
With a look of disbelief on his face, Chen Banzi said loudly: "When Beautiful Country took action against Neon, Ye Gui was also there.

If he was the Neon Man, why didn't he take action at that time? !

Also, over the years, Ye Gui had helped Hua Xia kill countless Neon people.

If he was really the Neon Man, how could he act so brazenly? ! "

Although Ye Gui has become what he is now, after all, Chen Banzi was hanging out with Ye Gui when he first entered the Ministry of War, so he really didn't want to believe that Ye Gui was a Neon man.

But now that such a conclusion came from Lin Mo's mouth, although he didn't want to believe it in his heart...but he instinctively felt that Lin Mo's words could not be said casually.

"Master, I know it's hard to believe, but I can prove it to you." After glancing at the camera in the corner, Lin Mo pondered for a moment, then took a step forward, and a ray of spiritual power came out from his fingertips. Under the tug, it sank into Ye Gui's body.

“When I killed the Neon People before, I discovered a characteristic, that is, there was a shackle inside their spiritual platform.

After this shackles are released, they can no longer be restricted by the Neon Man. "

As Lin Mo spoke, he controlled his mental power to enter Ye Gui's spiritual platform and detected the extremely strong power of the shackles.

After thinking for a while, Lin Mo spit it out with terrifying power, completely shattering the entire prison!

As the restriction disappeared, Ye Gui's body trembled suddenly and he slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing Chen Banzi's extremely disappointed face, Ye Gui was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

"It seems that you all know it!" Ye Gui said softly: "I am indeed a Neon person, but for so many years, I have never thought about the fact that I am a Neon person. I have always regarded myself as a Chinese person. .

It's a pity that they still found me. Because of the existence of the power of imprisonment, I had no choice but to do as they asked.

At first, only two Chinese cultural relics were arranged to enter Neon.

Later, two Neon people were arranged to become members of the Chinese Ministry of War...

At the end of the day, I no longer knew whether these orders were given by the Neon people or whether they were what I wanted to do...

It has been too long, and my heart is exhausted, but my whole body moves involuntarily, as if it has been tightened.

It’s okay now…it’s finally time to restore the original shape…”


Having said this, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground on his back, his life flowing away rapidly.

“This is the list of those guys, I’ve been keeping this list and now I can finally hand it over.

I was born a neon person, but I grew up in China...

I yearn for life in China, but my bloodline makes it difficult for me to integrate into China. On the other hand, because I grew up in China, even if I return to Neon, I am not a pure Neon person!

So who am I? !

Maybe, I am just a lonely soul wandering in the world..."

With a voice of great regret, Ye Gui closed his eyes forever.

Opening the note and looking at the hundreds of names on it, Lin Mo's face was extremely serious.

Some of these people are already in extremely high positions, and many are not well-known.

Obviously, these people with unknown reputations are the hidden children of Neon buried in China. With the help of Neon, they will take root in China from generation to generation. In the end, no matter how you check, you will not be able to find out who they are. Neon Man's Secret Time.

They will be in high positions and will affect many fields in China!

Lin Mo and Chen Banzi glanced at each other, and both saw solemn expressions in each other's eyes.

"I have a few trustworthy friends in the Ministry of War, leave this matter to me!" Chen Banzi took the list in his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Master, be careful in everything you do. Also, before you take action, use your own name to release the surveillance camera!"

Lin Mo pointed to the surveillance camera in the distance and said in a deep voice: "In this way, even if you are famous as a teacher, those hiding in the dark will be very afraid of attacking you!"

Chen Banzi nodded heavily. Lin Mo's idea could indeed allow him to ensure his safety to a great extent.

"I'm going to do this now. Let's put it aside for now, Rob Abyss!" Chen Banzi stuffed all these things into his pockets, glanced at Lin Mo, and turned around to leave.

Lin Mo looked at the corpse on the ground and Ye Qun who was still on the hospital bed in the distance. With a flash of light in his hand, the fire sword spit out fire snakes and swallowed them up!

In just a few moments, the entire building turned into a sea of ​​fire, burning all the corpses!

A week later, news of a video surveillance leaked across the Internet.

Looking at the contents of the video, the whole of China was in an uproar, and various discussions broke out. Countless people requested the release of the list on the Internet, and strongly demanded that China deal with this matter transparently.

