood to form on the apex of his heart and slowly fall.

As the essence and blood fell, Lin Mo used his spiritual power to pull the essence and blood into his dantian!

Lin Mo's eyes sparkled, and he used this drop of essence and blood as a guide to directly activate the power of qi and blood to surround the essence and blood and slowly form a figure.

Under Lin Mo's conscious gaze, this clone slowly formed.

In just a few minutes, the clone turned into something substantial.

Suddenly, a powerful force emitted from the clone, which was the power of Lin Mo's blood!


There was a loud noise and the clone exploded!


Lin Mo's eyes flickered. He tried the two most possible ways, but couldn't combine the two...

Just when Lin Mo was about to give up, a spiritual light rushed into his mind!

Maybe you can try that method!

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