Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 310: The Four Famous Dogs Under the Dog King

In Prince Dog's Mansion, Lin Mo quietly looked at the three weapons suspended in front of him, with a faint smile on his face.

Get rich, really get rich!

The three weapons, the knife, the sword, and the gun, all exude a tyrannical aura.

Under the stimulation of spiritual power, the grades of the three weapons have made a huge leap.

The Silver Dragon Spear, which is a heaven-level weapon, even has a faint shadow appearing on the gun body. It is the prototype of the spear spirit. This means that the Silver Dragon Spear has transformed to a very terrifying level. .

The most important thing is that now all three weapons have reached the heaven level.

The only regret is that because the initial spiritual infusion was too radical, cracks appeared on the Red Blood Sword.

"You should have given birth to your own souls now. It is a transformation and a new life. Why don't you give yourself a name?" Lin Mo looked at the three weapons in front of him and spoke softly.

"I want to call fire."

"Then my name is Bing!"

"I'm still a dragon, more domineering!"

Three consciousnesses came out from the weapon, and Lin Mo had a chuckle on his face.

Well, from now on, you are the sword of fire, the sword of ice, and the spear of dragon!

With a slight thought in his mind, all three weapons disappeared from Lin Mo's eyes and appeared in the spiritual platform.

Waves of spiritual power immediately surrounded them, wrapping up the three weapons and continuously nourishing them.

Lin Mo smiled faintly, closed his eyes again, and felt the state of the Qi and Blood clone.

In the abyss, the qi and blood clone was exploring towards an unknown place. At the same time, Lin Mo discovered that the clone's qi and blood value was still slowly increasing.

"Although the rate of increase in qi and blood value is slow, it has never stopped. Maybe one day..."

Lin Mo's eyes were bright. Theoretically speaking, the blood seed and the spirit seed were the purest expressions of the two powers. Perhaps if his popularity continues to grow, he can naturally break through all the upper limits!

In this way, Lin Moruo can fuse the clone with himself...

After having this idea, the smile in Lin Mo's eyes became stronger. After nodding slightly, Lin Mo slowly stood up.

He opened the door and walked out. Chen Banzi was already waiting at the door.

"Master!" Lin Mo said quickly.

"Seeing that you seem to be practicing, I didn't bother you. How is it? How is the absorption of the seed going?" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo with a smile and asked.

"It's almost there, but the seed is no longer in my body." Lin Mo said with a smile: "The disciple arranged him where necessary."

"Of course you don't have to tell me these things. You are much more mature and stable than me in many cases, so you can just arrange it yourself!" Chen Banzi interrupted Lin Mo with a smile: "By the way, you let me take over the entire Dog King." Do you have any plans at the mansion?"

Lin Mo nodded and said, "I wonder how strong the master's control over the entire mansion is?"

Chen Banzi smiled faintly and said leisurely: "Your master and I are experts in this kind of thing. It's nothing more than hitting a stick with a red date. With the combination of kindness and power, a group of people have been dealt with!"

Lin Mo smiled and extended a thumbs up to the old expert, and then said with a smile: "Master, do you know that the Dog Prince is in charge of the entire Luobu Abyss? Now that the entire Dog Prince's mansion is under our control, can we take it in by the way?" Do you also have the permission to enter and exit the abyss?"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, Chen Banzi showed some embarrassment on his face. After pondering for a moment, he said: "There are some problems. The entire Dog Prince's mansion is actually divided into several factions.

You should also understand that the permission to enter and exit the abyss is actually a great benefit. Many people occupy this position and have received a lot of benefits.

It is naturally difficult for them to directly give up this benefit...

As far as I know, there are four powerful dogs under the Dog King, who are called Tibetan Mastiff, Husky, German Shepherd, and Akita Inu. "

"Wait..." Lin Mo couldn't help but his forehead was covered with black lines, and he looked at Chen Banzi and said, "Are those you just said a human or a dog?!"

"It's a person's name..." Chen Banzi also had black lines on his face: "I don't know if the Dog Prince has a soft spot for dogs, but most of the people who are respected under him have given up their original names. Some of them have given up their original names. Named after a dog breed..."


Lin Mo couldn't help but cover his forehead. This dog prince really had some special hobbies of his own.

"Okay, I understand, Master, please continue." Lin Mo rubbed his temples and asked Chen Banzi to continue.

"The strength of the four of them is all at the second-grade peak Martial King realm, among which the Tibetan Mastiff is the strongest. I even guessed that his strength has reached the third-grade Martial King realm, but it's just not revealed!

Among these four people, except Akita Inu, the other three have already joined together. If we attack at the same time, the two of us should not be opponents. "

"Where is the Akita dog? Can you start with him and defeat the remaining three people one by one?"

"It's a bit difficult. In fact, based on what I've learned during this period, Akita Inu is actually the most difficult one to deal with among them..." Chen Banzi looked around, as if he was quite worried about something, and made sure there was no one there. After eavesdropping, he whispered: "Akita dogs are actually neon people!"

"Neon Man!" Lin Mo's eyes flashed coldly, and murderous intent filled his body.

The Luobu Abyss is considered one of the most important abyss in China. Not to mention the various opportunities contained in it, the geographical location is also very important.

Such a place actually allows a neon man to control the access!

"This Dog Prince really deserves to be killed!" Lin Mo's face flashed with coldness. At first, he thought that he was a little too strong in killing the Dog Prince, but now it seems that he is not strong at all.

"It's much more than that!"

Chen Banzi shook his head: "You should also know the situation of Neon very well. The tiny country we have been in for thousands of years has made Neon people almost all people with evil thoughts. They have been coveting China for more than a day or two. .

After the rise of martial arts, Neon people noticed some relationships between the abyss and the rise of martial arts. The first thing they did was to explore everywhere in Neon to see if there was any abyss!

In just a few years, they turned the entire neon upside down and found no trace of the abyss.

To this end, they even proposed a crazy plan-the Abyss Creation Plan!

They wanted to create an abyss with their own power. In this context, they even hollowed out the Rich Earth Mountain!

I think you should have heard of monsters such as Chimera and Godzilla in Neon Legend! "

Hearing these two names that were often seen on the screen, Lin Mo's eyes turned cold: "You mean, these two monsters really exist, or are they even created by the Neon Man himself?"

"Neon people are born to be selfish, perverted and inferior people. Back then they even created the legendary Nine Infants, which is what Neon people call Yamata no Orochi!"

"At that time, this incident caused a huge sensation on the entire Blue Star. The final result was that the Beautiful Country and several other major Western forces directly wiped out these monsters!"

"As one of several generals in China at that time, I participated in this operation. Although I did not take any initiative, I witnessed with my own eyes the terror of those strong men in the beautiful country!

At the same time, I realized one more thing, that is, if you want to improve your martial arts to the extreme, you must go to the West! "

"Master, you'd better tell me the news related to neon first. We'll talk about the rest later!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Lin Mo naturally knew about the power of the West, and Lin Mo's plan also included the intention to go to the West.

But the time is not ripe yet.

Chen Banzi nodded and said with a smile: "When those neon people saw that their hard-working plan was ruined, they all shouted that they would sacrifice their lives for the spirit of Bushido, but the slogans were shouted louder. When it came time to commit seppuku, everyone retreated.

At that time, the West probably did not want to see China rise so quickly, so it thought of a way, which was to use neon to contain China. In the end, they supported several forces.

After the evolution of these forces in the past hundred years, only one huge force remains... the Black Dragon Society!

Akita Inu is a member of the Black Dragon Club! "

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