In the secret, there was a hand that wanted to suppress this matter, but in the face of the raging Internet calls, those big hands in the secret were directly interrupted!

Finally, Chen Banzi came into everyone’s sight.

Stories about Chen Banzi's life also began to spread among the crowd.

"It turns out he is a Chinese veteran. He is someone who has shed blood for China. We can trust him!"

"Mr. Chen is upright and I hope he can give us a perfect explanation this time!"

"The Chinese official gave Shang Fang a sword. Chen Banzi has the power of life and death. This time he is obviously serious about it!"

Whether it was forced or took the initiative, China this time gave the fastest attack method to those on the list.

Three days later, those at the top of the list were pulled out.

After verification, it was found that there were indeed restrictions placed by the Neon Man in their spiritual platform.

Such restrictions will be passed down from generation to generation along with their blood.

So even if you grow up in China, as long as there are restrictions, you will still be controlled by the Neon people!

After inspection, it was found that these people held high positions and passed many secrets to Neon through special channels during their stay in China.

This is a heinous crime and deserves death!

On this day, blood stained the beheading platform of the Ministry of War in the capital.

A total of thirty-five strong men were killed directly, their heads were sealed in the most primitive way, and sent to Neon!

Countless people on the entire Internet were cheering, and their patriotic enthusiasm for China was suddenly ignited!

This was not over yet. Three days later, all the unknown people on the list were also arrested.

After the public trial, all those who have done evil things will be killed, and those who have not done any evil will be sent back to Neon after the restrictions in the spiritual platform are cleared!

On this day, more than 60 people's heads fell to the ground, and the remaining 20 people returned to Neon with these heads!

Not only China, but the entire Neon was shocked by this incident.

Some Neon people took to the streets to protest this approach, and Neon officials had to show their craftsmanship and admit their mistakes!

In the giant city of Rob, Lin Mo looked at the news on his phone with a faint smile on his face.

This time, it took nearly twenty days to achieve such a harvest.

What he was sure of was that there were still many Neon people in China who had not been caught, but this wave could also be regarded as a warning to them.

Of course, Chen Banzi did one thing better this time. They released an official message through China.

Those who are not on the list, if they can take the initiative to surrender, can be finally assessed, and based on what they have done, they can be given the right to reside in China!

Even those Neon people who really want to become Chinese people will be given such opportunities.

For a time, many people told the official their true identities.

In this way, it won't take long for the entire Chinese officialdom to be much purer.

"This is actually a good thing. At first glance, there are indeed a lot of casualties, but in the long run, it will be beneficial to stability!" Lin Mo murmured, while looking up into the distance.

After Chen Banzi handles China's affairs, he will have a high reputation. Taking over the entire Luobu Abyss at that time will definitely be supported by most people in China!

This is why Lin Mo left this matter to Chen Banzi.

Accumulate reputation and let people on your side slowly control some of China's resources.

Lin Mo has consciously begun to accumulate his own power.


Neon, in a temple on a certain mountain, a young man with long hair sat cross-legged in front of a low table. He was wearing a light blue robe with a black dragon embroidered on it. The gold threads were embroidered into the shape of eyes, which looked lifelike, and the whole black dragon looked like it was about to take off into the sky at any time!

In front of the young man, an old man was kneeling. The old man was dressed in white. He buried his head on the inside of his knees, his whole body was tense, and he was panting nervously.

"President, please forgive me!" the old man said in a deep voice: "I did not do this well. I will deal with the aftermath within three days, and then commit suicide in front of you to fulfill my bushido. Spirit!"

"Saijiao-kun, do you think that in your current position, I can't possibly let you die?" The young man looked at the old man and spoke slowly.

The old man's whole body tensed up and he buried his head lower, but he didn't dare to say a word.

The young man smiled and said: "Saijo-kun, for the revival of our Black Dragon Society, everyone can be sacrificed, including you and me!"

"Understood!" Saburo Saijo said loudly, and at the same time he drew out the short sword from his waist with a swipe: "I will commit seppuku now!"

"Saijiao-kun, you really should die, but not now!" the young man whispered: "The leader behind this incident is a young man named Lin Mo. You can find a way to make this person ours." !”

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