Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 317 Ye Qing was arrested

Huaxia, Jinling, Ye family.

"Miss, it's very late now, you can rest!" An old man stood in front of Ye Qing's door and spoke softly.

His eyes fell on the brightly lit room, where a figure sat, flipping through information.

During this time, the Ye family began to gradually launch intermediate Qi and blood pills. Although more advanced technology has not yet been proposed, the Ye family's alchemy technology is currently in line with the top technology.

It won't be long before the Ye family will surely join the ranks of the top alchemy families again.

"Uncle Qi, please rest first. I'll go to bed after reading these parameters!" Ye Qing turned over a page of information and looked at the old man: "Is there any news from Rob Giant City?"

"There is no news yet, but yesterday we arranged for Mr. Wei and his wife to be sent to Luobu City. I believe it won't be long before news comes back!"


While the two were talking, a sound of breaking wind sounded.

I don't know when there was a black shadow in the yard.

The black shadow stood there quietly, his aura restrained, and neither Ye Qing nor the old man noticed his presence.


The black shadow took a step forward, but accidentally stepped on a branch on the ground, making a crisp sound.

"Who..." The old man turned around suddenly, raised his hand and punched behind him.

But by this time it was too late.

The light of the samurai sword flashed directly past the old man's neck!

Blood spurted out, and the old man's body hit the ground heavily.

"Uncle Qi!" Ye Qing shouted, and at the same time, one hand pressed the red button next to his desk.

The sharp ringing of the bell rang through the night sky, and a dozen figures flashed out of the Ye family yard.


One of the Ye family members spoke coldly, and the next moment, more than a dozen figures rushed towards the black shadow at the same time.

The black shadow sneered loudly, and then there was a dazzling sword light, blood spraying, and scenes like silhouettes appeared in front of them.

Ye Qing's face was ugly. He didn't expect that this black shadow was so powerful.

When I wanted to take action, I found it was too late!

After the black shadow killed all the dozen figures, he appeared in front of Ye Qing in a flash.

The katana was already placed on Ye Qing's neck in a flash.

"Miss Ye is a smart person. If the Ye family rushes forward now, the final result will be death by my knife!" The black shadow said in broken Chinese dialect: "My target is you, follow me, the Ye family's People can live!"

Ye Qing took a deep breath and said calmly: "I'll go with you!"

The shadow laughed loudly, took Ye Qing with a knife and left Ye's house.

Soon after going out, the two got on the off-road vehicle, and then after a few twists and turns, they appeared on a large ship bound for Neon.

The black shadow finally revealed his appearance. This person is none other than Saburo Saijo!

"You arrested me to threaten Lin Mo?" Seeing Saburo Saijo, Ye Qing instantly understood the whole story.

"Clever!" Saburo Saijo nodded with a smile: "Mr. Lin Mo has brought us a lot of trouble in Rob Giant City, we must give him some trouble!

And Miss Ye is our best means to deal with Lin Mo!

Please rest assured, Miss Ye, we will not do anything to you before arriving at Neon!

Okay, you guys take Miss Ye to the room to rest. Remember, no one can touch a hair on Miss Ye! If you let me know what other thoughts you have..."

Saburo Saijo glanced at his many subordinates coldly and snorted coldly.


A group of people nodded repeatedly and led Ye Qing into the room.

With the previous warning from Saburo Saijo, the group of people left Ye Qing in the room and then stood guard outside.

Although facing a beautiful woman like Ye Qing, they did not dare to have any other thoughts at the moment.

"President, we have captured Lin Mo's woman and are now heading to Neon's ship... Please tell us what to do next!"

In the cabin, Saburo Saijo held the phone respectfully and spoke in a deep voice.

"Now you can notify Lin Mo. Remember to take two photos and send them to Lin Mo. This will be more convincing!

Can you properly reveal the identity of your Black Dragon Society..."

The voice on the phone rang, and after explaining some things, he hung up the phone.

In the cabin, Saburo Saijo looked at the phone that had been hung up. After thinking for a while, he made another call.

"Help me convey the following words to Lin Mo. In addition, I sent a few photos to your mobile phone and gave them to Lin Mo. Tell him that he wants Ye Qing to meet us at Neon Black Dragon. one side!"

"Understood!" On the other end of the phone, a young man said with an excited look on his face: "So my mission from Neon is to pass the message?

Does this mean that I am finally enabled? "

The young man is one of Neon's spies who have been deployed in China over the years. He is now used because too many people were killed by Chen Banzi's previous actions.

