Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 311: Meeting the Four Famous Dogs

Black Dragon Club!

I don't know why, but when Lin Mo heard this name, he immediately thought of the Dark Blood Society.

There was an instinctive feeling that told Lin Mo that there must be a certain connection between the two!

"Back then, there was a view in China that we should join forces with Neon to push the entire Chinese martial arts to a whole new level, so the Black Dragon Society became our first choice for cooperation!

One of the conditions put forward by the Black Dragon Society at that time was that they wanted to participate in the control of the Chinese Abyss. At that time, some people led by me strongly opposed it, but in the end some people were allowed to enter China and participate in the management of the Abyss.

Later, when China became stronger, it began to eliminate these neon people.

Over the years, the neon people who first entered China have been almost eliminated, but some people who have hidden deeper have unknowingly occupied high positions...

Akita Inu is one of them. The most important thing is that he currently occupies a very high position in the Rob Abyss!

If we act rashly, it may trigger a counterattack by the Black Dragon Society! "

After Chen Banzi finished speaking, he looked at Lin Mo, wanting to see what Lin Mo had planned.

"Black Dragon Club...Akita Inu..." Lin Mo had a silent look on his face as he slowly thought about it.

After a long time, he stood up and said: "Master, since you and I have now become the owners of the Dog Prince's mansion, we naturally have to go and meet these so-called strong men..."

Chen Banzi's eyes flickered, he looked at Lin Mo, and said in a deep voice: "Do you want to fight them? You have to know that the four of them are very powerful..."

"Master, let's wait and see before we talk." Lin Mo said with a smile: "Maybe by then they will feel ashamed of their actions and be willing to surrender in the end!"

Chen Banzi was speechless for a while: "I'll go and inform you first. They may not look good on us two!"

Lin Mo nodded. The three weapons in the spiritual platform in his mind were hanging there quietly. The light flickered, escaping with tyrannical spiritual power!

After Chen Banzi left, Lin Mo stood quietly in the yard, feeling the surging power in his body.

The process of seed germination this time is also an increase in cultivation for Lin Mo himself. Although the power of Qi and blood has not increased, Lin Mo knows very well that his combat power is constantly growing.

"With three weapons, we should be able to kill the three of them instantly!"

With this thought in mind, Lin Mo pondered for a moment, then took out a high-level Qi and Blood Pill from his body and swallowed it.

Game loading...

The steps are hurried.

More than an hour later, Chen Banzi's figure came back. Looking at Lin Mo standing there with his eyes closed, he felt a sense of awe in his heart.

For a moment, he felt that Lin Mo was standing there, as if he was merging with the world!

This kind of tyrannical power is simply not something that a second-grade Martial Emperor can possess.

"This kid is indeed extraordinary. Although this kid Yunlong is not very good at his own level, he did have a good apprentice!"

With a sigh, Chen Banzi hurried forward again.

"Master, what did they say? Could it be difficult for you?" Lin Mo had already noticed when Chen Banzi appeared, so he opened his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Hey!" Chen Banzi sighed and said helplessly: "More than just embarrassing me, these four people didn't come forward at all, and directly arranged for two of their subordinates to send me away!

However, although I did not meet the four of them, I did get some news about them.

After the death of Lord Dog, these four people temporarily united together, and I have already found out their whereabouts.

However, the place where they are now seems to be guarded by many people. If the two of us really take action, it may be in danger. "

"Just going to see the four famous dogs, what dangers can there be?" Lin Mo chuckled and said: "Master, just go with me. The strength of you and me has reached the realm of the Martial Emperor, and the four famous dogs should also be able to fight against rats. ”

Chen Banzi pondered for a moment and finally nodded.

Two figures left the Dog Prince's mansion one after another. After the two left, a figure flashed out from inside the mansion. He glanced at the direction they left, took out his mobile phone, edited a message, and sent it go out.

There are actually four recipients of this message.

After this person sent the text message, a palm-sized fuzzy figure appeared in a corner of the mansion, smiled at the person, and then slowly disappeared.

At the same time, Lin Mo, who was standing next to Chen Banzi, suddenly showed a faint smile: "Master, they should already know that we are going, so there is no need to be so anxious. Give them some time to prepare!"

Chen Banzi turned around and glanced at Lin Mo with a surprised look on his face. He didn't understand why Lin Mo would say such a thing.

However, according to Lin Mo's request, the two of them reduced their speed and slowly headed towards the entrance of Rob Abyss.

The four famous dogs briefly united after the death of the Dog King. They are now inseparable and have built a residence at the entrance of the abyss.

"Is this what you call a simple residence?" Lin Mo looked at the manor at the entrance to the abyss with a questioning look on his face.

"Hiss... I heard it was a simple residence, but I didn't expect it to be such a huge manor." Chen Banzi also took a breath of air and said with emotion: "These four people should be enjoying themselves to the fullest. ah……

However, you can see that there are already guards at the gate. It seems that just as you said, they are already prepared..."

There are hundreds of guards standing at the gate. They have endless energy and blood energy emanating from their bodies, and their realm is actually higher than that of the warriors!

You know, in places like the capital and Jinling, it is very difficult for a samurai to appear in ordinary places, but now so many samurai have suddenly appeared here!

The benefits of the entrance to the abyss are indeed great, as it can produce such strong men in batches.

Lin Mo sighed with emotion, and stepped forward at the same time as Chen Banzi.

"Stop, this is the forbidden area of ​​Luobu Abyss in China. No one can enter without permission!"

Seeing Lin Mo and Chen Banzi step forward, hundreds of martial arts cultivators surrounded them at the same time.

Waves of energy and blood escaped, and their positions vaguely coincided with some kind of military formation.

With a smile on his lips, Lin Mo looked inside the manor: "The four famous dogs are trying not to give the two of us face!"

Four famous dogs? !

Hearing Lin Mo's name, the faces of the hundreds of warriors present changed drastically, and some even couldn't help but look in the direction of the manor.

Silence! There was a long silence.

Finally, a few minutes passed, and four voices sounded simultaneously in the manor.



The four voices simultaneously contained the Martial Emperor's cultivation. At this moment, the power of Qi and blood was intertwined and exploded directly over the entire manor!

At the same time, hundreds of people had cruel looks on their faces, and they shouted at the same time: "Kill!"

The shouts of killing were earth-shattering, and the entire manor seemed to be falling apart.

Chen Banzi glanced at Lin Mo nervously. He was not afraid of death as he was older, but their lineage finally produced such a promising young man like Lin Mo, so naturally they didn't want to see Lin Mo die here.

"If there really is a fight later, once we lose, I will create an opportunity and let you go first." Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

"Master, don't worry, they probably won't attack us directly yet..." Lin Mo looked at the hundreds of guards in front of him and chuckled: "But since they said kill, let's kill first!"

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