Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 33 The frightened Li family

"There seems to be something wrong with the contract." Lin Mo pointed at the terms of the contract and chuckled: "The original agreed share ratio was did it become 70% now?"

According to the contract, Lin Mo's net profit share became 70%.

"The extra 10% is our Ye family's investment in you." Ye Chaoqun took a deep look at Ye Qing beside him: "Of course, you can also regard it as the dowry prepared by my Ye family for Qing'er..."

With a smile on his face, Ye Chaoqun set his sights on Lin Mo.


Lin Mo was stunned!

Ye Qing was stunned!

Lin Mo's parents, Chen Xingzhi and others were also stunned.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about!" Ye Qing blushed and stamped her feet in shame.

She glanced at Lin Mo secretly. He was nearly 1.9 meters tall, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, handsome and sunny.

Coupled with the grace Lin Mo showed when he killed Hu Qing and destroyed the monster...

Ye Qing had to admit that she was a little moved.

"You're so polite, Mr. Ye is so polite!" Lin Mo held Ye Chaoqun's hand and said with enthusiasm: "I wonder when Qing'er and I will get married?

It's better to choose a day than to hit it, or tomorrow? "

Ye Chaoqun's face twitched, and he calmly took his hand back from Lin Mo's: "Haha, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding..."

"Shameless..." Ye Qing on the side couldn't help but glare at Lin Mo.

"This...what the hell is going on!" Wang Ping looked at this scene and couldn't help but speak.

Chen Xingzhi and others couldn't help but look at Ye Chaoqun. They were also curious about the contract.

Ye Chaoqun immediately told what happened.

"Lin Mo can also make elixirs?!" Chen Xingzhi and others couldn't help but speak.

"My son can also make alchemy?!" Lin Dayong and Wang Ping looked confused.

"The primary Qi and Blood Pill has a terrifyingly high pill-formation rate." Ye Chaoqun didn't dare to be too specific: "It's much higher than the Ye family."


Chen Xingzhi and others felt their scalps numb and stood up immediately, staring at Lin Mo.

"The martial arts talent is extremely high, the fighting talent is extremely high, the alchemy talent... is also so terrifying!

Is this kid...still a human? ! "

The four people's hearts were beating wildly, as if they had seen a gem.

"Is... anyone home?"

At this moment, a slightly trembling voice sounded.

Several figures walked in, led by Li Daming, followed by Shi Lei and Li Wei, who was sitting in a wheelchair and covered with bandages.

As soon as he entered, Li Daming saw Chen Xingzhi and others staring in the hall.

These are all warrior-level warriors, and their vitality and blood values ​​are more than a hundred times his.

When he saw the identities of the four people in front of him, he was so frightened that his heart almost flew out of his throat.

He trembled all over and knelt down at the entrance with a plop.

Kneel down? !

Everyone was stunned.

"Mr. Li? What are you doing here?" Zhang Lianchang was the first to come to his senses and couldn't help but ask.

"I...I'm here to apologize to Lin Mo..." Li Daming turned to look at Shi Lei and Li Wei: "What are you two doing in a daze? Kneel down!"

Shi Lei trembled all over. He had just spent a lot of money to connect his limbs and couldn't kneel down yet. But after hearing Li Daming's words, he couldn't help but kneel on the ground with a plop.

His legs made a crisp sound, and Shi Lei endured the pain, feeling extremely desperate - the leg he had just attached was broken again, and he was probably useless this time.

"Niezi, why are you still sitting there!" Li Daming looked at his son in the wheelchair and shouted angrily.

"Dad...I, I can't move!" Li Wei felt aggrieved and almost cried.

"Useless thing!" Li Daming knelt behind the wheelchair and lifted it hard.

Li Wei screamed and fell to the ground.

"Lin Mo, we are not human, please let us go!" Li Daming said towards Lin Mo: "The Li family is willing to make compensation..."

As he spoke, he took out a document from his body and said, "This is half of the assets of my Li family..."

The Li family is engaged in a small real estate business in Jinling. Although it is not ranked among the best in Jinling, it still has assets of more than 20 million yuan.

He took out half, that’s 10 million!

"No need..." Lin Mo shook his head.

After listening to Lin Mo's words, Li Daming was so excited that he almost cried: "Thank you! Thank you..."

He kowtows desperately. The Li family's career has just started. Giving up half of their assets is almost like killing him.

But now Lin Mo actually said no?

What a good man! !

"I mean no, it's too troublesome." Lin Mo waved his hand: "Discount it. I'll give you a zero or ten million for these assets. Is that okay?"

Li Daming opened his mouth wide and looked at Lin Mo blankly.

"The genius training camp starts in a few days, just give it to me before it starts." Lin Mo said with a smile.

"Can... can you give me a few days of grace?" Li Daming asked awkwardly. To raise so much money in such a short period of time, he would have to sell his assets at a low price and suffer even greater losses.

"What do you think?" Lin Mo looked at him and grinned.

Li Daming trembled all over and nodded repeatedly: "Understood! We will send the money as soon as possible!"

Li Daming stood up from the ground and left with the two disabled people.

After this interlude, Chen Xingzhi and others also stood up and prepared to leave.

"The Qi and Blood Pill will be delivered in the afternoon, so you should prepare carefully in the next few days.

I heard there were some pretty scary guys in this training camp..."

Before leaving, Lu Yi gave a few words and left with everyone.

After everyone left, only Lin Mo and his parents were left at home.

"Xiao Mo, this... what is going on!" Lin Dayong couldn't help asking.

"It all started with the Qi and Blood Pill you gave me..." Lin Mo spoke slowly and told the story again...

"After taking a Qi and Blood Pill, I suddenly became enlightened?! Did I open up the Ren and Du Meridians?"

"Since then, the Qi and Blood values ​​have soared all the way?"

After listening to Lin Mo's narration, the parents looked confused.

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway." Lin Mo left his parents who were fooled and got up and went into his room.

In the next few days, Lin Mo only consumed the remaining three Qi and Blood Pills. As for the eight Qi and Blood Pills awarded by the Wumeng and the Public Security Bureau, they were collected by Lin Mo.

The genius training camp lasted for nearly two months, and Lin Mo needed to ensure that he had enough Qi and Blood Pills as a supplement during the training.

Li Daming handed Lin Mo 10 million the day before Lin Mo set off.

After getting the money, Lin Mo divided it into two parts: 5 million was given to his parents for safekeeping, and the remaining 5 million was taken directly to the martial arts arena.

After measurement, Lin Mo's current blood value has reached 24.8, and the attack power of several martial arts has also exceeded 200!

The attack power of the tiger fist has reached 312!

After leaving the measurement room with satisfaction, Lin Mo went directly to the trading area.

With a huge sum of 5 million in his pocket, Lin Mo was ready to show off.

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