"Alliance Master Lu, Director Wu!" Chen Xingzhi stepped forward immediately.

"Principal Chen, how many casualties did No. 3 Middle School suffer?!" Lu Yi glanced at the corpse of the black bear on the ground, and his heart suddenly sank.

If a monster of this size were to fight among the students, it would cause terrible damage.

"Five students died... there are about thirty students injured!" Chen Xingzhi said with an ugly face.

"Five?!" Wu Yang said with a serious look: "Chen Xingzhi, you should know what the consequences of concealing the number of casualties will be!

This time, the Dark Blood Society dispatched hundreds of people, and the target was the seven top high schools in Jinling City.

Because of the careful plan, the number of students who died in the other six schools exceeded thirty, and the number of injured was countless.

The strength of No. 3 Middle School is slightly weaker, and there are such violent monsters here, how could there be only these casualties!"

"Dark Blood Society?" Lin Mo stood aside, hearing this name for the first time, and was extremely shocked at the same time, because he did not expect that the same thing happened in the other six schools.

"Is it the Dark Blood Society's doing?!" Chen Xingzhi's eyes were cold: "This bunch of beasts, I will crush them to death with my own hands one day!"

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Chen Xingzhi looked at Lu Yi and Wu Yang, and said seriously: "The casualties are more important than Mount Tai, how could I, Chen Xingzhi, cheat on this!

The reason why the casualties were reduced to this number this time was thanks to Lin Mo..."

Chen Xingzhi turned and looked at Lin Mo: "He killed Hu Qinghe and the monster with his own strength in the shortest time, reducing casualties."

"One person's strength?!" Lu Yi and Wu Yang looked at each other, their faces extremely shocked.

"The monsters released by the Dark Blood Society have the combat power of a third-grade warrior. This black bear is huge and powerful..." Wu Yang looked at Lin Mo and said in disbelief: "How could you be his opponent?"

"Yes, Lin Mo, I remember that your strength should be a first-grade warrior... Could it be that in one day, your strength has increased again?" Zhang Lianchang also suddenly reacted and looked at Lin Mo in shock.

"I should be a second-grade warrior." Lin Mo nodded: "I just broke through last night!"

Zhang Lianchang and Chen Xingzhi looked at each other and felt their mentality exploded.

Lin Mo's blood value yesterday was 16.2. If he wants to break through to a second-grade warrior, he must increase his blood by at least 4 points!

In other words, in just one night, Lin Mo's blood increased by more than 4 points!



Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang couldn't help but speak.

"Increased 4 points of blood in one night?!"

Lv Yi and Wu Yang's eyes changed when they looked at Lin Mo: "Principal Chen, Teacher Zhang, you two come with us!

Lin Mo, go to the school hospital first to see if there are any injuries."

After Lu Yi said this, he took Chen Xingzhi and Zhang Lianchang into the office next to him.

Looking at the backs of the four people leaving, Lin Mo opened his mouth. In fact, he wanted to say that according to his speculation, the blood and qi he gained in one night should be far more than 4 points...

"What's the matter with that student!" Wu Yang closed the door of the office, and stared at Chen Xingzhi anxiously with Lu Yi.

Chen Xingzhi immediately told them what happened during this period.

"Hiss! From 0.8 blood and qi to a second-grade warrior in a few weeks?!"

"Several martial arts have reached advanced proficiency, and even the tiger fist has been improved to intermediate proficiency?!"

The two exclaimed, and the two people who were in high positions and used to seeing geniuses couldn't help but their hearts pounding.

"Good! Great!" Lu Yi clapped his hands and laughed: "It is a blessing for Jinling to have a student like Lin Mo!

I look forward to seeing him grow up!"

"That's what I want to see!" Chen Xingzhi nodded: "In addition, the school has selected him as a participant in the genius training camp and also gave him three Qi and Blood Pills as a reward.

This time Lin Mo has made great contributions, but it's a pity that the school has nothing to reward him..."

After that, he and Zhang Lianchang looked at Lu Yi and Wu Yang eagerly.

"Chen Xingzhi, you are targeting us, right!" Lu Yi cursed speechlessly, and then said: "However, Lin Mo did a good job this time, and the reward he deserves will definitely not be less...

How about this, the Wumeng will reward five Qi and Blood Pills... Director Wu, what will the Public Security Bureau prepare to reward?"

"The Public Security Bureau is not as rich as you, three Qi and Blood Pills!" Wu Yang also smiled and said.

"Then I will thank you two on behalf of Lin Mo!" Chen Xingzhi smiled and said.

Soon, Lin Mo looked at the four people and walked out with a smile.

"Lin Mo, come here!" Chen Xingzhi waved at Lin Mo.

"Director Wu and Alliance Leader Lu want to visit your home. Is it convenient?" Chen Xingzhi looked at Lin Mo with a smile.

"It's convenient, but I don't know if my parents have returned home!" Lin Mo's heart moved, maybe he could use this opportunity to find a stable job for his parents.

If he could enter the Wumeng, both the treatment and security would be well guaranteed.

He took out his mobile phone, called Lin Ya's number, and asked about the address where his parents were working now.

After asking for the address, Lin Mo looked at the four people in front of him: "They are all at work, how about I take you to see where they work?"

The four people had no objection, so under Lin Mo's guidance, they drove to the construction site.

At this moment, at a construction site in Jinling, a supervisor who was scrolling through his mobile phone suddenly exclaimed: "Something big happened. A monster attacked seven high schools, causing heavy casualties!"

This voice made all the workers stop what they were doing and look at him.

"Oops, my son is still in school!"

"My daughter is in the No. 1 Middle School, supervisor. How is the No. 1 Middle School doing now?"

"And my son, he is in No. 3 Middle School..."

A group of workers gathered around and looked at the supervisor nervously.

"It hasn't been mentioned above, but... the situation may not be good... If you look at these videos, it's so tragic. They are all teenagers, their bodies have been beaten to pieces..." The supervisor had a look of unbearability on his face. .

"Ah! That's my son, my son!"

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the crowd, and a worker wearing a safety helmet collapsed to the ground.

The sadness quickly spread among the crowd, and several parents were already packing their things and preparing to rush to school.

"Xiaoya and Xiaomo are both in No. 3 Middle School..." Wang Ping looked at Lin Dayong and suddenly panicked: "Dayong, if something happens to the two of them, I won't be alive either!"

"Don't worry, they will be fine!" Lin Dayong looked ugly: "Let's go take a look too!"

After saying that, he took Wang Ping and ran towards the gate.

At this moment, there was an engine sound, and then the person in charge of the construction site not far away was seen rushing over with a group of people.

"Everyone is lined up for me. A leader is coming to inspect!" the person in charge of the construction site said loudly.

Wang Ping and Lin Dayong, who didn't have time to leave, were stopped back, lined up in several rows, and stood guard.

The car in which Lin Mo and others were riding slowly stopped, and the person in charge of the construction site greeted him with a flattering look.

"Welcome!" The person in charge said with a smile: "It is our honor to have several leaders here..."

The person in charge opened the door and a young man walked out of the car.

Then came Chen Xingzhi and four others.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Lin Mo, the person in charge was stunned for a moment, and then mistakenly thought that Lin Mo was the heir of a certain big shot, and the look of flattery on his face became even stronger.

Lin Dayong and Wang Ping, who were standing in the crowd, stared blankly at Lin Mo who got out of the car, and began to wonder if there was something wrong with their eyes.

"Xiao Mo!"


The two came to their senses and shouted to Lin Mo in unison.

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