As a last resort, they activated some secrets. According to the original plan, these secrets would multiply in China for several generations and then be activated.

Now, plans had to change.

"For the prosperity of neon, please carry forward the spirit of Bushido!" Saijo Saburo said solemnly on the phone.

"Ha Yi!" The young man's face was full of excitement, and he responded loudly.

After hanging up the phone, the young man's face was still excited. He composed a righteous speech in his mind, and then opened the door and went to the mansion of the Dog King.

Yes, this young man's home is in the giant city of Rob, and it is only a few minutes away from the mansion of the Dog King.

Five minutes later, the young man stood in front of the door of the mansion of the Dog King and shouted in a deep voice: "Lin Mo, don't get out quickly, your woman is in our hands..."

"Lin Mo, don't get out quickly, your woman is in our hands..."



Before the third shout was finished, a sound of breaking wind sounded, and then a figure appeared beside the man, and with lightning speed, punched the young man's legs.

With two clicks, the young man's body tilted forward and fell directly to the ground, losing the ability to move directly.

Just when the young man was about to scream, two more light sounds came, and the man's two hands were also broken.

"I ask you questions and you answer them. If I'm not satisfied with your answers, I'll just break your neck!" Lin Mo squatted in front of the young man and said in a deep voice: "Who arranged for you to come here?"

"Long live the great Neon! Our brave Neon warriors will never surrender to you, the gatekeepers of hell!"

The young man's face was full of justice. When he wanted to shout something, Lin Mo suddenly raised his hand and slapped him in the face.

"The gatekeeper of hell?" Lin Mo said coldly, and his mental power enveloped him in an instant.

Then came the mental power squeeze!

The so-called mental power squeeze is to use mental power to destroy a person's spiritual platform, so as to read the memory of the recent period of time.

In the memory, Lin Mo saw the call record between the young man and Saijo Saburo.

"Neon!" Lin Mo stood up, his face full of coldness.


He stepped on the young man's chest, causing it to sink deeply, and several ribs directly pierced through the young man's heart. After a few short breaths, the young man was dead.

"Lin Mo, I'll go to Neon with you!" Chen Banzi walked towards Lin Mo and spoke in a deep voice.

"Master, the teachers are on their way to Rob City. You should be responsible for arranging the teachers first.

As for Neon, I'll go there by myself. Don't worry, I won't act rashly. I won't be sure. I promise to hide well!" Lin Mo said with a smile.

Then, without waiting for Chen Banzi to speak, he turned and left.

"Wait a minute, kid!" Chen Banzi suddenly stopped Lin Mo: "You are racing against time. If you arrive in Neon one step earlier, your girlfriend will have a much greater chance of survival. Wait a minute, I'll make arrangements!"

Chen Banzi took out his mobile phone and dialed a few calls. When he hung up the phone, Chen Banzi's face was full of smiles.

"The matter is resolved. Wait here, I'll make arrangements!"

Less than five minutes after the voice fell, a roar rang out, and then a fighter plane stopped in front of Lin Mo.

Two figures walked down from the fighter plane, one of which looked similar to Lin Mo.

Without waiting for Lin Mo to speak, the young man with a similar body shape to Lin Mo skillfully took out a plastic surgery mask and other tools from his body. In less than a minute, another Lin Mo appeared in front of everyone.

"So real!"

"I almost thought it was you!"

Chen Banzi looked at the young man in front of him with a look of shock on his face.

"For the next period of time, I will replace you, Mr. Lin Mo. It is my honor to play you!"

After saying that, he walked directly into a room in the Dog King's mansion.

Lin Mo and the pilot got into the fighter plane together.

When Lin Mo sat firmly, a sharp roar sounded, and the fighter plane slid through the sky like lightning and headed towards Neon.

"At the current speed, we can reach Neon in half an hour at most. Do you want to parachute directly or wait for us to land directly?"

The pilot looked at Lin Mo and asked enthusiastically.

"Can we land here directly? Aren't you worried about being caught by the Japanese?!"

"Catch us? Hahaha, Japan doesn't have airspace permission at all, so we just need to say hello to the United States. Because you showed off your power in front of those people last time, I told them that you had something to do and wanted to sneak into Japan. Those strong men from the United States wanted to leave a good impression on you, so they opened a back door for us!"

The driver said this with a smile on his face, as if this was something worth celebrating.

But Lin Mo couldn't be happy. He just wanted to enter Japan as soon as possible and prepare to rescue Ye Qing as soon as possible!

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