The shouts of killing came from all directions. The effect brought by the army formation composed of hundreds of people is not the effect of one plus one equals two.

The so-called army formation is to use the connection between the formations to make the superimposed power stronger!

The power brought by hundreds of warriors has reached the realm of martial emperor!

As for how many ranks of martial emperors can be reached, it depends on how well the guards in the army formation are running-in.


Lin Mo also showed a faint smile on his face, and the next moment, a fist intent escaped from his body.

Five Beast Fist, Gray Wolf King Fist!


The wolf howl resounded, and a gray wolf phantom emerged and rushed into the army formation.

It was completely evolved from qi and blood, and it exuded a strong power all over its body.

The Gray Wolf King was born to kill!

"Master, you don't have to do it!" Lin Mo said softly, and the next moment, the Gray Wolf King began to charge fiercely!

Blood splattered, and the whole manor was filled with a bloody force!

Only half of the more than 100 guards were left in a blink of an eye!

The remaining half had been disrupted and could not make a difference!

The shadow of the wolf king disappeared, and Lin Mo stood in the middle of a pile of corpses, looking silently in the direction of the manor.

"Which direction are you running to!" Lin Mo raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the manor: "If you don't run, you will die!"

As the voice fell, Lin Mo's fist began to condense again.

This time, Lin Mo wanted to use the leopard fist.

He deliberately slowed down the speed of the condensation of power, and at the same time his eyes were looking at the people in front of him.

The faces of the remaining guards changed again and again, and finally made the same choice.

They turned around at the same time and ran wildly in the direction of the manor!


Four voices sounded, with a little surprise.

"Come in, don't kill innocent people!" One of the slightly majestic voices sounded.

Lin Mo didn't care and threw the leopard in his hand into the crowd. Suddenly, dozens of figures lost their breath.

More than a hundred guards were reduced to less than twenty in a blink of an eye!

The most important thing is that the remaining twenty people were also remnants and had lost the strength to fight.

"Master, let's go in!" Lin Mo didn't even look at the corpses, and walked towards the manor with Chen Banzi.

There were four figures sitting in the hall of the manor. They looked at the entrance of the gate, where two figures were slowly walking.

Looking at Lin Mo's appearance, the four people had a lot of emotions in their hearts.

Lin Mo was only about twenty-five or twenty-six years old, but the aura he exuded made them feel pressured.

While they were observing Lin Mo, the latter was also observing them.

The person sitting in the middle looked like he was already in his forties, but martial artists could not judge age by appearance. However, just from the appearance of this person, Lin Mo had already judged his identity.

Tibetan Mastiff!


Lin Mo looked at the Tibetan Mastiff and couldn't help laughing...

Nothing else, the Tibetan Mastiff's appearance is really worthy of its name. The non-mainstream long hair is dyed light brown. Because of the growth of hair, the roots have turned black again. It looks really similar to the Tibetan Mastiff.

As for the Husky, it has a pair of light blue eyes, and perhaps because of staying up late, there is a layer of dark circles under its eyes.

Then there is the German Shepherd, with short hair and a dull look on his face.

As for the Akita dog, it is short and the whole person is sunken in the chair. There is also a faint smile on his face, like an old good man.

"What are you laughing at?!" The Akita dog couldn't help but speak.

"You just killed so many people, and you can still laugh out loud?"

The Akita dog and the Husky spoke at the same time, their faces full of anger.

"Sorry, sorry, it's really that your appearance and name match too well. The four famous dogs are worthy of the name!"

Hearing Lin Mo's words, the four famous dogs' faces suddenly changed wildly.

They naturally didn't want such a name from the beginning, but the existence of the Dog King made them unable to resist.

Don't think that the four of them can kill the Dog King together and do whatever they want. After all, the Dog King is a person in the public eye of China. If they attack the Dog King, the people above will immediately kill them.

"You are looking for death!" The Tibetan Mastiff also spoke in a cold voice, and the breath emanating from his body enveloped Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was not affected at all, and walked directly to the Akita dog step by step, and said lightly: "Give me a seat!"

Before the Akita dog could speak, it was lifted up by the neck by Lin Mo and thrown aside.

He sat directly on the chair and punched the Husky beside him.

With a bang, the Husky quickly dodged to the side.

However, Lin Mo's punch seemed to have locked him, and no matter how he dodged, he couldn't dodge.

Five Beast Fist, White Crane Fist!

With a muffled groan, the Husky stood aside, covering his chest.

"Master, please sit down!" Lin Mo looked at Chen Banzi and said with a smile.

Only then did everyone notice that Lin Mo's powerful punch just now did not destroy the chair!

"What a strong power of blood control!"

