"Third-grade Martial Emperor, you can't bear it for so long!"

"My cultivation level is not as good as yours. Do you want to try to see if you can kill me?" Lin Mo's voice sounded in the ears of German Shepherd.

German Shepherd slowly raised his head and looked at Lin Mo, then quickly lowered his head.

"German Shepherd dare not, Mr. Lin's level is not as good as mine, but I know very well that as long as I take action, I will definitely be the one to die!" German Shepherd lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

Lin Mo did not speak, but nodded.

"Mr. Lin!" Just as Lin Mo was about to leave, German Shepherd suddenly said: "Please give me a name, Mr. Lin!"

"Isn't the name German Shepherd good?"

When Lin Mo passed by him, his voice sounded slowly: "Let's call you this name in the future... Of course, when you change a new master, you can let him give you a new name!"

German Shepherd knelt there and said loudly: "Thank you, Mr. Lin, I like this name very much!"

German Shepherd knelt there until Lin Mo completely left, then he slowly stood up.

A gust of wind blew, and he couldn't help trembling.

Just when Lin Mo passed by him, he suddenly felt an incomparable sense of oppression.

Although Lin Mo's strength was not as good as his, he knew very well that as long as Lin Mo took action, he would definitely be the one to die!

Glancing at the corpse on the ground, the German Shepherd showed a disdainful smile on his face.

"The one who can survive to the end is the real winner." The German Shepherd stepped forward and dragged the body of the Tibetan Mastiff to the side: "Why don't you understand this truth?"


"You seem to know very well that the German Shepherd dare not attack you?" Chen Banzi followed Lin Mo and couldn't help asking.

"Because I saw his strength, and when he killed the Tibetan Mastiff, my mental power has been locked on him. As long as he dares to attack me, I can kill him instantly!" Lin Mo smiled and responded: "What's more, I have other means."

Lin Mo thought of the three weapons hanging in his spiritual platform, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"What are you going to do next?" Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo: "The higher-ups must have known about the Rob Abyss. You killed the Dog King, and there is only one of the four famous dogs left. They will definitely send someone to take over this place."

"Master, didn't we agree before? The entrance to the Rob Abyss is yours, and no one can take it away!" Lin Mo looked at Chen Banzi: "I have already informed Xiao Yan of the Xiao family. Master, just cooperate with them, and they will cooperate with you!"

Chen Banzi nodded and said with a smile: "You know what, I really miss the old days. I haven't fought in the officialdom for so many years. I don't know if my ability has become rusty..." Chen Banzi's voice fell, but he had already exuded the aura of a superior.

Lin Mo nodded. Chen Banzi had a background in the Ministry of War a long time ago. Now that he handed this place over to him, Lin Mo was very relieved.

"Oh, Master, you said before that Akita Inu is Japanese. Now that he is dead, the Black Dragon Society should have a reaction.

During this period, see if these people under the Dog King have any movements. If so, check their ancestors for me. Once there is any situation, just wipe them out!" Lin Mo's eyes flashed with coldness.

For the Japanese, Lin Mo really can't get a good impression.

If they stay on the island honestly, it will be fine. If they want to come to China to make trouble, then as long as Lin Mo finds out, he must pull them out and kill them completely!

"The Ministry of War may also take action. I will contact my old friends here to keep abreast of the movements there.

Lin Mo, tell Master what you are going to do. Master will see how to cooperate with you!"

Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo and spoke softly.

"I want to have my own power, so that if I encounter anything again, at least I won't be so passive!" Lin Mo thought of the way he saw Wei Yunlong and his wife in the garbage dump, and his face showed anger and fear.

If Lin Mo had enough strength, who would have the courage to target him?

Chen Banzi retired from the upper level. After entering the Rob Abyss, his strength has been greatly improved, so he is motivated again at this moment, as if he is a dozen years younger, ready to do a big job.

So Lin Mo is also very happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and directly handed over everything in the Rob Abyss to Chen Banzi.

In the mansion of the Dog King, Lin Mo sat cross-legged on the bed, thinking quietly.

Originally, when Lin Mo mentioned his future plans with Chen Banzi today, he had already said that he wanted to build his own power.

In fact, Lin Mo has been thinking about this idea in his mind for a long time.

This time, it was actually the first chess piece that Lin Mo fell towards his imagined plan.

Moreover, over the years, Lin Mo has been making some arrangements intentionally or unintentionally, such as the matter of Rob Abyss, sending Ouyang Xiu to Yue State, pushing Ye Qing to the position of the head of the Ye family, and handing over the refining methods of the three Qi and Blood Pills to Ye Qing, allowing the Ye family to develop these pills.

All of this is Lin Mo's preparation for his own plan.

Pulling out a piece of paper casually, Lin Mo picked up a pen and began to write and draw on it.

Some special symbols formed on the paper, and Lin Mo also connected these symbols with arrows.

