Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 309: What to do if there is too much mental energy

The Qi and Blood clone is completely different from the Spirit clone. After Lin Mo tried it twice, he had a rough idea in his mind.

After a little hesitation, a drop of blood flew out from Lin Mo's fingertips and hung in the air.

It can be seen that the Qi and Blood value on Lin Mo's body is constantly radiating and gathering in this drop of blood.

As the Qi and Blood power is filled, this drop of blood also began to grow and eventually became the shape of a person.

However, unlike the previous Qi and Blood clone, the clone in front of him is more powerful and contains a trace of Lin Mo's spiritual wisdom.

After a little hesitation, Lin Mo suddenly reached his hand into his chest.

With a puff, his fingers passed through his lower abdomen and probed into his Dantian. The Qi and Blood Sea instantly boiled, lifting a small tree and hanging it on his fingertips.

Lin Mo held the small tree, and then continuously collided and squeezed it with the Qi and Blood power, and the small tree gradually transformed.

In the end, the entire tree was only an inch in size, but there were streams of light flashing all over its body.

The Qi and Blood Power turned into a blood-colored giant hammer and began to beat the tree continuously.

During the whole process, Lin Mo could feel that the mottled power contained in the tree was constantly retreating, and in the end, it completely dissipated!

The entire tree became extremely pure, and the spiritual power contained in it was also extremely pure.

Lin Mo pondered for a moment, then took the tree out of the wound.

Such a scene was very bloody, but Lin Mo's expression was extremely normal. He looked at the Qi and Blood clone in front of him and gently pushed the tree out.


The tree seemed to be attracted by the force and sank directly into the Dantian of the clone.

Under the urging of the Qi and Blood Power, Lin Mo saw that the tree took root and sprouted again in the Dantian of the clone.

After a long time, the clone slowly opened his eyes, and a confused look flashed in his eyes.

"Who am I?!" The clone's voice sounded, looking at Lin Mo in front of him.


His expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously raised his hand and slapped Lin Mo's head.

Endless blood and qi power surged, Lin Mo's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his hand to meet it.


With a loud bang, Lin Mo's figure kept retreating, while the blood and qi clone stood there, without moving at all!

"The blood and qi power has actually reached the level of the fourth-grade martial emperor, or even higher!" Lin Mo looked excited.

At this time, the blood and qi clone actually rushed towards Lin Mo again!

"Stop!" Lin Mo suddenly spoke loudly.

The spiritual clone also seemed to have pressed the pause button, stopped not far away, and looked at Lin Mo quietly.

"I know who you are!" Lin Mo spoke softly, then raised his hand and pointed at his face: "Look at my face and yours, is it exactly the same?"

The blood and qi clone looked at Lin Mo, and then turned around and looked around.

Finally, he saw a drop of dew condensed on the leaves, and through the reflection of this drop of water, he saw his face.

"Really, exactly the same..."

The Qi and Blood Clone spoke slowly, and then he turned around and looked in the direction where Lin Mo was originally.

There was nothing there, as if everything that happened before was a dream!


In the giant city of Rob, at the home of the Dog King.

Lin Mo slowly opened his eyes, a confused look appeared on his face, and then he looked at his lower abdomen.

There was a hideous wound there, but now it has been filled with the power of Qi and Blood, and the wound has begun to scab, and it should not be far from healing.

Looking inside himself, the small tree in the Dantian has disappeared.

"With the help of the dream, I returned to the Rob Abyss, and used the Qi and Blood Clone to fuse the small tree..."

Lin Mo murmured, he succeeded, fused the small tree with the Qi and Blood Clone, and left the fused body in the abyss.

Moreover, after Lin Mo left, he also tried to leave his appearance in the memory of the clone.

This is Lin Mo's idea, and it is the method he got after thinking for a long time!

"It can be regarded as a success, but how far can the clone go in the abyss?

Pure Qi and blood power, without any mental power or other mottled power, how far can the clone go?"

This idea popped up in Lin Mo's mind.

I wonder if the fusion of Qi and blood clone and Qi and blood seed will collide with sparks beyond everyone's expectations!

Suppressing this thought in his heart, Lin Mo transferred his consciousness to the spirit platform again.

The seeds there have sprouted, and a figure is standing there, with his eyes slightly closed, but giving people an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

Pure spiritual clone!

And Lin Mo can feel that the spiritual clone contains terrifying energy. The most important thing is that at this moment, this clone is actually generating mental power all the time.