Several people had this thought in their minds at the same time, and they looked at Lin Mo with a hint of fear in their eyes.

At their current level of cultivation, Lord Dog had become an obstacle above their heads, so when Lin Mo killed Lord Dog, they did not take action.

The original idea was that after the Dog Prince died, they could naturally control Rob Abyss.

At the same time, in the name of revenge for the Dog Prince, he directly killed Lin Mo!

But they didn't expect that Lin Mo would come together with the Xiao family, which made several people a little afraid.

Later, their plan was to not disturb each other, but they didn't expect Lin Mo to come to the door.

"Lin Mo, you should know very well that we are the guards of the Rob Abyss designated by China. You can't take action against us!" De Mu said in a deep voice, his short hair trembling slightly, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

"If you want to take action, feel free to do whatever you want, I can kill you all by myself!" Lin Mo said with a smile: "I came here to discuss business with you!"

"It's just you? You two are no match for the four of us!" Husky shouted loudly: "If we kill you, it will be regarded as revenge for the Dog King!"

"You talk so much!" Lin Mo sighed, raised his hand and stabbed out with a sword!

Sword of Fire!

The rich power of fire element suddenly enveloped the Husky.

At the same time, the mental power also escaped, pinning Husky in place.


A sword sound resounded, and Husky froze on the spot.

A blood hole appeared in his neck, and then blood began to spurt out.


The husky fell directly to the ground, his eyes were empty and his expression was extremely ugly.


Husky is dead!

"Tsk, tsk, what a pity!" Lin Mo suddenly shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that there are only three of the four famous dogs left!"

He looked at the remaining three people, chuckled and said, "Can we talk about our cooperation now?"

"Humph, you should know my identity. If you dare to take action against me, the Black Dragon Club will definitely not let you go..." Akita Inu looked at the dead husky, his face changed wildly, but he still pointed at Lin Mo and spoke sharply. .


Lin Mo's figure flashed and he was already in front of the Akita Inu. Looking at the short middle-aged man who was only about 1.6 meters tall, he chuckled.

Looking at Lin Mo standing in front of him, the Akita Inu showed a panicked look on his face.

The pressure Lin Mo put on him was really too much.

"I forgot to mention it. When I said we wanted to cooperate, you are not included in the cooperation..." Lin Mo shook his head: "I'm not interested in foreign varieties, and I can't trust them!"


Before Akita Inu could speak, a cold light flashed in Lin Mo's hand, and Akita Inu's head flew out instantly and hit the ground heavily.

After the Akita fell, the Tibetan Mastiff and German Shepherd all stood up and stared at Lin Mo.

"You two, can you talk to me now?" Lin Mo looked at them and said with a chuckle.

The Tibetan Mastiff and the German Shepherd were shaking, not because of fear, but because of anger and regret.

They didn't join forces to target Lin Mo at the beginning. They didn't expect that the latter would take action so decisively. They were killed directly without giving them any time to react!

Among the remaining two people, the Tibetan Mastiff is the strongest. At this moment, the power of Qi and blood radiating from his body has already reached the level of a third-grade Martial Emperor!

As for German Shepherd, he was trembling all over, but he had a strong power within himself.

But what Lin Mo didn't expect was that at this moment, De Mu didn't even show any intention of taking action.

"Tibetan Mastiff, do you want to fight me yourself?" Lin Mo looked at the Tibetan Mastiff and said with a chuckle.

The Tibetan Mastiff looked at the German Shepherd with some surprise and said loudly: "You want to admit defeat?"

De Mu did not speak, but looked at Lin Mo quietly.

"Did you see it? De Mu will not take action..." Lin Mo chuckled: "Let me tell you what I think. This Rob Abyss still needs to be guarded, but four people are too many!

I'm going to leave one of you two behind as the ultimate watchdog! "

Lin Mo's last word can be said to be full of provocation and contempt.

The atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly fell into freezing point.

The German Shepherd and Tibetan Mastiff looked at each other and fell into silence.

But the next moment, two figures took action at the same time!




The two figures kept colliding, and the terrifying aura kept escaping, making people feel terrified.

Lin Mo and Chen Banzi only took a few steps back and quietly watched the battle between the two.


There was a final roar.

A fist mark was revealed on the Tibetan Mastiff's chest.

He looked at De Mu in shock and said sternly: "You... have actually hidden your strength and have reached the middle stage of the third-grade Martial Emperor..."


The last mouthful of blood spurted out and he fell directly to the ground.


After killing the Tibetan Mastiff, German Shepherd knelt down directly in front of Lin Mo without any hesitation!

"My subordinates pay their respects to Mr. Lin! From now on, I am willing to follow Mr. Lin!"

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