It is too difficult to understand these things.

Because only Lin Mo himself knows the specific meaning of those symbols.

For three whole days, Lin Mo sat in the room alone, writing and drawing silently.

Chen Banzi seemed to have disappeared.

Lin Mo was not worried. Chen Banzi was very strong and had reached the third-grade martial emperor realm.

If there was anyone in the entire Rob City who could kill him, it must be the two strong men of the German Shepherd and the Xiao family.

Otherwise, there were not many people in the entire Rob Abyss who could threaten his life.

"Lin Mo, there are some things I want to discuss with you." Just as Lin Mo was tidying up the papers on the table, Chen Banzi's voice sounded in Lin Mo's ears.

Lin Mo opened his eyes and Chen Banzi was standing at the door. Obviously, when he just shouted, Chen Banzi used a certain amount of mental power.

Lin Mo waved his hand, and the door opened automatically.

"I want to ask your opinion on something." Chen Banzi pondered for a moment, looked at Lin Mo and said, "Have you heard of the top three families?"

"Top three families?" Lin Mo frowned, but he had never heard of such a term.

"The so-called top three families are actually the three newest rising families in China in the past hundred years.

These top three families are the top existences in the whole of China, and even the official institutions of China have to give them some face.

Among the top three families, the Ye family is the most powerful. It is said that it is one of the founders of martial arts. Now the young generation is extremely powerful. Some young people have reached the martial emperor realm before the age of 20.

I heard that Ye Han, the most talented of the Ye family, has now reached the peak of the eighth-grade martial emperor, and is only one step away from the peak of the ninth-grade martial emperor!

There are two more families, namely the Mao family and the Xi family!"

"Xi family?" Lin Mo was stunned for a moment, thinking of the Xi family members who were killed by him directly before.

"Do you know someone from the Xi family?"

Chen Banzi looked at Lin Mo and said in a deep voice: "Did you offend them? Impossible, if you offended them, you would not see the sun the next day."

Chen Banzi raised the question himself, and quickly rejected it himself.

Lin Mo immediately recounted the previous conflict with Xi Hao.

"Xi Hao... Hey, you really did offend the Xi family.

But what I didn't expect was that the person you offended this time was Xi Hao.

However, Xi Hao is already the youngest, but he is very domineering. Over the years, I don't know how many girls he has used up and thrown away.

It's a bargain for many honest people..."

Chen Banzi still knows a lot about the upper three families. Hearing this, he quickly told the relevant information of the upper three families.

"Is the Ye family so powerful?" Lin Mo frowned: "Could it be that they are from the same family as Ye Qing?"

Lin Mo quickly shook his head. Lin Mo was still very clear about the situation of the Ye family, and it should not have much to do with the capital.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo's mentality improved a lot.

"The people who want to cooperate with us this time are from the Ye family!

Lin Mo, let me tell you the truth. When I was in the military department, my squad leader was from the Ye family. Later, we fought for life and death along the way. As our cultivation improved, our realm was also constantly improving.

Speaking of which, he can definitely be said to have made an indelible contribution to the rise of the Ye family.

The most important thing is that I am a good brother to the head of their Ye family, and I can definitely maximize the benefits!"

"In this case, let the master do this." Lin Mo said with a smile: "Since the master said that it can be trusted, then it is naturally trustworthy!"

Chen Banzi smiled and nodded. Lin Mo is indeed good in this regard. As long as he is chosen to reuse, there will be no distrust.

"Tell me if you need it. If nothing else, if I fight, we should be able to occupy an absolute advantage."

Seeing Chen Banzi turning around and leaving, Lin Mo smiled and said to his back.

Chen Banzi laughed and turned away.

Lin Mo stood at the door, and after Chen Banzi disappeared, he thought about it, and then he directly transformed into a blood clone and followed Chen Banzi.

Lin Mo already knew the meeting place and time agreed by the Ye family and Chen Banzi, so he was very fast and went straight to the hotel first.

He could hear the noisy sound of Yingying Yanyan from a distance, and when he got close to there, Lin Mo immediately took a breath of cold air.

A young man was surrounded by more than a dozen bodyguards on a sofa, and he was so happy.

The young man had yellow hair and a satisfied smile on his face.

His mobile phone was at hand. Chen Banzi had called him several times before, but he didn't answer the phone. Obviously, he didn't take Chen Banzi seriously at all.

Lin Mo looked at this scene with a gloomy look in his eyes. This yellow-haired young man was clearly here to take over Rob Abyss. When they really cooperated, this yellow-haired young man would definitely take the dominant position. At that time, Lin Mo and Chen Banzi would both be his subordinates.

"What a vicious intention! If I don't catch up this time, you will lose!" Lin Mo's voice sounded in Chen Banzi's ears.

"You finally caught up." Chen Banzi smiled: "In that case, then come with me to meet the people of the Ye family. It happens that we haven't seen each other for a long time..."

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