Part of the mental power generated is absorbed by the spirit platform, and the other part is used to increase itself.

But one thing that needs to be made clear is that there is no extra space in Lin Mo's spiritual platform to store mental power.

Even the stone tablet in his mind is now completely filled.

"I didn't expect that one day I would face such distress, too much mental power..." Lin Mo's face was filled with a helpless smile.

If some telekinetic masters heard this, they would definitely curse.

Some people also dislike that they have too much mental power, which is simply too shameless...

However, Lin Mo does have such troubles now. Without something to store mental power, more and more mental power will exceed the normal range of his mental power growth, and the final result will be that his head will explode directly!

This is not alarmist, because too much mental power will really explode the entire brain directly!

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Lin Mo began to think about how to solve the problem of too much mental power.

"I remember that there is a way of refining weapons in the legend, which can inject mental power into weapons and forcibly improve the grade of weapons..."

Thinking of this, his mind moved, and a red blood sword appeared in his hand.

When he first talked about this sword, Lin Mo judged its grade, but it was only a third-grade weapon of the earth grade. Although it can be regarded as a top weapon, it is really nothing for Lin Mo who has the Silver Dragon Spear.

After a moment of hesitation, Lin Mo's eyes flashed with brilliance, and that was the mental power constantly overflowing.


Finally, Lin Mo tapped his fingers lightly, and a steady stream of mental power began to flow into the Red Blood Sword!

The entire Red Blood Sword began to tremble violently, and Lin Mo's eyes fell on the sword, with a solemn look on his face.

He was doing an experiment. If he could really improve the grade of the Red Blood Sword... then his mental power would be useful!

"I heard that some Western Qi Masters actually have strong weapon refining abilities!

If ordinary weapons fall into the hands of Qi Masters, their power can be multiplied.

There are too few Qi Masters in China, and they don't know much about weapon refining methods..."

As Lin Mo thought about this, a slight sound suddenly came to his ears.

He opened his eyes and looked at the Red Blood Sword in front of him, and couldn't help frowning.

After enduring such a long period of mental power infusion, cracks appeared on the sword body!

And these cracks began to spread around, and the entire sword was about to be completely destroyed!

Lin Mo cut off the input of mental power, and at the same time checked the mental power content in the stone tablet, and couldn't help frowning.

"Only less than 50,000 mental power is missing..."

Lin Mo shook his head softly. There are 600,000 mental power in the entire stone tablet. Even if 50,000 mental power is used, it is not a lot...

Because the remaining mental power is enough for Lin Mo to make eleven weapons.

Looking at the slightly cracked Red Blood Sword in front of him, Lin Mo pondered for a while, and then began to check the current grade of the sword!

It doesn't matter if you don't measure it. After measuring it, Lin Mo's face showed a look of surprise.

"Earth Grade 5, the quality of this thing has really improved, it's so terrifying!" Lin Mo couldn't help but speak.

"However, now think about it, 50,000 mental power only raised the grade to Grade 5, which is indeed not very high!" Lin Mo sighed slightly, but then became optimistic: "Anyway, I don't want to upgrade all my weapons so quickly.

What I have to do later is to practice using mental power to forge weapons!"

Lin Mo's eyes condensed, and he immediately thought of an idea.

Using mental power to forge weapons, Lin Mo can use more good materials.

"If the later Qi and Blood clone has done everything in the abyss, then when my mind descends on the clone..." Lin Mo thought of this, his face changed: "Do I have to kill this person?"

Lin Mo frowned slightly, and suddenly felt that his current state was not very good.

It can be seen that Lin Mo's whole state is extremely bad, and even his brain has become a little unclear.

"How could this happen? Did he consume a lot of mental power in a short period of time?" Lin Mo thought about it and suddenly understood something.

When upgrading the Red Blood Sword, a lot of mental power was consumed. As a result, the final consequence for Lin Mo was that Lin Mo almost fainted!

"Finally I survived, but now I have to leave here first!"

Lin Mo's face was full of fear. Fortunately, the Red Blood Sword has been tempered now. Although there are cracks on it, Lin Mo did show excitement on his face after observing it, because the cracks on the sword seemed to have become the marks of martial arts masters.

As long as he comprehends all these marks, perhaps Lin Mo will be able to reach a higher realm!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Lin Mo took out all the weapons on his body and began to upgrade.

In the end, Lin Mo used up all 600,000 mental power!

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