The two looked at Lin Mo and couldn't help but speak loudly.


Hearing the two people addressing Lin Mo, the person in charge of the construction site was stunned for a moment, then turned around and stared at Lin Dayong and Wang Ping, and shouted: "What nonsense are you two talking about? Are you drunk and claiming relatives here!

Where are the supervisors? Fire these two people for me!"

"Mom and Dad!"

As soon as the person in charge finished speaking, Lin Mo's voice also rang out.

"Mom and Dad?!" Hearing Lin Mo's address, the person in charge was stunned.

"Get out!" Before he could react, Lin Mo had already grabbed his collar and threw him aside.

The person in charge was thrown and groaned, lying there, not daring to move for a long time.

After squeezing out of the crowd, the couple looked around Lin Mo again and again.

"You kid, you worry your mother to death!" Wang Ping slapped Lin Mo, and then said: "Where is your sister?"

"She's at school, don't worry, she's fine!"

When the black bear was in a violent state, Lin Mo sent Lin Ya to a safe place.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm Lu Yi, this is the Director of the Public Security Bureau, Wu Yang..." Lu Yi smiled and stepped forward, extending his hand to Lin Dayong.

"Hello, hello!" Lin Dayong glanced at Wu Yang, feeling nervous.

The Director of the Public Security Bureau, what a high-ranking official that must be!

And there were people in the crowd who often watched the news, and they immediately felt that Lu Yi looked a little familiar.

"Oh my god, he's the deputy leader of the Jinling Martial Alliance!" Finally someone remembered Lu Yi's identity and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Deputy leader!"

Learning about Lu Yi's identity, Lin Dayong became even more nervous, holding his hand, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Mr. Lin, don't be nervous. The two leaders are here to comfort you!" Chen Xingzhi smiled and stepped forward: "Lin Mo has made great contributions to the school today. He killed a third-grade warrior-level monster by himself!

He also killed a second-grade warrior with his own hands, which minimized the casualties of the school!

On behalf of the school, I thank you for training such an excellent son!"

"Kill... Killed a monster?"

Lin Dayong and Wang Ping looked at each other and were stunned.

"Isn't my son a waste? When did he become so fierce?"

"Are these people actors hired by Lin Mo, the bastard?"

Such questions flashed through their minds at the same time.

But Chen Xingzhi and the others knew him. The principal of the third middle school should not be bribed by Lin Mo.

In other words, did his waste son really kill a third-grade warrior-level monster? !

"Old Lin's son can kill monsters?"

"He even killed a second-grade warrior!"

"So strong!"

"Old Lin is amazing, he gave birth to a good son!"


A group of workers looked at Lin Dayong and Wang Ping with envy.

Some even looked at Lin Mo, their eyes lit up, thinking that they had a beautiful daughter at home, their minds suddenly became active.

"Brother Lin, my daughter is eighteen this year, about the same age as Xiao Mo, do you want to let the two children meet?"

"I also have a daughter, a little younger this year, but when Xiao Mo graduates, the age will be about the same..."

"I also..."

Several people surrounded Lin Dayong and Wang Ping, desperately promoting their daughters.

Lin Mo stood aside and suddenly became embarrassed.

"How about we go back and talk?" Lu Yi saw Lin Mo's embarrassment and suggested with a smile.

"Okay, okay!" Lin Mo nodded repeatedly. If he delayed any longer, he might have a few more wives without knowing it...

Sitting in a luxury car, a group of people returned to the community where the Lin family lived.

After taking a look at the environment of the community, Lu Yi couldn't help but frown.

The environment of the community is very poor, which means that the situation of the Lin family is very bad.

After entering the gate of the Lin family, Lu Yi confirmed his guess.

Poor in literature but rich in martial arts, the Lin family is so poor, but Lin Mo can still have such a strong strength.

This shows that Lin Mo is extremely talented!

"Student Lin Mo, there are two jobs in the martial arts field. I think Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin are very suitable..." Lu Yi looked at Lin Mo and said with a smile: "If it is convenient, I can arrange for them to start work next week!"

Lin Mo's eyes lit up. He didn't expect Lu Yi to take the initiative to mention this.

"Thank you, Alliance Leader Lu!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Lin Dayong and Wang Ping were also full of excitement. Being able to work in the martial arts field is equivalent to having a stable job. Many people may not be able to get in even if they spend a huge price.

The two of them actually got jobs in the martial arts field so easily!

The couple looked at their son and smiled happily.

They understood that all this was brought to them by Lin Mo!


At this moment, the doorbell rang.

"I'll go open the door!" Wang Ping quickly got up and opened the door.

Outside the Lin family's door, Ye Qing and Ye Chaoqun were standing there.

Ye Qing held a gift in her hand and said sweetly: "Hello, Auntie, my name is Ye Qing, I'm Lin Mo's classmate, this is my grandfather..."

"Ye Qing? Classmate?" Wang Ping looked Ye Qing up and down, and the smile on her face became more intense.

"Could this girl be Xiao Mo's girlfriend?" Wang Ping glanced at Ye Chaoqun, and her heart became more suspicious: "Even the elders of the family were called here, they are not forcing marriage, right?

Lin Mo, this bastard, could it be that he did something to the girl!"

Looking back at Lin Mo, Wang Ping thought more and more that it was very likely.

"Girl, come in first." Thinking of this, Wang Ping grabbed Ye Qing's hand and said affectionately: "Don't worry, Auntie will take care of everything for you!"

After that, she looked at Ye Chaoqun again: "Don't worry, old man, this matter was done by our Lin Mo, and our Lin family is definitely not the kind of irresponsible family!

We will definitely give you an explanation!"

Ye Chaoqun: "???????"

Ye Qing: "(⊙?⊙)??"

Wang Ping took the two into the house, and then yelled at Lin Mo: "Stinky boy, stand up!"

Lin Mo was startled, stood up from the sofa, and looked at Ye Qing: "Why are you here?"

"You still have the face to say!" Wang Ping was furious: "I will beat you to death, you stinky boy!"

After that, she picked up the broom beside her and rushed towards Lin Mo.

Looking at this scene, Ye Qing finally understood that Wang Ping mistakenly thought that Lin Mo had done something to her!

Thinking of this, she blushed immediately

"Mr. Ye, why are you here?"

Lv Yi and Wu Yang, who were also sitting on the sofa, saw Ye Chaoqun and quickly stood up and respectfully saluted.

"Talking business with Lin Mo, and signing the contract by the way!" Ye Chaoqun glanced at Ye Qing, who immediately took out a contract from her bag.

"According to the original agreement, this is the contract I drafted. Please confirm it. If there is no problem, you can sign it!"

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