Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 34 The Genius Training Camp Begins!

“There’s not enough money to spend!”

At the foot of the Purple Mountain on the border of Jinling, Lin Mo looked at the thirty Qi and Blood Pills hanging in his mind with a look of helplessness on his face.

Because he didn't know if there was an alchemy room in the training camp this time, Lin Mo directly exchanged all five million for Qi and Blood Pills.

Together with several Qi and Blood Pills in his own inventory, he had thirty pills in total.

It is worth mentioning that on the day when so many Qi Blood Pills were purchased, the sales lady enthusiastically left her private address and hoped to have further communication with Lin Mo...

"Thirty Qi and Blood Pills seems like a lot, but based on my consumption, I won't be able to last until the end of the training camp!"

"Speaking of which, this training camp is quite interesting." Lin Mo gathered his thoughts, took out his phone and glanced at his current location, then edited a text message and sent it.

"I've arrived at my designated location."

Last night, he received information from the training camp, asking him to reach the bottom of the mountain before nine o'clock this morning.

A few seconds after sending the text message, he received a reply.

"Arrive at the training base before 12 noon, otherwise you will be kicked out of the training camp!"

"Before twelve o'clock?" Lin Mo glanced at his phone and saw that there were still three hours left before the designated time.

Glancing at the towering mountain peaks in front of me, I couldn't help but frown.

Lin Mo's current location was not at the trailhead. To reach the trailhead, he would have to go around for at least an hour.

Purple Mountain is extremely dangerous. Even climbing from the mountain entrance will take at least two hours, not to mention finding a training base.

There was simply no time.

After briefly identifying the direction, Lin Mo walked towards the top of the mountain.

According to Lin Mo's speculation, the location specified in the text message should be random, so there must be people climbing in other directions.

"It is said that there is a military base in the mountains of Purple Mountain. The entrance to the training base should be there!" Lin Mo confirmed his thoughts while climbing.

The mountain road is rugged and almost vertical to the ground in many places, so every step takes a huge amount of energy.

Lin Mo's body was full of energy and blood, constantly replenishing his physical strength.

However, after half an hour, Lin Mo couldn't help but frown.

"Something's wrong!"

"Qi and blood are consumed very quickly, and as time goes by, my climbing speed is decreasing!"

At the same time, hundreds of people were climbing in other parts of Purple Mountain.

Some people almost collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, while others gritted their teeth and persisted.

Somewhere in the Purple Mountain Mountains, a series of buildings are completely covered with military green decorations. When you get closer, you can vaguely hear the sound of various instruments turning.

In a certain room, a huge screen was divided into hundreds of pictures, and there was a figure in each picture.

In front of the screen, a man and a woman stood. The man looked at the screen with a smirk on his face, while the woman frowned at the screen from time to time.

"Sun Qian, this training camp is not going well. We only slightly changed the gravity environment of Purple Mountain, but they are so exhausted?

Can they really persist in the next two months of training? "The man smiled and looked at the woman aside.

The woman was wearing green camouflage and had short, capable hair. She said without looking back: "The training camp is not meant for those mediocre people. I can't even stand the first test. It's better not to be embarrassed here! "

"You are still as ruthless as ever!" The man nodded: "Be ruthless to others and ruthless to yourself. If I guessed correctly, your current health value has reached 999, and you are only 1 away from King Wu. Get some blood!

In our training camp, your strength should be the highest by now! "

"Zhang He, you should know very well that your talent is very strong. If you were more cruel to yourself, you would have become the King of Martial Arts by now!" Sun Qian looked at him and said seriously: "If you became the King of Martial Arts, this training session You should be the person in charge of the battalion!”

"I'm only interested in eighteen-year-old girls. As for martial arts... I'm too tired. My current eighth-level warrior strength is enough." Zhang He simply sat down on the stool and exhaled comfortably, saying it didn't matter. said.

Sun Qian glared at him and didn't bother to say anything more.

Zhang He is lazy and fun-loving by nature, but he is extremely talented, so mentioning his name in the entire base will make many people itch.

Along the way to martial arts, hard work is really worthless in the face of talent.

"After watching for so long, have you seen any good ideas?" Zhang He glanced at the screen, lingering on a few beautiful young girls, and then looked at Sun Qian.

“The number of participants in this training camp is 536, and they are all geniuses selected from various cities in China.

According to system estimates, only half of them will be able to successfully reach the base in the end!

The ones in better condition right now are a few of them..."

Sun Qian tapped the screen a few times. After a few seconds, hundreds of windows disappeared, leaving less than twenty screens in the end.

"The number one ranking is Wang Tianfeng from the capital. His current health value is 42. The current gravity should have little effect on him.

The second place is still Yan Kai from Beijing, with a health value of 45. The reason why his speed is lower than Wang Tianfeng is entirely because he is too lazy, just like you!

The third place is...

Ranked 19th is Lin Mo from Jinling, with a vitality value of 24.8... This student should have some potential, but compared with the eighteen people in front, his vitality value is the lowest! "

"The families of these students from Beijing and Tianlong are all in good condition, and the Qi and Blood Pills should be in stable supply. It is normal for them to reach Qi and Blood above 40...

As for students from other cities, it is very good if they can reach above 35!

I suggest that we focus on the top ten!" Zhang He expressed his opinion.

Sun Qian nodded, and she completely agreed with Zhang He's suggestion.

In fact, according to past experience, the students who got the top ten in the first test of the training camp now have good strength.

And those outside the top ten cannot be said to be not excellent, but they can only be said to be not so dazzling.

"What a pity!" Zhang He looked at the group of students running desperately on the screen, and couldn't help but sighed: "On the road of martial arts, there are only a few people who can finally stand at the top.

Others are destined to be foils!"

Sun Qian glanced at him, slightly moved, but soon set her eyes on the dozen people again.

"Okay, you watch, I'll take a nap first... Call me if anything happens!" Zhang He said, then he crossed his legs, leaned back in his chair, and closed his eyes.

At this time, Sun Qian, who was looking at the screen, frowned.

"Hurry up, there's something wrong with this student!"

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